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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

TEMPERANCE Advice for ALL Zodiac Signs 2019 Pt 3 of 3

TEMPERANCE is the LEADING Energy Circling this January 2019 stage and there is so much for US to LEARN from this SUPPORTIVE Tarot energy.  

Please do KNOW that you should definitely Read your SUN, MOON, RISING, VENUS signs when referencing these Advisement ALIGNS -- I will include an Example using my own SUN, MOON, RISING and VENUS signs as reference so that YOU too can make the BEST out of this ENCHANTING BABBLE NEW YEAR of Alignment and FUN

Remember, Enlightenment UP 
and KNOW that this here is Designed to assist ALL on this Soul Journey called life
Entertainment is INNERtaining too 
Take what resonates and let go of everything that does NOT resonate with you - its simple too

Patience reflected in balance found once introspected

Temperance is the LEADING energy for this month of January that I pulled back in December 2019. 

It is interesting that Temperance is depicted as the Fire Sign, Sagittarius - and we did just flow out of Sagittarius season and are currently in Capricorn season. Temperance matching the energies of Capricorn in seeing things through into its completion.   Temperance is all about self control & working moderately towards achieving every goal ensuring its success.  It is all about keeping excellent time management of ones time.  It is all about the core strength that creates the substance and quality fuel of feels needed to find harmony between ones own desires and needs - while also keeping mental and emotional balance too. There is so much more to FEELING WHOLE - we learn this as we continue to INNER GROW & Expand.   Temperance embodies the divine patience needed for all things coming into fruition, especially emotions and loving feelings. Temperance understands the work and cooperation needed in order to get many things in working harmonies and order. Harmony in understanding for inner standing for proper overspending  is what Temperance is all about!  Temperance, embodies inside and out, truth, wisdom, peace and  harmony.   It is the energy of Temperance gifting Sage advice to each sign this month - may every sign continue to Positively rise in their ALIGN while loving every part of their own cosmic Journey of discovery.  With Peace and Wholesome Vibrations may every message resonate with you as you are open to receive.  Take what resonates and let go of what does not. 

Remember to check out all the other parts of your Astrology Chart / Signs 

Read your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Rising sign and Venus Sign too 

A message from Temperance for each Zodiac Sign for the Month of January 

Temperance Oracle will gift FOCUS each zodiac should currently keep for themselves if they are not doing it already - and also this oracle message will advise current  Chakra Blockage if any that zodiac sign should dive deeper into for transmutation and healing.  Two Cards will be pulled for each zodiac revealing current Aligned Focus that should be kept and any block that needs to be addressed at this time in order to maintain current needed Focus and Goal! 

Although this is for the month of January - do note that all divine messages are TIMELESS - you will receive when you receive and there is no time stamp for that leveling of evolution 

FINAL List of Zodiac Signs UP on deck


Happy New Day #3 delivered on Day #4 - forgive my tardiness, but there is lots on my current plate. Collectively, for many of us, part of the debris and the closing themes exiting our lives, are still taking place into the New Year.  Yea, we may have wanted it to be left and all done with in 2018 - allowing us the fresh clean slate imagined to be something real due to a fabricated calendar system of dates that pretends it knows what numbered day today actually is - but anyways many are still cycling about and cleaning out the debris and purging what does not serve. As we all know, all of this shit takes time.  It is also rather daunting and exhausting.  Like in all seriousness, how many of you have been experiencing energetic drainage and feeling extra sleepy? Talk about wiping out our energy houses. It is all  cool though and being handled as needing to be handled. Let us all stay hanging around, upside down, as we sort all of this shit out.

 Hey, better late than never! 
(favorite quote used by a late person)

 To all of you going through and rising Up in your Breaking out of old patterns and paradigms that do not align with YOU and your current rhymes. Well... GOOD for YOU! I am happy for you and supportive of you on your journey in every single way.  
Seriously, good fkn job!

Tell me..  How does it feel to no longer be cock slapped by the external energies around you attempting to energetically cock slap you with their penis?   I write this not to be funny, but to help you visualize the realness of the cock slaps behind the energetic veil of life that exists all around, all of thee time! 

Thank You for meeting me here..
with tender love & absolute care - which is rather rare.. I will take you there.. here to this ocean so clear 
we can swim, float, walk, run, fly, soar high, dive low 
we are FREE to GROW 
Let us dive in soul deep..
infusing our alchemy wonderfully
into these mystic waters we go, Atlantis found 
sacred Ground 
 our holy temple 

Close your eyes, breathe in deep, take what resonates, and release what does not.  Life is all a stage, and every scene must be created for somebody.  On that note, let us entertain for our Inner Gain, which is no debate! 

LEO - Helloooo my beautiful Leos :) so I have to note this energy I picked up while shuffling your Oracle Message.  I literally had to go outside of myself to 3rd party See, what this facial expression I found myself doing when I picked up the cards to shuffle for you.  It was this displeased and definitely sexy facial expression that told a deeper story of dissatisfaction.  Yes! that is the energy I am currently channeling for your read at this time as I allow for your Oracle Message to be channeled through the energy of Temperance.  Temperance being one of your fellow Fiery Sistar on this current life path. Leo's always seek Temperance in their lives.  The Sun does sure shine BRIGHT on all of our Leo Lovers.  Overall, there has been marked internal improvements with your mood and feelings about life.  Many of you have been going into your deep oceanic depths.  Many of you also have been half ass stepping those steps and then there are a shit load of others not even conscious of jack shit - and not on this page (yet) 
Learning more about where Leo is placed on your birth chart and what planets you have in this sign - will prove to be useful to you in many ways.  Dive into your deep baby :) Discover your chart. 

  When I was younger, I would swear that my rising sign was Leo.  Believe, that I was an excellent Researcher even back then - I know my calculations were right and I got the same results from different sources.  Flash forward to many moons later - all that Leo rising info I once believe I found for myself - I do not find - and now Im Virgo Rising.  Either way, I love in every way my Leo sisters. That will be all !
  Back to your message... what I am totally sensing is this lingering emotion that is so lodged deep into your psyche  and is definitely creating this stagnant energy to follow you and even cause injury.  Something in your life is still not how you desire it to be and there are parts of you still not dealing with it ((( face off))) or you (((face off)))) then immediately (((mask on))) and avoid the entire thing altogether.   Two oracle cards flew out of the deck - first one - Organize for Success and the second is Face your Financial Fears.  Several messages at once are being received - attempting to do my best to transcribe without making a mess.  Freedom and Stability, is this something you have all on your own? Self Worth is being price tagged over here - especially due to the IMAGE you have CREATED for yourself.  Leo's care what other people think - and Leo's care about how they are perceived. The image you have created for yourself in the outside world makes you feel unworthy of this image when you harbor fears of having complete FREEDOM and Independence all on your own - without the help of any person around you.  That sounds like a lot of Pride surfacing to me.   Love comes up too as I read these messages intuitively. Maybe you do want the Romance of a lifetime but your guard is so high up in defense that you cock block even to yourself the real deal.  Admitting how you really feel is going to feel like a breakthrough for you - but that is once you gift yourself that sacred time to meet with yourself with purpose because you want to get to this space and place that is sweet.  Are you really looking for Peace? Peace from what and whom? How do you really see yourself when you strip yourself away from everything around you that you identify yourself through ? Like for instance, if you were not this wonderful mother, than whom would you be? If you were not so and so's wife, whom would you be? You get the drift of what I mean.  Like, if you did not come from this family that carries this "name" whom would you be & this person, are they enough ? are they capable? If someone is not giving you what you want or making you feel how you want to feel - then the next question should be - what am I not giving myself that makes me crave this feeling or attention from another? HA! Like wow ! I was shuffling for your chakra oracle and right in perfect alignment to this message the Chakra Card of GUILT popped out.  The orange cards remind us to LEARN to OBSERVE our emotions. 

Learn to Observe your emotions. The orange cards represent our emotions and HOW we RELATE to them.  With the second chakra, you CAN learn emotional discipline - if you choose. You need to MASTER the skill of steering your emotions as you would a ship on the High seas. This is very important for MANIFESTING.  When we CoCreate things become so much more fluid and flowery.  The orange cards also reveal your emotional experience in a particular situation.  If you are struggling with your feelings, look back to the red chakra - the root chakra - for your answer.  The reason for this is because you SOURCE your emotional experience from a particular foundation or belief that is created inside of your root chakra.  Going to this root allows you to UNDERSTAND your INNERSTAND about where your emotions are even coming from. Observe your emotions rather than reacting to them.  Stand fearlessly and observe your personal truths for what they are and release all judgement too.  Master Emotional discipline and you master how to Manifest anything! Leaving you with some rhetorical flow for your inner best grow! Are you giving away too much of your time and energy, and secretly resenting it? Who do you enable most? Who do you hide from the most? 

Do not do for others what they need to do for themselves. Speak your TRUTH from your heart.  Honesty is FREEDOM.  Any guilt is fear of being disliked.  Remain AWARE no matter how uncomfortable it FEELS.  All the BEST my Lovely Leos. 

VIRGO - it is all about SAVINGS my responsible Loving Virgo soul tribes.  Savings hopped out and was like, round of applause please! Interestingly enough, my human vessel was not satisfied with the card, and felt the need to have to shuffle and share another and the moment I thought that - Spirit made it very clear - I was to leave the message as it is.  so Guess what Virgos? My ass has been learning how to listen - and that is with my own Virgo Rising also receiving this message.  What you make yourself clear on - you receive! As you consistently SAVE for your FUTURE, your FUTURE is saved.  It is about energy, frequency, and vibration.  Working smarter not harder. You are doing your FUTURE self a BIG FAVOR as you consistently set aside present funds.  This is actually a part of your development in proper TLC & SELF CARE a  PATH you in this lifetime had detoured due to certain life instances that prevented healthier saving like experiences and examples to feed on inspiringly.  Virgo, many of you are learning right now to TRUST in yourself without any low vibes that self sabotage.  How to FEEL a for real secure that will not prove to be disappointing. As You continue to FOCUS upon your LIFE PURPOSE, all shall be revealed to you soon enough. Ha! Virgo Knows this is TRUTH. I love YOU! :) It is time to Stand up for yourself. Even if standing is done so calmly.  There is no need to get all bent out of shape and loud with your righteous waves.  This time it all feels different, right? It is like that silent storm of control that is all too wise to fall for the energies that enslave and entrap when entertained.  It is like that saying Unfuckwithable !! Congratulations Virgo - cause I sure do know that this leveling up - sure does FEEL good! And you DESERVE this.  Stop being so pleasant for the sake of pleasant that it muffles thousands of cries.  SPEAK your mind! Remain Dignified and Shine your Light.  You are not a push over - so stop acting like one!   It is not an ego thing.  It is the initiation of this fire that opens the portal to New Life.  FOCUS on yourself and your ABILITY to SUCCESSFULLY navigate and Experience this NEW LIFE feeling SECURE and STABLE.  The Song that sings in my head at this time as I write this all down is Bob Marley, "Everything is gonna be alright, alright!" Actually, everything is aligning most excellently.  Wouldn't you agree in terms of alchemy? The more you SAVE the more SECURE you shall feel on these earthly lands is being Highlighted again so jump on it my friends.   Two Chakra cards did Fly out DISSIPATING & VANITY.  It is acknowledging the Old energies passing and still needing to be released. All of these burdens you carry deep. Continue your release. Yellow card / Dissipating - Third Chakra - SOLAR PLEXUS chakra reveals your planning process. Do you have a logical or scattered approach to your personal finances? What kind of structure are you establishing for yourself at this time?  You have been in hermit / rest mode - you are receiving your next steps - these are the necessary  ACTIONS needing to take place,  Move and circulate to be able to spread the energy desired to be made manifest all around.  With your consciousness on TOP SHELF Mode  you are Best able to navigate wonderfully with the universe cocreating life in your favor.  I mean, it is already in your favor. Adjust your Crown.
LIBRA - I got to say that in 2018 - Libra's were a huge INSPIRATIONAL influence for me in my life - especially in regards to keeping MOTIVATION and ACTIVE in the pursuit of my own Artistic Dreams.  So, THANK YOU all for your collective influence that is rather amazing and dedicated to Krafting. There is so much to be ADMIRED and learned from each of you. Spirit moves me to shuffle a different deck for You loves.  Also, I may or may have not left the deck I have been using for these Zodiac Oracle Messages - somewhere else that is not here.  Either way, before realizing the deck I have been using is not with me, I was moved to shuffle a different deck for Libra. Remember, all advisements and Inner sights are being channeled through the Eyes of the Exquisite Temperance energy.  Only Highlighting in case you were not aware. In shuffling for your card I sense a lot of ACTIVE movement.  Like not a lot of sitting around doing nothing.  Most of you I am sensing have a lot going on for yourselves in many sectors of your lives.  Declared by the Oracle of Shadows & Light - Dress of Alchemy and RELEASE your POWER. Card #33 when broken down into size - this message vibrates from Portal 6 kind of energies.  This card is Highlighting your magnetism.  You have strong, powerful, vibrant energy that CHANGES lives.  And with that comes GREAT responsibility.  Some people may be eroding their own energy fields with blame, discontent, and choosing the same destructive patterns over and over again.  When this being walks in, she shows that it is possible to change deeply and truly, and to become clear, bright, strong, healthy and very powerful in terms of your own ENERGY. She speaks... "It is time for you to Celebrate who you truly are at this time, to ACKNOWLEDGE you have some energetic debris that needs to be cleared, and when you do this, the gold of who you truly are will SHINE through.  It is no longer possible in this NEW energy to hide whom you are.  You must take the time to be truly yourself. There is no cloak to hide within, as you can see: when you have cleared your energy field of any and all guilt, shame, fear, jealousy and envy - you will be able to SHINE ever more BRIGHTLY too!" 

SCORPIO  -  Why oh Why do I find myself so sensitive to your energies.. It is like we are connected so deeply - that even we do not understand it at all.  But We sure do FEEL.  Forgiveness is the first card flying out my deck and landing upside down.  It is like so many of you are almost there.. It is like touching and you are feeling it - but your head spins and then the whirlwind still sort of exists inside - no matter how hard you try.  How long is too long? I do have to personally say that in 2018 I realized the major growth spurt this sign in general has had over the last 2 or 3 years.  Im like super proud.  You have no idea the clarity I see in your current path and growth and so I know how much you all are still  trying to HEAL for your own PEACE many dark corners and memories.  It sure as hell is not easy.  But you are in so much of a better space.  It is in your DESTINY to succeed in your HEALING journey.  Your ability to transcend and heal - with the understanding of how deep your FEELINGS do travel - it is rather remarkable witness such dark beauty rise.  Keep Feeling, keep Dealing, Keep Healing 


    Take what resonates and let go of what does not resonate 
    Make sure that once all Zodiac Temperance advice readings are posted - make sure you check out all aspects of yourself through the zodiac that will  be of divine guidance for you.  If you are interested in receiving your very own personalized reading do submit your request via email : - make sure to put in the subject : Personal Reading Request - Do kindly follow instructions as I do receive tons of emails and sorting through this way makes it so much easier and efficient.  

    If you Like / LOVe what you SEE make sure to  comment/like/subscribe 

    For a short time only - All new subscribers upon request will receive a channeled oracle message within 3-6 days from receipt of email sent to - subject: New Subscriber - and provide receipt of subscription as proof and do read the above Intro to Enchanting Babble to further understand more about this SPECIAL OFFER! 

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