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Thursday, October 17, 2024

Under the Hunter's Moon : An Enchanting Freestyle Astro Babble

 October 17, 2024, Full Moon in Aries. 
Let's talk about it 

Here we are, loves—under thee Full Moon’s light, with the fiery energy of Aries fueling us up. This moon is bringing action, confidence & leadership. But let’s slow it down for a second—what does that really mean for you? They call it the Hunter’s Moon, the final harvest before winter. On a deeper level, it’s about that quantum release we all need. You know what I mean jellybeans? The one that’s pulling you to let go and prepare for a transformation so massive, it shakes you at your very core. 

Take a breath. Feel this energy. Be intentional under this moonlit sky. If what I am saying is hitting home, align with that vision in your heart right now, as you read this & let that Aries energy light up the desires in your heart. It’s like the universe whispering, “This is your time.” 

This Aries Full Moon? It’s shedding light on all thee ways you’ve been holding yourself back. It’s time to let that go. Embrace your authentic self, boldly and unapologetically. If you’ve been playing small, this moon is calling you out! Play it BIG! It’s like getting back into your body after a very long time and realizing how much you love and appreciate it now & you finally start using it for everything it’s meant to do. Push your doubts aside and trust in this beautiful ride called life. 

And procrastination? Yep, that’s under thee nights moon / HUnter Moon spotlight too. It’s now a FEDERAL OFFENSE to go against yourself like that! We’re done with excuses. You know what you need to do, so get it done. Cry about it later, if you have to, but only after you’ve flushed the nonsense away.  (Trust me, venting is allowed, but not until thee work is done.) Live your life with purpose. The energy you choose today will shape your reality - so please be mindful of how you are feeding your vibes, frequency & everything in between.

Aries is reminding you / us / me / we to release those old and especially hell-bent emotions, those patterns that are no longer helping you grow. Let go of the anger and the resentment. Let go of the sadness and disappointment. Let it all go. Allow this moons energy to wash it all away.  When you know better, you do better, right? And we’re not going in circles anymore. It’s time to OPEN NEW DOORS and walk through them, because you’ve earned this. And let’s stop being so hard on ourselves. This old habit of treating yourself like you don’t deserve better? Yeah, that stops here too. No more poking thee bear—literally. (Speaking of, there are actual bears out here in the dark - I can’t see them, but I know they are out there)

Anyhoo, back to this moon—it’s all about personal freedom and reclaiming your independence. Self-love and self-worth are front and center. Set your boundaries and own your growth, unapologetically.

~ Side note <~

I’m soaking in thee majestic full moon’s ambiance as I sit here in the quiet countryside. It’s so dark, the stars are shining, and I hear all thee hidden animals all around me. It is magical. 

BReathe with me. 

This moon also has me thinking about inner child healing & how naturally Aries brings that youthful passion, that raw desire for life. Do you Remember your childhood dreams?  What about your ambitions that once made your heart race? Now is the time to reconnect with them, to remember whom you are underneath all thee layers life has caused you to collect. 

Aries is ruled by Mars & is pushing us to take BOLD ACTION. It’s intense, but it’s also empowering. Do NOT wait for permission—your permission is granted.  It is time for you to TRUST your instincts. This is the time to lead in areas where you’ve been holding yourself back. Believe in yourself more. To fail is better than never having tried. 

We also got thee Sun in Libra reminding us to seek balance. Libra energy is all about harmony in relationships and it starts with the one you have with yourself!  How are you treating you? If tension rises between your own desires and others needs, it is okay. There are ways to deal with it without losing your balance. This moon energy is ASKING US TO EXPLORE How we honor ourselves & how can we do that while still keeping peace with others? The trick is not to sacrifice your own needs for the sake of peace. That never ends well, right? Don’t feed the energy vampires. You’re a TRANSFORMER of energy, remember that. 

Oh, and did I mention Mars is in Scorpio? Yeah, emotions are INTENSE right now. This is deep, transformative stuff. You might have to confront some hidden truths, some old wounds that are still lingering. Be gentle with yourself. This isn’t easy. Life is no walk in the park, so let’s take it one step at a time. That’s why I’m here, under this full moon, sharing this with you. We’re in this together, darlings.

So what’s next? Take bold action. Move forward in places where you’ve felt stuck. Write down what needs releasing, take it outside & burn it under the Full Moon. Let it go, let it burn & reclaim your power. Especially those childhood dreams. It is time for you to revisit, heal & reintegrate the joy that belongs to you. 

This Full Moon is also about finding balance in ALL of your relationships. The Aries-Libra tension is strong, and emotions are running high. Start with balancing the relationship you have with yourself, then work outward. It’s time to make sure your needs are met FIRST & you can deal with others in accordance to where you are on your journey.  Do not neglect yourself! 

I don’t know about you, but my emotions have been raw but very real. I allow this deep sea of expression to release from me. Especially in matters of thee heart. With Mars in Scorpio, everything feels even more intense. I personally have strong scorpio in my chart too and a Pisces Moon.  So believe me when I say, I am emotional in every way / wave. So, if old wounds come up, don’t freak out... it is just another opportunity for you to heal / transform / evolve / grow. 

Do you accept the challenge?

Move your body, loves.  Aries loves action, so get that energy flowing. Dance, do yoga, hike, kickbox (one of my faves) whatever gets you moving. Last night, I danced my heart out, cried some more & felt alive, recalibrated and refreshed. Let your fire inside you burn bright. 

It is time for You to IGNITE

Oh, and about those bees? I had a moment with them today—a whole story that I’ll share later in a future Enchanting Babble episode so please Stay tuned for that epiphany. 🐝

Anyhoo, thank you for joining me in this Enchanting Freestyle Astro Babble. This is a pivotal moment happening in all of our lives. Embrace thee change, take bold steps & heal from within. Let this Full Moon inspire you to rise into your highest self and take inspired action.

Till next time, beautiful souls. 🌙✨

“The best way to predict your future is to create it.” —Abraham Lincoln

Power Affirmation Decree: I release what no longer serves me and step boldly into my power, trusting thee divine flow of my life.

with LOve always

✨ Enchantress Thee Babbler


Astrology has fascinated me since the beginning of my life, and I enjoy exploring it as a tool for reflection and alignment. That said, I don’t hold onto any fixed belief systems. I have an evolutionary mind and share what resonates with me in the moment, but I am open to growth and change. If astrology no longer serves my path, I’ll release it without hesitation.

If it’s not your thing, I ask that you kindly respect my platform of expression. This is a space for exploration, not rigidity.

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Under the Hunter's Moon : An Enchanting Freestyle Astro Babble

 October 17, 2024, Full Moon in Aries.  Let's talk about it  Here we are, loves—under thee Full Moon’s light, with the fiery energy of A...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.