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Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spirituality. Show all posts

Monday, November 14, 2016

Rare 'Beaver" Moon Super Moon November 14/15 2016

#SuperMoon #Energetic #Empowerment

#Rare #Beaver #Taurus #FullMoon #Super #Moon

Marking the second to this years trilogy of FULL MOON SUPER MOONS 


This super moon is following last weeks 11/11 LOVE PORTAL 

This SuPER MOON is very special 

What is a Super MOON? 

A super moon is a moon that when you look up at your nights sky, you are greeted with the spectacular BEAUTY of our Moon Oracle Goddess so closely, that it is as if you can touch her. 

Moon in Taurus (earth element)
Sun in Scorpio (water element) 

Taurus representing patience, pleasure seeking-loving, material/wealth, determination and conservation 

Scorpio representing Passion, Emotions, Will POWER, Psychic Awareness, Intuition, depth, exploration, discovery, unveiling, determination 

When the Sun & Moon interact they energize our earthly realms in many ways that influence our lives whether we are conscious of it or not. 

During any FULL MOON the moon & sun are opposing one another and luckily for this SUPER FULL MOON this opposition is a harmonious one. 

Sun & MOON 

Yin & Yang 

Lunar & solar are in natural harmony 

Challenging and intense when the sun and moon are in opposition 

It is time to REFLECT on how you are truly FEELING 

This is a time to 
LET GO of all that no longer serves your SOULS EVOLUTIONARY GROWTH
Let it go
It is time to move with your FLOW
It is time to own the parts of our life and experiences that cause us pain and create stagnation in our lives, it is time to FOCUS on the lessons learned and the Positive progress and steps needed to propel us forward. it is time to TRANSFORM our pain and ALIGN with our

Expect with this SUPER MOON energy whirling around for majorly HUGE changes within our own lives. 

For a more in depth look into our current Super Moon and its meaning kindly check out

This super moon is power packed with MOTIVATING self Empowerment that focuses on  

Please note that during any major Full moon / Super Moon our emotions and sensitivities will be heightened, so lets together practice the art of remaining MINDFUL of how we treat others and most importantly ourselves.


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Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday's Rune Oracles

Your Journey is your destination 
Journey into the story of your life and ALLOW for all of its creation to unfold 

Right Action 
Forward Movement 
Taking Charge
Being in control 
Adventure Begins 
Decisions are made and direction is clear
A sense of moral responsibility is in order
innate Knowledge reaching the surface 
A time where street smarts meets innate wisdom 
Infusion infusing and alignment of rhythms 
A time of Mastery of circumstance
Decisions followed immediately by ACTION 
This is a rune of ordered movement of your energies in time and space as it pertains to your own state of awareness/consciousness
A rune that means to lead by example

This is a rune of probability 
A rune of FATE and the unmanifested 
The Universe is at play when this rune arrives and LUCK is leading the way
There is an evolutionary force at serious play
Lady LUCK 
Many random occurrences taking place that synchronize all into alignment 
It is all about the creation of favorable circumstances
Perthro allows one to become AWARE of all things hidden from view and relatively fixed workings of the deep law of cause and effect, which in return gives one the ability to SEE into the unmanifest and peer into the Unknown 
Pertho's power is in the storing of all events and assists in the recollection of Knowledge that is hidden within the collective unconscious of humankind, especially ancient truths lost and scattered over time.  


Personal POWER
This rune is about delegating your energy to another
This is a sending rune 
Promotion of personal social evolution 
Increase in personal monetary wealth
This is the rune of LUCK 
Fehu governs the capacity to take luck and hold it in its grasp and use it to ones advantage like a magical ability 
Fehu activates ones WILL POWER 
Restoration of SELF Confidence
Fehu assists in setting and reaching GOALS that is followed with immediate ACTION 
Conscious use of money 
Creative Process of WEALTH 

For more in depth explorations into Runes and their meaning visit

Friday, November 4, 2016

InevitABILITY & Twin Flames

#Twinflame #Soul #journey #Transformers #Transformation #dive #deep #deeper #deepest 

We are One

#Divine #Love #Remembrance 

Loves Expressionisms

With every fiber of my being 
I look away 
and our vines throb insatiably 
pulling the strings of our heart
unleashing our symphony 

#unconditionalLove #mind #body #heart #soul #synchronicity #Believe #receive #achieve #live #laugh #love #journey #experience 

Unconditional Love Journey

#unconditionalLove #twinflames #live #love #life #experience #journey #believe #receive #achieve #Grow

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Angelic Guidance #1616 vibes


Number 1616 is a blend of both the attributes and energies of number 1 and number 6 appearing twice, amplifying their influences.  Number 1 brings its qualities of new beginnings and striving forward, willpower, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Number 1 also tells us that we create our realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 6 relates to love of home and family and domesticity, service to others, responsibility, the income and financial aspects of life and providing for the self and others. Number 6 also resonates with personal willpower, solution-finding and overcoming obstacles.

Angel Number 1616 brings a message from your angels to keep your thoughts uplifted and positive, and to let go of material matters or concerns. The focus is on emotions, family issues, your home environment and you as a person. New energies will be entering your life which will lead to a renewed enthusiasm and the angels are sending you positive energy and balance so that you are able to stay focused upon your path.

Angel Number 1616 encourages you to ask for assistance in repairing or readjusting to something that may be hindering or bothering you and causing anxiety.This may have to do with unresolved debt, a purchase or the attainment of something of importance that you are unable to afford at present. Theangels ask you not to be disheartened but to maintain a positive frame of mind as they are working hard behind the scenes to fulfill your needs. You are asked to remain receptive of the gifts of the Universe.

Angel Number 1616 may also be suggesting that a new relationship is imminent, either with a newcomer or through reignited love in your existing relationship/s. Be open to giving and receiving love and do not fear the ‘new’ entering your life.

#joannescribes #ANGEL #numbers #esoteric #knowledge #guidance #inspiration #wisdom #love

Monday, October 24, 2016

Angelic Guidance Portal #1818


Number 1818 is made up of the attributes and vibrations of both number 1 and number 8 appearing twice, amplifying their influences and energies.  Number 1 brings its energies of creation and new beginnings, progress and motivation, striving forward, inspiration, stepping out of our comfort zones, achieving success and fulfilment. Number 1 also reminds us that we create our own realities with our beliefs, thoughts and actions.  Number 8 resonates with personal power and authority, self-confidence and self-sufficiency, good judgement and discernment, inner-wisdom, truth and integrity, dependability and self-reliance, manifesting wealth andabundancekarma and the Universal Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 1818 is an uplifting message of encouragement and support from your angels as your positive affirmations, thoughts, beliefs and visualisations have manifested as an increased flow of abundance entering your life. Remember that wealth and abundance come in many forms.  

Angel Number 1818 tells of achievements, success, striving forward, progress and attainment, and brings a message to stay optimistic and listen to your intuition and inner-guidance as you hold positive expectations and thoughts of abundance. Enjoy your rewards of prosperity and be grateful and appreciative of them.

Angel Number 1818 brings you the energies of good judgement, determination and tenacity, so do not to fear moving ahead in your intended direction/s. Your angels ask that you not stress about present circumstances, as ‘better’ is on it’s the way into your life. Have faith and trust in your own abilities, skills and talents, and use them as you feel guided. Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone in order to pursue your passions as wonderful opportunities will appear for you in due course. Look out for signs from your angels.

#angel #numbers #love #angelic #guidance #esoteric #wisdom #knowledge

Was hit with some angelic numbers pretty heavy today ...
just sharing some stand out #'s 


Friday, October 21, 2016

Ebony 2.0 Update

Ebony 2.0 Update

Finding Ebony in the manner in how we found her - makes me feel all the more blessed.

I relive that evening over and over and I swear it is as if she fell from the sky!

I swear she looks like an Alien at times.

She is still so very tiny - which makes me believe that although the vet estimated her birthday as August 19, 2016. I believe she is even younger than that.  So that would shift her sign from Leo to Virgo too. She can be a cusp like my dad lol (8/23)

Anyways, so she is still tiny. Although I still love the name Ebony Moon - my daughter declared that is no longer her name.Due to the fact that my bozo friend made it known that he thought that Ebony Moon sounds like a major porn star. lol He is not a bozo at all - actually quite genius. :)

So since that Ebony moon falling out injustice due to silly perception, her name is now Ebony 2.0 which actually I happen to LOVE.

So she did have a little cold when she was taken to the vet and she was prescribed some meds to help her recover.  She truly was / is fragile due to her size - and so the vet did not want to prescribe and give meds with too strong of a dosage.

 Ebony's name btw also means STRENGTH 

image found on google 

She is super Brilliant too
She has to be especially being one of my glorious loving heal the world pet!

As tiny as she is and still drinking a bottle (this weaning process has not been an easy transition - she is not hearing that) 

She already uses only the liter box. All it took was one week and she just naturally uses it on her own.  
She knows her name. Her and the doggies get along fabulously. She is very friendly and loving. 

But it is sure time for me to take her once again to the vet

She now has developed this purring / weasing / hacking thing that she does at different times - mostly after a bottle feeding.  Where I feel so horrible as I bear witness to this short difficult moment for her - that looks as though it hurts - where it is like she is trying to cough up a hairball - and I swear I would rather much believe this is the beginning formation of a hairball being marinated in her system due to her licking herself - I would rather believe this to be so as opposed to feline asthma. Which fear based thinking would lead us all to right away assume as opposed to climbing out the box and keeping the FAITH that maybe this is just a part of her feline nature. 

I'd rather be POSITIVE!!

So anyhoo, if you're a feline LOVER too and you are have knowledge and experience with our kitty friends, by all means leave your comments and Feedback cause I would LOVE to hear from YOU!! 

Together, we SHARE

BECOME an INSIDER & Discover what this Enchanting Babble Wonderland is all about 
Follow me into Synchronicity 

#vet #pets #health #wealth #rescue #animals #family #intuition #premonition #asthma #feline #respirator #natural #healer #breathing #love

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Rumi & Me

Had a moment just now
Rumi & me
Energy surrounds
Love all around

#rumi #love #quotes #wisdom #cherish #profound #spirituality #self #lovers

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Crystal addictions ❤️

Addictions can be major mood shifters creating what feels like major chemical imbalance ...

Like you're ready to rip someone's head off ...

Carrying crystals and sticking your middle finger up to your addictions is the way to go ...

Rip your addictions head off ...


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Angel Guide # 656


Number 656 is a blend of the qualities and attributes of number 6 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the vibrations of number 5.  Number 6 brings its energies of love of home, family and domesticity, stability, honesty and integrity, responsibility, compassion and empathy, the ability to compromise, emotional depth, problem-solving and solution-finding, providing for the self and others and the material aspects of life.  Number 5 relates to making positive life choices and important changes, adaptability and versatility, personal freedom, unconventional, individualism, resourcefulness, motivation and idealism. Number 5 also relates to doing things your own way and learning life lessons through experience.  

Angel Number 656 indicates that major changes are currently taking place in your life. Know that these changes are happening to advance and assist you along your life path and soul journey, and the angelsencourage you to take full advantage of these new energies and the auspicious opportunities that come with them. The material and monetary aspects of your life are changing in positive ways, and you can expect abundance, new possessions and acquisitions to enter your life.

Angel Number 656 encourages you to take control and make choicesand life changes that will improve and enhance your life in all ways. Trust that by making these changes you will find personal fulfilment on all levels and you will also be in a position to bring more stability and balance to a home and/or family issue or situation.  

With each perceived obstacle and challenge there is always a higher purpose and opportunities for change and further growth. The angels cannot prevent you from experiencing such things as bereavement, grief, heart-ache and loss if they are part of the Divine plan of your life;  however, they can comfort, support, encourage, help, heal and love you during and after the experience.

Number 656 relates to number 8(6+5+6=17, 1+7=8) and Angel Number 8.

Sacred Scribes

NUMEROLOGY  -  The Vibration and Energy of Numbers

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  SANCTIONED BY FIRE I don’t need your applause, I am thee thunder in the pause, The spark in the dark where the wild truth claws, Unstoppab...

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