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Sunday, November 10, 2024

Flexibility training

Imagine little me, a spirited martial arts enthusiast whom dreamed of being a faery ninja ballerina, practicing all thee moves that made me feel magical, nimble & strong. That little dreamer never left me—especially my love for stretching and my constant need to stay flexible, no matter how my routines evolved over thee years.

This door strap you see in thee video? It’s been my trusty companion for ages. This one and many others too. But Stretching with it has become one of my favorite ways to explore movement and keep things feeling fresh. Stretching has always been my anchor, my way of staying mobile and in tune with myself. To me, flexibility isn’t just about thee body—it’s about staying open and adaptable in mind, body , heart & soul.

And while I may skip a workout here or there, I never skip my stretch time. Every stretch reminds me that movement is essential for our well-being, a gift to our future selves, especially as thee years grow by.

If not now, when? If not you, then whom?

Fun fact: Stretching isn’t just for muscles—it also lifts our spirits, calms our minds & centers our hearts. It’s a holistic ritual, a moment of connection, a bit of magic we gift ourselves every day.

Power Affirmation Activation: I am flexible, fluid & free in mind, body, heart, and soul. I honor my need for movement and expansion, knowing it strengthens me on every level. I stretch beyond limitations and grow into my fullest self.

So beautiful souls, take a deep breath, find YOUR moment & ALLOW yourself to stretch, expand , EVOLVE into thee best version of you. 

With Love & Purpose 
Enchantress 🤍


Saturday, November 9, 2024

Little Me Big Me

Let’s take a journey back in time… 🔮🖤🔮

Let’s travel back to when I was little me, little me use to do a lot of weirdo type things & I didn’t care , I still did them. So,  I used to sit quietly in front of thee television, not watching anything but a blank, dark screen. I DID THIS A LOT. I did this for YEARS! I’d stare at it, feeling this strange, electric pull, imagining life on thee other side, watching me right back. I had so many moments like this, where I’d get up, feeling a mix of wonder and even fear, trying to convince myself it was just my imagination. But looking back now, I know it wasn’t just that. I was tapping into something real, something beyond what I could explain back then.

These weren’t just childhood daydreams; they were glimpses, fragments of a world as it truly is and as it would become. A world where we’re all connected, always watching and being watched, where each of us plays a role we may not even fully understand yet. My younger self was already sensing a future, feeling thee pulse of what was to come, catching onto thee divine tapestry & mystery that we’re all woven into.

How many of us hold these forgotten memories, those early moments where we felt something bigger than ourselves? How many times were we catching sight of a TRUTH beyond ourselves, showing us not just whom we were but what thee world around us truly looks like and our role in it? These moments weren’t random -they were clues, whispers from thee universe guiding us toward our purpose.

So come with me, beautiful souls. Let’s revisit those hidden pieces of our past, those unexplainable moments that were preparing us for thee world we see today and thee part we play in it.Sometimes, it’s like taking psychedelics & time looping your travel – except it’s just pure consciousness hun &pure soul alchemy.

Till next time,
With love and purpose, 
Enchantress 🖤


Choose Your Battles Wisely Oracle


Aloha beautiful souls! In this video, I’m diving into thee wisdom of today’s tarot pull, crafting a story through each card and the energies they hold. From choosing what battles are worth fighting to the art of letting go, this oracle speaks to aligning with your most truest & highest of selves. Each card, symbol & astrological sign brings a message about choices, shadows, hidden truths & thee relationships that either uplift or drain us. We’re exploring it all—your evolution, your freedom, your light. 

Let this resonate in your own way please take what speaks to you and let it fuel your journey. If anything doesn’t feel right, let it drift away like a soft breeze. 

With love and purpose,
Enchantress  💫

Disclaimer: This reading is for entertainment purposes only. Trust your own intuition and discernment in receiving any message.  To connect with me more visit link in my bio 

#TarotWisdom #OracleReading #DivineGuidance #CosmicMessages #SpiritualEvolution #InnerAlchemy #SoulPath #AstroInsights #EnergyReading #MysticStorytelling #HigherSelf #HealingJourney #EnlightenedSoul #LettingGo #TransformationJourney #EmpowerYourself #AlignWithPurpose #IntuitiveGuidance #SoulGrowth #EnchantingMessages #WithLoveAndPurpose

Keep A LiViN ALonG smoothie

Found this treasure while antique thrifting – a little slice of the 1920s with words meant to lift spirits after the Great Depression:

‘Jest keep a-livin’ along:
Jest keep a singin’ a song:
There’s no use to sigh
While the sun’s in the sky,
So jest keep a-livin’ along.’

There’s something in this motto that just hits deep, a reminder of the resilience that’s woven into us, like a secret code passed down. It gets me to thinking – here we are, souls navigating this wild planet, each moment an adventure in being human. We have to keep a-livin’ along because one day, when thee veil lifts, we’ll truly awaken to thee essence of our presence – a presence so beautifully and quantumly astounding, we can hardly imagine it now.

(((Just to clarify – thee treasure in this video isn’t the blender or the glass, but the framed photograph of a man and woman with the motto I’m referencing.))))


Friday, November 8, 2024

Unlocking Genuine Love a Timeless Oracle


In today’s Oracle, we’re diving deep into thee heart and soul of love—the kind of love that starts from within. We’re letting go of those karmic ties, all those patterns and beliefs that had us searching for validation in others. It’s about healing thee inner child wound whom once felt incomplete, about giving ourselves thee love we used to seek outside. Because real, genuine love? It can only come from a heart that’s already whole. And that’s thee magic—when we embrace our authentic selves, we become open to love that doesn’t need fixing, doesn’t require us to fit into anyone’s box. This is about reclaiming our worth, our joy & living with a heart that’s wide & infinitely open to all possibilities.

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.” – Buddha

So remember darling, When we stop chasing love outside of us, we find an overflowing wellspring within, waiting to nourish every part of whom we are.

Power Affirmation Activation:
I release every chain that binds me to past wounds, awakening to the vast love within me. I am whole, radiant & ready for love that sees me, honors me & flows without condition. My heart is healed and open, ready to receive love in its truest form. 

With love & purpose 

These oracles are general readings, not personalized messages. If you’re drawn here, trust that thee divine excerpts meant for you will resonate. There is truth woven within, ready for those open to this form of intuitively led guidance. I’ve been working with tarot and oracle cards since I was just 5 or 6 years old—it’s been a lifelong journey and an integral part of my path. I understand this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, so I kindly ask for respect for personal lifestyles and differences here, as I honor yours.

Thee Unboxing 🎁


“Some people will love you as long as you fit in their box. Don’t be afraid to shove that box up their ass.”

Ahhh, now isn’t that thee truest tea? ☕️ Let’s get one thing straight, my loves: if someone’s love, friendship, relationship or partnering comes with conditions, that’s not love; it is indeed a contract &  I don’t know about you- but I sure didn’t sign up for anyone else’s blueprint of me. If my light doesn’t fit your box, darling, it’s thee box that’s too small, not my shine, love , essence or time. 

So here’s to unboxing ourselves from all that doesn’t serve us. I will be here, living bright, laughing wild & breaking molds & chains that were never made to fit me anyway. To those whom can’t handle thee radiance? I’ve got a box suggestion for you. 😉

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” – Coco Chanel

Power Affirmation Activation & Decree:
I release myself from any box, label, or limitation that doesn’t honor my truest authentic self. I am unbound, unstoppable & unapologetically myself. My light shines beyond constraints & I attract those whom embrace me as I am. Today, I walk in my full power, liberated from expectations & boldly in love with my radiant self. So mote it be because it is! 

& there you have it my loves, a play on words to help liberate you too 🤍🤍

#UnboxYourself #SavvySass #WisdomUnfiltered #ShiningBright #Align #ShineBright

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Thee $100,000 Question: Why Pausing Matters More Than We Think


Let’s talk about this wild world we’re living in, where everyone’s fired up, arguing, shouting, crying over what they think this person stands for or what that person represents. It’s almost like everyone’s jumped out of a plane mid-flight, no parachute & they’re free-falling with their opinions… without even realizing that maybe, just maybe, thee plane’s been grounded thee whole time.

But here’s the thing: when we get caught up in all this noise—when we assume we know what’s true, what’s real, without even waiting to see thee full picture—we start to lose track of our own peace &our own clarity. It’s like we’re diving into these arguments headfirst, convinced we’ve got it all figured out, yet we’re just tumbling through thin air.

What if, instead of getting all twisted up & going back&forth, we took a step back, paused & actually waited to see thee truth on solid ground? Because at thee end of the day, the louder we shout, the less we’re able to hear the answers that matter.

So here’s to grounding ourselves, finding clarity & maybe… just maybe… choosing not to jump out of planes that never left thee runway. Cheers to seeing things as they are and holding onto our peace through any and all chaos.

“Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding.” —Albert Einstein

Power Affirmation Activation:
I choose clarity over chaos. I honor thee power of patience, grounding myself in truth. I release the need for noise and hold space for understanding, knowing that peace begins within me.

With Love & Purpose

#GroundedInTruth #ClarityOverChaos #PeaceInPerspective #MindfulLiving #InnerWisdom #TruthSeekers #PauseAndReflect #StayGrounded #ChooseUnderstanding #SoulAwakening #PowerOfPatience #LetGoOfTheNoise #FindYourPeace #ElevatedThinking #LiveInAlignment

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.