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Showing posts with label healer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healer. Show all posts

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Enchantress The Babbler


I am An #Alternative #Lifestyle #Healer.  I am an Intuitive, #Psychic, Channeler, Spiritual Advisor, #Yoga #Instructor & #Master #Alchemist & Motivational Coach specializing in Energy Work & Body Work and I am available by appointment only.  I am a Mystic whom travels the world assisting others in their #healing processes, one soul at a time.  

For more information about my services: 

Connect with me on all my #social media platforms for #quantum alignment.  I #offer various services along with many #freebies. 

Follow me on Instagram @Enchantress

Make sure you Follow and Are subscribed to my blog: 

To purchase or download my book “The Darker Knight Light of My Soul” kindly visit : 

I am an Artisan Healer constantly evolutionizing and healing. Donations to this Channel contribute to the work that I do on every channel all across the board.  It warms my heart to receive and to #feel the love, kindness and #support from all of you. I appreciate you. Thank you. Positive Love fueling Vibrations that are Donations are wildly accepted.  

Venmo : @Enchantress-TheBabbler

CashApp : @Enchantre55

Zelle is also an option must be requested

Amazon Wish List Donations: 

READ Important Disclaimer: 
All content contained in any and all of my #videos are #artistic in expression and Free to everyone here.  This work is not only personal and general, it is entirely derived from my own life experiences, personal development and intended for your own use for personal development as well as proper usage based off of your own ability at #discernment.  This is not meant to diagnose you nor do I claim to be your medical #doctor, #therapist or licensed mental health professional on these 3D realms. This is designed by the divine to be of use to all that synchronistically find themselves coming here.  The information provided here is not to be used in place of any other professional treatment you seek or have in your life. You alone are responsible for any and ALL of your own choices you make and the decisions you take action on in your own life. This is entertainment at its most divine and healing #energies but in no way shape or form am I responsible for the #actions you decide to create and make in your own life.  Any use of this information in any of my channels is you holding #yourself accountable for the conscious choices you make in how you perceive to resonate with any and all of these messages. All content is for entertainment purposes only and to be used at your own discretion. Those under 18 are welcome here as long as you have adult supervision for many of these mature topics of discussion. Thank YOU

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Come join our Cat Walk - Ebony 2.0 Healthy Update

This weekend was rocky in regards to the constant TLC needed and given to the improvement of Ebony 2.0's health condition. I will say that I did pull a card for Ebony Sunday evening and was gifted
and I swear - miraculous healing this journey sure has been!
Did I mention that Ebony's name means 

Ebony 2.0
(aka Ebony Moon) 
Receiving Steam vapor treatments for her URI (upper respiratory infection) 

Kindly keep Ebony in your prayers 
She is doing phenomenally better and we are HAPPY to witness her recovery and I am most happy to once again SEE her pep in her walk again.. 
she sure does have the most cutest and quirkiest 

Now lets engage in some CAT TALK and share with me  any of your natural and works for YOU - pet HEALING remedies for Asthma and URI 

Thank YOU for dropping down this Enchanting Rabbit hole of Soul Food and Adventures

#Ebony #2.0 #update #pet #healing #recovery #station #medical #vet #license #to #love #sharing #equals #caring #asthma #uri #holistic #remedies #natural #pets #lover #steam #vape #vapor #kitten #brightlights 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Uncut Crystal Love Talk

Crystals just make me oh so very happy for they do give us much of the energy that they are known for... all we have to do is pay attention...

I keep crystals everywhere and I always carry crystals and stones with me...

Crystals Have wonderful Power that they exude and do not worry about knowing all there is about crystals... 

Look around.. see which crystals call out to you.. Which ones are you naturally drawn to... That is how I collect my crystals... I am drawn to the crystals that I have... and the fun part of getting to know them is after I select the ones that I want when I find them... the best part of it all is learning all there is to know about them....


Super D.. Duper fun...


What do you like to collect?? 
I can safely say that I do collect crystals and stones... I have been doing this for many years already so it is a part of my lifestyle...

If you are a crystal / stone lover just like me.. tell me which stones and crystals do you love?? Do you have any favorites...


Tarot Reader Art Doodler ❤️

#KingOfFire #Owl #Wisdom #TarotReading #Doodler #Art #image #Crystal #Readings #Gypsy #Healing #Artist #EnchantmentsTherapy #freeTarotReading #Tuesday #desires #WritersOfig #EnchantingBabble

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Stop / QUIT Smoking Crystal Help

The power of crystals in our life and the medicinal healing benefits of its crystallized power is worth the shot in trying to eliminate such an addiction....

Helping to put an end to it // to quit / & terminate such a nasty habit ...

Good luck and many blessings to you if this is your path ...

Believe in your strength to overcome 


Saturday, January 17, 2015

Hungry Faeries Smirk

I am so Hungryy I decided to take a #HotMeSs #Faery #Selfie while I continue my #Loving #CoOking #SmirKcentrAL #SatYourDayRight #ShowLoVeTheBroOklynWay #ArcherFlow #Namaste

Featured Post - Available NOW on AMAZON!


  SANCTIONED BY FIRE I don’t need your applause, I am thee thunder in the pause, The spark in the dark where the wild truth claws, Unstoppab...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.