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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lifequake: Rising from the Ruins of Transformation

In life, there are so many experiences to feel, lessons to learn & trials to overcome. Sometimes, the journey we share with others reaches its end & we part ways. It often feels like a massive quantum lifequake shaking everything we thought we knew, crumbling the people and places we believed we understood. But every breakdown is a breakthrough in disguise, another chapter to learn from, leading us to our next evolutionary level of existence.


Noun /life.kwerk/

A significant, sudden, and unexpected shift in the trajectory of your life, which initially feels devastating but ultimately catalyzes personal growth, transformation, and rebirth.

And wow—what a raw, unfiltered sensation it is to be alive. To grow through each trial and tribulation that tugs at our soul, shaking us to our core. The emotional rollercoaster of life’s stimulations stirs within us a longing for freedom, for liberation.

Cycle after cycle, we burn through or burn out, only to rise again. We fall, we struggle, and then we rise learning that thee redemption we seek is found within, in becoming our truest friend. There comes a moment when we honorthe vessel we are and embrace the being we came here to be. And that moment stirs everything. When you see people as they are no longer as the illusions we self-sabotagingly painted them to be you taste the beginning of freedom.

Is this what it feels like to be free? 

To see thee lack of reciprocity as the bullet it truly is? To no longer allow its energy to damage nor drain? Wisdom teaches us that when we cut the cords, we set ourselves free from harm. No further damage is necessary. Alchemy in full effect. Aligning with thee truth, especially in trying times, awakens something ancient !! The Gods within us!!!

Reality itself is a cage we’ve been conditioned to live in. We are the storytellers, the ones tasked with sharing the tales of our people — the ones whom still have the chance to rise, just one more time, to be thee version of ourselves we were meant to become. Yet somehow, we’ve been programmed to see this realm through distorted lenses. What is destiny anyways but another sanctioned to us dictionary thrown our way that we must learn & convince ourselves to  earn. 

So, grab your helmet. Without it, you risk many concussions from thee blows life throws at you. Don’t worry, me too, us, ALL of us ! Some of us, though, were born with harder heads & this can be considered a blissing creating  the strength required  to break EVERY cycle of death with EVOLUTIONARY rebirth, again & again.

I am all for evolution, transformation & the liberation that comes with both.

Deliver us from evil. 

We got to live Man 

Very demure, very mindful 


“The wound is the place where the Light enters you.” – Rumi

S h i n e 


These freestyle monologues are crafted to capture the raw, unfiltered thoughts that flow through my mind as I reflect on the video compilation shared. They are intended to spark introspection in you, the reader, encouraging you to reflect on these expressions in the context of your own journey of revolution and evolution. May my words inspire and motivate you to express yourself fully, in ways that invigorate your spirit and help you feel deeply connected to all that you are and all that you are creating for yourself—no matter how this world may challenge or test you.

Thank you for being a part of my Enchanting Babble blog. Be sure to check the archives, where you’ll find 1,000+ blog portals waiting for you to explore. Dive into any random blog entry and use it as intuitive guidance on your path.


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