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Monday, September 2, 2024

CELESTIAL WHISPERS : Rebirth of an Era: Embracing Pluto's Final Dance in Capricorn


Celestial Whispers with Enchantress Thee Babbler where we explore thee intricate dance of the cosmos & its profound influence on our personal & collective journeys. This podcast is your gateway to understanding how celestial events impact every facet of life—from love and relationships to career and creativity, all infused with spiritual insights. Let's tap into the universe's wisdom and align with its magical energies to enhance our lives.

Let’s dive right in, tap in, turn on, and tune into the divine existing within our shrine to align and alchemize as we explore this profound cosmic shift!

On the enchanted date of September 1st, 2024, Pluto, the mystical planet of transformation and rebirth, returns to the steadfast sign of Capricorn, where it will dwell until November 19th. This is a final farewell tour, as Pluto will then journey into the visionary realm of Aquarius for the next 20 years—a voyage that won’t see Capricorn’s shores for another 284 years.

This is not just another transit; it is a pivotal moment in the celestial dance, marking the end of an era and the birth of a new epoch. Pluto’s cyclical journey between Capricorn and Aquarius, which began in March of last year, has been a profound lesson in contrasts—an epic tale of tradition versus innovation, structure against freedom. If you wish to immerse yourself further into this cosmic narrative, please check out ENCHANTRESS THEE BABBLER ON YOUTUBE, there are several videos on this topic alone!

Pluto’s energy is potent, a force that tugs at the emotional currents within us all, amplifying every shift, every transition. During these three months, as Pluto revisits Capricorn, expect the energy to surge—bringing the old and the new into sharp relief. The structures of the past, the empires that once seemed unshakable, are now crumbling. In their place, grassroots movements and humanitarian efforts are rising, lighting the path forward.

Remember, the last time Pluto danced through Aquarius, the world was aflame with revolution—the French and American revolutions reshaped entire nations. More recently, Pluto’s entrance into Capricorn in 2008 heralded the financial crisis, pulling back the curtain on the shadows of failing systems. Now, as Pluto revisits Capricorn one last time, the timing—so close to the U.S. presidential election—feels divinely orchestrated, as if the universe itself is urging us to see the truth, to confront the shadows that linger.

The next three months may feel intense, volatile even, as this transformative energy reaches its crescendo. You may sense the chaos in the air, within yourself, and among those around you. But remember, this is a sacred process of healing—a stripping away of all that no longer serves, clearing the way for the new, the true, the essential.

As we navigate this powerful time, let us hold onto the wisdom of the stars and the strength within our souls. As T.S. Eliot once said, “The end is where we start from.” This is not the end, but a new beginning—a chance to rebuild on the foundation of truth and light.

Power Affirmation Decree : I embrace the transformative energy of Pluto, trusting that all change leads me to a higher purpose. I release what no longer serves me and welcome the new with an open heart, knowing that I am aligned with the divine flow of the universe.

Let us continue to journey through this celestial transformation, with hearts open and spirits strong, ready to embrace the profound changes that are on the horizon. Until next time, may your innergy be ever luminous. 🌟

More videos on ENCHANTRESS THEE BABBLER on YouTube on this topic

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