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Wednesday, September 30, 2020

No Time Like Now

This applies to 
Or thing 
How do you know when something or someone is wrong for you ? You FEEL it !! Duh! If something is off that means something is off -
Honor your inner compass of truth that speaks to you through feelings 

No better time than to join my website for free and align with me .. I offer tons of free resources and information to help you evolve through every and any challenge. 


where there is a Will there is a way 



Full Moon October 1st

The shift requires us to be brutally honest with ourselves about what is worth your time, effort & patience. 

What this shift requires from you is quantum levels of truth to pump into your veins activating you to act and behave in accordance to your truth and wisdom 

What would love do ?
Ask yourself that in every equation 

What love and compassion do you gift to yourself (FIRST) before taking thee next step anywhere in your life ?

Pisces and Aries are working together to alchemize fire and water to come up with a solution that guides you righteously along your path to take a stand and speak up for yourself 
Live for yourself 
Love for yourself
Honor yourself 
Live authentic from your soul 
Be so bold 
To not give a flying hoot 
What others have to say 
About the way you live your life 
Take a bite out of crime 
because if you do not 
The cycle will repeat 
& you’ll be scratching your ass in no time 
Asking yourself
Why ? Why ? Why ? 
Meanwhile - spirit was leading you to thee fountain to drink and you refused to drink it solely because spirit told you to drink it and you’re carrying the energy of stubborn which is also conditioned into you by your family 
Generational encoding into your system 
& truthfully if you’re not putting in the work to unlearn your pre-programming to install your own damn programming then you’re just a puppet like most of thee mundanes walking planet earth not knowing shit from shat 


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

EuphoricKT Poetry

What is thee blind ? 
is it a reality unkind ?
Allow thee truth to shine this time 
& do not block reality that may not seem so sweet from
Is it possible to self sabotage in fear of not being good enough and so you’d rather not know ?
Do others work behind thee scenes against
Your desires & Cause you to choose misaligned from self ? 
Is ones ego so huge that one can’t fathom thee idea
Of being rejected as if they’re a gift from god ?
What keeps thee perfect scenario from ever igniting or moving forward ?
Or is it all an illusion ? 
How much truth is there to thee saying that what’s yours can never ever be taken from you & what leaves or never flourishes is because it simply was never meant to - how can this reality be of truth if two are perfect but refuse to see ? 
What is thee purpose of all these lessons in love we all must learn to evolve ?

It’s self love

Self value 

Self worth 

Screaming to be acknowledged by thee one seeking outside themselves for a comfort that does not exist. 

Is there to resist ? 

Poetry is my fix 


Monday, September 28, 2020

Rise Of Thee Deva


Deva : a benevolent being 

Rise Devas 

Devils only operate hidden because in the light they would never stand a chance 

Trust Your Instincts

A lie will always bury 
thee fool whom thought 
incorrectly about their deceptions 
that deceive 
because it is thee only path it chooses 
it’s not Love 
One quickly learns there is no deceiving love 
only self sabotage 
& steps into ones own 


Sunday, September 27, 2020

83 Weeks Ago


83 Weeks ago I shared this poem 

83 weeks ago I discovered things unknown 
& thee truth burned through my soul 
But first it hurt my 

Be Brave Little Girl

Found the art image on link provided if you’re interested in the original art that is not mine but i creatively used to express poetry 

Thee edit is absolutely mine along with the freestyle poetry included but thee art itself belongs to someone else 

The art itself comes from 


Sad Clown Girl

I found this art online 
Click image to be transported to where you should definitely always want to be 
Although the artwork is not mine the entire edit is mine and it was fun to write and create 

Original Image found here :


Saturday, September 26, 2020

Witchy Quotes & Fun Facts

Some people pay
Others to do witchy things 
I am thee Witch people pay 
It wasn’t always that way 
Before I started charging for my services 
For over 25 years I did a lot of free things 
That was a woe
To me and my energy 
& self deprecation of my own value and worth 
I still do a lot of things free
It’s the goddess goodness nature in me 
But on my own terms now 
Fully alchemized and In alignment 

If you’re extremely sensitive to the energies around like me it is vital for you to protect your energy fields at all times. If you need assistance you know how to find me. 

 Click thee photo to be transported to where you can sign up for free & connect with me 

Epiphanies Act

Sometimes it will take one final straw of a something that causes the epiphany to dawn clarity unto you & into you so that you feel it too & instantly what once was is no longer & you become free from this once upon a time ago applied perception of some kind of something that misaligned you buy you couldn’t see - you couldn’t see it was the block stopping clocks. Thankful for these epiphanies of spirit divine revealing itself through thee catalyst of one final straw. It works like that sometimes & when it does clarity is received. Whom needs cards with epiphanies led by spirit divine is energizing my atmosphere. When we are in our truth, we align our facts with acts. Simple as that! 

Spiritual Journey Earnings


Sharing this from Divine Clarity 47 postings on YouTube. 

I love thee message of this right here 

It’s thee language I speak soul openly now 

All you will ever receive from me is 
Raw honesty 
& if you can not handle that 
Nor accept my divine right to speak 
freely as I do 
Then you are welcome & free
to keep it moving 
& leave 
Live your peace 
but I shall never pacify nor enable your inability to be present & accountable for all things In your right now 
Which is a gift 
People learn this quickly with me 
I am thee one 
& I am not to be told how to conform 
To others expectations nor standards of perceived masked bullshit of pretending for sake of not dealing with uncomfortable truths and feelings 
These Immature levels of not knowing how to be 1000% real
& solid in your own stance  
& god forbid if you had to handle others 
Whom are like that 
Mundanes label folks like me

Like projections be for real 
When lack of respect For real is not their 
Current appeal 
because it’s too much  for them to deal for real ! 

Unreal is this 3D plane of existence & its conditioned distortions 

Come correct or don’t even come at all 

Underneath the veil is more status 
& absents 

How To Love You

It’s time
To take a
Self moment to reflect
what lack of
You feel a reject
& bring it to your center
& shine some light on this 
& allow for thee introspection 
To be self reflective 
& in this moment 
Breathe deep 
& allow this breath of life and
Self loving acknowledgement to wrap its 
Comfort around you 
& gift yourself this moment of 
Tender loving care 
To greet you with compassion & sympathy 
while you feel alone out there 
in a world that 
only wants you to suck it’s d i c 
& that’s it 
Release is not quitting 
It’s only shifting 

Welcome here to poetry in 
It’s explosive 


Friday, September 25, 2020

Mystical Woman

For those whom know a Goddess Divine 
she is a gift from God 
& sent to you in this lifetime 
to save you from yourself 
she is thee catalyst of change that helps 
but thee work needing to be done
is all on you 
This is truth 
Rise or fold 
but either way 
Your fate is
In your power to choose
For yourself 
Is thee right path for you 


A mystical Goddess is loyal 
& she knows it 
Owns it 
Grows it 




The reason wicked folk hide their deceit it’s because they too are clear about their wickedness and deceit. 

It is why they hide 
Do sneaky shit behind others backs 

Thee energy
Of justice is here

Whatever is done in thee dark 
Shall be exposed in thee light & all that was done now shall be exposed 

Divine Goddess

If there is anything I ever did masterfully right in this world - it was being a part of thee creation of my beautiful she .. a Divine Goddess Daughter a gift God has given to me to raise on this 3D plane of perceived existence. Her divinity & alchemical energies will be quantum in our earths elevation of growth in our consciousness as a developing species and her vibration & frequency is massive in shifting our evolution in revolutionary ways. 

I can’t believe you @sleepingmelodies were In my belly for 10 months 3 days .. it’s funny to say that because it’s thee math actually especially when you give birth full term you’re definitely pregnant for  10
Months & not 9 - which makes more sense to me since  9 is the # of completion and 10 reduced down to 1 is New Beginnings / The birth of new life.  Numbers are frequencies too which are portals of light codes of massive knowledge that constantly energizes its own vibration. 

Can you believe it I actually have a 19 year old almost 20 year old #Offspring #FountainOfYouth #QuantumPhysics #Master #Alchemist #motherdaughter  #SoulTribe #PolarOpposite #Mixedspecies #Mind #Body #Heart #Soul #Evolution #Revolution #Parenting101 #Evolution #Coaching #LifeCoach #DivineFeminine #Holy #Protection 🧿 

Parental Advisement : Teach your children young about ENERGY MANAGEMENT & HOW to BEST care for themselves  prior to leaving home. 

Parenting Tip : Start them young as young as one and teach them How to protect their energy field. Children have overly active Imaginations and are best at listening to colorful language when communicated in ways that encourage their own imaginations.  PROTECTIVE shields are IMPORTANT because it gives your child the OPPORTUNITY to not readily give their power away to just anybody whom comes their way. Its like BACK up & respect my space because only those I consciously allowed in are allowed to enter my space. Teach your child early how to keep their own inner peace & show themselves love. Their 1st examples will always be from you ! If you need tips & tricks contact  directly  Go 2 mywebsite  sign up 4free resources made for you. Thank you

For those wicked
Souls looking to harm or cause harm 
Or send evil eye 🧿 or wicked shit others way especially to those they love .. those wicked will be met with their own fate they attempt to cast unto others. 

Be good 
Do good 
Heal yourself 

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Wheels of Life Turn

 You never know 


Was sent 

To teach you 



We are each catalyst 




Into quantum reality 

That checks 





& soul 

Be Honest

 When you stand in your truth 

it is only then you are



Thee time you take

to push aside

thee actions needed by you

to put to rest 

all thee things needing to be let go 

you delay your 

Fruitful abundance 

Of blessings 

Awaiting for your new 

to begin 

Until then 

you carry thee Load everywhere you go

& those bitter energetic seeds 

certainly will grow 

& one day shall crescendo 


heaviest than its ever been 


To rise to thee occasion 

People will fight you when lies exist 

but with truth 

only silence will be shown 

In truth, thee only way to 


So now you know 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Act In Wisdom

 You can pay 

whom you want 

To create chaos 

In the lands 

But when you 


You’ll just be biting off your own 



#divine #Protection #Reversals 

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Grow In Love

The first growing begins within you 

Affirmation : I grow in love with myself everyday & I grow in love in infinite ways. I rise in this knowing and spread my wings. 


Rise With Jupiter 11:11


I love her & her divine alignment of guidance 

To be guided to this powerful message click photo above to be transported right there

If not,
Click this link to be transported instantly

Love and align to you 

You Owe Yourself

I had to learn and am
Still learning 
That my love and light 
Contributes to thee healing of souls to shine bright 
Many hold on for dear life 
with nothing to gift inside 
They love to suck dry 
Thee energy
They receive of mine that is devoid of them inside 
I’ve been used a lot for my love and healing energies 
& with no reciprocity in energetic 
People think they can pay you back with things 
That it means it erases the absentee of love they refuse to give 
I had to learn it’s not personal 
It still a dagger to thee heart every single time
I give my heart 
And thee emptiness and shadow sides of parasites that if I allowed would eat
Me alive 
Which is why I am thankful for my Intuit design which guides me in my alignment to be healthier for me 
It is till this day I am learning best to manage my energy
And time
Without giving so much of myself 
That others do not hold in regard
To thee gifts of magic profound 
That thru me is shown to them
To see thee potential of their being 
To rise to such heights 
If only they were not so afraid 
(Spirit says) 
But still be mindful to discern 
That others must earn 
Their place 
in your world set with healthy boundaries. 
Do not allow others to make you their crutch and give you no love in return 
Truth does burn 
But when will you learn ? 

Affirmation : I gift myself thee highest
Love of self love, compassion and kindness to move in full alignment always radiating healthy waves and make clear my boundaries to all that are near and move forward aligned with this truth as my
Savior of grace so that I may be  my authentic self in every way attracting only those that serve my highest of good & that’s how it’s done. I love myself first and foremost and honor my temple divine. I gift to myself love and hold others to show me thee same or if not I cut thee chord immediately and send them on their way with peace. 
So mote it be 


Thee Wheels of Healers


How often we help others to thee point that we hurt ourselves because we are thee ones doing all thee work for the person to heal & still they return to thee things that made them ill. I use to help everyone until I got wise - now I only help people that desire to help themselves first and foremost. It’s thee only way. Because if you do not You become their feed of enabling thee things they refuse to do for themselves. It turns into a living hell when you help someone that passes over their disease and expects you to fulfill this deed. 

Rise in your power and do not feed thee beast that refuses to help themselves - most beast are so far lost - they are asleep - and so they move to share their sickness with anyone that is willing to take on the sick part of them that they refuse to heal and so it gets passed on for real 

Energy is real 
And it does attach 
And it does attack 
And it does pull you in 
And it does send you away 
Pay thee fk attention to what all energy is really trying to say 
Thee humans have learned to manipulate to get their way 

Stand in Your truth 
Set healthy boundaries too 
Cause if not the succubus energy will
Suck you dry & they won’t feel it 
Because inside they have died 
A long time

Baby Alignment

I came home last night & saw that my daughter put this jacket on baby that once belonged to our Mya Mooka (Baby’s momma) before she died. I literally cried. My daughter immediately was like I’ll take it off of her - and then I immediately energetically cut thee chord of emotional attachment to a perception that hindered my own emotional evolution & said No! It’s ok. Baby looks adorable in her mommas jacket. Let her rock it out. So here is Baby being all cute - rocking it out in her mommas outerwear. 

See that’s thee thing. These emotional chords / strings / memories that we hold onto in our lives - especially in regards to “loss” - I remember when my momma died for YEARS I refused to talk about her because thee emotion that would build up by me talking about her was too much for me to #share not that i did not allow my feelings to #heal - I was just an empath child absorbing all thee energies around & thee pricking that I felt was not anything that ever helped. What did help tho was my processes over time that I made myself walk through that was uncomfortable and certainly not kind to my spirit because it activated so much pain from a loss that in this lifetime I felt would never go away. With loss there comes so much pain. I innerstand this better today. But it took going thru the rain to get to this point of align to understand the construct of my inner galactic shrine that requires me to heal my emotional body so that I may #release all that does not serve me whole. Most of thee time humans feel so alone in their pain so to them it feels like it never goes away it’s this constant strain of pain (energy chord attached to our entire being - because we are multidimensional living beings) so it’s imperative to practice cutting all thee chords that do not serve you wholeness vibrations. There is a lot of dunked up sheesh in this world & it definitely can be painful. But to hold thee pain & allow it to forever stain and keep you stagnant in many ways is a #choice you make. Everyday I choose to #evolve passed all thee pain, loss, bullshit in life. Granted it’s not easy - this I know - but I am key to thee evolution that is I & in consciousness I strive to rise

Affirmation : I cut every chord of emotional attachment that does not serve me healthy Right Now and rise in authentic truth that serves me mind, body, heart and soul free. So mote it be 



Cycles are here 
Approaching it’s numerical end 
50/50 will begin again 
Thee other 50 will actually evolve 
& that is thee reality of it all 


Monday, September 14, 2020

Think Box

 Heed your warning 

in this mars here moving retrograde for thee justice that is needed and required at this time 


Lots of invisible energetic shit happening galactically in town 

All around 

We are all thee clowns 

but will we choose thee frown ? 

Thee purge of self sabotage on thee rise 

A mental asylum agitating at this time 

causing a stir of thee senses forcing your census 

This energy is hitting thee collective 

So there is potential for thee choices made to lean 

50/50 in thee collective this wave 

Many rising and riding thee ascension wave 

What is thee ascension ?

Constant introspection 

Haunting reflections 

That trigger you so that you may rise to your greatest most highest potential 

Yes you can 

Awareness is sChOOL 

Whenever you rise to any small victory you are tested for humility to learn truth and tranquility. It’s a constant process and you are equipped to handle it that’s why you’re conscious of it - if you are not conscious of something how can you address it properly ? One must become awakened to thee acknowledgement of whatever emotion is being represented during these connections that are reflecting to you something that needs to be seen / received / acknowledged / made clear known to you - 

You might not be hip to the intentions others energetically entertain in regards to sending energies your way because you refuse to acknowledge this page on your stage -  you  trigger  activate  feelings in others about things that they do not want to deal with  - and so they attempt to steal from you thee thing they want anyways -by gaslighting or projecting energies intensely your way - so  while you step forward they lean in Even more and heavy too and attempt to weave Their projections of energies into you in pulsating ways -to change your ways to comply with their ways - so please  protect your energy fields - thee only way they can influence your field is when you give them your wheel to reel - and most things done in thee dark never intend for good which is why your consciousness & intelligence can handle that by intentionally protecting yourself with your divine cloak of protection    - whether or not you believe in others sending shit your way - protect yourself anyways just in case 

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Peter Piper Picked A Peck Of Pickled Peppers

& no sucking their pickles either 
Let energies be clearer 
There is no questioning truth 
When you know truth 
There is no question 


Spirit started preaching Peter but when I started to listen I realized Peter was not a saint he was awake and put to sleep and it wasn’t thee Peter that we think  - I learn everyday too 

Here is what I heard : 

Whatever you choose 

Choose wise 

because everything comes to thee surface 

in divine right time 

If you find yourself complying to others in ways that you feel like shit after - What message / lesson / important information needing to be received by you - is attempting to help you to align in Strength so you’re prepared to act in accordance to your truth no matter whom you’re with - where you are - nor do you have to explain to anybody why you choose to move as you do ..

What person be so above you that you hold them in such high distorted regard ? Does money truly raise thee bar to have many comply to another and their request and demands because they need those other things desired bad ? 

Is that choice ? Preference ? illness ? Addiction ? 

To do things you don’t want to do because your belief system and view tells yourself this is what you have to do - is your life an occult for you ? Are there sacrifices being made ? Lives in danger in some way ? Do others truly prize you as though some trophy gain - that they hide away ? 

What is thee biggest undetected robbery of all our lifetimes ? It’s thee conscious intentional manipulative cyphering of your CURRENCY / ENERGY that most people don’t even see is thee most precious gem of them all. 

YOU whom comply 

You whom allows others to dictate your life 

You whom feels you don’t have a choice 

You whom feels you can’t use your voice

It is you whom views thee rules thru thee eyes of thee sinner that knows you’re thee true bread winner - but since you choose to believe thee illusion they sell - they’re greatest trick is making you feel you’re not #Elite unless they allow you to be due to their position, role and hierarchy that you have sown into you deep that is your greatest self denial of a lunatic trial you allow them to enslave you with - meanwhile without you / your energy - they ain’t shit ! 


It’s like a robot that knows it’s role and plays its role and feels no hole because they’re not even home. 

Truth be told 

Channeling is deep 

I allow for thee flow to rise and create 

you can smoke my debate 

but until you’re ready to change 

Everything remains thee same 

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers he did this because they were planted before him by someone else whom told him they were there and that those pickled peppers were great for his image & he never questioned a thing. He lived his life fueling thee dead whom cypher his divine tools that they don’t have for themselves which is why the focal point came on all external things .. and it became trendy instantly & Peter never even thought to question any origin because he wanted all these pretty things too .. meanwhile his power all that is his born activated to service his role  for evolutionary revolutions but he was given this spell called constitution & because Peter is a good boy he obeys thee laws of thee land because never was he prepped to take a stand on his emperor plans because when Others learn knowledge that serves thee whole & keeps it only for their very own to have control its cause they have none. 

Strip away thee illusion and see thee root of the weakness & that is thee creator of tyranny was a closet case weakling Afraid of its own shadow. Hence why thee dominating energy all around is similar to this clown flipped upside down. This channeling is loud. Quite profound.  Freestyles are great 

Strip away thee punk shit fk shit and see thee cycles for what energy they are - energy is everywhere & most accept all energy without even investigating its origin nor if it is wanted or desired by them - 

So what happens when everything no matter what it is inevitably runs its course if no evolution is ever Made - thee masquerade comes to an end my friends. So watch what spells you’re eating up in your well because thee walking dead as dead as can be - knows their role to play and is fixed on it in every way. Fillers show clear why they are here. They funk up thee synovial fluids with pollutants. 

2019 YoUTuBE Videos

Prick up your ears 

There is much to hear 

Seer is clear 

3 is crowd No Longer Allowed

Recorded April 2019


Bat Spirit Oracles

This was pre Bat corona days 
April 2019 this was recorded 

April 2019 I posted this YouTube video called BAT ORACLES .. and it was spirit animal Message from thee BAT about how there is a blessing in disguise coming after certain things needing to die / being put to death to rebirth itself again isn’t that funny flashforward April 2020 - corona virus. I promise you these videos are post marked and dated 


Enchantress Thee Babbler on YoUTuBE recap

I am being led to share some of my
YouTube videos from
To one year ago 
That I created 
That I feel will
To many now 

Either way 

If last year you didn’t listen 
maybe this year you should 


Saturday, September 12, 2020

Prada Sneaker Eye Candy

So my Beautiful sexy friend posted her new sneakers today which inspired me to look for them online because they looked oh so adorable

These are hers ..

If you click on thee image you will be led directly to this gorgeous Goddess’ page 
She’s Divine indeed she has always been fashion forward and her style I have always admired since back in thee day when we were in high school. 

She is a model after all 👑

In searching for hers I came across these & OMG I fell in LOVEE .. so yes I want these please size 6 indeed!!

See my feet are tiny and so these would
Look absolutely FABULOUS on me 

Wouldn’t you agree ??

Size 6 please 


Click on image to be directly guided to where you can shop these styles too 

Turns out thee other day I wrote thee devil wears #Prada 

Me like thee Prada after all 




She In Official

It is easy to seek externally what we think we need - but let us seek externally for our internal land - let us look in thee mirror  for thee entire  wonderland of our wholeness vibrations of self awakening to thee all that is perceived from thee outside. 

What do you see ? An illusionary depiction of imagery perceived by thee lenses of 3D illusion & conditioning ? Rhetoricals are free. 

I see therefore I envision. I seek therefore I find. I ask so that way I may know.  I know therefore I am & Yet I know nothing and so I am not - isn’t that something ? 

#Poetess #Empress #Divine #Rhetorical #Oracle 

Bathing suit by @sheinofficial 

What are your Sunny days looking like  that keep your cloudy days away ? 

Affirmation : I sun my shine so bright that I SEEK inside and connect with thee divine that is every part of my glorious shrine. I shine so others may shine too. I am thee sun illuminating thee moon. I look inside to see outside and my eyes are wide open. I am awoken. 

To work 1 on 1 with me visit link in bio when you sign up you receive your very own free wealth code oracle from me 😘

I offer tons of free inspirational content helping you to master align your own alchemy of frequency & vibrations. So please do subscribe for free to all thee platforms I speak / teach / inspire / share - lover of reciprocity / energy exchanges with care. 

Follow my other Instagram account @enchantresstheebabbler 

Subscribe to my blog my baby _ this one right here .. are you ready my dear .. subscribe it’s free ...

New YouTube Account Alert need to grow my subscribes so show some love over there 🥳🥳 #THANKYOU



I Am

I am thee one 


New Video On YouTube


New YouTube Channel & Latest Video

NEW VIDEO UP on my YouTube channel : members received early access & now Video is on my NEW CHANNEL made public : 

Kindly subscribe its all for #Free & it’s all wonderful healing energy exchange 

WATCH My latest  VIDEO HERE at this link :

First video up on my brand new channel so if you were following my original YouTube channel please be advised that moving forward I will be using this newer platform I just Now created. Cheers to my channels #Evolution so please make sure to subscribe to thee new YouTube stage.


This is soul medicine for you. 
I have decided to add this VIDEO as my first VIDEO on my NEW CHANNEL 
I will share it on both till thee transition is finalized and made 
These are channeled messages from beginning to end - these messages are for thee collective my friends. 
I am thee Galaxy Child (according to Cheeenique Tarot - love her channel btw ) and I express from my heart these divine babbles expressing themselves free. 

I am your Cosmic Mystic Muse Soul Divine here to assist you in thee evolution of our collective whole mind - body - heart & soul 

This here is a healing channel so enjoy thee healing light codes you shall receive 

For early access to all of my videos and free content sign up for free on my website @ - when you do you shall receive a free wealth code oracle message from me too. 

Never miss a quantum alignment and beat - sign up it’s free.

Here is an artist om healing palette created with love for you so please do take what you need. Thank you for meeting me here. I love you and support you. if we vibe we vibe if we do not just keep it moving and flowing with peace. 

The energy of reciprocity is activated on this sage of a page on these  multidimensional planes of existence. As you give you sow & so you shall receive all that you marinate into existence. Know what I mean jellybeans ? Let’s all share thee energy of love. #Namaste 😘

Featured Post - Available NOW on AMAZON!

Echoes of Laughter: Embracing Life’s Paradoxes

 Another enchanting freestyle monologue that I love partaking in as my imagination swirls. I love writing these monologues that are inspire...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.