its signature is in the wave of create we create when we sey our YES
out loud
which came first ?
the chicken or the egg?
which came first ?
the sey or the YES?
and if so ...
what is the seyERs intention of original vibration
what influencer of YES do you subconsciously carry in your aura
in your own energetic field
Careful now..
inner stand your EARTHLY command post which is the illusion most tangible and realistic to you
these 3 D lands because they appear tangible and provable
they become the conditioned silence of acceptance that many whether they acknowledge it or not -- accept and carve someone else's version of YES because they sey
as they freestyle carve away
creating realms of reality that will exist on our own platters that may have never been meant for us / designed for us - and yet their yes imprints itself in an invisible yet super powerful ENERGETIC signature --
this signature if we want to further imagine and practicing visualizing for ourselves
we must put into good daily practice imagining with our inner eyes these visuals I help colorfully articulate to get you to better see with such precision and clarity - your own life piece by piece as you learn to gift yourself the growth, healing, wisdom, evolution and expansion designed for you --- by the ROOT in YOU ---
Your ROOT is ROOTING for YOU!!
Believe this to be your own inner truth calling out to you
crawling into your own awareness
blood droplets dripped across this sage is
every gift of thee most highest priestess
scenting every page
currently tapping into some rage
I am soul whole and equipped for every part of evolution you are desiring to understand
Enchantress the Babbler here showing up wearing her robe
the one she forever never known
feeling life centered
as my own 3D TOWER comes crashing down
believe me guys
life has in every which way
plagued me around
victim mode I never felt I was till I continued expanding
growing in my own inner standing of understanding
these comprehending NOT for EVERYONE
thats cool
cause that is part of the reason I am
adsum I am here
showing up
Finally taking the reigns during the crumbling effects of karmic defect energies that I watch from my altar
sitting present thru it all
Feeling everything that is real as I HANDLE my own riddance of
never not repeating that cycle again
words are my friend
I thoroughly RECEIVE pleasure and REIGN from dissecting my own inner cave
for I am your detached HOST feeling most ALIGNED
here i am
showing up
no need for any poker face
I will happily smile in your face
truth resonates
with me so freely
its hard to miss
some will accept this energy of mine and embrace it
and some will not
never not I will be more concerned in another than I am of my own concerns
I love myself
do not remove the I from your view
be selfish
its the new thing to relearn at this time
stop judging yourself that is you Outside of your mind tapping into the collective viewing / streaming
acknowledge the channel you found yourself surfing thru
change your tube
DEATH becomes of ME during this most once upon would of been perceived HORRIFIC / ANXIETY fueled / low vibing inside while saying the words right outside of myself - and detached from all feeling - except for the fear that seemed to delight in visiting me...
These mofos of spirit thoughts
spirit is essence
yet it is still perceived
it is still received
and it is still accepted as something in concept that is at least real although not tangible
(tangible belief systems - let US tackle this mindset that needs a reality swift kick up every human finding themselves for some odd strange reason --- tis the season -- the veils have always never not existed for me -- How dumb of me to always be able to see but because due to my conditioning and YES sey yes eager to please the those I recognized as needing the deepest of acceptance in life ((( attracting the most deadliest of energy succubus / warlocks / vampires / trolls / never not zombies - zombies in this life are too dumb numb to even think to search - you can recognize zombies thru their very poor listening skills and inability / difficulty to be themselves so they camouflage to blend in with everyone else ---- be careful because they're in this group exists too an awakened crew - camouflaging for different reasons of course --- but lets break that down too in another post ...
writing these topics down now ...
anyways as i was saying
imagine the living all of your life being shown the way and stubborn lost in my own conditioned waves - I foolishly denied myself the opportunity to grow in conscious light because that would mean to acknowledge something that is religiously crucified - - - also during the time odd ball was I -- for most of education of life even down to just a few years ago -- I have always been the one overly knowledgeable, curious, talkative and loving these esoteric style - spiritual other worldly things and topics == for my entire junior high experience with my classmates I persecuted my own self = carrying unnecessary guilt for all these years - believing myself to be a bad influence amongst my peers - cause there were many terrifying things I wanted to try and I was not to try them alone lol
so I convinced and stood closest to whomever was the most scared -- I mean I oozed creepy and witchy in every way
later to find out these conditioned perceptions of limiting realities surrounding me by the people on earth influencing me - the empath asleep in me - absorbed every one of their perceptions of understanding / inner standing / limiting belief systems - I cycled them into my own psyche and allowed them to subconsciously guide and steer me and decide for me all the important choices I have made for myself in total misalignment with me
but oblivious never are we not
its the person whom holds the ruler in their righteous hand that CAN and WILL rise above every time that attempts to keep them cycling in this energy tsunami of a vortex - created because -- the reasons behind the creation of vortex
which my inner lands Remind me Jupiterittian energies are taking affect - -- Grandfather energies arriving earlier than blueprinted this season -- - some of you may be benefiting early on from this placement in our cosmos that is documented not to take place as of yet -- but I tell you -- something NEW is brewing in our cosmos - unlike anything we have energetically experienced on these lands -- - the cosmos want everyone to KNOW - - there is no BLUEPRINT man that can give the command and usher out the ORIGINATORS design and plan...
before came us
came nothing
came something
out of nothing turning into something
aint that funny
how simple it all is
to embrace the darkness we have been conditioned to fear
and to realize that it is our truest of homes
Here entering OM
My Enchanting Babbles surpassing platinum and gold status
energy valuemeTer on High
Jupiterittian brats rising up on these 3D lands
took the player moving the once asleep avatar
Broke the controller into pieces
let them evolve cleaning up their own broken pieces
ET followed the peanut butter allure back home
now let this be your evolutionary key of JUSTICE times infinity
there is no room for repeat cycles
Dantes Inferno was created
to psychologically funk you up while another made their own subliminal power play to seed into your life support the realms of reality created by this one creator whom refused to go in for the evolutionary whole and instead chose the path to control and conquer
its one example of egos gone mad
they create cycles of karmic energy
to harness and evolve from that
a saturated fat they only receive from those willing to play into their plague of cycling madness
Einstein an energetic friend of mine being called on his own blinds of not helping people he should have during his time
trapped into the already created vortex of seeking the worship and acceptance outside of himself -- all we ever want is to be loved and adored
and wholeheartedly accepted
can't fault the man he was born into that energy of a forcefield too
but this here is what power can do
if you allow its TRUTH to consume
all of you
I only work with those whom willingly choose to allow this process of evolution to take place ..
that means being open to the guidance my intuition will trigger in you
to break
to pluck out every root
home grown for you
the deeds of our parental tyrants
misguided we perceive them as the wise
our parents our first encounter with GIANTS
for they have lived
and wore out their cycle of development and welcome
I write this today while dealing with my own KARMIC DEBRIS of a final cycling out of a chapter that never not was my rapture
my perception of things matter
Feeling inner powered thru all of my own debris of chaos showing themselves on these battle fields
shit just hit the fan for me
life every bit projecting unto me the reality of the feel of seal of absorbing this built in spirit ((that has grown strong over spans of time)) energy is everything real it is the activation of this thing we perceive called life
my soul called life
I love the feeling of taking what I identify as my external attack
facing the energy of that
dealing with the truth it reveals unto me
and what is super INNER POWERING is the majestic layer of me constantly unveiling itself to me
Ive worked so long on my ninja faery ways of Jupiter landing in Brooklyn
tough girl syndrome
The ability to clearly see with clear sight and vision the snapping of many energetic necks
TRANSMUTATION I evolve and constantly finesse
Ive been babbling thru my current state of conditioning that is purging itself from my system
it is way different this time around
for I am like super conscious of what is taking place
I am open to receive
while letting go of everything I receive
to Cut away with the my Divine Gift of an ancient Sword
that can only be found in stories
taught to many of us thru folklore
there is a method to their madness
providing insight for those whom GENUINELY put in the work
feeling their own power at this time
it feels GOOD To FEEL WORTHY of every Praise
that never not starts with me
My defense mode systems have been under attack
and me taking the time to be mindful of that
and opening my own vessel to receive the divine wisdom needed / aligned with me on my ride..
gifting me further sight
Peaceful Im creating my every align of a design
I demand
of every fabricated line overly structured into our systems
its what some call this now
the Resistance
there is more to this resistance
if you find yourself stuck on the feelings that are triggering you here with the thoughts of life is never fair -- and still find yourself madd about the waves of ruling chains that are breaking apart in many waves
patience can feel like a long wait when measured by today
if you find yourself still unable to purge some imbalance of emotions that come up for you as all this debris is ruffling every feather of a feather your way
let go of that namaste state
na origins cancel out the maste sensations in their infusion together anyway
lets save that namaste debate for another day too
there is so much evolution Im opening myself to share with all of you
Archer surprise hit
My favorite Grandpa of an energy has come to visit me earlier this calling
and appreciative Im feeling in every realm of existence I now vibrate thru consciously
for I never not miss
my target
My Grandpa makes this very clear as he reminds me of whom I am
and the purpose I align with to serve
but this time not out of socket with me
for Im the KEY
so many that were early on this path have let go of their faith because they could not let go of time in their conditioned perception of understanding that they allowed the creepy feeling of sleep to creep back into them so deep
karmic sweep
for this power in command of a poetic demand ricocheting across these lands
REAWAKENS these lads
to their NEW DAY of a second hand try
at boosting their own evolutionary rates of elevation
some will choose to look the other way
let them be
you can not FORCE someone to evolve as you design yourself to be
acceptance of all TRUTH as it is for whatever reason it gives itself permission to use their own keys as they deem right for them
I no longer judge them in cowardice
I found truth serum in this little typing of enchanting babble epiphany after epiphany after epiphany
many will not even really fully read this page
I never not need attention from another that I never not gift to myself
the part of me
conditioned in me
this patterning of sickening
behaviors and strings that I habitually attached into my spirit that overtime became a shell of its own existence
I never not participate in alignments of others unless I consciously view it and know it to be and choose this freely for myself
the desire to be accepted by my peers has been made clearer enough for me right now to find this leveling of peace existing within me some how that melts all that tension and pressure away
The Kika Stretch Method increasing the quality of the value I hold and cater to near and dear in my life...
accountability for my own choices, actions, feelings, marinations, perceptions, and all that extraterrestrial stuff us foreigners do when we are visiting lands outside our realm of reality of worldly existence
I caught it instantly - just the other day - it was quick and clear the resonating - and in my identifying immediately the culprit behind my victimization patterning of behaviors that have polluted my alignments over the courses of my life - - - I in my keen ability to decipher and discern for myself - cause in LOVE with myself I sure do certainly continue to GROW _ -- - in my quick catch of this pollutant weak and whack - FORGIVEN I have never not been towards myself
and now look at that
I slayed every monster encountered gifting them divine forgiveness and acceptance for their truest of natures in every way ... many of these monsters still unsettled by my cosmic force and yet my POWERFUL acceptance into the everything that Im a part of NOW creating
the resistance is fading
many still on their hating sprees
ignorance flees down like cowardice energies do
and that is me releasing all judgment too
just calling it as I know it to be
you can deny to me all you like
but the river of lies you build into your shrines will wage war on you over time
carnivores always unable to fill their insatiable need
they greed on by
the crook in me identifies the crook in them
no shame on them
just able to clearly identify malicious energies clearly
to each their own
never not any permissions granted for outside access to make any decisions on this core balancing act of self gratifying pleasure
no human can make me moan pleasurably in ecstasy until I reach this fulfillment with myself...
STAY TUNED Fot the release of my NEW BOOK coming soon too
it is designed to unleash the GODDESS in you - a powerful tool I share with you all on how to harness your energies on a day to day basis using a most pleasurable tool I have discovered on my own journey ...
getting back to those perceived hopeless folk stuck in their ways / waves / mental state of being able to comprehend
For those having a most difficult time cutting those chords because you love these people / person -- and you see their true highest of potential
this is part of your lesson of cycling out conditioning of patterns that have created in you <
> please understand that this final shift is calling out to you to shift and undo all the karmic debris looking to still attach itself unto you ... for it has been a part of your entire world for most of your days - there are things being brought to the surface now that you know serve your highest and most greatest function - but the part of you that you are very soon going to tackle , confront, and identify for yourself - - - it is freeing - this unveiling of a feeling of a release of these unhealthy attachments...
dont even feed the conditioned line of lie / that has been misconstrued over time - that so many have subconsciously rooted into their being -- that to love something / someone set it free - if they return it was meant to be ...
although there is some levels of truth and wisdom to be deciphered and discovered for yourself in this statement - - please do note its a blessing of truth that evolves over time too - -- -a double edged sword of a tricksters handling -- -
for this sentiment was created inside of the vortex of conditioning that low vibes and strongly radiates across these lands -- the vortex of disappointment being constantly received when we finally open ourselves up to take that leap of faith and trust in the process and believing ....
this vortex I kid you not - - is a tough on to call out on especially when in life you have personally experienced set back after set back and so many dealings with disappointment .. repeat cycle for so many -- -this energy vortex of creation is real my friends and you should ask yourself what parts of yourself operate inside any and all of these vortexes of energy spinning like the cyclist lovers that we are trained to be like...
let go of any triggers of anger being received at this time when you start thinking of all the energy of vortexes existing powerfully here on earth and created thru focus / intention / discipline / belief / and ritualizing the entire thing - gifting the creation of illusion and magic ... because creating this definition of an explanation of what feels like magic without fully explaining its portion sizes being added into its realm of creation and reality - -- overtime it has spun so deliberately / actively / disciplined you see // its not personal if you get sucked into this vibe -- tyrannical suppressions over time put everyone to sleep and oblivious to the sounding lost lasting build up of effects this has cycled and continues to cycle out for so many...
let go of any triggers of getting all huffy and puffy about whom and why and the energy of the creators behind these vortex of creations
there is so much to discover
let us judge less and focus only on ourselves
Call me vain
call me conceited
but if you get me chatty enough
I can talk about me for days on days and days
in various waves
In living loving color in every way
IM expression free
out here on full display
come at me
poke away
I will dissolve away back into the nothing that i am
rebirthing thru my womb of creations
my own life in accordance to me
for me
in love of me
in honor of this energy
feeling every bit of take back rhymes
the moon and i had it out earlier this evening
which reminds me there is still so much left for me to convey
nothing that I say comes as a surprise to these energy towers that energize their power so bold and freely
when you reach their level of existing
even the illusion part of whatever you believe to know about their existence and creation
like how the moon is a hologram
a hologram of energy
I know you can FEEL That right?
so many privileges granted to the creators evolved enough to act out without much perceived care to the unfairness created across these lands
there goes that creep
of a sneak of a misaligned thought process
attempting to attach themselves to any vessel not centered in their own align
Knowing equates to your inner divine mints
The DANCER in me dancing free
always felt watched
oh dear, the Alice syndrome evolving into its own undocumented state of
persistence OVERCOMING and OVERTHROWING every bit of the resistance created in a spirit of false pretenses ...
another energy vortex created of mistrust so many here on earth instantly suck up and absorb and play out subconsciously in their own lives
we can further explore on these pages the vortex of creations -- not now - as it all naturally develops from me ...

IM finally participating in my own align of create
ALICE in WONDERLAND series certainly has come A LONG way
if there is one thing we could all learn from Alice, is there is no such thing as time and for curious minds, all we need is a good book to awaken our dream state of being, and turning our clarity into realms that align abundantly so -- vibes that ignite the entire WHOLE
and then in high school I came across certain individuals whom were into esoteric kind of stuff but they were all into Spells , Power and control. I studied these things - but because of my own foolish upbringing I had myself convinced to prove that I am not the WITCH everyone imagines me to be - I gave up my own power - with my own words - so openheartedly due to my extreme gullibility and subconscious desire to want to accepted and liked by all - cause I am like this totally dope and cool person once you get to know - the reserved nature of people in at first coming off rather sternly towards me - a part of me just wanted to be a part of that persons world of acceptance too
but little did I know in all my children starry wise ahead of my own times --- Im nothing like most of my peers - - -
this portal opening very clear
even within all my esoteric babbling
TRUTH shall resonate thruout the entire core of your molecular energizing being
a feeling I guarantee super freeing
something I am beginning to fully comprehend better for myself too as I feel, deal and heal myself thru - thru every broken piece of myself that has been shattered, misguided, tainted, cursed, misled,
this element of delight I GIFT to you all by taking the time to put together this paradigm shift of ultimate cosmic reality that will ENHANCE the QUALITY OF LIVING you have no matter your current lifestyle / status / leveling perceived to be on...
NO matter where you are on your journey
I am that faery pocket Upgrade
falling apart in this realm of 3D land
so that I may receive the choreographed dance of alchemy needed to
Inner power these motor filled seeds
IM showing up to the plate
aligned in my own stance
observing every portal of vortex existing around me
energizing here on earth
whom is feeding whom or what on these lands?
this mirror effect keeps growing in IMPACT
so here is where a lot of my work comes into play
see everything REAL
then adjust to my own truth about this
no longer becoming this seal of a bind impacting my life
discovering my
and in this constant rediscovering of my own limitless HEALING potentials that assist me on revolutionizing which means creating an impact by taking action that supports my own evolution
FEELING pretty frkn Awesome if you ask me
and I say this sincerely as I observe my own tower collapsing
this time I around I am driver behind the demolition machine pressing every key
Let me constructively and righteously
burn down the imposter lands that have no room within my align
a gift truest of space
you will see over time
sometimes the element of change begins within you
while others hit snooze
its their prerogative
we all pay our dues
in divine right time
know that there is more POWER and more that YOU can do the MORE hip you continue to get in alignment with you ... the more you can do ...
this rabbit hole of a hike
is QUALITY being added into life
This babble in particular has been going on for 2 days
there is so much more to share
my articulations are evolving too
in learning me
I create me
as I discover for me
my truest reality
that are masterful seeds
that I get to create into
in all due time
even my babbles will make sense
to the majority of souls
meeting me here as part of their growth
thank you
Full moon super in tune
Jupiter effects early bird specials
his too shall pass
do not get caught up in the aftermath
center into your align
when any moment triggers in you an immediate response
breathe in deep
silence travels deep