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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The Dance of Transformation: Embracing Inner Peace and Infinite Possibilities

I wanted to express what was in my heart, and all I could do was let out this cry. Maybe that’s what we need from ourselves from time to time—thee ability to release what is longing to be set free. It’s an awakening, a profound activation of the mind, body, heart & soul. I am deep as the sea, and whenever I try to speak casually, this enchanting babble spills out of me, as if no matter how hard I try to conform to thee mortal language, I’m constantly reminded that my words will always sound foreign. But boring? Hardly. Though, it does present the challenge of ironing out thee wrinkles of time that seem to perplex even my own mind, especially when we’re born into a reality that grants each of us a sense of alienation.

I’m heavy on the self-improvement, how about you? The way it manifests for each of us might be different, but ultimately, it’s thee same. A beautiful conundrum, isn’t it? If time is an illusion in the grander scheme of multidimensional space & yet an actual, ticking figure in our 3D reality, then what does that create for us? We’re balancing two polarities & it’s no wonder people get dizzy. Perhaps we’re conditioned to perceive life through limiting lenses. Imagine if we stepped out of our own way what would your best version of yourself say to you? What if your purest self, the one untainted by the outside world, still lived in that childlike state of wonder, dreaming of something greater before external voices dimmed your light? What if that original existence was your truest reality, obscured by others concrete visions, waiting for you to resurrect it?

What if? What if? What if? The infinite possibilities are endless. Now that I realize everything is spiritual and personal, I find myself romanticizing life because it’s hit me like a blues clue, shaking me awake to desire change. That’s thee thing about transformation -it arrives when you’re truly ready for it. Which means you’ve done thee work for it too. Ding dong (a clue a clue ) evolution’s here, or will it remain a distant shadow do the same cycles of lessons unlearned needing to be realized? Ultimately, it’s up to our beliefs and actions to turn that knock into an open door. Simple, isn’t it? So maybe we should leave thee ‘buts’ behind and start working on our ‘butts’ instead. Less “but,” more movement.

I am thee rosebud that shall prick you into adjustment and alchemy because my energy, my innergy, is all about evolution & peace. And if you cannot be peace for yourself, how can you ever expect to be peace for another?

I’ve found that thee realer you are, the smaller your circle becomes & the funnier life’s little jokes can be when no one else is in on them. Thee world often isn’t ready for that level of truth, which is why people tend to shame and victimize those whom dare to speak truthfully & honestly into this 3D perceived reality. The truth can be uncomfortable for the walking dead & the invalids—yes, I’m using ‘invalids’ as a noun here. And trust me, that last sentence was meant to be helpful. We can learn something new every day, after all.

It’s wild to me that moons ago, I was shamed and ridiculed for my own divinity, my unique spirituality, and now all of that is widely accepted and even trendy. But trends are fickle. Now, 95% of people claim to be psychic, talking to spirits and ancestors, yet few seem to have any true answers. I find it comical—yes, sarcastic—but still, this freestyle speech flows & erase what I said when I said it, I do not, I will not.

“No longer hiding or apologizing for my multidimensionality, my spiritual gifts, my ability to see into the unseen, or anything else that makes overly logical people uncomfortable. If being attuned to the universe makes me weird to you, feel free to exit stage left.” — Unknown

Once upon a time, an Excalibur sword pierced my heart, both in this lifetime and many others, yet here I stand, the poetess rising and divining with every breath. Even the poem I wrote in the video you’re watching now was penned years ago, yet its sentiments still apply. Life cycles continue, and if you don’t learn from your lessons, they’ll come back around until you do. Astrology or not, all my charts point to one truth—I am as deep as the sea. If that isn’t obvious from my writing, then perhaps you’re not truly reading.

If I had one wish for us all, it would be for each of us to shine as brightly as the quantum stars we are. Have you ever noticed how chickens have such bold personalities and enormous egos? With the way most people consume chicken, it’s no wonder we absorb their traits. I laugh at this because, much like the statistics thrown around in this world, I often make up percentages on a whim. Call it intuition taking action. My quirky sense of humor might be lost on many, but it keeps me giggling in my own dystopian way.

“Be an energy converter. Whatever comes your way, transform it into what you want it to become. Everything is about how you respond, not about how things have to be.” — Unknown

2024 has been a year of profound awakening, and while it’s going out with a bang, peace rests in my heart. “I have no regrets for those I’ve already cut off, for I find peace in losing them.” — Unknown

We are our own remedies, after all. So here’s to laughing more, to turning pain into wisdom & to finding bliss in the unlikeliest of places. And remember, there’s not a single person on this earth worth losing sleep over, feeling like you’re not enough. Hold onto that.

“Sit with people who protect your name when you’re not around.”— Unknown

And with that, I leave you to reflect. Remember, your story is a masterpiece waiting to unfold & there’s no greater power than the one that resides within you.

As I gaze at this video compilation, I see the fluid dance of life, love & my own personal growth. Every scene, every song, is a testament to thee magic within me which is in us all.

Stay blissfully you.

With love,

Enchantress Thee Babbler 

@Enchantress Instagram 

@EnchantressTheeBabbler YouTube 

The artwork for the first photo was created for my daughter & myself  by the talented & beautiful  @darien.ray on Instagram 

These freestyle monologues are crafted to capture the raw, unfiltered thoughts that flow through my mind as I reflect on the video compilation shared. They are intended to spark introspection in you, the reader, encouraging you to reflect on these expressions in the context of your own journey of revolution and evolution. May my words inspire and motivate you to express yourself fully, in ways that invigorate your spirit and help you feel deeply connected to all that you are and all that you are creating for yourself—no matter how this world may challenge or test you.

Thank you for being a part of my Enchanting Babble blog. Be sure to check the archives, where you’ll find 1,000+ blog portals waiting for you to explore. Dive into any random blog entry and use it as intuitive guidance on your path.


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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.