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Monday, August 19, 2024

The Surprising Truth About Letting Go 🤍


When is it time to release the grip on something or someone - a memory, an experience that no longer feels right? The weight of holding on to the past can be suffocating, especially when we are still caught in the throes of those raw emotions. What if those emotions are not just challenging but utterly whole in all its consuming, demanding our attention & affection? As the saying goes, “Codependency is so strong that we please to the point of allowing the other to consume our lives, and we are happy believing that it is love” (Unknown). But when will we awaken from our delusions, finally accepting people as they are rather than how we wish them to be?

“Pay attention to the signs. It is what it looks like” (Unknown). I’ve heard that one should never cry over the same thing twice, but if that were the case, then perhaps I hold onto things far longer than is recommended or healthy. Living in a state of mind that defies this principle, I wonder… How do we heal the heartbreak that cuts so deeply - knowing that it refuses to fade? This pain is not something vain that can be switched off like a light, especially when it’s a persistent shadow always plaguing. 

This is why, if you ever see me in my zone, in my zen, stay clear unless your intentions are genuinely pure & sincere. Anything else that feels vibrationally off I no longer wish to connect with nor allow anywhere near my vicinity. Our souls are like mirrors, reflecting truths that only we can see when we are in alignment with certain energies and frequencies. “There’s magic in people whom have known darkness but choose to sprinkle sunshine wherever they go” (Unknown).

Back to love & heartbreak because I am asking for all my friends: How do you (we) <<me>> know when someone truly loves you (us) <<me>> ? Can we equate the ‘act’ of settling with love, or is love merely sacrifice? Is there true happiness without pain within love’s union? When a man loves a woman & a woman loves a man, it’s like a stroll under moonlit skies in Italy—a perfect harmony—or is that thee romantic hogwash they feed us to breed disappointment? In life, things can appear to take time—but in truth, it just takes alignment & cooperation. 

As we evolve & align, we create our own alchemy & this alchemy is unique blend of innergy, energy, frequency & quantum  vibration.

Remember, “You are not alive to please any of these motherfuckers” (Unknown). Who are “these” MfR’s anyhow ? So do you babe, be you & let them feel however they want to feel about you, your business & your life. Let them cry you a river. 

People say thee greatest revenge is success, but isn’t success subjective ? I believe, thee darkest parts of our stories  & selves give birth to thee strongest parts of our souls & selves. Purpose is often forged in hellish fires that stem from constant  disappointment, loss, grief, deception & failure - which causes us to rise like a phoenix from thee ashes. Coming from someone whom knows battles with melancholy & had an entire relationship with depression yet always  manages to turn it into R/evolution through deep reflection & introspection! I can tell you that the journey is both harrowing, Grueling &  enlightening. I’ve become quite the inspector Gadget detective, sifting through my own story line that may contain toxic imaginings & narratives that are played out, repetitive & often far from the truth. If delusion were an art form, I’d be its master.

“Three things about me:

1. I detach.

2. I move on.

3. I flourish.

With ease.”

I wish that were the case, but my scorpionic tendencies make it nearly impossible to release something or someone without experiencing a metaphorical grueling death. I don’t have enough dominant air sign qualities ruling my system allowing me to just dismiss without resist. I admire those whom can. But still the archer within me knows that the time will come when release is the only way forward & my fire will burn away & leave to ash everything & everyone that does not align with my innergy, energy, frequency, vibration , pathway & life journey.  It will burn never to be reminisced or missed.  

How we get there should  never be a race & with that in mind embrace each part  of your journey & dive into every complexity viewing it as another adventure within you to explore. 

There’s always more 🤍

“& maybe real success looks like:

• a regulated nervous system.

• not comparing yourself to others.

• being able to show up for yourself.

• a kind inner dialogue.

• being able to let go.

• knowing your own worth.

• having authentic connections.

• having good boundaries.

• being able to accept your humanness.

• living a life that makes sense to you” (Unknown).

“When you look at what is working, then you generate a vibration within you that says, ‘my life works,’ and then, in everything that you approach, your life works” (Abraham Hicks).

We must get it together. “You can’t manipulate the Universe. Being ‘fake nice,’ strategically kind, practicing inorganic positivity—none of these things will help you attract better. The Universe responds to your frequency, not the image you’re trying to uphold” (Unknown). So, please, align your innergy with your desires. Cut off whatever doesn’t serve your evolution. Release the memories that no longer contribute to your growth. Let people show you whom they are, and if they don’t meet your standards, let them go, too & if they want to leave - let them go ! Let the door hit them on the way out.  If cutting me off brings you happiness, I approve that decision!” (Unknown).

Get in touch with your wild side, let it reconnect you to your ancient roots of connectivity. We are all one, even in our individuality. At thee end of the day, we owe no one an explanation for our choices, unless we’re getting paid to provide a service.

Question everything, especially yourself. “The difference between humans & animals: Animals would never allow the dumbest of the herd to lead them” (Unknown). When someone sees my light but underestimates my darkness, I no longer take offense. I simply let it unfold cause pop goes thee weasel.

“Letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be” (Unknown). 

C’est la vie 

In thee end, the journey through heartbreak, self-reflection & growth is one that only we can navigate. It’s a journey that demands we let go of what no longer serves us, embrace our innergy & align with the truth of whom we are. In doing so, we rise above thee delusions that once held us captive, emerging stronger, more authentic & fully in tune with the vibrations that guide us toward our highest potential. Let the release be your rebirth &  may you flourish in the freedom that follows.

One of my favorite releases is in writing. I find healing in my own expressions. Find your canvas of expression & set it free.

With love,

Enchantress Thee Babbler

These freestyle monologues are crafted to capture the raw, unfiltered thoughts that flow through my mind as I reflect on the video compilation shared. They are intended to spark introspection in you, the reader, encouraging you to reflect on these expressions in the context of your own journey of revolution and evolution. May my words inspire and motivate you to express yourself fully, in ways that invigorate your spirit and help you feel deeply connected to all that you are and all that you are creating for yourself—no matter how this world may challenge or test you.

Thank you for being a part of my Enchanting Babble blog. Be sure to check the archives, where you’ll find 1,000+ blog portals waiting for you to explore. Dive into any random blog entry and use it as intuitive guidance on your path.

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