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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Unmasking My Soul: Embracing Authenticity in a World of Facades

Welcome back to another Enchanting Babble freestyle monologue! Inspired by my latest video compilation, we’re diving deep into thee magic of authenticity and the dance of the mystical with the mundane. Get ready to explore, reflect, and embrace your true self. Let’s tap in, turn on & Tune in! 

We are souls masquerading as humans as the story is being told, but truly, what are we and whom are we is the question neither of us really know. Even when we believe we know whom and everything we are, there is this slice of the pie that is missing. There are stories etched in ancient history and space that paint a picture as to why our telomeres were removed, which could truly explain everything. I love how within the word “telomeres” lies the words “tell” and “me.” So tell me, telomeres, where thou ye be? Thee quest for this missing piece somewhere within this grey matter continues. Do we really all matter, or are we just mad matter? Thee perplexities of our human existence astound me every day & yet every day I find myself attempting to still exist within it all. Thee horrors persist, and yet here I am, still being all sweet about it. Thee insanity is real, folks. As real as this invisible holy field and auric field we radiate and penetrate every single cellular molecular second of a non-existent time that benefits our kind. Calling every soulmate on this feminist whiplash of loneliness—not appealing—that ruined it for others for real, they need to hurry for real. ‘Cause like, what is the deal? We all are hungry for love and yet many of us are unhappily ever after, taking pictures attempting to sell thee facade to the world. Empty be a wave. I’d rather be alone than with others feeling alone. This world distorted over millennia of time that the mad scientists were able to penetrate every mind and mind buck it into oblivion. I’m beginning to understand better the pleasures of being able to rest and take a nap, and how we should never ever take that for granted. It’s a gift to be able to rest in a chaotic world and still feel inner peace. Bliss in me. Some of us are literally too cute to be bothered with many things. Just as the glittery cat depicted within these photos. It’s not a promo, it’s a glow some more type of effect of inspiration and motivation beckoning us all to embrace and have. My little ponies be saying many triggers and just continuing to be curly with it—sorry if another becomes pressed. That’s their karma to ingest, digest, and dissect. Witches don’t even be talking out loud anymore about me, but mind reader is a thing. I hear ya loud and clear. You may not say it, but you think it, and the part that makes thee most sense is the way you truly feel about yourself that falsely and in thee most ugliest of ways projects that unto me—that sounds like a YOU problem. So no longer will I be phased by your ignorant wave and ego attempt to ignore, dismiss, and try to make me feel insignificant just because that’s how you feel about yourself. My words will hurt, but they are designed to help you help yourself. I WISH YOU EVERYTHING YOU DESERVE & with this decree, I set it all free. We each know our deservingness and if you don’t, please do get better acquainted. If you’re miserable inside, where do you think you truly align? It’s only a matter of time. Tides have shifted in divine favor of the bold and authentically true. Hope that be you. Let it be all of us. That’s always my truest wish. But people love to act like a bish and I got no time for it. Even my pigtails slice and dice. Don’t ever try me, especially when I’m intentionally nice. I do bite. In Aries season I tend to roar a bit more. We all need our fire to sage every stage. Alchemy is in place. “Your truth will bring out the worst in others. Your love will tingle what they’ve numbed. Your authenticity will provoke closed minds. Your gratitude will irritate trolls. Your success will attract haters.
Your empowerment will create enemies.
Your uniqueness will antagonize fear. Your courage will attract cowards. Your sexuality will freak people out. Your joy will tug at their trauma. Your compassion will unmask envy. And love, that’s what it’s meant to do. Your aliveness will reveal many mental prisons, but help to set even more minds free.” Never lose sight of whom you aspire to be & may that person be the authentic you in every shape, size, and form. Due to personal reasons, I will be loving myself with my whole mind, body, heart, and soul. To have gotten this far is indeed a gift. Treasure it. Put yourself on the pedestal &
watch how everything goes exactly the way you align it to be with your desires. “My life got better when I realized I didn’t have to be nice. Nice got me ran over, stressed out, and disrespected.
I’m not nice. I’m a good person.
There’s a difference.” I am BEYOND grateful that my suffering did not force me to become cruel. My job is not to judge another for their cruelty but instead to recognize myself in the space I am divinely led to create. Study yourself sincerely, awareness is a rare treasure that is a gift. Open it. Love is in the air. Taste it. For those knocking on love’s door, love is knocking on your door too. Open it. Abracadabra C’est la vie. SENSING the biggest shifts ever, I am READY!! Here’s a rhetorical to write down and answer for yourself: what do humans most need to focus on in the next 100 years? There’s a love coming knocking ready to penetrate your presence quantumly radicalizing your essence—are you ready? Keep minding your own business and watch the bliss enter with sweet kisses of nectar blissing up your entire world. Repeat after me, I DESERVE THEE BEST OF EVERYTHING! Some people might pretend not to notice you, yet they observe every move you make. They then craft content for their platforms, subtly undermining you with sly digs, believing themselves concealed.

But such behavior is their own weakness and burden. They wear their own ball & chain by behaving in such ways that stain their own energy fields. They stink for real & that’s why they evil eye you while at the same time ruin themselves. Ask yourself and then snap out of it - Why would I care about what non-magical people think of me?

“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi

Embrace this wisdom, and may every step you take be in alignment with thee profound truth of your soul’s journey. Dance with thee universe, and let the cosmos help you choreograph your every divine move.

With Love,
Enchantress Thee Babbler
@EnchantressTheeBabbler YouTube 
@Enchantress Instagram
@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok 
Enchanting Babble on Blogger


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Enchantress’s Elixir: A Magical Brew for Sinus Relief and Spiritual Harmony


Welcome back to Enchanting Babble, where magic meets thee mundane in the most delightful ways! Today, I’m thrilled to share another enchanting & special DIY recipe that’s not just a treat for your taste buds but also a boon for your well-being. Dubbed “Enchantress’s Elixir,” this tea blends a concoction of herbs, spices & natural sweeteners to soothe your sinuses & align your spirit. Here’s how you can create this mystical brew, along with a little trick to keep those herb-filled tea bags from floating to thee top!


Seamoss: Rich in nutrients and minerals, it boosts overall health and supports immune function.
Eucalyptus: Opens respiratory pathways, easing congestion.
Thyme: Antimicrobial, helps fight respiratory infections.
Rosemary: Improves circulation and has a spiritual cleansing effect.
Sage: Soothing for throat irritations and spiritually protective.
Hibiscus: High in vitamin C, aids immune health, and energetically promotes love and divination.
Fenugreek Leaves: Reduces inflammation and helps to clear sinuses.
Cinnamon Sticks: Anti-inflammatory and adds warmth and sweetness to the brew.
Beets: Loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants for general well-being.
Ginger: Spicy and warming, ginger soothes sore throats and boosts immune responses.
Sweet Baby Mangos: Adds a touch of sweetness and enriches the body with vitamins.
Turmeric: Anti-inflammatory powerhouse, also brings a clean, vibrant energy to the mix.
Mullein: Excellent for clearing the lungs and respiratory healing.
JalapeƱo: Adds a spicy kick, stimulating circulation and clearing mucus.
Nettle: Detoxifies and supports the health of kidneys and liver.
Marshmallow Root: Coats and soothes mucous membranes in the digestive and respiratory tracts.
Soursop Powder: Rich in antioxidants, believed to fight inflammation and infection.
Peppermint: Refreshing and cooling, aids in relieving headaches and sinus pressure.
Elderberries: Immune-boosting, full of antioxidants.
Echinacea Leaves: Enhances immune function and reduces inflammation.
Licorice Root: Soothes sore throats and enhances adrenal function.
Pau d’Arco: Antifungal and immune-supporting, it also adds a woodsy note.
Ashwagandha Root: Reduces stress and strengthens immune response.
Bayberry Root: Astringent properties help tighten tissues and reduce mucus.
Lemon and Orange: High in vitamin C, adding a zesty flavor and uplifting energy.
Manuka Honey: Adds sweetness and possesses unique antibacterial properties.
Honey (optional): For additional sweetness, as desired.
Cayenne Pepper: Stimulates circulation and eases pain from sinus pressure.

Ingredients and Their Spiritual Significance:

Seamoss: Promotes emotional healing and soothes the soul with its nutrient-rich profile.

Eucalyptus: Enhances concentration and purification, clearing negative energy.

Thyme: Associated with courage and bravery, it also aids in the passage of spirits.

Rosemary: Used for protection, memory enhancement, and spiritual cleansing.

Sage: Famous for its use in smudging rituals, it clears negativity and promotes wisdom.

Hibiscus: Encourages love, divination, and dreams.

Fenugreek Leaves: Draws prosperity and promotes psychic ability.

Cinnamon Sticks: Attracts success, healing, and psychic powers.

Beets: Grounds spiritual energy and boosts heart health.

Ginger: Adds passion and speed to any endeavor, increases power.

Sweet Baby Mangos: Attracts abundance and sweetness in life.

Turmeric: Provides purification and wards off evil spirits.

Mullein: Offers protection and illumination, particularly in divination.

JalapeƱo: Adds fire to spells, speeding up results and offering protection.

Nettle: Wards off danger, removes curses, and protects against evil.

Marshmallow Root: Attracts positive spirits and offers psychic protection.

Soursop Powder: Enhances healing and ends spiritual attacks.

Peppermint: Purifies and elevates the spirit, stimulates love and sleep.

Elderberries: Protects against negativity and encourages wisdom and foresight.

Echinacea Leaves: Strengthens boundaries and internal defenses.

Licorice Root: Enhances love, fidelity, and sexual vitality.

Pau d’Arco: Protects against physical and energetic infections.

Ashwagandha Root: Reduces stress and enhances spiritual insight.

Bayberry Root: Attracts good fortune and money, wards off negativity.

Lemon: Purifies, uplifts, and brings longevity.

Orange: Bestows abundance, happiness, and peace.

Manuka Honey: Promotes sweet and harmonious energy.

Honey (optional): Sweetens life and attracts happiness.

Cayenne Pepper: Adds protection and removes blockages.

Brewing Enchantress’s Elixir:

1. Preparation: Combine all your herbs and spices into individual tea bags. To keep the tea bags from floating, a handy trick is to poke holes in the bags and drizzle a spoonful of honey on top of each before sealing them. The honey not only weighs them down but also infuses sweetness throughout the brewing process.
2. Brewing Technique: Place your tea bags with ingredients & thee ingredients without a tea bag into a large pot to cover with water. Allow thee mixture to simmer on a low flame, letting ALL thee ingredients gently release their magical properties before bringing it to a boil. This slow infusion helps maximize thee extraction of medicinal benefits.
3. Serving Suggestions: Strain the tea into your favorite mug if you’re in the mood for a warm, comforting drink. Alternatively, let it cool and serve it over ice for a refreshing treat during the day.

Evolutionary Spiritual Symbolism:

Each sip of my Enchantress’s Elixirs not only nurtures thee body but also aligns thee soul. This blend is designed to open up thee heart & clear thee mind, making space for new ideas & spiritual evolutionary growth. It’s perfect for those evenings when you need to unwind & reconnect with your inner self or for starting your day with clarity & vibrancy.

Enjoy this enchanting blend & feel thee symphony of flavors & energies work their wonders on your mind, body, heart, and soul. Whether sipped hot under moonlit shadows or cold under thee sun’s gaze, all of my Enchanting Elixirs are magical & designed to be your companion for health & harmony.

Powerful Affirmation Decree for this Enchantress’s Elixir: 

With each sip, I cleanse my body and awaken my spirit, inviting clarity, protection, and peace into my life.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What Your Bathing Habits Reveal About Your Personality


When you step into the shower, which part of your body do you wash first? It might seem like a trivial detail, but according to some psychological theories, the choice could reveal significant aspects of your personality. Let’s tap in, turn on & dive into the meanings behind the body parts we wash first & the psychology that might be influencing these choices.

1. Face

Starting with thee face is common due to its significance in interpersonal interactions. The face is how we present ourselves to thee world & it’s the primary focus during conversations. People whom wash their face first might be conscientious about their appearance or how others perceive them. They are often considered to be concerned about personal appearances & might be personality types that value a good first impression. Psychologically, these individuals could be seen as self-aware & introspective, often contemplating their actions & how they affect those around them.

2. Arms and Hands

Those whom start with their arms or hands may be seen as practical & grounded. Hands and arms are tools for interaction & work - washing them first could indicate a readiness to handle tasks or take on responsibilities. This choice might suggest that thee person is eager to get things done & is action-oriented. From a psychological perspective, it could denote a strong work ethic & a practical approach to life’s challenges.

3. Chest

Washing thee chest first might signify that someone is a nurturing person. The chest houses the heart & lungs, crucial organs that keep us alive. This choice can symbolize a focus on emotional or personal matters, indicating individuals who are heart-led, compassionate & empathetic. Psychologically, these people might prioritize relationships and personal connections, often putting the needs of others before their own.

4. Back

Washing the back first is less common, given the difficulty in reaching this area. Individuals who wash their back first might be cautious and guarded. Thee back can symbolize vulnerability as it’s a part we cannot easily see or defend. These individuals could be considered highly self-reliant & protective of their independence. They may also have trust issues, as indicated by their focus on protecting their unseen vulnerabilities. I also want to add, that these people may have been hurt (stabbed in the back / betrayed) in their life. 

5. Private Areas

Starting with the private areas might suggest that a person is a very private individual or someone whom prioritizes cleanliness and hygiene. It could also indicate someone whom is shy or introverted, considering these are the most hidden & protected parts of the body. Psychologically, this choice might reflect a personality that values privacy, personal boundaries, and a strong personal identity. It can also signify practicality & a straightforward approach to life’s necessities.

6. Legs and Feet

Individuals whom wash their legs and feet first might be humble & down-to-earth. Feet keep us grounded & washing them first could signify a well-grounded, supportive personality. It might also reflect a journey, suggesting that thee person is either contemplating a new path or is a seasoned traveler in life’s journey. Psychologically, starting with the feet can indicate a person whom is realistic, reliable, & perhaps takes life one step at a time, valuing a steady approach over rush or chaos.

7. Hair

Starting with the hair can indicate a person whom is organized & disciplined. Hair can be one of the more time-consuming parts to wash, especially for those with long hair. This choice might suggest an orderly nature and a preference for taking care of complex tasks first. From a psychological standpoint, these individuals might be strategic, highly organized & possibly perfectionists in their personal & professional lives.

In addition to the body parts you wash first, your preference for the temperature of your shower or bath also holds psychological insights that can be woven into the narrative of your bathing habits and personality traits.

Temperature Preferences and Their Psychological Insights:

1. Cold Showers

Personality Insights: People who prefer cold showers are often seen as disciplined and able to tolerate discomfort for long-term benefits. This choice might suggest resilience, a high level of self-control, and an ability to face challenges head-on. Psychologically, these individuals might be thrill-seekers or those looking to boost their alertness and invigorate their mind and body.

Benefits: Cold showers are known for increasing circulation, reducing muscle soreness post-exercise, and potentially boosting mood.

2. Hot Showers

Personality Insights: Those who prefer hot showers might be seeking comfort and relaxation. This preference can indicate a nurturing personality, someone who values warmth and safety, and who might be more introspective or sensitive. Psychologically, these individuals could be looking to ease anxiety and soothe their nerves.

Benefits: Hot showers can relax muscles, help relieve respiratory symptoms, and can be meditative, helping to decrease stress.

3. Warm Showers

Personality Insights: Preferring warm showers can suggest a balance-seeking nature. These individuals may strive for moderation and are often practical and level-headed. They may find warm showers to be the perfect middle ground that provides both soothing and refreshing benefits without the extremes of hot or cold.

Benefits: Warm showers are good for cleansing the skin without stripping it of natural oils and can be relaxing without being overly sedative.

4. Baths

Personality Insights: Those who prefer taking baths might enjoy the ritualistic aspects of bathing and take pleasure in taking time out just for themselves. This preference can suggest a person who values self-care and introspection. They might be more contemplative or romantic, enjoying the stillness and the escape baths provide.

Benefits: Baths can be therapeutic, offering benefits like muscle relaxation, improved mood, and better sleep, especially when additives like Epsom salts or essential oils are used.

Each of these habits offers a unique insight into human psychology & personality. Of course, it’s important to note that these interpretations are not definitive & are based off of my own interpretations of research and insight. Human behavior is complex & influenced by a multitude of factors including culture, personal experiences & individual circumstances. Yet, it’s fascinating to consider how even thee most mundane of our habits can offer glimpses into our deeper selves. Next time you step into the shower, you might just pay a little more attention to where you begin.

The next time you step into your shower or draw a bath, take a moment to consider not just the body part you instinctively cleanse first, but also thee temperature of the water you choose. Whether you start with your face in a hot shower, your feet in a cold one, or simply immerse yourself in a soothing warm bath, each choice provides a window into your innermost world. These daily rituals, though seemingly small, weave together thee fabric of our personalities, showcasing traits from resilience & practicality to a nurturing spirit and a need for personal balance. Reflect on these habits & you might discover they do more than just cleanse; they offer subtle yet profound insights into whom we are, how we cope & how we relate to the world around us. Embrace these moments of routine as opportunities for self-discovery & personal growth & see what your bathing preferences might be whispering about the deepest sea currents of your own divine psyche.

So which one are you? Tell me in thee comments. I would love to know!! 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Invite Your Monster to Tea

Invite Your Monster to Tea:
It’s Take Your Monster to Work Day. That’s right.
You’re being invited by life, right now, to buy flowers for your demon. Whatever monster haunts your mind with fear, debilitation or shame, it will never cease its power over you if it remains caged in the shadows. So take it out to tea. Ask it why it threatens or taunts you. What pain does it want you to acknowledge? A famous poet once wrote,
“Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”

This oracle message invites you to confront and embrace the parts of yourself that you may find daunting or undesirable—your “monsters” or “demons.” These aspects often represent deep-seated fears, insecurities, or unresolved traumas. By metaphorically inviting them to tea, you’re encouraged to explore these fears in a safe, controlled environment. Engaging with your monsters not as threats but as wounded parts of yourself that need attention and care can transform your relationship with them. It allows for healing and understanding, ultimately lessening their grip on your psyche. The quote in the message underscores this concept by suggesting that our greatest fears might actually be opportunities for courage, beauty, and transformation.

Here is a power affirmation decree to strengthen you as you engage with this message:

I am the sovereign of my soul and the creator of my courage. Today, I choose to face my fears with compassion & strength. I welcome my shadows to the table of understanding, for I know that within them lies wisdom & the key to my freedom. With each breath, I affirm my ability to transform fear into love and obstacles into stepping stones. I am capable, brave, and powerful. My inner light illuminates thee darkest parts of my journey, guiding me to healing and higher consciousness.


CELESTIAL WHISPERS w/Enchantress Thee Babbler # 1


Celestial Whispers with Enchantress Thee Babbler is an enchanting  dose of astrological insights, blending the cosmic energies of thee NOW moments  with intuitive channeled wisdom. Offering guidance, love &  a deeper understanding of how celestial forces can influence our lives & how wonderfully we can work with these energies.  This segment provides a unique and enchanting perspective on navigating thee universe’s offerings with grace and divine magic.

General Daily Insight for April 15, 2024

Today’s astrological climate presents a unique blend of opportunities for growth and healing, thanks to the harmonious interactions between the Moon, Jupiter, and Uranus, alongside a poignant conjunction between Mercury and Chiron. These alignments offer a powerful moment to explore and refine how we manage our emotions and express our authentic selves.

Emotional and Expressive Dynamics:
The Moon’s interactions with Jupiter and Uranus enhance our emotional depth and our capacity for unexpected, positive changes. This is an excellent day to embrace optimism and to allow innovative ideas to flow, especially in how we connect emotionally with others.

Healing Conversations:
As Mercury conjoins Chiron, the focus shifts to our communication. This aspect illuminates the power of words to heal and mend. It’s an ideal time to address past hurts through dialogue, to seek understanding, and to offer apologies or forgiveness where needed. Conversations today can lead to profound healing and a renewed sense of connection.

Advice Across Key Areas of Life:

Love and Romance:
Open your heart to discussions that might typically feel challenging. Today’s energies support healing in relationships, making it easier to express your needs and listen empathetically to your partner. For singles, be open to connecting with others who share your deeper emotional and intellectual vibrations.

Career and Money:
Innovative ideas can flourish now, so don’t hesitate to voice unique solutions at work. Financially, this might be a good time to consider unconventional investment strategies, but ensure to do thorough research or seek advice from a financial advisor.

Life and Spirituality:
The alignment encourages introspection and growth. Embrace changes that may have seemed daunting before and look for ways to expand your spiritual practices. Consider integrating new philosophies or technologies that enhance your wellbeing.

Quotes for quantum Introspection: 
“To heal a wound, you need to stop touching it.” - Unknown

This quote reminds us of the power of letting go of past hurts to allow healing to begin, resonating deeply with today’s Mercury-Chiron conjunction.

Powerful Affirmation Decree:
“I am open to transformative healing and embrace the flow of positive changes. I communicate with clarity and compassion, inviting love and understanding into my life.”

Today is a day for embracing change, seeking healing, and moving forward with a renewed sense of purpose and optimism. Let the celestial energy guide you to higher understanding and deeper connections.

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Cardinal Calls: Unveiling Heartfelt Wisdom with Enchantress Thee Babbler

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.