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Monday, August 26, 2024

What’s For you Will Not Pass You

“What’s for you will not pass you.”

In this space of quiet contemplation, I reflect on thee intricate dance between holding on & letting go. It’s an inner battle, wouldn’t you agree? That struggle to release our grip & trust that what’s meant for us will find its way into our lives <<naturally>> 

But ohhh, the freedom that comes when we truly believe in thee divine order of things & the peace that settles within our (( mind - Body - Heart - Soul )) when we accept that what is for us will never pass us by.

It’s a profound testament of time, this act of <<letting>> go. A test that reveals our deepest truths when we learn to surrender to thee flow of life & allow things to simply manifest at their best, in their own divine right timing. Whenever we humans feel compelled to force something into existence, it’s often because we believe deep down that we lack it & that belief itself is a profound revelation. There’s such wisdom in letting go, in releasing thee people, places, memories & moments that are fleeting. We often hear, “If you love someone, set them free,” & if that love is meant to be, it shall be & will be.. It’s a sweet notion, know what I mean jellybeans? Because what is truly ours will never say goodbye - doesn’t mean it won’t make us cry or break our hearts but what’s meant to be will always find its way back, like love that lingers in thee heart, patiently waiting for its time.

As Alfred, Lord Tennyson so beautifully put it, “Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers, and I linger on the shore, and the individual withers, and the world is more and more.” And here I am, lingering on thee shore of my own innerstanding , understanding while experiencing the tides of life ebb & flow. There’s so much more beyond our grasp & yet, it’s in the letting go that we make room for thee beauty of what is to come. It’s in trusting that our universe is conspiring with us, not against us, that we find & develop our true path.

So here I am, letting go, allowing thee universe to work its magic, while whole heartedly  trusting that what is truly mine will never & would & could never pass me by. ✨

Truths within 

With love always, 


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