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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Let me be the One ❤️

Let me take your breath away ❤️❤️

Ethiopas Rock ❤️❤️

Africa, LaliBela ~ Ethiopas Rock ~ hewn bet Gabriel ~ Rufael Church 


Places we will go ...

Uncut Black Jack ❤️

I get it ...

and still don't like it ..

anywayZ ...

people stay gambling for days ....

Black Jack 
Center stage 

Uncut Minor Irritations Release Method

that last post is driving me nuts

I changed no fonts and yet it wants to act like a jack of all trades...
by changing the decorations on the stage blotting out in black on my page...
can't read certain sections of the page...

I'm letting it go for now..
I tried fixing it like 6x and 6x I don't know what happened...

it's the wonderland Maze of mystery...

I will attempt to fix that crapola later...
cause it is irritating me unnecessarily so why do that to me...

like Dudette..

Scooby Doo?

I am letting it go..
Just like the wind..
I blow out my irritations and let the flow..
let them go..

Time to go..
Angels Flow..
Uncut Sun
curly hair Faery on the run...
this is fun..

Thank-you for Dropping down this Rabbit Hole of Soul Adventure..
do please sign up for the FREE NEWSLETTER...
and come back some more...
let's keep getting to know one another better..

it's all about our Vibrations baby...
let's vibrate High..
it really is do it or Die!!

Let's make sure we are in alignment and in tune with all that we do..

so check your attitude too..
and your feelings..
cause how you are feeling is what you are fueling / manifesting / creating / conjuring up.. into your YOUniverse...

think about it..

think about how you REALLY feel..
now lets be REAL..
Jupiter Brooklyn Thug root appeal..
it's about Keeping it Real..


THANK-YOU for your Presence in my life...
like seriously...
many of you do not speak but I can see from the counters there are eyes on board...

and that is more than enough for me to feel super grateful..

so thank-you...

seriously I need to shut the front door and get going...
so many stories...

wow like for real...
so many stories...

come again Enchanters...

Blessings of Light & Love & Happiness & Joy joy joy

show Love the Brooklyn Way..
Light the way...
Uncut Enchantments

Uncut Faery Jubilees

So maybe I am
a weee bit Faery 
dramatic ...


SoOo what ??

At least I am 
fake ..

Blow fish my face any day over being anything 
not ..
now that's what's hot ..
you know what ??
I love me a lot ..
Sugar ? 
I prefer my tea with honey anyways..
scripture for days ..
sweet in all ways ..
honey sticks to me .
honey loves sticking even when it gets messy ...
de StreSsor of me ...
pseudo right 
not player filled sikes ..
you keep shooting for them strikes ..
looking for them fights ..
who's not right ? 
she's not right ? 
No! You're not right ! 
our laughter bites ..
ripping off skin as our teeth clench in ..
taste of blood
... nothing like a little carnivore folk lore ..

what is a Vampire you say ? 
blood sucking demons, no way! ? 
or are they seasoned for a reason ?
well.. I never quite looked at it that way...
I do have to think about this one..
some Vamps are fun..
redemption who is seeking ??
all bloodlines be creeping..
acting all very sneaky..

my Dragon Spirit Animal Friend Pet that I love so much..
visited the Gypsy Pad just the other night...
no longer am I frightened when I see..
its only images that run skin deep..
its just the way it has got to be..
you only see what you are prepared to see..
cause if not.. you wouldn't see it at all...

uncut some more...

DRAGON Spirit Animal Wisdom..
if you're reading this...
this message is for you too...
Believe this to be true..
synchronicity baby..

hey.. nobody puts Baby in the corner..
she puts herself there if you ask me..

know what I mean jellybean??

It is time to SEE..
scribes unleash..
Actions SPEAK..

Faery Dreams..

Dragon Speaks..

His medicine includes :

Dragon's POWERFUL gift includes that of shedding its skin and coming out as a NEW & Majestically TRANSFORMED & STRONG..

it's like Scooby Dooby Doo finding a clue..
give a dog a bone..
STARS are born..

The dragon gifts us fierce PROTECTION & possesses inherent magic, adding extra power to any magic you may perform...

Ancient Folk Lore coming to you raw..
Enchanting Babble News..

Dragon represents the SuperNatural & infinite SELF..


forgiveness of self...

Forgiveness of whom ? 
forgiveness of self ..
that would increase good health ..
hmmm.. that might help...

self for self so that you may help others along the way ...
At least that is what the Angels love to say ..
uncut All day ..
as I said I have lots to say ..
ink bleeds stains ..
curly hair craze ..
Like seriously as I lay here with the soft breeze blowing all around my curly curls are flying all around .. I'm surprised I can see what I am typing ..

At least for the most part ...

The birds still chirping their songs ...
all day long ...
nothing but Blue Skies over here ..
getting in gear ..

The Sun right now with his Powerful energetic Rays is blasting me with his sun fire fueling me ...

The Sun carrying within it a Powerful & Strong Masculine Yang Energy ...

Think Ancient Egypt's depiction of the Sun God Ra in all his Power & Glory .. I encourage you please do read some stories .. Expand your own cosmic creations .. Expand your mind ...

The Sun generates huge amounts of energy by combining hydrogen nuclei into helium. This process is called nuclear fusion.



So lets think about this SUN Star we see and feel radiating in our Mother Earths Skies... Now close your eyes and feel alive ... Let the Sun radiate his 
dispositions... & so much more Good stuff the SUN represents..  

Why not allow for this burst of LIGHT to be the FUEL that you need to LIVE YOUR DREAMS? 

Symbolic Sun Meanings:

you may read more about the Power of our Galactic sun on
for more detailed fun...

Invoke the Power of the Sun and allow for your radiance to also shine....

why not???

yes yes...
always rhetorical...


Enchanting Note to you all..
I only pose these questions so that you may ask yourself & also answer for yourself..
Your answers are not for me to know..
they are for you to know..
You should really know your own truths..
your own reasons..
your own whys..
& reasonings..

I THINK that self AWARENESS BOOT CAMPS are in major over due order around this world..

without a Faery Funtastical doubt this is what social media, community & Unity should always be about ..
Spreading the ABUNDANCE of LOVE all around...
Love beats found...
 It is nice to Find like minded individuals vibing similar or the same & even meeting others on different  waves & still joining together in HARMONY & Uniting ... & being the most LOVING 
of one another as we can possibly be...

Ba YUM bug SEE...
faery jubilee

what is a jubilee..

a jubilee is a special anniversary of an event..
celebrations of reign and activity...

sounds like jubilee is good to me...

A few Power Solar Animals Also connected with our Sun..
only sharing just for fun..
and who knows maybe one of these Power Solar Animals resonates with you..
many a faery things may ring a certain truth stirred within you..

This place is Enchanting..
Dreamer is Dreaming..
Enchantments of Whispers

love love love love love
will always be the faery song..
all day long..

Power Solar Animals..
Hawk .. . Hawks all around.. lol
LION ... I just posted about a Lion not too long ago...
Salamander ... I just like this animals name..
Rooster/Cock  - - haha in Chinese Astrology I am the Rooster but just call me a cock.. lol faery humors..
HORSE - ahh my astrology.. centaur.. horses - The Archer in me... It's all about being free...
SWAN - awww Love
Hedgehog - funny my daughter keeps telling me she wants one and not a sugar glider lol

and also a flower .. although a flower is not an animal.. I don't I guess it all depends on who you ask that question too... some flowers may play the part of an animal feeling as if it was born into the wrong body...

these things will one ever really know??

I would like to know..
sheesh I can come up with questions for everybody..
you can always try me...

I can faery babble for days..
anyways I really must hit the road jack...
but not to worry..
I promise I will be back..

you know why??

cause I love the shit out of this place...

feels like Home..

Namaste Beautiful Souls...
lets rock our souls and roll...

Truth be told...

I transform...

do you??

A Lions Pride ~ Spirit Animal Wisdom ❤️

Medicine of a Lion/Lioness


LIONS LIVE PEACEFULLY & HARMONIOUSLY together in what is known as Prides & they hardly ever fight amongst one another although they can become quite jealous & possessive. 

Lions pride ...

Check out for more about this amazingly powerful spirit animal totem...



that's what it's all about ❤️❤️

Uncut Unblocks

Sometimes all you have to do is block ..

Block it all ...

Uncut Late Bloomer

This post was really written yesterday well not yesterday - more like Thursday Night..  before I got into writing that long ass book I shared earlier today I mean yesterday (Friday) because it is now Saturday.. early early morning...
so yes making this too uncut and probably unfinished.. lol
but I am faery sharing it anyway...
Uncut coming to you RawR
RawR means I love you in dinosaur


You know when I write inside this Wonderland Oasis of a world I have created...
I just free flow free...
free breeze is me..
skipping to the beats..
follow my soul down the yellow brick road -
journey is "life"
let that sink in..
Journey is ..
is making it so...
Journey is LIFE..
our Journey is every part of our lives..
so if you're always looking forward to the future..
you're missing living in the present & the present makes your future..
so really.. what are you truly creating?
you know what I am saying??
this inner debating..
driving everyone crazy..
call me..
maybe :)
but as you can see...
 I just straight type away &  write .. write.. write away...
scripture ink is my soul..

turning my house into my home...

everything starts from here..
from this point on..
moving on forward..
are you moving on forward?
are you unified?
or stupefide ?

I do not sit here & think of what to write ..
I do not think about it at all..

I just write..

at first when I started sharing these sort of writings I was petrified ...
I still remember the feeling of the first time I hit post on an Uncut entry...
I was practically hyperventilating...
I fought myself to not delete it..
and I am glad that I did not..
after a while it just became my own kind of fun..
& very revealing to me too... (later back when I read what I wrote)

I simply allow for the words to flow freely through me...
Vessel is me...
I never read back what I write either especially not right after writing it & sharing it with you all...
sometimes I do..
and thats when you get the Uncut No longer Uncut Now Cut...
because some spelling mistake or incorrect word or whatever it is drives me insane..
and I have to make the change..
I have to fix it..
It's better when I don't read it right away...
I kid you not we are our own harshest of critics many times / most times..
reading it back only makes me tempted to "edit" to "fix" to "correct"
Why must we always "fix" something...
what if it was never really broken??
What do we see as reality? What you may see may not be necessarily true for me...
Uncut was created for many purposes...
mainly to Uncensor my own Censorship of myself..
So truly creating this blog here has really been amazingly therapeutic & helpful to me along my continuing soul journey.

thats why I create here so many Uncut Entries...
there are so many uncut sessions here in Wonderland...
it's all about FREEDOM ... freedom to just be...
No edits NEED to take place...

calm your tits yo...
it's that simple..
just be free to be..
whatever you want..
let it rock
and let it roll..
h2o for your soul..

but when I do read back what I write it is usually at a later date & time ...
depending on the day and night events...
or whenever I get that moment of I guess... rest we can call it..
Pillow Talk.. i'll explore it..
faeries be acting retarded! lol
Anywayz I can babble for days..
exploring many ways..
infinity explorer..

When I do get the chance to read back many of the things I share with you all here on Wonderland Word Movie Display.. I am Amazed.. at how much I do not shut the front door..
yapper for sure..
I would probably be some kind of small dog too if I were to be incarnated as a dog...
it is usually the small dogs who do all that yapping..

instant babbling..


I really would prefer..
Enchanting Babbler's Freestyle Classicals..
now to me that seems more suitable...

Believe it or not ...
many times I find myself surprised and even scratching my own head... like did I really write that lol
I be like ...
I said that?
ooh don't quote me on that..
I say a lot of things..
but it doesn't mean that todays truth is tomorrows truth either..
and Folks..
are you listening?
listen to me hard..
& harder..
harder of the hardest ..

if your today is something different from your yesterday..
what exactly changes?
what instruments move you along your yellow brick roads?

seasons change
people change
things change
feelings change
cycles change

during all of these changes...
What is the condition of your Core Foundational Standing?
And once you know your core, what really changes?
is it really only your surroundings or something much deeper and profound than that... yet so simple if you looked at it from a WHOLE other perspective..

Define your core?
yes yes .. rhetorical of course..

who built your core??
yes yes the more you read the more rhetorical I bleed..

I have a serious question for you...
and I love asking it too..
it is so much better of a natural response in person...
like when I ask this question...
people usually laugh & look at me to see if I am really serious about my inquiry...
but OMG yes I am...
so the question at hand is this...
 do you talk to yourself out loud ..
like do you have conversations with yourself?
Do you ask yourself questions ..
(((( out Loud ))))
you know giving your voice some auditory sound???

like Dudes I am not clowning around..
everyone talked to themselves out loud everyday knowing that this behavior is OKAY...

why does one appear to be crazy if they are seen talking to themselves ...

and most importantly ..

why is one made to FEEL crazy for talking to themselves openly or FEELING the need to hide this part of them from the world for fear of ridicule...

Who are you??
Are you not a real person..
Are you not you..
Are you not your own friend..
rhetorical .. yes yes...

we have to hear OURSELVES sometimes...
we actually should make it our priority and business to make it our business to really listen to what we say and the things that we say out loud.. and we should speak lovingly to ourselves...

why do many deny their own acknowledgement of existence??

We are so many things inside and outside of this body...

Why is it so farfetched to believe something such as magic can't be real?
Like why is that so hard to believe?
We would have to break apart the word magic and really see it for what it truly is and see if we really believe in magic or not...

another time and place for all that break down of magic talk..
I do not even wish to go there right now might end up writing a book lol

its part of our conditioning of understanding that we have rooted in understanding & believing that we must "hear" something with our own two ears in order to truly be able to "LISTEN"  therefore making it only "real" when it can be heard... meanwhile half conditioning lies.. that is one way.. the physical way we hear.. but there are others my dear.. and meanwhile society is subconsciously geared to build these roots serving you only a portion of some truth that now ends up becoming your life long blueprint...

like who is writing our scripts?
is it the Producers at NBC?
are we all being punched on national tv?
Truman show released..
I swear I really need to watch that movie..
it may be based on a true story...
I've only seen tiny pieces of it once or twice.. its not enough for me to formulate an opinion or even tell you what the movie is all about...
All I can say is Jim Carey is it one R or RR ..

and tada...
drumroll please for historical conditioning ...
not to worry 100 years from now we can learn about us on the History Channel and hopefully try to learn from our mistakes..

Wakey Wakey..

Wake & Bake
Shake & Bake
Give & Take

Do you talk to yourself proudly & openly?
Why are you against it or feel ashamed about it ? (that's if you do)
Would you talk to yourself openly in a public place feeling unashamed?

I know I bring up the dramatics of it all..
I am not saying by talking to yourself these are the things you will go around eventually doing... or even caring to do...

The point is ...
If you did do...
What is your real standpoint on Talking to yourself?

Do you think this to be ok?
Do you find this idea absurd & not normal & that I am in possible need of some medication?

If we do not acknowledge ourselves how will we ever feel accepted by others...
that would be near to impossible..
we would always slightly feel outcasted and different...

hey hey ..
I am like the black sheep of my family..
go figure...

If you do not acknowledge you..
then who will acknowledge you??
not that - that's important anyway..
yet we live wishing to be understood??

do you even understand you?
How could you if you do not even talk to yourself?
to talk to  yourself sounds so shameful..
talking to yourself makes you disabled...

fkn fables...
historical creationals..
blasphemous to my ears..
leave me alone to my eccentricities..
as a mass population
lives most of their lives ignoring their own inner world dynamics...

if you ask me how knowing that this is true makes me feel..
I would say.. it hurts my faery heart...
cause I know that it doesn't have to "feel" or "be" that way...

like seriously though what can I really say..
gifted to write my musical symphony along these Wonderland pages..

the great thing about me Understanding and knowing all of this I get to be my own fix and at the same time create some Rhymes & free kick it with you all..

Let's do some Basic Math..

Next up.. addition is here..
we are told... that..


now lets relate this mathematical meaning to our understanding of how our subconscious interprets our understanding and definition of hearing & listening & how it is done..

 whether we realize it or not we are conditioned to accept as rooted truth that to be able to "hear" & "listen" the only way that its achievable is by having two working ears that allows us to pick up sound waves and hear what is around us.....

so that's 1 (believing that the way we listen and hear is with our ears only)

sOo.. with that being said established here we now move on to adding our now ... + 1..


we are now building up our mathematical equation and theory here..
come on..
I am allowed to theorize..
Am I not Alive??
I've always been a curious curly hair little girl...
living in this world inside a world of her own..

Enchantress Shows..

Blogging Sitcom..
I swear that is so doable lol

ok back to math..

so if now we  UNDERSTAND that 1 listens with one's ears... it is safe to say that this computing/understanding/defining roots into our subconscious where in this subconscious land our foundational core and roots are planted & being watered here...

Do you get my drift here..
1+1 now that ='s 2..
2 being the result of the two products coming together to form a Union & in creating their union together they created 2....

1 ='s I only listen with my ears
+ 1 more ='s Hi I am your subconscious tree and what you say to me is that what I hear with your ears is the only way I compute and listen & absorb and store information that YOU give to me when you process with your ears "sound" that translates into some kind of meaning based of your rooted definitions and beliefs about this new matter....

so if that 1 got together with that other 1 and had some fun...
what do you think 2 looks like?
Does 2 look like the mother or the father??
or maybe a little of both...

2 is actually born...
& speechless...

but their hearing is fine...

 I like to break preconditioned things apart with my teeth...

like seriously ..

to let go of conditioning that is not in alignment with who you are at this present time..
You must really go in & break down every part into smaller parts.. and even smaller parts than that..

So Seriously...
Do you talk to yourself?
When is the last time you and yourself had a little heart to heart???
Try getting on the same page with yourself thats a good start...
do not take it to heart..
I love making people think..
to me..
thinking is magic...
it is magical..
all kinds of Wonderful..
and also the source of many woes..
they come and they go..
so as you can see clearly.. how you perceive things to be.. truly becomes your reality to be..

it is important to be aware of your own personal beliefs and understandings of things..

always know your own damn why's...
always ask why..
why never lies..
and why never dies...

but anyways..
faeries love word play..
 any day..
 in every way..

we are friends here..
yes we are..

ok ?

so back to more babbles...

These last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind with me and my Emo fantastical emotions...
 hardy har har ..

not kidding...
melancholy city has been me..
well at least internally...

I have my moments too...
I am human too..
After all I FEEL everything..

I Am
all things
some things
many things

all wrapped in one...

Life is fun..
at least thats what they say...
then they give you your script and say here but you're being paid..

hip hip hooray...

what can I say..
I know we all go through our own blues from time to time...
I am no exception to that rule...
 I use these times as my Guardian Rhymes..
its HEAL ME time..

Staying Positive yea its cool.. its like something I do.. with all I do.. I don't know its like my birthed thing to do.. no matter my own blues..  & I completely understand how hard that is to do especially when my melancholy decides it wants to sing the blues... I'm like geez now is not the time dude...

but when you snooze you lose..
so I choose..
to sing through these blues...
using every positive tool that I know works..
and at the same time I allow myself to


many a times it gets really real..
I mean who wants to deal with bullshit so real..
I sometimes wish to vacate .. like hop on a plane..
fly away and getaway from it all..

so believe me I know it is not easy being positive and with peace inside your
heart .. your mind...
especially when life decides to take you on a ride...
  grabbing you by the balls & squeezing them tight ..
with all its Universal Might ... checking to see if you have it in you...
to be...
all that you ever wanted to be...

Self Discovery...
Useful Key & Tool..
You have it ...
It was gifted to you at birth..

In my own state of ridiculousness I do not usually take it out on others..
(unless deserving haha just kidding)
wait.. unless there are lessons to be taught..
I actually have to give this some thought..

anyways no matter my days..
rain and haze and storms...
I am still friendly and nice and kind to everyone I encounter...

but I do tend to isolate myself more from the world & avoid others...
it's like me taking a little break &  going into my little bat cave...

by all means...
This is normal...
and this happens to us all...
everyone got their reasons to be feeling however which way they are feeling...

we have a right to our feelings...

and we shouldn't feel bad about feeling the way that we do for whatever reason it may be ... we are made to feel...

And we are also made to UNDERSTAND..
that is your job at hand..
Healing is a time of personal inner discovery..
Here is where you get to meet pieces of yourself that need some TLC..
Give it to yourself please..

I must get some sleep...
faeries do sleep from time to time...
I like to call them faery naps...

it really feels wonderful being in my writing flow..
freestyle classics..
this is my home town..
Om town..
earth is found..

writing clown..
court jester here to entertain & engage...
every one of your senses..
Wonderland inspection..

Infuse every part of your existence into your world..

potions perceived to provide relief..
plant your Alchemist seeds..

what I am also trying to say before I poetically get carried away..
is that we all have our moments of melancholy / worry & pain...
those moments would never go away with you deny them to their face..
mirror mirror on the wall..
who's reflection shall I call??

Reflection of Self..
Generator of Good Health..
instant Wealth..

 do not feel bad for having those moments...
do not judge yourself...
instead be loving and kind...
do not beat yourself up about feeling a type of way that only gets you stuck..

negative behavior only causes stagnation..
negative behavior is being so stuck on stupid that you do not move forward in growth from the entire experience.

These moments serve us as Bright RED LIGHTS /// RED FLAG // STOP SIGN...

it's time to take a TIME OUT & feel your own self out...
and when you do..
Do so with absolute LOVE..


Act as if you are taking care of the person you love the most in this world and right now they are not really feeling too well and they need you to take care of them...

Would you be so kind & take care of your love?

Treat yourself like that...
Love yourself Whole..
That is what I mean when I say H2o for your soul...
You got that medicine in you...

You are your own ELIXIR ..

drink YOU

drink who?

Drink Up!
That's whats up ..
Hurry up too...
do not get stuck...

Do not rush either...
Breathe with me here...
Breathing is so important...
I've realized as I watch the world before me when I am out and about...

most people..
many people..
the majority of people that I see...
Do not even breathe correctly...
So many people chest breathe only...

What happened to the rest of your body???
You are Ultimate Controller of your Breath..
Guide your Breath into different parts of your body...

You are the flowing river ...
Embrace your flow...

anyways this is definitely uncut .. lol
this is what this is..
most definitely faery Uncut and I definitely do not feel like editing anyway...

I do not even know the purpose of my being on here right now...

oh yea...
self realizing..
and procrastinating all at the same time.

Long story short because I really do have to go...
maybe another day I will elaborate some more...

If Intuitive Guidance is something you feel you need or would like to give a try and you wish to chat.. that is what I am here for...  and once that first step is made together we can  see what kind of workable deal for the two of us we can conjure up in meeting all of our spiritual needs... inquiries are all you need... I say.. just email me... We can start from there.... ...

it is always up to you to decide what is best for you to do...
I am here to help ..
well to help those whom desire it...

I am here to find a way that works best for you with what you can AFFORD in offering my Spiritual Services of Intuitive Guidance.  You work with me & I work with you... You tell me what is going on and what you feel you need & how much you are willing to spend on service and I will offer you my enchanting proposals of options of services that you can choose from... It really is quite simple.. I swear I do this for a living most of the times for FREE at no service to me &  that just can not be there is no BALANCE in that for me in surviving..
But truthfully this is what I  really really do...
 I help people ..
I have been doing this since I was a very small child servicing the adults in my life.  Haha How Ironic.. but omg it is so true...

There is something about me that is Calming...
& Uplifting when helping other people..
I am not here tooting my own horn I am just explaining to you my energy that you will feel when we work together... Part of my Natural Gift is Energy Healing... of course I did not know this about myself right away and this is something that only now I am truly starting to embrace the actual meaning and depth of what that means ... especially for someone like me....

all these years I have just done all of these things NATURALLY...
I was not taught...
I did not learn this somewhere in some school or at some training program...
No this ability in me that I have and I am now acknowledging in myself is something I innately do..

I do believe we all have the potential for such things...
but the reason I am able to help others along the way is because I am extremely conscious of every single one of my abilities & many of our own capabilities & intuitive Guidance is something many of us can & will benefit from..

No longer will I ever deny the helpful loving healer that I am..
I just never harnessed what it all really truly meant...
Which is ...
I am in a Wonderful position to help others who are like minded and open minded to receiving divine guidance...

of course we would have to feel one another out...
but that is what this is all about...
People lovingly coming together for the GREATEST of GOOD for ALL...

because that is what I am all about...
i am

I wish us all to make it...
I desire for all to paint their Dreams into the sky soaring so fuggin high & achieving every dream dreamed true...

I really really do...

When I've needed help & all hell broke loose..  even those whom I would of once believed would be there for me - weren't there for me - to still find a way to keep some type of  Faith Alive & to my own surprise to find just what I needed in the most unlikely of places & I would have never imagined...

Think about that...
help and guidance many times come from sources and places that we would least expect it..

OPEN COMMUNICATION is always my best policy...
and I am like this real thing..
I am a real person..
Like you & me could kick it and you would learn the deal..
this Enchanting offer here is real..
Unity for our Community of Dreamers..

it is all about doing what is right..
for the greater good of all..

Namaste Beautiful souls

Friday, May 1, 2015

Piazza Spagna ~ Roma ❤️❤️

Piazza Spagna ~ Roma 

How Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Places we will go ☺️☺️☺️

I love you ❤️

This is in reference to myself ..

Uncut Run ❤️

I swear this not to be good for you..
I will resist you with every part of my heart ..

I watched your soul devour me 
watched you do so with everything you got .. 
straight from your heart ..
vampire jump start..
this may be hard ..
but I will let you go ..
with every part of me that I know ..
truth be told ..
love can be cold..

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Cardinal Calls: Unveiling Heartfelt Wisdom with Enchantress Thee Babbler

  The Cardinal bird, with its striking red plumage and melodic voice, serves as a vibrant spirit guide brimming with RICH symbolism and prof...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.