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Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Oracle of Wisdom: The Secret Keeper


“She carefully folds the paper, with great care and as much precision as she can give to the art. She dangles them on a string, lightly moving her fingers around in a small dance. Only she knows the secret wishes written in them, filled with words of thought and secrets. Someday, though, she may share the contents of her heart hidden within. But for now, only she knows.”

Life has taught me a valuable lesson: sometimes, it’s best to keep our joys and loves to ourselves. No matter how much we want to share, there are moments when we need to handle our dreams and desires with tender loving care. It’s rough out there in this realm of perceived 3D reality. The factual reality is, we learn stubbornly that sometimes other people are not energetically equipped to be genuine in their celebrations of our successes, triumphs, desires, and dreams.

So, what do we do? We hold them close to our hearts. We sit in our power, fueled by the empowering knowledge that others can’t ruin what they don’t know. It’s not about mistrust; it’s about safeguarding our energy and nurturing our dreams until they are strong enough to stand on their own.

In this dance of life, we learn to be our own best guardians. We fold our wishes carefully, just like the paper on the string, knowing that each one is a piece of our soul. We allow ourselves to feel the excitement and the passion of our dreams privately, cultivating them in a space where they are safe and cherished.

There’s a certain magic in mystery, a power in keeping things sacred. When we keep our deepest desires close, we give them the time and space to grow without external interference. We protect our heart’s whispers from the noise of the world, letting them flourish in the quiet of our inner sanctuary.

So, my advice to you is this: nurture your dreams in secret. Let them bloom in the fertile ground of your own spirit. Share them when they are ready, when you are ready, and when they can no longer be contained. Until then, let the mystery be your strength. Embrace the unknown, and trust in the power of your own guarded heart.

Keep your dreams close, and your heart closer. Remember, the most beautiful flowers bloom in their own time, away from prying eyes. Your dreams are precious, and you are their most faithful guardian. Protect them, nurture them, and watch them grow into something extraordinary.

This is the wisdom of the Secret Keeper. In your journey, may you find strength in solitude, power in mystery, and peace in the quiet nurturing of your soul’s deepest desires.

Powerful Affirmation Decree:

I am the guardian of my dreams, nurturing them with love and patience. I trust in the divine timing of the universe, knowing that my desires will bloom into beautiful realities when the time is right. I protect my heart’s whispers, and in the mystery, I find my strength and power.

With Love,

Enchantress Thee Babbler

@EnchantressTheeBabbler YouTube 

@Enchantress Instagram 

@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok 


Disclaimer: Please be advised that all intuitive card readings, including tarot, oracles, and channeling, are provided for the purpose of evolution and upliftment for those who choose to engage in this way. All public tarot, oracle readings, and channelings are intended for entertainment purposes, and it is the responsibility of each individual to use their own discernment when applying these free, motivational, and inspiring gifts.

These offerings are an exercise of free will and are not a substitute for professional advice, including medical or psychological guidance. The content provided is meant for light-hearted fun, inspiration, and evolutionary guidance. Not every message will resonate with everyone, so take what feels right to you and leave the rest behind.

For those with opinions and judgments about the use of intuitive tools as a form of guiding light, please keep your opinions to yourself and keep it moving. Thank you.

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