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Sunday, June 2, 2024

Awakening the Divine: Embracing Our Truest Purpose Through Quantum Expression


That's the purpose of our entire humane existence: to align with our truest purpose, always understanding that this discovery is constant and evolutionary. Within this journey, there will be many shifts, experiences, and quantum transformations. It’s not that you didn’t know this side of your expression well—it’s just that you hadn’t put in the effort required to realize it yet. Allowing something to develop naturally over time exemplifies divine right timing. Embracing this level of awareness for your cosmic innerstanding, understanding, and overstanding is essential to growth. It’s not this or that; it’s all of that and then some. Everything is interconnected, the same way that everything is interdimensional and profound.

Depression exists due to the lack of divine expression in our lives. Depression occurs when we do not express ourselves to our fullest capacity, especially when we are equipped to do so. It’s like having the sound but, for whatever reason, it won’t come out. Whenever we are ready and able to express ourselves and then do not, we only hurt ourselves, causing the greatest depression to take residence within our resonance. This will be evident in our energy, frequency, and vibration. Our human design requires intentional effort from ourselves in order to actualize our entire expression. We can begin to actualize our expressions when we realize them and then intentionally put forth effort into our own fulcrum design, activating every potential within our being that is sparkling and circuiting its fire squad into our action potentials expressed through our unique vessel. This type of quantum energy builds the momentum designed for us when we choose to be intentional and put in the absolute effort required to turn imaginary ectoplasm into reality. Do you see?

What you feel and think does matter, and this should matter to you on the deepest level of your soul.

How we feel should matter to us, especially when it comes to what we desire to express. A part of innerstanding, understanding, and overstanding is necessary to achieve the alchemy of success needed in our personal lives. The missing component needing to be acknowledged and catered to is our willingness to sit with ourselves, stand with ourselves, and just be with ourselves. We must be able to meet with ourselves in whatever way, shape, or form that aligns with our natural ways of meeting and greeting our being. How this meeting takes place will not be the same every single time, but the meeting must take place even if every single meeting is in a different space. The most important thing is to savor the time given to this intentional space and acknowledge the revelations received in this space to harness them to activate it fully.

We have to process and understand our own quantum expression, and until we do, we won’t fulfill that purpose within ourselves. Once you innerstand/understand the dynamics of yourself and what you came to do, then the expression will be externalized and brought to life. This is when others will see because you see. When you can make others understand what you came here to do, it will be because your expression shows it, removing all doubt from your path due to it being fully expressed. The more you dull your divine expression, the less joyful you will be, and the more distant you become from your truest self.

Let’s travel back in time and go back to childhood, no matter what type of childhood it was. Your connection with yourself was the closest it ever was before life got in the way. It was in our childlike vessel where we began nurturing our house or learning to tune it out. And for so many, life begins to happen, and everyone is spending more time outside than they are spending inside.

Come sit with me here on my childhood stoop of steps. This is one location I can always easily tap in, turn on, and tune into for myself. The most connected sense of self that I have, I spent a lot of my childhood existence sitting on a stoop, sitting with myself, and without realizing it, getting to know myself most truly. So find your stoop, whoever you may be, and sit with thee. Embrace the stillness, the introspection, and the profound depths of your psyche, for it is in these moments that you will find the essence of your being and the divine expression that yearns to be realized.

When you align with your truest self, you ignite the fire of your soul’s purpose, transforming your reality into a masterpiece of divine expression.

With Love,  
Enchantress Thee Babbler

@EnchantressTheeBabbler YouTube  
@Enchantress Instagram  
@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok  

#Enchanting #Freestyle #Monologues #always #speak #your #mind  #Mystic #Channeler #ExtraOrdinaire with #writing #Flair #BeKind2AnimalsOrElse !

These freestyle monologues are crafted to capture the raw, unfiltered thoughts that flow through my mind as I reflect on the video compilation shared. They are intended to spark introspection in you, the reader, encouraging you to reflect on these expressions in the context of your own journey of revolution and evolution. May my words inspire and motivate you to express yourself fully, in ways that invigorate your spirit and help you feel deeply connected to all that you are and all that you are creating for yourself—no matter how this world may challenge or test you.

Thank you for being a part of my Enchanting Babble blog. Be sure to check the archives, where you’ll find 1,000+ blog portals waiting for you to explore. Dive into any random blog entry and use it as intuitive guidance on your path.

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