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Friday, January 18, 2019


Staring at the moon 
I found myself in this mood 
just now 

How moody we can become when things are not the way we desire it to be..

I mean that is just being honest  about how certain things 
can make me feel
it is like unreal to soak this in 
but maybe I am equipped to do just this 
and go in 
for my galactic win 
but it can get tiring 
is it tiring ?
or is that too part of my conditioned beat up spirit 
just tired of this mundane world 
the energies swirling all around 
I am absorbing and allowing its stream to express itself through me 
so it seems
I am equipped for these things 
Tired I am 
done so it feels 
like why the shadow part of this frustration does not just come right out and state its bent out of shape pent up 
backed up and out 
Shadow work
totally at play here 
are occurring here 
for a collective whole bunch of conditioned souls believing this too 
to be
as told 
in this world of conditioned riots
The Queen of the Night whispers in my ears about the revelations coming into fruition  here 
Indeed the waiting game is at top play 
Shadow WORk 
being done here 
some people NEW to this leveling of Shadow work 
and play 
think themselves super clever and still resonate with the mundane world in many waves
they decide to Shadow play and create 
another ultimate reality 
by  taking out on a date 
Karmic lessons 
served on a platter
leading to disaster
Players Play their role 
Empress vibes unfold 
feeling not right 
Date Night 


Crazy Girl

Crazy indeed 
crazy are we
when we allow 
For love to penetrate us deep 
How sweet 
Lovers dream 

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Soul Guidance

It’s part
Your Growth 
Wholeness Vibrations 
meant for
Your elevations

The Spark

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


#Simple #Life 

Check Mate

Connection To Everything

I dreamt of this water stream
and I was able to see my reflection
I watched my reflection grow
I began to cry
then I heard him too
but his sound was muffled but I knew it was him
I can sense him anywhere
it started to rain
I continued to cry
the action needed by me
was to set him
when you love someone
let them go
let him go
he wants to go
so let him go
let him grow
you'll see him next lifetime


Balance is needing to be restored
first within 
it is ok to be strong for yourself 
you are not to settle for anything less than you deserve 
especially not for unrequited love
You should never have to beg someone to stay
you should never have to feel like you are NOT the prize 
Your LOVER will love you just the way you are 
they will surrender to everything that you are
as you would for them 
Emotional balance is sought here 
he has his choices as you do yours
we are a product of the choices we decide to make in this world 
I choose to LOVE myself WHOLE 
and in this I find PEACE 
if anyone does not VALUE you as you should be VALUED 
let them go 
It is not about punishment 
the way you desire to be loved 
if you can not do this for yourself 
find your truth 
KNOW your authentic feels 
LOVE is real 
if they are more in their head then in their heart
stop the enabling you give with your understanding and compassion 
let them figure it out for themselves 
they already know they have your unconditional love 
but what love has got to do with anything ?

Astral Travelers Playback Moments

Listening now to the dialogue
playing itself out     
Do you too ever playback earlier in the day conversations you have had with other people  & actually listen a whole lot better ?  

cause this playback moment already had passed earlier in the day      

time travel does occur this way - I don't know - I just felt the need to say - and for you to consider traveling outside the paradigm you have never once fully examined to truly determine if it is your spectacle too  - when you visit here  - it is because some part of you craves this leveling of elevating - it is way more orgasmic than any threesome you believe yourself to have completely enjoyed -such wonderful fulfillment 
experimenting with 

I playback moments
and try not to get all caught up in the moment

which means not to invest emotionally in what is being viewed - when you get the opportunity to playback a once upon a time moment - that is you being all powerful making use of your innate abilities to remotely view something that has already taken place.  How cool are you to acknowledge the existence of such a space existing in our multidimensional universe? 

come back.. I know I speak whirlwinds 
when we playback moments - it is not to relive it - although you are free to do as you please.. in this playback I Chose for myself to be like a spectator - audience member - witness - viewer - whatever is clever for these 3rd party perspective type travels - I have learned to appreciate awareness in quantumly dope ass ways that ignite many energetic waves that spread with such purpose and care :) 

anyways back to this playback moment
I was able to observe it as I do
and yet emotionally invested was more like the 4th party view of another higher source within me - was consciously seeing - how much feeling - Im still feeling

If you playback certain moments you experience in your life - be clear on why you want to do such a thing. Is it so that you can be obsessive compulsive and overthink like a controlling maniacal type person? If so, own it... I am pretty sure there is someone out there for you that is into all that kind of stuff --- but just own it ...
I like to playback - for the growth that it affords me and our entire whole.. but that is on some other leveling of soul growth that I speak not now during this current post of expression I find myself still not being able to be clear and direct on ....

you know why?
Because she may like somebody
more like love somebody 
in love 
and we know what that can only mean  
uncharted territory on new alchemy aligns 
creating a new leveling of anxiety that is comical in every kind of way and still frustrating 
because humans are slowest in nature 
flash forward 2019 
 lots of healing is taking place all over the place during this revolutionary evolution now taking place across our shared multidimensional lands 
everything  feels EXTRA heightened 
even Im feeling all extra sensitive
and triggers are entering new realms of deep that even the Giants did not see  this level of excavations being discovered 
here inside of Enchanting Babble's Wonderland 

come back ..
I know..
we took a detour and traveled a bit zig zag like let us get
back to this playback of clarity filled specials that do assist in helping one (me)  LISTEN better and (me) SEE clearer a moment in time that is (very)  important (to me).   Like, how often do so many stay stuck in fragmented moments of time and constantly play repeat hitting that rewind button as though that was all there was to contribute to that particular moment in time?

In every playback moment 
I learn soul much more 

but that is just me
being all deep with myself 
for myself 
others may not like going to these levels and depths 
uncomfortable they may feel about this level of raw 
ooh baby I like it raw 
and I will not stop 
especially when  I feel every bit alive 
true and fueled with passion 
vibrating through every part of my aligned and magnetically delicious  vessel 
How easy is it really to just dismiss how you feel because it disrupts your previous thinking, feeling  and living patterns? 
the torment so many haunt themselves with is astounding and currently wreaking havoc for so many unable to silence the noise that is Loudly making itself known
I laugh cause I know  (hauntings of the brain rob us making  us feel insane when we deny many things) 
I guess  my western astrology side that is mutable and cosmic 
understands  no such world 
having learnt  through my own disguises  of lies that did not sit with me right 
but again.. that is just me.. being my deep usual self 
oh how  far I have certainly come into centered grace 
I tried to not  playback and emotionally feel any type of way  
What can I say, Im human in that way 
I feel 
so that I may HEAL 
but again.. that is just me
Im rather deep 

Be Thankful for what you have 
Be Fearless for what you want 

Divine Fem with her
current meetings involving the Page
Inspire the Page to want to embody the Knight whom Passions burn Bright and boldly Awakens the King
Till then ..
Divine Fem ..
slaughter them whole

is this all too fairytale like for you? 
Good if it is .. 
this world can use more of Noble Love like characters successfully navigating through life building on their Intuitive Connections designed for ALL our evolutionary elevations.  

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Temperance Unfolds Visions

The Devil showed up 
of course he would 
that is part of his folklore of conditioning 
as the story is being told 
unveiled in segments 
 two lovers bind themselves willingly to the collar me syndrome of toxic illusions of love filled in this fabric of life 
lovers embracing conditionings bind  
for ultimate release 
healing divine
their current denial of what is obviously happening 
between them two
outside of the two they view
in between 
the fabricated sheets of distorted illusion 
they know better to keep on going in
for their win
each of them knew
the other 
soul well
lovers sync to tell 
 silently each accepting the other whole 
without fully innerStanding their entire reason why 
intuitively guided to just do what feels right 
their ultimate desires appearing live in the flesh 
each one detects 
the pleasurable erotica each one receives from the other 
deserving they are of each other 
receiving their prize 
Awakening eyes 
realizing this time 
Loves on the rise 
 each fueling passions desiring to further explore 
wanting each other more 
they inspire 
the other 
to Feel authentically 
this awakening of love 
existing within their wells 
to give
this love 
in love
whole love 
feeling love 
breaking the curse of every lovers bind
to be retired this time 
Together, lovers rise
 detachments releasing what has long been expired 
no more these Great big Pretenders 
 the pluck required by each to uproot and release all that which no longer serves
acknowledgement of the many masks once worn 
by each 
rising above, no longer feels of defeat
now each able to view outside their hive 
releasing judgements at this time
allowing for their feelings to erupt from inside 
the sensing and acceptance of Death on high rise 
as lovers unite
with themselves first
these energies leading the pact into duality 
Temperance leading time 
resistance by either of them or refusals are currently being denied 
orchestrated by Universal beings Sublime on another level high 
it is all about this divine right time 
 Higher Selves assisting & persisting them during all the funk 
  while Lovers in the ringer each meet their inner punk meant to face and pluck out what is not desired / wanted / needed 
Mirror Mirror on the wall 
 Rise of inner Power I call 
  Alignment soul true   
in Honor of the whole  
Alchemy plays its role
grow and glow from loves experience  
solidified after experimentation 
their union divinely blessed 
awakening archaic moralities of multidimensional realities 
sages whom build on these strategies 
unveil truths in rhyme for clarity 
what fields do You KNOW of these FEELS in LOVE that groweth soul strong ?
that is not meant to be made a joke inside of the castle grounds
But the Court Jester channeling her Archer Pride decided to dress for this event knowing fully well that her bow and arrow this time must absolutely be used 
with no confuse 
in certain lines of defense she could of danced her way out of this 
but the dance no longer suited the experience being born
if you look up at the clouds 
those are spirit sounding horns 
the bodies claiming surrender as she pirouettes to the very edge of loves  cliff 
no longer feeling stiff 
bows sift
arrows shift
Archer shows 
Temperance unfolds 


maybe every part of you tries to hold onto this image of romance you think you ought to know 
you believe some lover should show you 
every piece of your worth 
but how can they 
if we do not obey our inner thirst
How much is Love worth when it cost us life 
in death 
as we experience every puncture wound 
believed to be caused outside of our lands
in friendship we should see the building empire we live to inspire 
and become that passage way of truth 
for ourselves in this revolutionary way
Temperance is showing up this month for me hardcore
teaching me to have patience in my impatience 
to lick my own pouting lips with love 
and be the beacon on strength and liberation
that I seek to find in others
as they pass thru their own 
fiery projections of introspection meant for their reflection 
and healing 
I think of the fire hoops I have jumped through and realize other people got to walk their own line of align - themselves
and Temperance shows me 
that what is meant for me 
will be 
shall be 
but in the meantime 
I walk my own align 
Lovers Free
to get insync as they need to for themselves
time is an illusion 
also meant for reflection 

Monday, January 14, 2019

Universal Feeling Zones

Are you whole all on your own ? 
What universe do you speak of that is not existing within yourself first? 
What Lover do you seek that does not live inside of your own being? 
What and Who's  universe do you ride with all your mind, body, heart and soul? 
Universe my are you 
feeling zones 

Insecure Introspections

A guy 
A girl
A man 
A woman 
how one behaves 
sure does reveal 
the mirror 
of introspection 
needed to see
how one feels 
about themselves
that is reflected to them through another 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.