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Showing posts with label astrology 101. Show all posts
Showing posts with label astrology 101. Show all posts

Saturday, October 6, 2018


Wrote this DAYS ago --- possibly weeks ago lol 

Long over due 

Some Libra Feels 

The appreciation I have for this sign...

unedited allow me to unwind 
and finally post this post this time...

Libra's may you continue to shine !!!!

You know I’m into astrology and signs. And no lie for me This entire year I’ve been inspired by the sign of libra as a whole. So some Astro 101 for you LIBRAS that are coming across this message. 

Believe there are seeds in here for you Libras. You do not accidentally stumble into the rabbit hole of
Enchanting Babble 
Even if you visit only once 
the one thing you needed was received
every portal 
Reaches its intended target
Divine right timing 
I’m still making my peace with divine timing 
I’ll admit that I’m still annoyed by it - yet certainly do get it - and even my getting it has evolved and changed 

Libra sign signs you SHINE 

Collectively in regards to vibing highest --- Libras rock out in this element --- I have truly been admiring your CONFIDENCE Levels 

your confidence levels are something to be admired 
especially noting that to get to a certain level of comfortability with yourself you have to have beaten yourself up pretty bad ***internally*** and to be able to rock out anyways - after all the beating down - and to wear your crown so boldly and confidently anyways - what can I say.. this is ADMIRABLE in every kinda way.... 

so allow for me to admire you this way 

This year is a big year in growth and rebirth for libras period and If you want to learn more about that let me know I will lead you to where you can learn more about what interest you most lol 

Granted Libras have a lot of growth potential in the maturity leveling department - but this post is not about that - and of course they have to be some kind of level of immature ((or perceived to be that way - I say that deflects from all the bloody hate they receive their way anyway)) so maybe they are most wise - gifting a certain level of venusian trust and faith that lovers can lead the way by example.

May you begin to HONOR your  CONFIDENCE as you are MOST WORTHY of doing - funk what other people got to say anyway - they should only be speaking for themselves in any department - but this is the 3D reality of many things..

if there is one sign significantly hated on most - Libra's certainly take these hits thru and thru ...

astrologically they are either hated or loved and in this percentage battle it has been 50/50 for Libra's

they certainly are physically attractive 
and there is something rather sexy about each of them 
and their lust for love is quite addictive in many waves
and how good they make those around them feel 
that part of them is every bit real and genuine too 
Libra's Loving nature 
that Venus energy of LOVE 
expressive in every way 
ADMIRABLE i dare say
Love is their captain in every way and she wears heels too
heals that will pierce your heart
and your d*ck if you let them lick 
they love to lick 
and that confidence 
part of Libra SUN / MOON / RISING and VENUS 
this applies to you too...
this sexual energy of an appetite you radiate and glow 
you ooze sensuality in every way
it is easy to love the best parts of you through and through 
and your CONFIDENCE certainly admirable 


 Libra's naturally on defense mode never on that hater whack mode although they receive it plentiful 

their level of confidence should be admired 
it is not easy wearing this kind  of Godly / Goddess crown 
they have dealt with many not being as kind with them as they deserve and they still are nice people although a bit kooky and eccentric 
their defense modes often times become part of their magic and their lure 
Dramatic as they can be 
that victim mode mentality plays strong with this sign and that is the line of growth that needs some work in this life - to less point fingers and instead become more aware of their own position and placement and how that came into being ---
definite works on maturity to settle out some of this karmic astrological energy that is a part of libra's lessons in this life -  -- the all they give and the less they feel they receive can rather feel lonely to this sign - especially when they do not see in their mirror their own roles they have played or allowed to play out in their own world - - - a lesson on self love and valuing all their worth is part of their rebirth .....

typically good vibes 
definitely gossip liking folk
but they sure are the host with the most and put on a show 

Glam Dolls in every wave

too much noise can make them feel anxiety filled and their eccentricities play out in various nervous like ways when energies like this are triggered 

 artsy / crafty and lovely social butterflies 
flying high into their own 
confidently they Strut their stuff 
and this 
is admirable 

What sign are you? 
Are you a libra too? 
What about your moon sign? 
what about your venus sign? 
what about your rising sign? 

We are all more than one sign 

Do you know your other signs ?

Check out 

Free birth chart if you know your birth time ....

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Enchanting Cosmos Just for You ❤️

#EnchantingBabble #Crystal #healing #Planetary #cosmos #VisualWordArtist #Astrology #Lover #astroQueeN #Art #doodles #eXpreSsyourSoul #sun #uranus #Trine #square #saturn #ascendant #EnchantmentsTherapy

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Astrology 101 for You how our Glorious SUN is conjuncting our NatalVenus .. Say what ❤️❤️

When there is a conjunction going on in our atmosphere this represents when two planets are in close orbit to one another and the energies of both of these planets are amplified, blending together & acting together at the SAME time. A conjunction Is considered the most powerful of the major aspects. SoOo pay Close attention!!!

As stated before in a previous post our Magnificent sun is our representation of our indivudual egos.
The sun shines light on all of our aspirations. Our Sun is our Will and dynamite, our kingdom come and our outwardly representation that which we tend to be.. Our Sun is our Comfort zone, unlike our Ascendant sign/ Rising Sign which in our birth charts represents our image that is projected onto others.

There are so many Lovely Layers to our entire composite birth soul molecular being that it is most fascinating when you sit and Ponder and marvel into just the impact this understanding can truly be in our lives... Hopefully it allows you too to SEE .. How much fascinating glory and story there is to WE..

To YOU..
To me ...

To US ..

Cheers Enchanters for you are delightfully Enchanting.  ❤️❤️❤️

Now back to our Sun ..
Wait not yet .. Bloggers check in .. How are my Astro 101 Cosmicology reports vibing with YOU, my enchanting reader ??? Are you able to follow ?? Am I even making any sense to you ?? Or is this all jibber jabble wobble wtf yo ?? Lol 

Well how would I know if you NEVER say ...

So please I encourage all of you to play ... 

Speak your mind .. Only way to improve and deliver what you wish to hear and understand is if you embrace my loving open hand and look me in my eyes and tell me.. Share with me, what is on your mind ...

Is blogging not a social site as well .... 

OKkk.. Obviously this chant is now uncut ... Now back to our sun....

Our Sun is perceived as the masculine part of our delightful personalities... the Yang to our Yin... and since our Sun is this very aspect of masculine energy being representations of ourselves in our lives, the sun also represents all male figures / important ones who have had their affect on us in our lives. For example  (father, brother, husband, gramps, uncle , first boyfriend ((( yikes )))) lol  etc.). Our sun also kingly provides us with clues to the image we carry / project / understand / perceive this masculine counterpart of our existence and life and the roles that men in general have had on you regardless of your born sex.  The sun ((( only if you look of course ))) can further your understanding of the type of relationship you yourself will have with them / your reaction / your action / your choices / your warmth / your caution / your thoughts etc etc etc regardless of your own gender the sun can bring more awareness into showing you ... YOU .. Objectively of course in your own intimacy and dealings / handling of these male influences in your life. 

This sounds like a bottle of wine would be needed when you decide to go deep ... Like I mean deep ...  I say wine cause wine ((( red wine )) tends to make me sleepy ... And after any clarity wonders and deep sea diving of any sorts ... Shavasana / Savasana I never can remember the correct spelling .. I see both spellings everywhere lol anyways ... After any deep sea level of inner explorations ... Corpse pose / SLEEP / take a nap ... Is definitely a good way to end this self Growth WanderLust Session you are discovering. I highly recommend naps after any strong / intense / magnificent / soulful journey experience you have ....  

Tie the fkn two together ..

Believe me ..

You will understand why more later once you make it a habit .. Or at least try to.. Lol 

 The SuN anyway is Faery SUNNY and with all perceived SUNNY things this also makes our SUN stand for POSITIVE energy values & Good old cheer and joyful stuff. Our Sun Radiates and Smiles and reveals to those who seek much more depth into you than just some photoshopped photo your projecting into our Universe. 

Our Sun is our Superficial Flasher Dancer ..

Come bask in his Rays of glorious days. 

Ahh!! Now our beautiful Venus enters our energetic field and fix and tell me now Enchanters, which one you is never in need of love ?? Come on.. We all need some extra Loving in our lives and Venus well I know this Goddess personally and she is ALL ABOUT LOVE, she drives me crazy with her passions. Lol so much so I have Love Tattooed all over me in different ways and plays and parts .. Haha 

Venus of course is associated with love, beauty, well-being, compassion, gentleness & all the beautiful things that tie into the greatness of LOVE. 

I would recommend you finding out what your VENUS sign is in your birth composite chart, based off the time you were born. A cool free astrology site that I swear by for I swear at least  13 years (( I know this to be true simply only because I can recall using this site all those years ago when I was a preggers Faery with my little emo beauty & I always recommended this site to my friends who were interested.)) well anyways you can visit and they offer to you a FREE birth chart analysis and for it being FREE they sure do GIFT you with pages of insight into your birth chart analysis... For FREE... So yea .. Find out your VENUS sign in your chart and then read all up on the sign that your VENUS sign falls under.
Like for example my VENUS sign is in CAPRICORN, so one perception of this is my reserved nature when it comes to LOVE & believe me there are many other fascinating things that just have made sense to me over time.
Again.. You do as you wish, I am only sharing with you the things I LOVE....

Back to Venus, the Goddess our Planet of Love & Beauty. She ((( in your birth chart ))) describes your romantic life, how you show your affections, how you spend your leisure time, the way you behave with towards your love partners, your levels of intimacy & she also describes what it is that you look for and need from love. Venus is our vulnerability, our softening our Awakening to the very things in life that enliven our spirits. She beautifies and creates pleasant situations because Venus is all about LOVE & HARMONY. 

 Like the Moon, Venus is perceived as a feminine planet, ((( opposite our masculine Sun ))) but Venus is more sensual, more seductive  and more attracted to all the pleasures this life/ our life has to offer. Venus desires to please and indulges in all our senses. 

Interestingly in a man's chart, Venus symbolizes the mistress and the type of woman who physically attracts & stimulates him and with whom he wishes only to have short-lived love affairs. But that is part of a mans journey in his life where he truly learns what matters and is most important to the worth of his heart, but only if he lives and learns. 

The age of Venus begins with the arousal of our feelings, when we begin to desire intimacy in our lives  and when we begin to pay attention to our own physical appearance. Venus she is all about the maintenance of beauty, some may call it superficial vanity, she would call it LOVE OF ONESELF. 

Perception is VITAL..


Always wear your BRA!!

Transiting Sun in strong conjunction with natal Venus
What can this mean ???? Well it certainly does indicate that this Is one of the strongest blend of energies represented by these two planets floating around in our atmospheric universe. 
With this energy in our air You will find that relationship concerns are on top of your mind .. Love beckons you. And for the next few days this transit is in effect you will feel all its affects infecting your souls LOVE journey. What is LOVE trying to whisper to you ? Are you LISTENING ?? What does your HEART say ??? Ahh.. But  You are most certainly becoming more consciously AWARE of the way you FEEL & the behavior you have chosen to display in every one of your relationships..

What are your patterns of behavior and are they serving your Love justice ??? This energy will highlight for you  your most intimate partnerships as well as all of your business associations & close friendships. This is an EXCELLENT time for You to take stock and try to view / SEE clearly your own relationship energy, and what signals are You sending out and attracting. Are you satisfied in your love department at this current time ??? All these floaty images that come to your mind, what is love trying to hide ? For Love is free and open and wishing to soar ... It is time for you NOW to perhaps find out / Determine / Decide / Understand / Take action and See LOVE & its importance to you & what your soul wants and needs from it and if it's lacking maybe it's time for you to take ACTION & go for it !!!! 

During this time Your appreciation for the beauty that surrounds you and your desire for enjoyment and joy in your life and enjoying all of life's pleasures are enhanced at this time and totally energizing our fuel needed to go out and ENJOY what life gifts to us. 
This transit inspires all of our  personal creativity giving it a boost of instant flow so this is also an excellent time  to get lost in our artistic projects / creations or creative endeavor our hearts and souls beat for because Venus is all about enhancing every beauty known to life and bringing it to LIFE.  

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.