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Friday, September 25, 2020

Divine Goddess

If there is anything I ever did masterfully right in this world - it was being a part of thee creation of my beautiful she .. a Divine Goddess Daughter a gift God has given to me to raise on this 3D plane of perceived existence. Her divinity & alchemical energies will be quantum in our earths elevation of growth in our consciousness as a developing species and her vibration & frequency is massive in shifting our evolution in revolutionary ways. 

I can’t believe you @sleepingmelodies were In my belly for 10 months 3 days .. it’s funny to say that because it’s thee math actually especially when you give birth full term you’re definitely pregnant for  10
Months & not 9 - which makes more sense to me since  9 is the # of completion and 10 reduced down to 1 is New Beginnings / The birth of new life.  Numbers are frequencies too which are portals of light codes of massive knowledge that constantly energizes its own vibration. 

Can you believe it I actually have a 19 year old almost 20 year old #Offspring #FountainOfYouth #QuantumPhysics #Master #Alchemist #motherdaughter  #SoulTribe #PolarOpposite #Mixedspecies #Mind #Body #Heart #Soul #Evolution #Revolution #Parenting101 #Evolution #Coaching #LifeCoach #DivineFeminine #Holy #Protection 🧿 

Parental Advisement : Teach your children young about ENERGY MANAGEMENT & HOW to BEST care for themselves  prior to leaving home. 

Parenting Tip : Start them young as young as one and teach them How to protect their energy field. Children have overly active Imaginations and are best at listening to colorful language when communicated in ways that encourage their own imaginations.  PROTECTIVE shields are IMPORTANT because it gives your child the OPPORTUNITY to not readily give their power away to just anybody whom comes their way. Its like BACK up & respect my space because only those I consciously allowed in are allowed to enter my space. Teach your child early how to keep their own inner peace & show themselves love. Their 1st examples will always be from you ! If you need tips & tricks contact  directly  Go 2 mywebsite  sign up 4free resources made for you. Thank you

For those wicked
Souls looking to harm or cause harm 
Or send evil eye 🧿 or wicked shit others way especially to those they love .. those wicked will be met with their own fate they attempt to cast unto others. 

Be good 
Do good 
Heal yourself 

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