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Thursday, October 19, 2017


So lots of
are currently
undergoing and taking PLACE


We must do what we CAN with ALL That WE already have within our possessions and within ourselves

the more EXCUSES I make
the more DELAYS i experience
the more stagnation I create
the more NOTHING that needs to get done gets done

Who wants to live scattered?
who wants to live energetically battered?

the more EXCUSES
the more we LOSE sight of the FOCUS needed to CREATE the VISIONS that are being SHOWN intuitively within our minds eye

It is NOW TIME to

turn UP


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Conscious Loving Filled Chats with my Goddess

This is an IMPORTANT REMINDER to overly explain 
set and root within ourselves
and set the example for others to bear WITNESS to the POSSIBILITIES of ALL things that are POSITIVE / HEALTHY to ACHIEVE and RECEIVE with POSITIVE seeds planted for SUCCESS 

This quote is in complete synchronicity with my own messages and channelings currently being received -- all stemming off a wonderful most CONSCIOUSLY aware, INSIGHTFUL, ENLIGHTENING, INSPIRATIONAL conversation taken place between my daughter and myself early this morning.  

and what we CHOOSE to ACTIVATE and INSTILL in them is either crippling their evolution and GROWTH or NOURISHING it 
and please do Not mistake and think me to be saying that there is a perfect assured way to COMMUNICATE effectively and HEALTHY with our children
because as a parent 
we ALL know that our children were made to test our PATIENCE in every single way

It has not been an easy path raising my daughter 
and GROWING in my own PATIENCE with dealing with another
(Beautiful SOUL whom only needs patience/love/compassion/understanding and Loving Guidance) 
and in honoring her GOLDEN PATH I am blessed with the gift of PRACTICING being absolutely accountable and responsible for this creation that in this lifetime I have created / brought into existence and am responsible for UpKeePing 

She was sharing with me in her experience as of late in dealing with some of the other students in her school -- she noticed that some of the other students have it in for her 

(( subliminals they send out - she receives)) 

(((unconsciously they are operating from a root they have yet to begin to explore/understand or discover for themselves - and I doubt they even care at this point to want to explore their roots to understand their feelings/reactions/and perceptions much deeper - digging further into their their rooted reasons of all of their own WHYS  -- - so in their masking ways they lower vibrate away spreading their own unconscious disease of marinating and sharing their own lower vibrations with others and projecting themselves unto others))) 

We need to WORK at better COMMUNICATIONS with our rising teens whom are our leaders / examples for our planets future. 

The reason for all of this happening is because my Daughter RADIATES her GOLDEN REIGN -- for she SHINES - I mean like she OWNS her POWER -  -- she is very PROUD and her CONFIDENCE screams loudly =    OWNING her ways - I have witnessed this for myself - there are many times she makes plenty of others feel uncomfortable - - - instilling this SEED into our CHILDREN so they may FEED / SEED / Sow WISDOM Filled SEEDS into our shared earthly lands - - 

 - - but remember this is Understanding is absolutely FUNDAMENTAL in further developing and EXPANDING our own levels of understanding - KNOWING that our connection to understanding will continuously evolve as we continue to evolve... 

 for OUR future and Present development -- it is imperative to INSTILL these kind of wisdom filled seeds to our CHILDREN

  she CHOOSES her Vibes - - understanding that this is her RESPONSIBILITY to uphold - her inner treasures are GOLD --  She Consciously radiates HIGH all of thee time - honoring her shrine..  she is FOCUSED on her DIVINE ALIGN - she is working  on her own development/infusion/evolution/alchemy
my baby exudes massive levels of SELF LOVE & self CONFIDENCE which for many may be uncomfortable  - and many will project - mistake - and label her whatever name they themselves would come up for it - attempting to shoot her rays down - belittling her crown - especially all whom have yet to reign in their align and development - for those not quite there or on this level of DIVINE understanding / thinking / believing / experiencing - find my daughter to be quite alarming and there are many souls we have encountered that showcase this truth - its just reality boo 

<<Both young & OLD>> I have seen others having extreme difficulty accepting my daughters high levels of ENERGY and self esteem - and the beauty of it all - is in my own daughters awareness of these triggers in others -  CONSCIOUSLY and PROTECTIVELY she affirms even stronger in her own energies that she projects / protects and radiates.

It is still a PROCESS going thru the eMOTIONS that some things / experiences may trigger for her - and this is where our constant FLOW of COMMUNICATION comes in handy - as well as her own dialogue she has flowing with her intuitive guides/rhymes

Our UNIVERSE sublime  

I AM extremely PROUD of who she is 
her GROWTH is a BLESSING for me to be a part of - if there is anything that I did RIGHT in this world - it would be HER - this BEAUTIFUL EARTH ANGEL GODDESS whom I have the pleasure to encounter and cycle with time and time again :) 

Soul tribes 
Ancient ties 
Cycle about and Align 

 and although there is so much for her to OPEN her heart and world to - so much for her to learn, grow and EVOLVE into - - - the fact that she is so PRESENT and AWARE and WORKS through her INNER world and cues - trusting in her own INTUITION - her commitment to HONORING herself and LOVING herself  -- I AM OVERJOYED,  excited and BLESSED to be given such a GIFT of LIFE 


I love being a part of her journey  and witnessing as she continues unfolding into her becoming... ...

As difficult as she can be with me - and The PATIENCE I must practice everyday in dealing with my own teenager with LOVe
for LOVe
it ain't easy let me tell ya 
but it is all the more WORTH it 

 - I am super proud of how BEAUTIFUL and ADMIRABLE my daughter truly is --- even as she works thru her own levels, triggers, issues as she celebrates every breakthrough - 

out of Darkness emerges LIGHT 
Gifting clarity and sight

We must go THROUGH 
no matter how uncomfortable it is 
no matter how daunting it may FEEL 
this shit is ever so REAL 


even when many times she and I do not see eye to eye... 
it is afterall a part of our ride 

back  to the students whom she OVERCOMES just in her thinking 
and COMPASSION she does have for those not as AWAKENED as she 
even in her expressing to me - uncomfortable it always will be - to SEE - when others do not ACCEPT us for WHO we are - it is imperative to instill in our YOUTH the importance of UNDERSTANDING the underlining of other people with issues and their overall environment 

 In meeting some of these students - I automatically received DIVINE CLARITY on what this all can mean--- you  must understand that DIVINE CLARITY usually occurs in the shape / form of like an INSTANT DOWNLOAD of UNDERSTANDING that connects all understanding that is meant for me to understand at any given time

I call many of these episodes 

(OBSERVATIONs are KEY into every one of our discoveries - I like to call this 3rd Party perspective and viewing - Please FEEL FREE to take on this viewing many a times - it will truly OPEN your EYES

Anyhoo, we must remember to live consciously and thoughtfully and righteously we must ALIGN with our 


her wisdom in understanding that although other people may be hurtful in their energy and perceptions and misguided perceptions - but it truly is NOT a personal attack - even when it appears to be so -- the person on the opposite end is fighting their own battles within ...

BE the CHANGE you DESIRE to SEE in this WORLD - so that way the SEEDS you seed into our shared World are GIFTS of 
and everything Right and BRIGHT 


#Feel #More #React #Less #Wisdom #at #Best #Divine #Connect #Alignment #Refinements #sacred #mind #Body #heart #soul #Journey #OurChildrenAREourFUTURE #energy #management #Universal #Consciousness #LOVE #is #Everything #we #NEED #to #Succeed

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Beauty Chooses LoVe

She thought about what she was doing 
and was clear to herself that everything she understands about love and connection - is everything she first has and feels with herself. Knowing that this next step on her journey was something she has decided for herself and is aligned with her path in every way. Marking this beautiful day being shared with another soul — understanding fully well LOVe in itself is everything whole. But to be gifted with the chance to enter further into LoVes Wonderland - holding the hand of this man — whom further feeds her soul.  Loving this feeling. Feet planted on mother earths lands — she pauses for this picturesque moment - accepting with beauty and grace — that she is exactly where she has designed herself to be - feel - attract. The cycles of these invisible laws attract. Love has no boundaries. Love is free. 

#Wedding #Bells #Sacred #Wells #Fashion #Excels #Picture #Found #on #Pinterest 

Turn on Your LIGHT

I once tried to hide 
from all the shame 
and fucked up shit I have done in my life
sugar coating it all with something nice
justifying my wrongs with everything else that I have done 
Constant fight 
Hiding behind things I definitely do not feel proud of 
and blanketing it with falseness
ignorance never bliss
Fatal Blows
I have beat up 
my soul
and heart
Never holding myself accountable for all of my mess
wondering why so much stress
inner realms reflecting externally at best
refusal at best
to Accept 
the Dark 
that INTRODUCED me to my 
the dark that in all truth
was never really dark 
only shadowed by 
its secrets
the pain 
the sorrow 
the abuse endured
closing those doors
conditioning and experience creating monsters
all around
I use to run 
I use to hide
I use to try and deny
No longer am I ruled by my fright
Getting thru bullshit fears is 
Dark is an extension of Light
burn BRIGHT 
gifted with sight

Controlling Partners CAN WAKE YOU UP!!

Goddess I can see
a piece of you 
once a piece of me 
we all see
and this company you keep 
this man whom you 
devoted yourself to 
has you gripped inside of his cage
inner rage
keeping you in his
tyrant ways
I can see that shit a mile away 
manipulative in every way
and you
oblivious to his reign 
that YOU give away
to this man 
of today 
this lesson igniting your waves
prepare yourself to be engulfed in loves rays
opening LOVES 
via loops called circles of pain 
breaking every karmic chain
unseen yet seen by our naked eyes
full of surprise 
if left unchecked others would gladly feed you untamed
swallowing up their brains 
robbing you insane
depletion of self in every way
speaking as if one is coached 
dumbing and numbing down ones crown 
 turning a blind eye to what is happening inside
SILENC(h)ER seeks the enemy 
he would do his best to trap you in 
lock you in 
little does he know 
TRUTH shall win 
don't  let him show you
loan you 
own you 
LOVE has found a way to grip you tight
being shown in a darker complexion   
Dark Knight gifting sight 
breaking you
and the only way to AWAKEN 
 you to see
would be to 
your beast
the one you leave asleep 
for you are not 
Do NOT fall back to sleep 
allowing this 
CREEP to further penetrate you deep 
Sister Speaks

Social Media is NOT MY Pick ME Up Service!

Please do NOT mistake my kindness
for being a
please do NOT mistake my CHEER
to mean that I am looking for you to buy me a beer
Please do NOT mistake my conversation
and chatter with you to mean
that I am looking to sleep with you
freak with you
dude, not even trying to funk with you
I do NOT even think of you
at least not on this dime
shine or align of time
I am living in this world
not of this world
Mission on some other worldly shit

Please do NOT mistake my rejection
or lack of interest in you to mean I think I am better than YOU
 eyes see thru 
this here is not personal
just factual
on some actuals
feels kinda practical

Please do NOT believe that my social medias are some kind of intimate seekers
looking for momentary feelers - friend request that I do accept
this here is made for


I detest and attest
that the stench of these hit em up wonders and pleads
of sexual deeds looking to seed
their inner poisons so real
HOLY feels

Align with your SHRINES
forget about me gifting you some of my time
get on your soul grind
ALL time high 
Governess shrine 
Goddess sublime 
Ending of all crimes
& Soul 

DEEP throat chakra blast into 
Divine Sacred Land

I got NEW rules I GROW them!

SOUL Mission Statement Quite POSSIBLE!

Wanderlust desire for wholeness
 I live to Expire 
shining within my INSPIRE 

is every part of NATURE
Connecting me with Creator 
Source of all creation 
these connections 
ALL that is 
everything that is 
Nothing that is 
existing in Nature that is 
connector of 
that is 

reminding me that YOU are in many ways just like me 
checking myself before I wreck myself
You see?? 
no longer shall I lose control in all this chaotic madness you see!
Do you SEE?? 
on this path of self righteousness 
universal connects 
encountering lessons accompanied by aligned TRUTH 
Awakening me further 
in discover 
meeting HONOR
to thy own self visions true
understanding Namaste much more clearly too 

MY Practice 
kindness / Honor 
Domino effects
affecting each and every one of my senses
ego taking 3 steps back 
Positivism 10 steps forward 
New World Order 

Love in every single way 
Love beginning within me 
for myself 
within myself 
For myself 
learning this thru trials and tribulations and never honoring myself 
Kingdom come 
LOVE has won  

living in truth 
Honoring truth 
Believing in 
Living for TRUTH 
Keeping it most realest with myself 
and third
TRUTH sets souls FREE

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A Potion of Wellness: Burst of Love with DIY Wild Spring Soda

    Enchanting Babble on Blogger: DIY Wild Spring Soda Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome to another post on Enchanting Babble, where magic mee...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.