Not only should
You never
For anything less
Than you rightfully deserve
You must also embody the energy of value
Knowing the taste of your own sense of self love &
Vibrating thee all of you that is always you
Through and through
Matter what form and state of awareness is you
Is awareness to thee all that is you
Discernment of reality & truth
Alignment is for you
And only you
Yes it contributes collectively
if someone is not ready
It’s not up
To you to get them there
Never allow
Another on their own levels
Of evolution
Dictate nor hinder your own
Growth and evolutionary process
If there is one thing this solar
Eclipse energy is going to bring strongest to the surface is your own sense of self value and identity in the stream of all things
That are being revealed on the surface
What is hidden and rotten shall be made known
Shadows unload
For us all
Everything we all do matters
For we are cocreating futures
And you’re being gifted another opportunity to do what is right not
What is most easy
Moment of silence
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