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Wednesday, February 20, 2019

High Priestess Automatic Writing

A High Priestess energizing this 
Automatic Writing
being shared 
centering on LOVE
a build up brewing of Harmonious partnering
authentic lovers 
this rare earth life 
experience with one another  
while each are being absolutely divinely guided  
intuitive are these realms of existence 
and real 
between LOVERS 
sharing in this vortex of Love kind of experience 
as flames ignite 
Passion at this time
High Priestess Energy leveling are these  sources of transformations that are Worthy of glorious Unifications that are elevating Lovers in their evolutions 
during this revolution 
through the superficially appearing of igniting true romance 
that no human up to date 
has been privy to experience 
as is being cherished now 
and these lovers 
into this bind 
do so consciously at this time of cosmic trine
Lovers presents 
star wishes 
a fantasy fulfilled in the other 
Mirror Mirror 
a love passion fueled experience 
but just like humans 
no matter the degree of evolution existing in each individual 
when it comes to being one or both of these Lovers  whom 
undoubtedly shape shift into the other 
especially when they go 
under cover 
to recover
the way these two lovers 
get to know one another 
is remarkable and splendid to witness 
in the experience 
of Dua Lipa New Rules 
 being applied 
that supports Trines that align 
these two lovers into
righteous passage waves 
lovers consecrate 
their love 
lovers reign to take
and to hold 
Lovers revolutionize each lovers experience 
Creating  transform
in this 
New waves 
unconditional LOVE can cause each one to feel 
during this love fueled experience 
healthy in mind to welcome in their  
tower crumbling in regards to their own 
Past Life 
coming into view 
for Review 
for transmute 
these lovers definitely compute no matter the delay in their response times..
emotional senses go out of the window
cause these divine lovers become foggy brain 
feeling out of it on novocain 
triggering their own preexisting pain
to be healed and released 
not an enjoyable feast 
tricky these things can be 
because  each lover with a story of their own 
and demons to meet 
and face
and slay 
and the party turn up is not great 
largest party to date
of all the pain triggering 
into reveal 
for  comic feels 
to seal 
these deals 
with solutions 
that gift  levels not designed for human size brains to obtain 
so let us remain focused in our art
designed from our hearts  
and if you are not conscious nor awakened to the lovers receiving these passionate callings
Know this kind of experience between lovers can feel rather daunting 
and exhausting 
 requiring lovers to make decisions for themselves in service to the WHOLE 
by honoring themselves 
and yet selfishly 
yin and yang 
that does not operate in fear based mindsets 
or lacking mindsets 
or mindsets that do not deem themselves worthy to be a recipient of such Wonderful Loving things 
Drink from this cup Of Love Knowing you are Worthy to receive every drop of Love being offered to you  
love overflowing constantly from each 
Ace of Cups 
How does it feel when two Lovers embrace ?
How does it feel to you and whom do you feel this embrace with and receive the embrace in equal receiving measure? 
does any sentence make sense out of sequence?
whom do not share their desires with their lovers will be 
chased down by 
fears that speak lies 
into the hearts 
creating division 
is that what you want from your ultimate love - to be divided? 
Lovers be Bold in your current unknown
feel out your zones 
what is your lover saying without saying?  
conscious moves 
in alignment with Lovers is all it takes 
to Break 
and wake each one up 
Love is your truest Lover - what do you desire to inspire ? 
Lovers further  align together on their evolutionary path
separated by stance  
lovers choose to dance 
the tango 
and eat forbidden fruits 
promising themselves to never respond to their lover in uninspiring ways leading to decay  
 in unhealthy ways  
one might have made numerous mistakes once upon a time but that no longer applies to this  align 
Lovers rhyme  
whom is keeping score ? lovers never at war  even the legend of keeping score - is all part of the folklore to keep one scarred / feeling barred
lovers apart 
creating realms of  
mental asylums that do exist all around 
and this energy loves to go bat shit crazy and stir the shit luck pots right up and cook it in the biggest fire pit known to be 
 Lack of commitment for so many old souls 
that is absolutely right
something not Right 
in the page 
Where is each Knight?  
 previously lacking was the Page 
 in need of maturity and some more experience 
but part of the experience 
like a science experiment
he evolved fast  
is she 
in opposite view
my Friends,
poetry is explosion 
after epiphany of these moments of implosions 
being received for some soul Lovers 
at this time
lack of focus coming to mind and also to an end 
whether they communicate this change  out loud 
that Is something Ego brother Proud will have to tackle
on his own  
patience always found in the fem dom 
 Temperance delivers these energetic calming flows of loving 
of vibes that vine in align 
connecting soul tribes 
magnetizing to  frequencies 
only tribes can feel 
what is inner real
once they let go of 
self inflicting wounds that can be made 
did ya hear?
get in  gear !
no more need for self inflicting wounds over here 
healing from the inner lands first and foremost 
whatever astrological figure you choose to resonate with during this 
Full Super Snow Moon 
note and KNOW that the air 
is cold 
at this time 
it is cold 
so warm can be felt 
as it warms every  misalign with love
and solution matching alignment 
through epiphanies meant for ones golden refinement   
all this lack of being clear 
no more 
my dears 
all is clear 
due to the experience for so many of not previously having their own 
lovers clarity 
such a time 
can drive 
one to think 
in their feelings 
emerging strong like creepers 
these feelers 
some realer kind of feels 
that makes for one to feel 
and that discomfort is what 
feels most real 
while experiencing 
such  an intense connection 
head on 
in real time 
this story 
not a joke 
Lovers crimes are what they hold inside and deny ((making their life feel more miserable and as though it is a lie by all they choose to  hide and deny with their own feelings inside - unable to share - because they do not know how to share how they feel and still feel a type of way of letting others in on the fact that they do have feelings and care- it is not the easiest of tasks to complete or compute ))
what unhealthy   habits 
and ways of thinking 
and feeling 
and acting 
are lovers reenacting
lets stop the ACTING 
this is not 
or is it? 
Scandalous some might feel love to be 
are these lovers any different? 
So many souls contribute to unhealthy ways of creating 
in love 
for love
type of experiences 
what is unhealthy?  
the realms created on  this  unhealthy longing for a lover  so many feel and experience in their lonely type feels... 
this  dependency burdened unto lovers 
when they find a lover and unhealthy comes into light creating patterns of behavior and acting out that is truly not healthy or right for anyone to have to endure... 
unhealthy patterns being identified and no longer existing
on earth
these constant limitations 
dishonest negotiations 
ego driven 
commitment phobia 
fear of losing it all 
hysterical humans 
believing themselves capable of 
having any kind of form of healthy 
relationship with others
no matter the title of the relationship formed 
including raising children ...
but children is not this story line written 
Mostly this all here is written for 
whom gotten stung 
by the LOVE BUG 
in some kind of way 
and the Love story may not be going exactly the way 
one desires  
or truly Inspires to receive 
and achieve 
Never mind the what or whom 
of the why you have 
found yourself here 
within these conditioned lands 
has been created a  many a mass of mask 
parading around town 
invisible to the 
that paints their face 
zombie like 
human behaviors 
sketchy  as can be 
oblivious to the 
that are neither 
here nor there 
never present anywhere 
but always in some 
of existence 
that sucks their energy dry
an invisible high 

in have discovered 
Leaking all 
water has been found 
much more  valuable than the oil 
made to blob 
some distracts 
into the atmosphere 
GOLD is here 
within the droplets of water 
making up the entire ocean 
in need of revisions 
 we call 
living our 
Soul Called Life 
ours in the hands 
of the men and woman whom 
came before us 
and made for themselves 
through our freedom 
what they could not have 
prior to the struggle of history 
they have so  enthusiastically shared with us 
to note their honorary contributions 
over time 
feeding the narcissist 
within  the I 
that is collective 
and all-around 
Shadow Hunter 
shooting them arrows 
of truth 
for resolution 
to the pollution 
no longer  necessary 
what is happening energetically right now 
all around 
to people you would not even ever think 
to have been 
to be affected 
and exalted into 
much sooner rather than later 
some sort of channeling in the speech 
that explains nothing too deep 
but finds the words of reality that is existing that do speak 
to the parts that resonate with the truth being spoken 
Shadow work involves so much work 
but it is worth every Piece of Peace 
it gifts us 
Shadow Work involves 
ones own light 
in the darkest of matters
Shadow work Involves mastery of Constant triggers meant to transmute 
till what is abstract becomes still
it will always 
be art 
in every 
these channelings I love  to spill 
unto these pages 
my hands freezing cold at the moment 
reminding me of this cold front 
coming to an end 
for many 
at this time 
Rest is  a Cosmic Order 
for reorder
of your own Controlling ways that do not align with your 
feeling waves
that are now 
presenting themselves to you 
so that you can for once 
be accountable for the emotional side of you that is attempting to make itself known to you 
and it will speak loudly at first 
until you learn how to actually listen 
Brilliance is being witnessed and experienced 
and felt
connections with self
 on constant repeat 
this here poetry 
travels further than you will ever know 
to know 
in this level 
of whole 
you perceive 
you think 
to know 
that is semi truth 
of  A  
part that is apart 
yet every bit of  this particle 
that can never be seen as an article 
If you are here 
Traveler you most certainly are 
going supernova deep
you were born ready 
 no longer will you and your needs be denied
no longer can lies exist within your alchemized mix  
depression inner stood as suppression 
and gifted now with Full Blown expression 
you are Feeling every beat of connected 
with source
and self 
inner feeling your own revealing that is majorly appealing in every kind of way 
first to yourself 
deserving you  most certainly are of everything 
you Secretly wish 
for yourself 
In no way hide from your feelings inside 
Flame on 
 is the energy leading 
passion fueled 
these energies unable to be contained 
loose like Drake 
in love  
riding these waves 
into the Hawaiian state  
of centered oasis 
sanctuary after sanctuary 
roots of love,  calm and peace 
feeling restored
heaven lived here on earth 
Lovers excited to further explore
all there is 
cause there is so much more 
to explore on these outer lands  
in these inner lands 
rune discoveries are  totally cool 
 make the time to get to better know 
for your 
for your
Most Humans are Love sick and unhealthy in their behavioral habits of how they go about expressing and spreading their love 
most humans project their own life experiences unto others especially those they care for 
and taint so much of another in their life experience 
because another one has imposed their 
self imposed sentencing 
unto someone else 
((they dare call me a witch )) 
 the love humans experience 
they think they express themselves true
majority acts like no feelings are cool 
no need to ever express
or address
those whom do NOT address
absolutely neglect
and cater to the  debater of  haters 
met with 
due to the unseen development of the not expressed 
definitely suppressed emotions 
and energies neglected that feed 
into energy attracting systems 
 causing one to experience energy experiences that are caused by the 
lack of communication 
existing within their own 
Center OM 
obsessively   I create 
and compulsively  I share 
the deprived nature that so many humans forget that lives here 
on this planet 
inside of themselves 
often in their homes 
and are constantly being ignored 
and lacking in the loving support their soul 
at least this is the inner layers of voice that penetrate 
the many  outside surfaces that go undetected due to the lack of self talk most people refuse to engage in with 
because talking to oneself would be "weird" and not the "normal" or "acceptable" perceived thing to do 
feeling worthless and homeless
 humans feeling 
deserving and undeserving 
at the same time 
oblivious too 
their lack in 
the experience of 
a love they think 
they feel  
they desire and want 
usually attached to a face 
that they believe is the 
giver of this love 
still oblivious 
to the call 
humans deny 
the very things 
they crave
never  not  knowing how to relate 
or communicate 
with themselves 
the source responsible for many of their own
self inflicted long and drawn out miseries 

their inner workings 
needing to check in 
and get better acquainted 
what is  crave?
 thrust meters on full display
 lust o meter
on high rise 
desires to be fulfilled 
endings to all 
cheap thrills
that  were 
devoid of any real satisfaction  
in the end 
it was all pretend 
created out of echoes 
shared  through the 
birthing exhaustion 
of humans into their own ruin and depletion 

there was a quote I read on Insta 
and put on my live story 
speaking in tongues about humans and the human experience 
dying at age 25 to then be 
finally buried 
at age seventy five 
when one realizes that metaphorically 
so many 
souls die too 
on the regular 
has anyone ever done the statistics on the amount of devastating deaths this world experiences on a daily by the UFO Humans occupying once again this illusionary space 
that is shared 
by some collective 
totalling to 
being source
read that line again 
and again 
encode decodes 
of  riddles 
inside the diary part 
of the journal 
that turtles 
too do 
into the
 mind fudges every middle man syndrome with conundrums that end up inspiring epiphanies to be born 
all of these contributions being made by 
the collective 
is rather interesting 
to observe 
all of these things energetically 
and shared collectively 
over time 
which is a Magicians illusion 
all these contributions 
that have been contributed by others
that assist 
many of those 
whom find the assist 
synchronistically of course  
this collective sharing is not 
one individuals 
to some imaginary 
that is a hole 
collective is the stirring 
that is designed to collect 
the collective story
what you discover based off of your tapping into the collective 
is meant to further educate 
and inspire you 
not SOLVE you 
nor provide you with the missing ingredients you 
Part of your own individualism 
is to discover your own piece 
for PEACE (mentally and emotionally you will feel this once you apply this) 
but individuals 
each one by one 
by one 
must discover for themselves 
their own 
without relying on google 
nor others 
whom is that UFO ALIEN existing inside when I close my eyes?
WHo is it that thinkeths? 
whom is it that speakeths? 
who is the one listeningeth?
and who is the one feelingeth ? 
what is the meaning of any nonsensical thing within shared space 
where is this place? 
Truth of the matter in this ugly beautiful realm of existence 
everything should be understood 
by comprehending 
your place in the inner standing 
and that conscious levels is overspending 
your place
that is solid
innerstand our own significant stance visiting these lands 
conditioning has taught for cycles of generations encodings that require our decodings 
now we decode it 
and erode it 
upload it 
to exalt it out of the system 
that we are tuning into 
in Upgrading 
for ourselves  
for these raising of standards is bountiful  
unhealthy habits humans have learned and foolishly operate till this day on and act as though all is well in their world of unwellness behaviors
words can lie 
when spoken 
but energy 
that mofo 
lives transparent  
ROOT cause of any 
and everything 
may it uproot 
solutions needed 
dive into the root of anything 
you find everything 
what is anything anyway? 
 Humans on an intimate level
are like F students in grade levels 
and F not meaning Fantastic either 
 harmonious communications are energizing into existence and some high levels of evolutioners are doing the work 
shifts are  happening 
99.99999998% of the time 
these numbers are astounding 
working from these fundamental core levels is one area of channeling I have been made to oceanically explore 
as I evolve into my own more 
of a matter
of a cosmic platter 
in purpose 
Operating on Temperance energies divine  
balancing in Justice supreme 
I shine 
Whole like the Empress
I feel 
my magnetic appeal 
unimpressed Like the Emperor 
Silly like the Fool 
Raising vibrations 
is this cool awesome 
 thing i love 
to do 
 Intuitive like the High Priestess 
IM super cool 
alchemized like the Magician  
I went to Witchy Schools 
Whippin my own Unicorns that I love riding on  
 Directions of my Chariot I align in my reign 
Knowing with absolute certainty there is a deeper most deepest reason for each of us asking 
desiring more 
it is ok to want more 
that does not make you any less worthy of the more 
that you crave
it is ok 
to forgive your old ways 
say Goodbye today 
acknowledge  your rise into your own reign of glorious fame  
deserving you rhyme into shine 
all of thee time 
Acknowledge yourself directly in this way 
all of the steps you have taken leading you to this very point of self acknowledgement is Inner Powerful 
no matter the stature of whom you may be or how you perceive 
yourself to 
You are MAGICAL 
and everything you need yourself to be 
forever and ever
complete and whole you are GOLDEN 
"Nothing is ever as it seems to be..." notes from the outerland 
over there in one of my Faves 
Alice in Wonderland 
random non direct quotes 
We all are madd when madd so be glad that you can feel 
what is resonance for you if you refuse to connect with what makes you feel? 
whomever this question is for 
it is rhetorical my love 
What does rhetorical mean to me in regards to you?
SImple... it means, I need not ever know what your answer is to the rhetorical being asked of you... no response is needed by me but certainly you require one for yourself. That is why the rhetorical is being posed - so seeds shall be actively engaged and watered in every kind of way alchemically designed for you.  Is this too much for you too ? It is always best to allow for the rhetorical to seed within your being bursting truth and clarity to you - when divine time is for you - whenever that shall be--  whether your response is instant or not...nothing is ever as it seems 
Wouldn't you agree ? 
although you are always welcome to share 
with me 
just remember to be mindful
to respond and share without "reacting" 
do so with absolute 
self preservation 
and care
cause that is what we do over here inside of 
of soul craze adventure  
even when reading 
we do so here 
in spirals 
this here is art 
created and inspired 
from this heart centered in space
this heart of mine 
this vessel 
I ride 
in rise
My Channels 
instant goals being made 
Akashic Halls of Fame 
on a roll today 
first on youtube 
now Im channeling here  
 my fingers for hours 
won't stop typing away 
Traveler is I 
in every kind of way 
time has moved here 
while visiting these space cadet channelings 
I love doing 
Glad to be back 
Rhetorical Art Profound 
are you listening now? 
Whom is the you that is most real and most true when you close your eyes?
What voice do you hear inside?
How come when you hear your voice on voice recording you hear a different voice and hate the way you sound?
When will you ever hear your voice in the state of vibration that it is truly in? 
When will you desire to check in some more and reflect on the essence that thinks for you versus the vessel that speaks for you ?
whom acts for you? 
What thoughts are yours and what thoughts are collectively picked up in this wild circus of life that is shared air as layers that spread 
and we all breathe in ....
every energy created into existence we are affected by 
these lifetime sentences  
of hamster wheel rides  
we have all 
continuously taken part in 
absentee of our mind 
monkey hive dive 
calling it all "Karma"
defining it at a cycle 
spiral of life
that is energy 
Stay with me 
focus here 
how willing are you to participate and engage 
in this game 
because you forget 
your reason
and live off of labels
that are fables 
that are cables 
that weigh 
a whole lot 
keeping one in chains 
detached from these invisible fields and yet bound to them like binds
 of emotion that exist between every 
hocus pocus 
movement that is part of the 
invisible surface 
existing all around 
constantly being charged 
by invisible feelings not addressed 
but energies created by detection of the frequencies being engaged 
but  still not 
out loud
because the physical eyes refuse to see the invisible layering between 

what can be kept 
hidden in the dark 
shall remain 
dark side of the moon 
hidden in secrecy 
not worthy for the superficial to register unless they dive in 
oceanic realms 
America land of the brave 
to dive in this way 
the Land of the Freedom 
of over thinkers 
not realizing they are actually 
grabbing every thought bubble of energy created into existence that has previously been made and without consciously being aware of what they are  picking up they are foolishly calling it their very own and attaching these thought traveling bubbles to themselves and living out these thought like experiences through the lens they mask themselves with.  
as we ponder these sentiments of imaginings of thoughts I have colorfully shared
within is being generated through out our system 
 certain levels of experiences
each experience tied to its very own 
leveling of Action 
feeling and overall experience 
So much mental thought and activity 
can drive 
lovers to 
their own extinction 
In truth, this is major source of depletion of ones own ability to maintain 
healthiest of boundaries without allowing any toxicities to creep into the monkey hive that loves to dive in to unsuspecting 
zero conscious like folk 
whom just look to be woke 
but inside 
its suicide cries hidden in the black matter market that does not recognize itself yet 
in anything 
that is nothing 
leading to something 
without ever bumping heads
with the 
branding markets of depleted souls 
undercover and still do not know 
the Awakening that unfolds 
shaking up the farmers market 
with rockets bursting out of pockets 
energy never before seen
felt nor experienced 
and yet desired 
finally feeling 
Was I finished with this entry?
not really 
but my hands are frozen 
by the lovers in deny 
at this time 
and for this I call it a good night 
to realize 
that I am the fire 
igniting this space 
lovers trace
their scribes 
time to align 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.