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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Universal LOVE Message of a GEM

I love my daughters Oracle cards and their message to my spirit 

when things hurt 
stop looking at it 

when anything hurts 

just stop 

just stop 

Good things coming 

Are you ready ? 


the reality of his lacking in emotion brought to the surface for me the unhealed versions of myself that I have yet to heal and love whole 
how quickly we can absorb straight into the toxicities of the broken fragments of pieces that rob ourselves of Peace
How easily he was leading me off the cliff 
how easily I was giving my power away again 
the stains of reality when we behave in such toxic ways
Oh how I cried 
I cried 
I cried 
these swords that pierce through my skin
in revelation 
on how I walked the edges of every cliff inside of me evolving 
and through trickery of self deceit and denial 
my crown 
human side of me jilted 


It hurts like hell 
to want another 
to feel for another 
to think you connect with another 
to only realize they 
do not want 
or need you 
or feel you 
or vibe you in the same 
or maybe they do but not in the same way 
on the same day 
that  you feel this way
it is always after some point 
of rejection 
that spirit feels some level of detection 
that is left open for introspection 
but it involves some level of deep dive to go into your own hive to pluck out the root of the imbalance this time
it hurts to FEEL alive 
which is why most people 
and walk like zombies in their life 
due to their fear 
of diving in so deep
afraid of how deep their own feelings can go 
you have to jump into the ocean whether you can swim or not 
realizing no matter what happens in the ocean 
we all will inevitably 
Life Boats
sometimes don't come in time 
It hurts like hell
to cry 
and never feel the console 
you think you need
hug yourself please 
this revelation came thru to me in my dreams last night 
he held me tight 
and still rejected my hold 
this construct of feeling stuck in this 3D place filled with robots devoid of all emotion 
this erosion of explosion 
when I say I would much rather die 
and they look at me 
as though 
I am suicide 
like the resistance to think this 3D life is all there is to this business deal 
of a seal 
that for me is like super unreal 
these things I feel 
as I unleash into these deep depths of my soul
the truth that must be told 
as this poetry in me forms something 
untold from this ancient well
of Lovers that burn in hell 
some might say 
she is crazy
this day 
the dream sits on the surface 
of this chaotic purpose 
serving purpose 
for the whole of the whom
that dare 
to care 
and excavate 
for PEACE 
through LOVE 
what is all of this 
Poetry in emotion 
Enchantress The Babbler 


Sipping my own colorful  fragrances 
noting my own deliciousness 
anything unable to recognize 
the rainbow sensations of heaven 
can leave 



on some 
Shake up
centered in my bake up 
that when I sit up 
Im like hold up 
no time for this nonsense 
Royal Highness 

Saturday, January 12, 2019


Star Child: "How will I know when he is real?" 

Star Guide: "You will KNOW, 
and no QUESTIONS will be asked, 
anything beneath this layer of surrender 
is not worthy of your time nor do you desire half a cup of love.  That is an empty warped out sword like fight of an experience!
Star Child,
do you not Know whom you are? 
Star Child,
You are the Sun, the moon
You are a STAR 
You are the God exalted into Goddess  
You Reign Supreme 
Star Child, 
You are the Dream, NOW 


maybe today was rough
maybe today did not go as planned
or maybe today you got to express yourself in some way on these 3D lands
maybe you decided to retreat and hide and further deny 
or maybe you decided not to feel at all 
maybe today was good 
and maybe today you learned some harsh truths about some one or many people or a particular person 
maybe you are feeling disappointed again 
maybe none of this is enough 
maybe life is still feeling rough and tough
or maybe that too is a figment of your own imagination 
maybe life sucks period
and no one really gets it till they gets it and then say fk it 
maybe there is shit meaning to shit life 
maybe just maybe 
you needed to read this too 
for some seed 
that germinates 
common sense into every land 
of defense 
that swings its cocker spaniel like effects
cute on the outside 
shallow as funk on the  inside 
travel outside of every hive and realize you are the writer that is all doom and gloom and bloom 
aligned no longer able to hide 
even the crappy nature of the thoughts that can creep in and justify themselves 
this star child word of advice you should apply to yourself 
in some kind of magical inspiring way
so that you can remember whom the funk  you are and live your life FREE for you -- as long as you keep it real with yourself and honor your truth - people come and go and if they do not align with your vibes - it is ok 
it is ok 
it is ok 
to want more 
it is ok 

High Low Dark

DoeLow Da PilotMan speaks of this quote vibe on his Youtube channel.  His ability to allow himself to be the vessel of Instruct through his communication skills through his mary Jane kind of waves - brings him down to this wave of page existing on these 3D lands that allows for his instruct to be understood and inner stood by those whom are aligning with these knowledge filled circuits that are part of many live wire circuits ..

what circuits do you circuit on the circuit ???  

come back..
I speak out of Poetic streams that create dizzy themes  meant to chase away the robbers and the Sobbers whom have not emotionally matured enough ... not yet

come back.. 
you need to come back to see what I mean without being so lost in between any of my words..


over your head syndrome is what I can do when intentional within my diversions of poetic explosions... 

High Low Dark 

((say that out loud)) 

High Low Dark 

Aligned Goddess Divine

for another has bit the dust 
Like Sia sang 
long ago 
Why can't we conquer love? 
Once upon a time, 
she fell prey 
till the day 
she remembered 
we are Our Choices 
and then 
just like that 
she rose 
Goddess Divine 

Crystal Clear Lakes That Ache Poetry

Earlier I wrote something
and it is in this NOW moment
I innerstand better
my love letter 
words that I seen through his projection
into my satellite mirror
I wrote it all down
for quantum inspection
sprawled there on the floor
I picked apart
his song in my writing lab
of dissection
as his sound penetrated my heart strings soul
the darkness of every moon 
gifting the Empress within me
her crown
as he attempts to veil back the unveil that is unveiled
this wander lust of approval each shy in their own reserve
and foolish on every 3D level of accordance
to just simply do the right thing
say the right thing
express the righteousness of these beating genitals
throbbing for the sake of throbbing
his lust rather alarming
howling sounds of every lonely
wolf on the prowl
growling loud
becoming shook
for his
emotions no longer able to be overlooked
pretending to not want
is easy to do
when one does not want
until one
rare as ever this imprinting soul
swords come out
lining up in full defense
or retreat
lovers fail to speak 
this insatiable feel
that is surreal
and it is felt
left to be unexpressed
into soft air pockets beneath his skin 
another mask of another layer
floating over his head
Court Jesters don't wed 
 ego unpopulated bachelor spread of false bread
who wants to be loved cruel?
not I
 worthy is my galactic system
what Honor does a King bring to a Queen whom each never claim?
what a shame
the hidden behind the moon game
that leaves all
in misery
rather miserable parts of conditioning through this looking glass
false mask of  trying efforts seemingly whack and out of touch with
chuckles out loud
realizing that is ultimate reality
such tragedy to ignore inner lands due to conditioned plans
for there  is Motion in Each of our Feelings 
commotions stir when trip wires circuit in tune and one begins to listen better
a definite change in weather
who dates clowns that wear no costume anyway ?
out in the Sun
my mom came to visit 
she told me time to play
I said go away
She said, "right away, you allow for another to charm you with their disguise filled with lies"
"Let that go too"
"Embrace the Beautiful within you."
Even in my dreams, my momma, made me cry
but let me tell you I have never felt so alive as I did this time around listening to her
and she also said "Go out, for there are plenty of fish in the sea. Learn what it feels like to LOVe and FEEL and KNOW what it is like to be Free.  Be Who you are. I love you my Shining Star."

My momma Knows what I'm feeling inside 
 hence why my poetry burst to life 
riddle my bones 
light and clear 
for Momma is here 
crystal clear 

Protonic Vibes

It FEELS good
your FEELS within 
in such a HEALTHY way
that no matter the NEWS update
you are able to SLEEP in PEACE

knowing that you are FREE 

Friday, January 11, 2019

Emotionally Detached SoulMates - EB's Tarot Kraft Poem

EB's Tarot Kraft Stories 
Sharing REAL Tarot stories from REALLY AWESOME people whom I've had the pleasure of reading for as part of the services they request to receive from me.  Know that All of the  stories being shared here have been granted permission by the people HIGHLIGHTED on these pages.   These Tarot Kraft stories serve as entertainment that is meant to connect with you in whatever shape or form it resonates with you when you encounter the story. Take what resonates with you and for everything that does not resonate, let that shit go.   


The emotionally detached pair of partnering
sentenced to this cosmic lovers bind

meeting up
for their love
building Dynasties to last multidimensional kind of lifetimes
oblivious to the blind of
fated passion their coupling energizes into planes of existence
the two together
two shall create in their lives
quantum PARADISE 
little do they realize
lovers removal of blinds
all voluntary at this time
created by their Now pleasures
and Feeling thru their Dealing for their WHOLE
together, they are BOLD
they each found in the other their
to cherish
as they continue flowing in their growing while still they
in every alchemized way
here is a messenger with a message for their current encouragement
during their
WAKE & bake 
listen LOVE it is time to
release in order to create
soul much more
When These two LOVERS Release they shall immediately  DISCOVER in one another 
Read that line again for cosmic reorder in order to evolve aligned  
a clue a clue
the Universe has your back this time
a foundation unveiled through this Kraft Tarot of A shadow work in poetry that is meant for your ultimate discovery
rising on these
like no other
this Lost civilization one would recover and FEEL Knowing  the difference of what reigns like Truth
no more being beat by fears that act on resistance
deserving of this ALL  these two LOVERS are by far
Shooting STARS
Tales of these kindred souls exist somewhere in folklore
Fairytale land
existing amongst the wicked
and sad
buried deep within the subconscious
babble land
 two of the most  realest of players making it this far
get to savor
their savior
such pleasantries
for they dare
reach and push one another to their
wholeness PACT 
upon meeting fantasy realms that are real
DNA  PERFECT zen appeal
Soulmate task
Blasting into Union
there is a message for these two
release release release
for Destiny awaits
no no no
Destiny is here 
release what is needed to be released my dears
this message rings clear
a time for celebration 
no more deliberations when
Knowing feels a lot more like
and OWN it

On the real on the real on the real
these two
require a level of emotional maturity that is being asked of them to level up on at this time in order to embrace the Lovers gift they each receive in the other ...

Make sure to read the advice for each Zodiac sign channeled by the energy of Temperance - may each message received resonate with you as you need


Thank you for allowing me to share your story 
I am looking forward to sharing many more 

 We all have a story to share,what is yours?   Do you at times not see the FULL picture of your own story emerging?  Sometimes it is our own stories that appear most abstract to us.  It is ok to want to know and understand your connections and life so much better. So many judge TAROT and connect it to evil deeds and ways of being. Too bad for such persons to miss out on otherworldly ways of self loving and connecting so that they may achieve higher states of inner peaceful living.  The beauty of using divination tools with care is to gift ourselves the ability to connect with the energies that vibrate anyway - regardless if we are conscious of it or not.  So why not be Conscious / AWAKE / and hip to our own stories being born and energized into existence.  I have used Tarot and Oracles for over 25 years and continue to happily use them as an everyday part of my world.  I hope you all enjoy this NEW Tarot Kraft POEM from someone whom I have had the pleasure of reading and assisting on their beautiful journey.  If you would  LOVE to schedule some one on one Channeling time with me - send your inquiries to email: and put in the Subject line - Tarot Kraft  

Artistic Healing services that align while entertaining source.

Please be advised that all services are Intuitively guided and will not be the same for everyone

Be YOU more and JUDGE ye less... 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Lovers Wheel Of Temperance

The Wheel Is in their favor
there is plenty for them to charge and see
through for their
King and Queen of similar yet different elements that show their Chosen Current Positioning that displays another filter
of truth
still that does
The Hierophant appearing rather detached from the entire pairing
yet present
Love can be that change in circumstance
that propels
time to move faster than the speed of light
causing Dramatic Change to be felt in the
Charging towards the King 
Knight feeling bold enough
to Challenge His future positioning
Upheaval leading to New Perspectives on Heart reflective
The Queen of Cups KNOWS and TRUST her INTUITION
for she is quite comfortable at home in her inner world
Passionate and Patient she sits
fully in touch with her feelings
The King Of Swords carries within every part of his being a strong regard for TRUTH and JUSTICE and follows an air tight ethical code, fixed as much as the suit of air, this King certainly embodies.  His sword held upright indicates he does the right thing.  Which means the Knight in the current upside down positioning got all his senses together and cut his sword so deep into his psyche, a KING emerges.
The Queen exalted by this King as he feels more so inclined to travel inner side his lands away from his chaotic once upon a mind that the Knight had to turn the story
Upside down
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Knights Always Show up
Saturn in every transit never denying
only delaying so lessons
and toxicities rid  themselves for goodness sake
When does Love speak moving forward ? 
6 of swords moving away from nonsense for good
a look of calm
after long battle
offering a New Beginning 
the King must die first 
so relax with these visuals designed to elevate your shrine
of OM do you understand your innerstand in order to be able to overstand? Do you comprehend how much penetration these elevations create within our planetary systems?
You have Queen of Love 
King embracing his Compassionate side a hell of a lot more
Death must occur 
the Queen in her flow
for this she already knows as she sits on her throne
impossible to feel alone
lovers know
she knows, anything having to be forced into cooperation, is not cooperation at all & her heart healing Whole would never accept anything lesser in value that is NOT genuinely authentic.
Transformations long overdue
Divine timing guides be Rhyming and Vibing
so that Temperance is Honored during the star studded performance that is Cosmically taking place
It is what it is and what it is not, it is not!


 We all have a story to share,what is yours?   Do you at times not see the FULL picture of your own story emerging?  Sometimes it is our own stories that appear most abstract to us.  It is ok to want to know and understand your connections and life so much better. So many judge TAROT and connect it to evil deeds and ways of being. Too bad for such persons to miss out on otherworldly ways of self loving and connecting so that they may achieve higher states of inner peaceful living.  The beauty of using divination tools with care is to gift ourselves the ability to connect with the energies that vibrate anyway - regardless if we are conscious of it or not.  So why not be Conscious / AWAKE / and hip to our own stories being born and energized into existence.  I have used Tarot and Oracles for over 25 years and continue to happily use them as an everyday part of my world.  I hope you all enjoy this NEW Tarot Kraft POEM from someone whom I have had the pleasure of reading and assisting on their beautiful journey.  If you would  LOVE to schedule some one on one Channeling time with me - send your inquiries to email: and put in the Subject line - Tarot Kraft  

Artistic Healing services that align while entertaining source.

Please be advised that all services are Intuitively guided and will not be the same for everyone

Be YOU more and JUDGE ye less... 

Featured Post - Available NOW on AMAZON!

Cardinal Calls: Unveiling Heartfelt Wisdom with Enchantress Thee Babbler

  The Cardinal bird, with its striking red plumage and melodic voice, serves as a vibrant spirit guide brimming with RICH symbolism and prof...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.