I’ve been a lot more present in living. I realize when I am present, I am in greater harmony with my whole. This is rather monumental if you think of it like this. When I am present, I am free from the heavy that comes from a yesterday already passed and from a tomorrow that is yet to exist. Let that marinate. All I know to have to be my most true for me right now - is me right now. This level of consciousness is my present I am moment of life right now that is existing due to my present level of awareness. Stay with me please. Do not get dizzy by wordy descriptions. What does this all mean ??? This means that My VIBRATION as of right now is currently Vibrating into my galactic universe - which means I am vibrating and shooting out signals every which way (whether I realize this or not)) and that means I am sharing / spreading / vibrating this electromagnetic pulse of a frequency that infects / affects / due to its effects and due to this it influences my entire WORLD —- which is btw my Now current environment. #Mindblown 🤯 Now WOW .. I Am Like taken aback by such a #simpleton Of a notion. Do you mean it’s so simple as 1-2-3 to be mindful of such energy exuding from my own entire being ?? YES !! It’s simple .. yet requires a #lot of training, practice and work that is #WORTH every ounce of #alignment and PEACE you create for yourself in your NOW space (which is your forever space and world) 🤯
It’s always going to be about the Alchemist existing within you that is required to put the Alchemist into infusion (drive) and dive inside of your own hive #mind #Body #Heart #Soul #Infusions
#EastMeetsWestSpiritualServices #EnchantressTheBabbler #Evolutionary #Humorist #Spiritualist #energyworker #bodyworker #channeling #Mystic
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