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Sunday, January 20, 2019


May you recognize your block
and surrender your control to needing to KNOW an outcome that is currently UNKNOWN to you at this time 
You are meant to GROW /EVOLVE from this experience and that requires you to Experience authentically this leveling up OPPORTUNITY  that is being offered to you at this time if you so 

 you can NOT possibly SEE how any solution can be right for you at this time
 because you at this moment 


well YOU
 (( and please do not feel personally attacked - this YOU
 ( i speak) 
references US all and is (spoken) in general 
<< baby >> 
 - but ... listen up... 
if for whatever reason you do feel personally attacked by anything you read on here - I would definitely advise you to look into that line of defense 

((Self Check ins help You reveal to yourself  true feeling ))
 and if I were you - for WHOLISTIC purposes and Good healthy energy vibes
 I would check in on these defenses and dive deep into my own hive and greet the feelings accompanied  in my own defense & get busy getting to my own SOuLUTIONS - it is the only way to Align with Grace -  Comprende? ))) 

Back to what I was previously writing,  when someone is carrying blockages from an old paradigm way  of believing / thinking / seeing / breeding, they Know nothing more than what they have presented in front of them - so that in itself BLOCKS the energy of creative solutions from being present.  Many traditions and belief systems and teachings all have reached their evolutionary limit due to their labels that tell you their functions and purpose  and use.   most seek no further then what they are told and sold and take what is given to them and chew it whether they like it or not! 

tsk tsk 
shame shame 
all those emotions of harshness release 
allow to go away
do you get what I am NOW saying ? 

many of your thoughts many of your behaviors and habits and ways of perceiving on these earthly 3D lands 
are not technically yours, more like influencing attachments that dictate many of your choices 
feelings and beliefs 
what  ORIGINALLY come from you in this world? 

Not a damn thing - I write this and chuckle out loud at how profound this statement really is 
but on some self loving ultimate guide this post will rhyme and help you align with what FEELS right to you 
even if all this information is overfloweth in its spilleth 

NOTE this right now 
anytime you are Harsh and unloving and unkind to yourself 
you are ACTING out in accordance to some outside person or energy that has influenced you  in your life that is causing you to behave in toxic ways. Is this what you like? Is this what you want? Is this really you? 

You might say, How Can  the energy of any person  influence my own experience and without my knowledge, attach itself to me??  

Good Question ...
When will you learn your own answers? 

we should definitely chat about this some more on another platform stage if you like -- I am after all an Evolutionist 

Is any of this fair ??? 
but ask yourself this .. Is it fair to attack yourself internally the way that you do because you picked up this habit from someone in your life whom influenced you in some major way? Is that fair? 

Please do take this moment to really ponder for yourself all this inner sight  gifted to you at this time.  Use my alignment of questions as a healing tool for you to FREELY use so that you may learn of your own truth in many regards.  

 I need not know your answers. I only need know my own.  
Let that be your sentiment too.. 

As an Energy Worker, I do offer services in this department. If you need assistance identifying and working through major blockages, I offer a wide range of healing services that are tailored to each individual based on their unique circumstances.  For more information please do email: and in the subject write "Service Inquiry" and in this email share with me what you are currently seeking and we shall move positively forward from there.  

Come back..
back to this post 
All these Lunar Eclipse type feels has me on HIGH Download and so much information is being received at this time and I am here transcribing all as smooth as can possibly be for all to receive as needed.  

back to the message of this post... 

Allow yourself to SEE with clarity the depths of layering that conditioning has us all under oath and soaked up in and the reality that is shifting at this time is certainly blowing many Humans minds outside their comfort zones 

Hurt people hurt people and some do not even realize that they are the hurt people hurting people.  And some people may not hurt people - but may be so conditioned themselves that they too behave in the only way they know how to which is what they have been shown all of their lives.  Forgive These kind of folk, for they do not know the process of evolution at all to even be able to perceive it  without dismissing it quickly.   

This my friends is the generational hoax of traditions passed down to us in our lives over generations of time.
What silver spoon were you fed with my dear?   

SO.. now that you are allowing these thought processes to seed... imagine all the harsh things and negative things you hold onto at this time in your life that truly do NOT need to be around ... 
like Wowzers... do you see what i mean? 

I am moved by spirit guides  to passionately express and write these breakdowns of explanation as I do because they are needed at this time..
One of my many gifts is to be able to write and write and write and write 

I have questioned all of life so many times and now have finally aligned with my own galactic center that I trust and intuitively allow Intuition and My connectivity with Universal matters of source to cocreate with me my wonderful realities 

 I do not pretend to possess all the answers 
but  I also Know better now that I absolutely  Allow my connection to universal source and all creation to pleasantly bond with me constantly in every loving kind of way 

and this has changed my world forever 

 Is this too farfetched for you?
What part of you desires to deny the truth behind this inner standing being shared with you at this time? 
What lazy part of your mind is taking over in wanting to shut all of this newness down for you - what attachment does that cockblocker belong to that influences your current perception that tells you that this is all too much ?  

Come back... 

I am done with these rhetorical for right now - but definitely reread and jot these thoughts down - and meditate on what truth is trying to reveal itself to you at this time

 How many humans can not move forward on their own without first receiving approval and clearance from some outside source they have placed higher then themselves because that is the world they have learned to obey in many kind of ways - - approval beginning with the family -  education system / government / religion /industry / time line / etc etc etc - all these things outside of ourselves we ask for permission - or if not asking for permission - seeking validation in every kind of way -  because that seed of belief was planted long ago to root in the psyche of those born into this realm of existence  - rooted in most soul deep - that it acts like a creep - and many lose sleep caused by the fears imposed by these roots attaching themselves and making itself at home. 

I know - it is a lot to take in ..
pace yourself inside of Enchanting Babbles Wonderland fueled with Passionate Evolutionary Adventure 
I do not pretend to act as though all that I share is easy to comprehend 
or simple 

I know 
I know 
I know 

Which is why I am offering Several Various outlets of CREATIVE expression and Holistic Healing Services. These platforms of expression being used as Evolutionary Guidance and Tools are   ALLOWING for ALL of us to get better acquainted while FEELING supported during every energy shift that is requiring us to level up.  

if you require further clarity on something / anything  I have shared - please feel free to comment and email me .  I am happy to be of assistance in any way that I can be while being guided to be helpful in this way :) 

Back to Unblocking Blocks and finding Blockage solutions  in our lives ....

This block you are attempting to NOW  release knows nothing about SOLutions --- so stop beating yourself down with frowns and aggravation - trying to come up with your own way out of any and all of this..

here are some examples of some blocks you may be facing at the moment - please be advised this is not every single scenario but just a couple being aired so people can connect deeper especially if they are not too sure.. 

negative self talk
relationships no longer serving 
escapism tendencies 
lack of motivation 
toxic relationships 
people pleasing tendencies 
negative speaking 
low vibing 
self denial 
saying one thing and doing another 
bottling up emotions 
extreme feelings of anxiety
feeling depressed 
feeling not good enough / unworthy 
feeling like an extreme fk up 
inability to forgive 
externalizing everything 
pointing your finger too much syndrome 

so many things can be going on at this time but you get the idea 

Surrendering with Trust works a whole lot differently then the way most people are use to operating.  It requires Faith in things unseen by acknowledging an Unknown belief that can be only felt at the time. 

  Acknowledgement / Accountability / Awareness are all good energies of truth to start any journey with ... 

The old pattern/belief/perception/way of thinking or doing things  no longer serves or aligns with you and if this be truth - Acknowledgement will GROW you through the uncomfortable parts that will stop being uncomfortable soon enough once you travel through the rough parts first 

 -the old paradigm knows only what it knows and knows only what it has been told/ shown / sold... That is not of any fault to the persons now undergoing osmosis 
you are asked to rest your brain
no more driving yourself absolutely insane and getting energetically drained 
 greet the process that is the progress 
Hold yourself accountable for what you now choose to do moving forward 
let go of anything else less serving to you that is stuck on things that are not of Now 

I know for many when their foundations begin to crumble right before their very eyes 
the awakening occurring during these times - do NOT feel good in any kind of way 
 as a foreigner they enter these lands in a new kind of way that is unsettling. 

  It does not feel good to WAKE up from all the lies surrounding &  existing everywhere 

 TO meet and confront the LIAR in yourself is one of the greatest EGO battles of all time. 
 I KNOW firsthand how unpleasant the BATTLE 
I continue to CONQUER my own inner beasts 
I know these TRUTHS being revealed to me are done so that I may HEAL in ways I have never known possible. 
Granted  I too sometimes want to stab the wheel turning in this life and bring everything to a static halt and allow the lands to freeze up in all of its own icy heart despair - but I do not take it there.  

All the world is a stage.
And art is my favorite divination tool to use on these lands. 

 It sucks to have to admit that lots of the things we understand or know to be as our reality were passed unto us by others - this was done so without our consent or approval and we have been subconsciously utilizing every tool provided to us in our world as if it were originally ours.  To think I have lived out many experiences that I only experienced due to my upbringing and experience - and not because it was part of my own innate design.  

I know its a lot to process and digest 
Let it go as it comes through 

In a traditional world 
Robots exist
A conditioning  we all fall prey to due to our generational system of cycles that cycles and cycles.  
 Conditioning is the silent How to GUIDE imposed unto ALL in how to live our lives using the preconditioned blueprint as our guide. 

cock block central if you ask me 



are we free? 

How many times have you thought something to be WRONG or NOT RIGHT With YOU because it did not FIT something you were made to believe is the right way - the only way - and because you FEEL differently - and it does not agree with the consensus - YOU beat yourself up and make yourself feel a certain type of way that is incapable or not good enough or normal?  How about all the hurt feelings conjured up when we are not supported by those we hold in high regard - how these feelings of being rejected, misunderstood, not liked & not being accepted can leave behind scar tissues that usually get buried and sealed versus healed!  

Listen I am just writing what needs to be written and shared  because someone needs to  Receive this seed of truth that affects all of us here 

 for those still scratching their heads and asses 

I am back on YOUTUBE  again 

 please make sure to show some Love on that evolving channel too

Enchantress The Babbler on YOUTUBE 
When you subscribe to my channel 
Shoot me an email @ in the Subject line write NEW SUBSCRIBER Request and I will happily provide you with your very own FREE Oracle Message that will be Intuitively channeled by me just for you - using a variation of divination tools that I will be guided to use for your oracle message 

Please do allow anywhere from 3 to 9 days to receive your oracle message once I receive your request 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.