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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Deep Breath

I Glow as I Grow


Someone needed to read this...
and so just like that..
spirit said there would  be days like this... 
Poetry in dramatic form 
singing songs 
Instead of being present 
you are busy stuck in some past life 
reliving toxic moments meant for you to  innerstand & then pass in peace in full release 
to assist others 
maybe that you do not see 
but fine..
maybe that is just me 
or we
Creators are All of “We” whom see & act accordingly 
Never was man meant to Hang upside down for too long of a time. 
Balance in moderation must be consciously practiced forever & never 
Humans learning to feel clever enduring every weather channeling station predicting events for us all. 
Commander in Chief we need to be - all this when we think Free unlike the bots we see on tv
Hey.. i want to be inside of
Your tv screen 
Plug up station 
This is our nation communicating with our thumbs like
Singing prose while
Swallowing prozac 
What kind of poem
Is this? A real one 
Be Present because NOW is what MATTERS the most & your NOW effects your soon to be NOW which is your future ..
Like ..
this has on your future self 
Whom desires a wholesome living experience that would have you harmonious within your present. 
This future self would
Shared this today 
wrote this some yesterday 

Peace To ALL Hearts

DO not Feel Jaded by this occurrence 
of non occurrence 
or many occurrences that may have occurred in your life 
with others 
influencing your path 
silent undergrads 
studying their courses 
 a choice is always made 
in regards to oneself
at some point or another 
do not let this poetry pull you under and get you with no seat available in the underground tracks stating facts  
no matter the circumstance 
where is your heart center in space?
What part of you hidden from view is tainted in view - some form of energy that Jades one with shades? 
Jaded by the experiences you have experienced in this life
many not feeling right 
or ever justified 
or rectified 
those silent cries 
that one has had to let go of that haunts the very core of their being 
at night 
when no other knows the feeling of this deep layer of ocean 
that is emotion  
DO not rob yourself anymore 
of feeling happy 
Time to discover your own levels of Joy  
so what if so Many things may have not 
gone your way 
choose not to be ungrateful 
right NoW
instead be positive anyway 
Knowing that what you did not receive was something that you got lucky in avoiding that would have later caused something definitely unexpected and certainly not desired nor welcomed 
Come on now
you already know this !
Life would have not turned out any better 
you would of just been enduring a different weather 
IS that truly better?  
But here you are now 
addressing the parts of yourself disappointment by many facts of life that you think not to be so nice 
now what? 
How intelligent are you to hold onto something that serves you only sweaty balls inside of your cereal? 
What do you really care about ?
What can you see for yourself that would bring you so much joy? 
What smile do you desire to bring to your face? 

Let go of every conditioned illusion that has silently and energetically cock slapped you in the face 
many several 
many times even poking your eye 
of socket 
hands in pocket 
How fixed is your type 
consider this a sign 
The Lady of Sorrows feeling jaded inside 
 Jade, let us end the shade 
unblock our tame 
Let Us
MOVE forward 
Choose to Rejoice 

let go of all regret
what is there to feel guilty about when we do what we want when we want to do it - even if later we realize - stupid is as stupid does - but still.. Free are we to switch up lanes - if ever we found ourselves realizing - what we really like and do not like - then we owe ourselves the chance to do what we need to do that is in alignment with ourselves . Beauty between choices and commitments and agreements ... maybe there were contracts too - what can anyone that chose to do - now undo their doing - maybe one must now eat the shit they stirred from a pot they no longer want anymore - but at least now they know their Ultimate truth - and that is the paradigm shift needed to energize their new align the way they want and will design as they choose to transform the patterns of their life - one step at a time...  

and at any given moment after the fact of deciding one thing, we can still change our mind... just like that! and anyone that does not like it - has to eat that too and shit it out.. 
real will always be the flavoring of ingredients I only allow for myself to suck down 

not playing around 
channeling somehow 
when all I wanted to say 
was Spirit said there will be days like this 
where spirit will confront you for some low vibing stunt that needs to be let go 
before more stagnant seeds of reversals are sown 
to get on your own 
and do what needs to be done 


moving forward is an individualized choice to make 
but do not allow the shade of Jade to influence any of your choices 
in any shape 
or sly way 

let go of this energy 
like right now 
do what you want 
do as you do 
Are you a great big pretender 
or Real ?
due to your latest fixation - what are you creating for yourself in your NOWS that Create your Laters? 

things have certainly changed
and so a lot is at stake 
at least it feels this way
heart is the calming space 
of center 
you must labyrinth to 
in all that you do 
Ask What would love do? 

feeding Heartless Love with empty Tales of woe of Lady of Sorrow like worries 
creating scenarios that may never ever turn out to be 
imaginations soaring wildly out of control 
let us demonstrate 
when we get into our KNOW
oh my 
how much we have GROWN 
when we KNOW
our potential to seed
once we
to be fully accountable for ourselves in our own lives and for once deciding when it feels so hard to decide 
but if we listen to our hearts 
that is the best place 
we are ever going to start from 
that is most beneficial to our universal worlds.  

 let go of previous thoughts of this fake 
that does not 
bake well 
What is your current NOW? 
How honest with yourself can you truly be and own up to it too? 

rhetoricals -  how does one let go of something they are use to having just cause it feeds their ego in some way -because to be able to say - is like - ego fantastic in some type of way --keeping up  with their upbringing /  constitution / societal self - familial self - Fixed on their conditioned ways 
 created experiences 
to the origins of patterning developed
 during their entire course of life
feeling like a lie 
so getting out of their comfort zones 
is not an easy task 
feeling all out of whack 
and anxiety filled
finding every excuse in the book to delay from taking action 

beneath the surface exists voices belonging to others that exist in your life 
that are true rulers
of your entire world 
buried in the subconscious layers 
you have placed this God 
Goddess before you 
and they tell 
you what to do
Is this what really speaks truth ? 
What is really real ?
Like for real 
for real
hear real 

Logic would sell oneself many of an illusion out of fear and refusal to be held accountable 
for not a damn thing
inside of their world 
but acting the part 
yet holding no
avoiding so many things 
what is under construction ?
these are parts of our inner worlds and lands 
there is a  committee board training troops all of thee time
this all being transmuted from the scene in no time
these once upon a time previously viewed as limitations
no longer the truth
what is your truth? 
these archaic roots 
of remembrance
letting loose into the 
akashic  headquarters 

How does one refute all they believe to know to be true with no true thing tangible to hold in its place When people resist change 
they look for every reason to support the delay in their lack of response time to the matters at hand 
while the dominating energies rule the current stagnant 
so too becomes many of the Lost Souls Feeling Jaded and alone 
and ignorant to their Jade 
they get thrown off by the shade 
others send their way 
oblivious to the origin of creation that is avoided by an entire nation of unsuspecting suspecting souls tired of this energetic zone 
that now has them awakening to the riot going on outside 
Anxieties on an all time high 
Spirit says there will be days like this 
There will be people you meet that can and will disappoint you in some kind of way especially if you are not All Knowing about your own Inner Cave
their influence can get in the way and infect your energetic auric field 
mindfulness is really real
when you Feel through your deals and handle yourself with care first and foremost 
 leave your Space OPEN for interpretation and proper abilities to discern between the false prophets and Stage Actors whom come into your space 
empty in every kind of way
mercury retrograde
got us on some hush 
type of feels 
if you are not being helpful 
Spirit says there will be days like this 
Honorable Witch 
do not feed into the entanglement of others deceit 
 entangling creeps of Magician type deals 
do not let them talk you into something later you will view as hurtful 
Do not argue this month
let people come into their own space 
love space
Knowing Space
no case made will be heard
 inside of the Vortex GROWS
let us Share 
do not push an argument out do not dare
sabotage your own harvest that is here
not far away at all
Upkeep Maintenance for the planted seeds already sprouting 
My Darling 
what has been kept hidden beneath the surface is rearing its ugly head and all those feelings you attempted to push down for fear of what would come next
you realize the Queen of Hearth and  Home is you 
when other people come in telling you what to do 
how to do 
where to go 
how to speak 
how to think...  
Is this the life you would have designed for you if other people did not speak your life into existence prior to you ever really having any type of say / sway / Swag?
Come on lad, 
how much of your dad is like you that may not be necessarily The Golden truth of view that resonates with you 
deep deep
deepest within your every part 
of Whole that is a piece 
part of your Entire whole 
Are you living Boldly And confidently  ?
 -  someone else's blueprint you copy / pasted and imprinted unto yourself and have somehow convinced your entire Superficial being that this is the way of your world and the only way to see it  ? 
Is this the way you originally dreamed it? 
When did your first dream occur that was not influenced by anyone you think you know? 

This was not meant to be a channeling episode and it turns out the PURGE of this FEELING JADED is something from the Collective in need of Major seeding for some cosmic universal intervening that infuses with each soul however its needed for each soul at the time of infusion. 
Let go of how this is suppose to happen - there is no one design at this time in dealing with the breaking of so many conditioning chains that have souls Feeling Trapped and out of whack...
JADED is this feeling unappealing and bitter in feeling...

Just the other day I would have argued back and said loud and proud that I AM in NO way JADED  - - - In my sound argument I would have presented myself to be right - cause every line of experienced defense I have inside would have pulled out my Jaded Story Book that would of shared one portion of truth that would have been in full support of my line of defense I was attempted to Persuade ((spirit or myself with?)) 
If we are one..
so is spirit and I 
at this time...
Channeling Guide shining some light...
The minute I was presented with Jade in this new insightful way - I literally had nothing to say - but a smile truly shined on my face - cause instantly as I was being shown - the resonance was chilling and simultaneously HEALING those Jaded pieces of me that never got healed - I once upon a time swallowed my hurts and did not even burp.  The acid of Hurt existing under wraps - birthed another mask that did not speak of the past - and moved on from that - meanwhile all the hurt was still in tact.. Jade went to work and created her own outlet of illusion that became a part of my own constitution that was never written by me although I acted out every scene read from a script designed with JADE occupying my shrine way deep inside causing misaligns.  Jade has been the reason why I have blocked many things From my life that I really did want - but pretending to not really care at all - because to admit something so real would hold me accountable for the pledge I just made - but what happens if it does not go down the way I admitted to wanting today?  I was shown the errors of choice made in my Jade lurking cave dictating many of my own expiernces  within my energy psyche. Spirit reminded me that I am not in any misalignment to allow myself to get distracted by the definition of the Word Jade and all its imagined attachments of theatrics sown over our course of time.  So quickly just like that - Spirit made it a fact to point out to me instantly my time line of experience in my life that has Shaded me in Jade - that Was blinding me in many ways causing certain life experiences to play out that appeared to not make any sense - but as I do now notably innerstand - I see where Jade played its role - due to certain experiences I have had that caused so many feelings of disappointment and disbelief to creep into me super deep that not even I whom is conscious was able to see it at first -  position that would ALLOW me to consciously speak or think Blasphemous thoughts that would only numb and dumb me down in my own energy alignment and size.  so how does one rebel in such ways that go against the grain of this DNA inactive system operating on Pre production modules that Post Produce blueprints in best replicated form 
When was the first Manufacturing system created and why? 
Was the first manufacturing system designed in the sky of some mind shapeless in form wishing to be born 
so Matter of f start to attach once a design visualized in mind gets STRONGEr over time 
till it is no longer this thought 
but now this thing 
manufactured to replicate original design 
((first created in the mind))) 

maybe some part of you 
desires to understand another person whom has taken an opposing stance from your land 
and that mind boggles you man
But get over it 
Stand Firm in your Polite 
because when you take a karmic bite into the trench that is drenched with 
so just as You Rock out in your view 
you got to allow 
other people 
to be 
to think 
as they please 
I Choose this Channel of Reality over any 
pretend that attempts to mask itself in 
to only get 
swept away by the wind 
whirling around an air of justice 
that has been absentee from this energy portal for quite some time 
and now 
Justice in every corner 
is blowing over 
Angel Dust 
that sparkles Righteous Acts to be put out on display 
No longer are the Puppets able to persuade 
jaded hearts healing today 

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