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Showing posts with label FREE tarot reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FREE tarot reading. Show all posts

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ten of Cups Doodler ❤️

#TenOfCups #TarotReader #Tarot #Art #Souljourney #ArtLoVer #Doodles #EnchantmentsTherapy #EnchantingBabble #WishesComeTrue #Happiness #DreamOutLoud

Tarot Reader Ten of Cups Speaker .. dreamer ❤️

Escape with me as the ten of cups leads us into our field of dreams and garden of Eden. Where dreams and wishes do come true. #TarotReading #CrystalHealing #TenOfCups #EnchantmentsTherapy #EnchantingBabble #Tarot #Art #Doodles #Oracle #Messenger #Positive #Omen #SomeoneIsGettingMarried

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Seven of Wands Tarot 101 ❤️

#Tarot #Cards #sevenOfWands #Tarot101 #EnchantingBabble #CrystalHealing #CrystaLoVer #oracle #messages #TarotART #LoVE #Gypsy #Poetess #WritersOfig #Dreamer #Pen&Paper #oldSkoOL #AncientSoulWays

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tarot Intertwines Art Doodles ❤️

Pages combined #intertwined #Angel #TarotReading #Artist #Doodles #NineOfEarth #AceOfFire #Pen&Paper #WritersOfig #eXpreSsyourSoul #CrystalHealing #EnchantingBabble #EnchantmentsTherapy

Tarot Reader Art Doodler ❤️

#KingOfFire #Owl #Wisdom #TarotReading #Doodler #Art #image #Crystal #Readings #Gypsy #Healing #Artist #EnchantmentsTherapy #freeTarotReading #Tuesday #desires #WritersOfig #EnchantingBabble

NINE OF EARTH ~ Angel Message ~ Faith ❤️

#NineOfEarth #AngelicRealms #Angel #Tarot #Soul #Readings #Choice # 3 #Faith #enjoy #Simplicities #Luxuries of #Life #SpendTimeAlone #Successful #SelfEmployment

ACE OF FIRE ~ Angel Oracle MesSage ~ LOVE ❤️

#AceOfFire #Angel #Oracle #Messages #card #Divine #Meaning #Synchronicity #EnchantmentsTherapy #New #Opportunities #careerAdvancement

Angel Tarot Card Reading Reveal ❤️

Good Evening Beautiful Souls here are the results to #Angelic #TarotCard reading posted earlier. If you provided me with your selections please note that after this post I will tag you along on whatever tarot selection you made ....

Please kindly pay attention for there Have been some changes to me providing you with your chosen selections. 

All readings will from NOW on going forward be done in good #oldSkoOL #Fashion #pen&Paper ... So with this being in mind I do understand that Instagram does not allow for you to ZOOM into a picture. So if you are interested in #RECEIVING an email with your card selection please do send me a #DirectMessage or email me at and please indicate which selection you desire me to email to you & I will gladly send to you at my earliest convenience / asap .. All depends 🙏  either way may your reading resonate with you profoundly and may it further encourage and grow you on your soul journey. #THANKYOU all for your #Love&Support #Namaste #LoVEDesireFaithDreamS #Tarot #oracle #Message 

From left to right ...


Free Angel Tarot Reading ~ Love / Desires / Faith & Dreams : Pick YourCard

Good Lovely Morning to you ALL ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘 may you all continue to be blessed everyday & all day immeasurably. It is free tarot reading #TUESDAY & I ask that if you're going to join along to please take a few deep breaths with me and clear your mind and let's inhale peace, love and acceptance and exhale confidence, growth and wisdom.. Let's twirl our heads rounds and round.. Allow for your left ear to touch your left shoulder and your right ear to touch your right shoulder .. Inhale deeply and please do not be so rushed and impatient for this is your body, your temple, your sacred space and how it feels is a huge contributor to how you too are feeling. SoOoo Breatheeeee with me ... Inhale and exhale ahhh hmmm even make the sound .. Shake everything off and now my beautiful lovelies you are being introduced to my Angel Card Reading which is a most cherished and lovely gift to me by my bubbly Faery sis @tidesofthemoonchild 😝😝😝😘😘🌟🌟🌟 so let's thank her for this #Angelic #Blessing of a reading today ❤️❤️❤️❤️ so my dears I present to you all the #Magic #4 from left to right meet 
#LOVE #DESIRE #FAITH & #DREAMS .. The Angels have something to reveal / gift to you in these departments .. But here is the thing you only can pick ONE .. Only one of these messages will apply to you today in some way ... Resonating hopefully deeply and profoundly encouraging further self soul discovery on your part. Inhale Peace Love & Acceptance and exhale Clarity Wisdom & Healing .. May we all be beacons of #Love&Light #ShowLoveTheBrookLynWay #Namaste 

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Me / YoU ~ Angel Oracle MeSsage ❤️

Left / right 

Yin/ Yang 


Stop worrying you're pretty little head for the fruits of your labor continue to grow.  This is harvest season baby.. Patience is ESSENTIAL and use this time to execute your next steps. You may feel as if you have so far still left to go, but always be kind and fair to yourself realizing how far you truly have come. Review and acknowledge your progress from a broader perspective. Having anxiety in regards to your current situation is not needed at all. And any halt experienced in forward movement is only optical illusion and most temporary. This is a good time for you to rest / vacation and recharge your batteries. When this card shows up the seven earth is here to remind you that you will shine and preservere. Your milestone will be reached. All your new approaches you are considering and embarking on are wonderful journeys for you that will open many doors. And stop your unnecessary useless worry for everything is ok.. Everything is more than ok .. Everything is wonderful...

With YoU, a recent life event or situation has been a Huge WAKE UP call for YOU to make some serious LIFE CHANGES. This may be a new REVELATION or something you've known for quite some time and just have been procrastinating about. NOW is when you have REALIZED that this situation can NOT just be simply ignored and that ACTION from you is absolutely necessary. 

This is a moment BOTH of FREEDOM & AWAKENING. The way You SEE yourself and the WORLD has FOREVER CHANGED, bringing you beautiful GROWTH & ENCOURAGING you to spread your wings & fly. ALLOW for these NEW insights to MOTIVATE you to embrace the PATH of your HEARTS TRUE DESIRES & your intuition. Liberation is waiting on you. For you suddenly SEE the truth, YOUR TRUTH! There is rapid, inevitable CHANGE taking place in your life. Time is running out. 

Call on ArchAngel Chamuel who can help you find whatever you're seeking , including right relationships and a divinely guided career. Call upon Chamuel and then follow your INTUITION, which is the way this ANGEL speaks to YOU. 

Chamuel (who is also often known as Kamael) means "One who seeks God." 
Archangel Chamuel is also known as the angel of creating peaceful relationships.   Chamuel’s significant role can help us to discover Gods love, find our own inner peace, help resolve conflicts with others, forgiving people who have hurt or offended us, he can also help find and nurture romantic love.  Chamuel also loves to reach out to serve people who are in turmoil & who need help in finding peace.
In art, Chamuel is often depicted with a heart that represents love. 
Energy Color:

Do you ever see pink shiny sparkles ... Flashes of lights from the corner of your eyes. Energy orbs that are pink in color / fuschia even ... Anything images that appear to be floating in the sky around that are any shade of pinks ... Well my friends ... Think about it ... What is it that you are really seeing ???? Associate the colors you see and do your research as to what or better yet who is it that is trying to gain your attention. 


Friday, January 16, 2015

Featured Post - Available NOW on AMAZON!


  SANCTIONED BY FIRE I don’t need your applause, I am thee thunder in the pause, The spark in the dark where the wild truth claws, Unstoppab...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.