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Sunday, September 13, 2020

Peter Piper Picked A Peck Of Pickled Peppers

& no sucking their pickles either 
Let energies be clearer 
There is no questioning truth 
When you know truth 
There is no question 


Spirit started preaching Peter but when I started to listen I realized Peter was not a saint he was awake and put to sleep and it wasn’t thee Peter that we think  - I learn everyday too 

Here is what I heard : 

Whatever you choose 

Choose wise 

because everything comes to thee surface 

in divine right time 

If you find yourself complying to others in ways that you feel like shit after - What message / lesson / important information needing to be received by you - is attempting to help you to align in Strength so you’re prepared to act in accordance to your truth no matter whom you’re with - where you are - nor do you have to explain to anybody why you choose to move as you do ..

What person be so above you that you hold them in such high distorted regard ? Does money truly raise thee bar to have many comply to another and their request and demands because they need those other things desired bad ? 

Is that choice ? Preference ? illness ? Addiction ? 

To do things you don’t want to do because your belief system and view tells yourself this is what you have to do - is your life an occult for you ? Are there sacrifices being made ? Lives in danger in some way ? Do others truly prize you as though some trophy gain - that they hide away ? 

What is thee biggest undetected robbery of all our lifetimes ? It’s thee conscious intentional manipulative cyphering of your CURRENCY / ENERGY that most people don’t even see is thee most precious gem of them all. 

YOU whom comply 

You whom allows others to dictate your life 

You whom feels you don’t have a choice 

You whom feels you can’t use your voice

It is you whom views thee rules thru thee eyes of thee sinner that knows you’re thee true bread winner - but since you choose to believe thee illusion they sell - they’re greatest trick is making you feel you’re not #Elite unless they allow you to be due to their position, role and hierarchy that you have sown into you deep that is your greatest self denial of a lunatic trial you allow them to enslave you with - meanwhile without you / your energy - they ain’t shit ! 


It’s like a robot that knows it’s role and plays its role and feels no hole because they’re not even home. 

Truth be told 

Channeling is deep 

I allow for thee flow to rise and create 

you can smoke my debate 

but until you’re ready to change 

Everything remains thee same 

Peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers he did this because they were planted before him by someone else whom told him they were there and that those pickled peppers were great for his image & he never questioned a thing. He lived his life fueling thee dead whom cypher his divine tools that they don’t have for themselves which is why the focal point came on all external things .. and it became trendy instantly & Peter never even thought to question any origin because he wanted all these pretty things too .. meanwhile his power all that is his born activated to service his role  for evolutionary revolutions but he was given this spell called constitution & because Peter is a good boy he obeys thee laws of thee land because never was he prepped to take a stand on his emperor plans because when Others learn knowledge that serves thee whole & keeps it only for their very own to have control its cause they have none. 

Strip away thee illusion and see thee root of the weakness & that is thee creator of tyranny was a closet case weakling Afraid of its own shadow. Hence why thee dominating energy all around is similar to this clown flipped upside down. This channeling is loud. Quite profound.  Freestyles are great 

Strip away thee punk shit fk shit and see thee cycles for what energy they are - energy is everywhere & most accept all energy without even investigating its origin nor if it is wanted or desired by them - 

So what happens when everything no matter what it is inevitably runs its course if no evolution is ever Made - thee masquerade comes to an end my friends. So watch what spells you’re eating up in your well because thee walking dead as dead as can be - knows their role to play and is fixed on it in every way. Fillers show clear why they are here. They funk up thee synovial fluids with pollutants. 

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