Make sure that the people whom you allow in your world are for your greatest good. Some people only like you because of how good you make them feel - but that doesn’t mean their energy for you is healing too. Often times it’s the polarities we encounter with others that challenge us to grow through conflict resolution. It’s essential to know your boundaries & value meal. If someone wants to Be a part of your life & doesn’t care enough to think twice about what energy & stories they choose to contribute & share - then cut them off & deny all access to your life experience.
It sounds rather harsh and cut throat to handle in such immediate drastic ways - but it saves one from having to deal with headaches, drama, lies, chaos & often times heartache.
Seeing the reality of every situation for what it is can be rather freeing when you learn to accept things as they are and people as they show themselves to be. Reality is individually subjective & totally a matter of perspective / perception & everyone should feel entitled to choose for themselves what reality they desire to be a part of in life (actuality) - sometimes we encounter other souls that come from different worlds & love to do different things.
Different lifestyles and Cultures are fascinatingly cool. But one thing that is universal is our ability to “Feel” & “think” for ourselves.
If you feel something - say something !
If you know something / share it !
If you don’t like the way someone treats you - no longer give them the opportunity to treat you in any way whatsoever.
If you like someone and they don’t like you back in the same way - be their friend if you can - if not, wish them well & move forward in life - stepping away completely.
If something is on your mind - find your true voice of expression to express it !
If someone doesn’t choose you, choose yourself !
Not every relationship is worth salvaging : so be most honest with yourself about your truth and discernment.
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