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Saturday, August 5, 2017

Crystal Flower Child Engagement Inspirations

#engagement #ring #Inspirations #crystal #Flower #Child 

Stardust in her Veins

When all the Glitter fades 
there'll still be stardust 
in her veins 

#glitter #fades #stardust #remains #figments #that #stain #Goddess #Empowerment #Dreamers #Believe #Receive #Achieve #self #Love #preservation  

Friday, August 4, 2017

Poetic Departure

You will learn
and you shall see
the everything in
that is freeing
in this time
Action containing
hypnotized and intoxicated are you
my departure
of our rapture
cradle snatcher
while LOVE debilitates you leaving you
with less
My dear, I do confess
LOVe was never a test
give your non radical theatrics a rest
you're not worth any
penny less

Your LiGhT is Needed!!

Allow your inner spark to rule over you and give yourself Permission to shine your brightest ... forgive yourself and all others in regards to what has already  passed - it is in our experiences that we are presented with our forks of life - choose your road of GROWTH never strife!  Let's  do this right! 
We have every OPPORTUNITY in this world to get it right. One of the hardest things to learn how to do is be easier and more loving  to ourselves - we tend to take in the harshness of the world around us - so quick are we all  to point our condemning fingers casting stones - these stones weighing heavy - mind / body / heart and soul .
Let's Paradigm shift our own evolution of consciousness and in our own awareness let's bring our light EVERYWHERE we Go ... bring All the Light you got - drop it like its HOt!! bring it everywhere with you!! because you know darkness too .. that's Yin & Yang for you boo .. infuse the two .. let your light BOom and watch it ricochet !! Cause that's how we flow - harmonious and Fabulous Beams of Light, we GLOW .. Bright Lights ..  HAPpy FriYaY !!! #HappY #Tgif #Beams #Of #Cosmic #Light #synchronicity #Loa #Energy #Management #Practice #Lifestyles #Boost #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy @princesssassypantsandco #rp #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Enchantress #Love #Oracles 

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Do you Know her ?

Who is she? She is YOUR power, your feminine source. Big mama. The Goddess. The Great Mystery. The web-weaver. The life force. The first time, the twentieth time you may not recognize her. Or pretend not to hear. As she fills your body with ripples of terror and delight. 
But when she calls you will know you've been called. Then it is up to you to decide if you will answer - Lucy H. Pearce, Burning Woman #Burning #Woman #Goddess #All #Souls #YinYang #Theories #Masculine #Feminine #Energy #Management #Conscious #Lifestyles #Fashion #Beauty #Cosmic #Secrets #Confidence #Energetic #Boost #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy

Friday, July 28, 2017

Ram Dass LoVerS

You are LOVED just for being who you are, just for existing. You don't have to do anything to earn it. Your shortcomings, your lack of self-esteem, physical perfection or social and economic success - none of that matters. No one can take this love away from you, and it will always be here. Ram Dass #RamDass #Quotes 

Remember before we look to be loved by the world - it too exists way deep down inside- self love found within our golden shrines - and while people may be fickle pickles with giving and taking away their love- they can't touch what is innately yours - and this my lovely souls .. this kinda self preservation is mother bleepin priceless. 

We have all loved and lost - and it's within our loss that if we dive deeper into our own hives- we shall be found. Love existing all around ... So the next time someone decides to take their love, friendship, affections away .. hug yourself tighter with love and send them their merry fickle way. ... Follow me into Synchronicity and ride these Transformative waves of Loves Empowerment 

#EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #VisualWordArtist #Energy #Lifestylist #Wellness #Wholeness #Coach #Snapchat @hollywoodsgypsy #Curly #Hair #Goddess #Soul #Transformers #Self #Preservation #Is #Key 

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Oracle Message on Self Worth & Acceptance

A Most Powerful Oracle Message on Self Worth & Acceptance

Everyday I use my cards and today it is no different ....
I plan to share more 
But in the meantime... 

please be aware that I do use my oracles throughout the day
especially that I am intuitively drawn to do so 
and   asked to use them by others on a consistent /constant basis ... 

But today's message hits the nail on the button for me in regards to the wonderful synchronicity of my own life unfolding all around 
and this is the inspiration behind me sharing this post with you all in the right here and right now ... 

RED CHAKRA oracle cards represent our Grounding 
Key words 
Vital, sexual, passionate,energized, forceful

Our first chakra relates to the source of our energy / Root and relates to how we each individually build our own foundations. Think of the root chakra as a platform. The red cards represent the SUPPORT you have created or are creating for your FUTURE. 

The root chakra cards show us a NEW way to bring our DREAMS to fruition.  They denote beginnings and REVEAL how to create a solid foundation in TANGIBLE form. Keep this in mind, if you are not yet CREATING what you say you DESIRE, you may need to GROW your energetic root deeper and wider into the earth plane. 

These cards represent the beginning of an undertaking - and may guide you away from the old / outdated ideas that no longer work in your life. 

RED cards ask, "How does this card represent the place from which I can CREATE something extraordinary?"


Cherry HEART 
When this card appears it is telling YOU that in your own innocence and inability to see yourself for who you truly are - your inability to see your own GIFTS are a strong indicator when this card presents itself.  This card also reminds you of your divine PROTECTION from your own spirit guides and that you are GOOD LUCK - and the energy that swarms around you is that of GOOD LUCK, BLESSINGS, SUCCESS and PROSPERITY.  You are being sent an INCREASE and BoOST of your own SELF CONFIDENCE and SELF ESTEEM so that you may ACKNOWLEDGE for yourself the totally AMAZING BEAUTIFUL soul that you innately are!! 

Inspiration: A magical box of self acceptance appears before you. Your UNIQUE abilities reside within. OPEN IT!
Are things simple NOW
Cherry heart invites you to SEE yourself as COMPLETE, just as you are!!

Personal Inquiry: Am I assessing myself accurately? Or am I distorting my reality in a self-defeating way? Can I simply ACCEPT myself??? 

Key Ideas: New ways of SEEING yourself; embracing imperfection; feeling incomplete; selling yourself short

KEYWORDS: Manifesting, Knowledge and Luck 

Card Meaning: You are a PERFECT child of God, and every part of YOU is wonderful.  Your Angels guide you to LET GO of ALL negative self-judgments and ENJOY being YOU!!

Message from the Angels: You are much too hard on yourself, your angels say to you through this card.  Although you enjoy having HIGH standards, it's important to view yourself through loving eyes.  Berating yourself only makes your spirit STINK/SINK!  Self-Improvement comes from a POSITIVE mind-set ONLY!

See yourself through your angels' eyes, and you will see someone who is a perfect and HOLY child of God.  Although you have made mistakes in the past, there is nothing you could have ever said, thought, or done that would CHANGE God's love for YOU.  The Angels see past your surface mistakes; they SEE the beating heart of GOD's LOVE within you.  They love you UNCONDITIONALLY, and they ask you to LOVE yourself in the same way!!

As I meditate in silence on this very powerful oracle message being received for myself today - I decide to be most REALIST with myself and ACKNOWLEDGE the parts of myself I do not so readily accept.  

I asked my guides to AWAKEN within I further insight into my health and well-being - and asked them to bring into LIGHT something that needs to be worked on / acknowledged / seen and accepted....

So here comes this lady that I work with ((tbh she is sometimes a trigger of mine))  and there are many times we rub one another the wrong way. Because I am AWARE, I am very AWARE of how she tries to purposely ruffle my feathers by some of the things she says and does - it's like she looks for a REACTION from me - and she definitely Looks for ways to try and make me FEEL inferior. 
There are many times she triggers me unconsciously - and it's just the role she is to play in my own healing that starts from within - but do not get me wrong - there are plenty of times where this itch is certainly conscious of her deliberate choices of words she likes to play into existence - you know to stir the shit pot up.  Today for example, was one of those days.  Several of us were having a conversation about a fellow co-workers girlfriend - and I mentioned eyeliner - asking the other co-worker if his girlfriend wears eyeliner - and immediately - this "woman" who likes to ruffle feathers - looks directly at me and says - "Oh no, she does NOT need to wear makeup like some people, she is a natural beauty."

I really had to pause for that moment and catch myself...

I had to do this for myself ...
in honor of thyself...
cause I needed to check myself - and really ask myself why something so petty would trigger my emotions to rise - in not such a dignified way... 
Cause what can I say except .. 

But in all seriousness...
Why do I allow for this woman to irk me in such ways... 

as the conversation between us fabulous co-workers continued - I found myself guided to shuffle my oracle cards and have them reveal to me my very own messages & voila ...

I was met with 


what in the world could this all be about ?? 

Do I accept myself? 
Do I VALUE myself in every single way ? 

If I did, would she trigger me in such ways??

What is BEAUTY / NATURAL BEAUTY anyways? 
And whom is she to determine the standards of what Beauty is anyways? 

Like isn't there more to a person then what is perceived externally? 

Like there is an entire world of dynamics and flow happening within us all - and there are so many compartments to our entire beings that make up our entire whole..

Like what does this itch know? 

Sometimes, we ALL need a rude ass awakening...
it's only to ruffle our feathers and get the ball rolling in our favor of course...


We must ALIGN with our inner shrines and STAND Firm in ACCEPTING ourselves in every single way 



The best thing I can do for our entire whole (my part in these parts of parts) is HEAL 


like for real 

for my child
for my future children 
for their children 

Our children are our FUTURE 
and we are the ROOTS that bring forth life when it comes to our children 

For this line of ALIGNMENT and reasoning is PRICELESS

and never ever doubt your part in your own life creations that do MANIFEST into tangible reality 

WE are ONE in all of this even though we are each our own UNIQUE individuals 

Other people may try - and when they do -- think of something funny to replace that horrific energy that is trying to marinate itself into your space...



(If you are a man reading this - kindly replace the word woman above - to be fit your own manly needs - for we should do this as a team) 

#Follow #Me #into #synchronicity #HollywoodsGypsy #Energy #Lifestylist #Coach #loa #entrepreneurs #Goddess #Divine #Self #Worth #acceptance #Enlightenment #Believe #Receive #achieve 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.