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Friday, January 18, 2019

Channeling Temperance Express - uncut


Sometimes you feel things
even when you do not want to 
FEEL things                                                 (pisces scorpio cancer)
but oh boii 
Lord knows I sure do fEel things
and Know things and learn things 
and hear things 
and see things  
and since I  have been on my grind in aligning with my own temple divine 
I've been Allowing myself to EXPRESS myself FREE
on this glowing TEMPERANCE Express spree 
so Free as can be 
these messages sharing themselves within my hive at this time while mixed up with the collective energies circling on and about during these 
Life is transforming in every kind of way times whether you know this or not 
just saying Bro 
Enchanting Babble Uncut Babbles twist these highlighting events for you in poetic waves 
Cutting through the Bullshit is what I truly want to do 
so this poetry will have to be the birth of this seed 
manifestations of this caliber of breed 
it is up to you to decide for yourself 
what you do with all of these gifts given 
Temperance Driven 
we all must do what is best for ourselves no matter what other people got to think or say or do 
it will always be about you 
this be truth 
selfish times dual together for the knowing 
step by step you shall see 
the tablet is decoding 
and you will hear truth clear 
ring right in your ears 
my dear
and you in all your own majestic glory will decipher and decide your own tales of holy and your own choosing of design in align with yourself during this life of Now you currently live  
truth you feel inside 
once you brave through the weather and decide 
and that requires some wine
Temperance on the Rise  
let us have a drink my darlings 
please do subscribe to Enchanting Babble 
your a present to me here inside of my world 

deep emotions I gamble 
I do not expect nor command anyone to do the same as I 
that is ridiculous to even believe I think of myself so highly as to command such a surrender from anyone 
that way is definitely no fun 
Temperance enjoys receiving deliveries 
presents that she has achieved
through her own mastery 
of Patience 
Seer Sees 
Resurrection time 
I do carry inside of my shrine 
this oceanic wonderland 
that is created 
via this universal wonderland of creators  station 
play station 
X Box nation 
as within exudes on out 
we are the electrons banging neutrons birthing protons
whatever any of that means turn it into a funny meme   
have you figured out anything about me as of yet ? What do you suspect ? what does that introspect to you all these observations you perceive to make? 
Up for some debate? 
not at this rate 
Im certainly big on spreading the awareness of introspecting and its ideal performance when used highly wise like all of thee time... 
Introspecting  is certainly designed for your own  / my own / our own personal use and tool to reflect that is meant for us to dissect for our own Kung Fu fighting journey we are looking to master (King is You) ((Queen is you too ))) feminine and masculine energies we all embody and have as part of our energies of creation 
which is your most dominate of dominating energies? 

If you are NEW to this channel - then please be advised - that the Uncut Enchanting Babble rambles of babbles are always ridiculously long and many times require more than one day of reading in order to finish it - and it also requires some level of discipline and connectivity to even allow yourself to engage in this healing sage of a page 
if you are here 
thank you 
Know that parts of you are experiencing a reiki Healing of a feeling while visiting these lands 
In honor of your soul passage I vibe you healing waves of love 
Knowing you shall receive all that you desire and need in your own divine righteous timing 
 during this current transmutation process of major  transformation occurring multidimensionally 
all over this world too 
people are 
experiencing tower like wake up and shake up style like events and experiences that are causing them to see the world around them as if they woke up to some cosmic joke 
like on crack or dope 
eyes WIDE open  while skull cracks open its release
tripping through every live wire circuit 
This is what naturally occurs energetically whether we can see
can you see? 
will you peer willingly through the veil ? or will you pretend some more ? 
Look, whether you choose to see through the veil or not 
its still there 
all happening 
whether you choose to participate or not 
many get tied up in knots 
and like an animal being tamed by some narcissistic beast 
on some collar them blind - these prisoners are mine type of stirring of events 
tyrannical bits and pieces of mental suckery of puckery 
when one uses emotions to manipulate a scenario to work in their favor 
the snake getting the brunt of every joke 
Kundalini on the highest rise 

hence why the masculine plays pretend 
intellect during  their time they spend inner wise 
 as they date to debate 
mind from heart 
weirdest of tunes while the feminine listens intently to the lies from masculine pride 
Kundalini Aligns 
the apple bitten 
feeling smitten  
no reversals are permitted on these lands 
once woke 
either goes spoke or unspoken till one chokes 
there is hope 
and plenty of zip lining style like adventure 
unpredictable weather  
every individual will experience their own experience in their own kind of way 
and this experience in energy will be similar to the experience of the current collective they vibe in alignment with 
Karmic or soul ties 
now that all depends on the leveling of systems you have already revolutionized from ? revolution / evolution - same energy signature! 
how long someone takes on one or many particular levels - all depends on each individual person experiencing  their experience however they experience it 

Control issues are triggered here for those whom want to control the speed of other people on their own damn path 
One with those kind of control issues need to check themselves quick 
because even I caught myself getting in a mood because certain energies are currently being played out in the collective involving masculine energies figuring stuff out for themselves at this time that may involve stepping out of line / align 
upsetting surrounding energies is pretty much the feeling their heartless behavior will be received when executing...
in my own upset I am met with immediate clarity that checks me on my foolish and then I roll my eyes because I get the  understanding for my own inner standing - but the me that is engaging in the experience gets annoyed by the hurtful feeling stages that seem to have to be acted out in accordance in order for us all to purge this once and for all.  
Let there be laughter medicine for us all !

Evolution at its most sincere and finest 
definitely feeling like a Royal Highness 

come back... 

do not get so easily misled by the commentary of this Enchanting Babble  feed or any feed
thinking is free 
and since it is free 
it is energy 
and  thoughts are floating around everywhere and anywhere 
for where there was an energy, so came a thought into existence, thinking into being, so are the creations of many things..
tada do you see now? How?  
"Thoughts become things"  ?? 
for many these sentences will go over mundanes heads 
just like the walking dead  
always remember take what resonates and let go of what does not vibe with you in any way
all images found on google by the way 
just had to state something obviously not obvious yet obvious
like the pink elephant in the room that no one talks about and yet still mentions which means its talked about and gets spoken about 
and yet still I do not get what these elephant jokes are about 
"when short people smoke weed - they don't get high, they get medium." 

in case you missed the joke earlier 
Speaking of dates, when was the last time you went out on a date? 
sounds of crickets cricking on by 
Like I was on my way to my own destination 
are you kidding me guys? 
and overwhelmed with this sensation of cosmic revelation 
out of neverland came from this outer source outside of wonderland near Jitter land channeled into my awareness without  my asking for the digital download of knowing something is happening right now 
this date  happening 
so many shifts happening 
so many things happening 
all right now 
and so moody I became as I channeled away 
 this date
what kind of debate does one have with only themselves about another on their own path 
lovers always cross paths till they get it aligned 
channeling away the collective pain 
received from that upload of a download of a slap load so it feels like 
when love takes bite after bite after bite 
and its not the kinky kind either 
which totally sucks 
its more like stab wounds in the rear so that you can not sit down my dears 
having to deal with the stabs 
taking what resonates and letting go of everything and anyone that too does not resonate with You
 mind, body, heart and soul
the energies we allow for download is revealing in itself 
the live circuits I traveled through in order to download what needed downloading 
how we allow others to treat us or not treat us - reveals to ourselves -what level of self acknowledgement we are giving to ourselves when we allow things we do not like to be accepted and absorbed and energized around us ??
Like take away the absorption rate 
unnerving many of these energy feeling kind of  experiences may be in experience and to be able to feel the entire emotions of all --having your own experience inside of an experience outside of an experience - well that is what it feels like to trip on acid is it not? and this is the kind of sober experiences currently taking place! It is the best wording I can offer at this time to describe the behind the scenes to this Full Moon Cosmic Inner Tunes Advisement.  

Realizing all the beautiful souls I continue to connect with on this exciting journey has certainly been eye Awakening - realizing there are more "weirdos" out there vibing similarly - it is not only me.. well at least to some degree I will agree with my previous statement to this one being written out now -  - later reflection will be what this was all about ...

for hours she wrote 
this entire note 
to heal the parts of her broken over his heartless detachment 
typical and classic 
runner and chaser dynamics 
whom are the addicts breaking free?  

there would  be no service to my own growth and evolution if I were to allow myself to entertain such energies that trigger me to further deny the lie kept inside of my hive wishing to purge at this time 
the  attempts to rid itself from this collective toxic purge ridding itself through this transmutation process
I am responsible for my own purging part of this process..
that part I may or may not agree with for my current mode of transport in uplift!  
Did I really sign up for this shit? 
I question those condition statements shared across these lands - proclaiming us souls signed up for all of this --I must of got the short end of the stick .. like totally - humor is something to breed all over any feed. 
makers of this are we ? on this Make a wish foundation type spree?  

 I openly travel through every filter and color scene  
I prefer to do things laughing 
what about you ? 
I said hippie not hippo, dude! 
To be able to explore a world I fancy within my own writing is an absolute delight and blessing !
Color me feeling a whole lot better for my own change in weather 
I am glad I came here to write when I was not feeling well earlier 
I hope you realize that these kind of post that I share on here take HOURS to write - sometimes - DAYS - sometimes I do not even finish them or decide  not to even share them  
because I am aware too of how LONG and how overwhelming all of this can be 
and how its just too much sometimes
earlier today that was highlighted for me on how overwhelming and too much i can feel 
unreal when I try to not feel the tidal wave sensitive feels for a person expressing their truth and honesty 
and here I am 
such a Brat
not content with any of that 
the trigger specialist that is I 
entering my inner hive and domain to align myself in healthier waves of space 

What are your thoughts on my BABBLING?  
- I have found my own poetic waves of song that become my outlet of  vibe and expression that passes through me on here and sometimes it makes sense I am sure 
and other times
I know I spin dizzy around many heads 
still I express myself the only way I know how to 
these words I  set free
for all of those
whom  choose to read 
let us  gallop free
I stride and believe 
love is free
something we are all collectively learning right now 
front in line for this is me 
I gather up more triggers of ego 
I must meet 
strike me down 
and out 
and  even 
in all of my Sagittarius Sun Pride 
i have died a gazillion of times 
Prize of this rise in full moon bloom in alignment is the healing transpiring at this time 
I sense this right 
expression sure does feel good to be written free                                                      
art is this gift of a Stage  I engage 
writing this quantum playbook for play
while channeling emotional waves with grace and transmuting them into sage 
all we can ever do is be ourselves
  that is it 
Just Be yourself 
and just like that 
I am 
Infusing with the human side of me
all of me 
in whole of me 
for all to see
the all being 
 openly embracing every piece of me
I greet in my own evolution
this lovers revolution 
continuing to infuse my align 
peace of 
body heart and soul 
spirit divine 
Vulnerable first with myself 
I become 
unveiling Poetess Master 
she wolves mixing blaster 
Energy steering faster 
full lotus of WHOLENESS vibrations  
Goddess of the Night shining Bright sensations
instant elevations 

during this why of wise being highlighted for the collective during this moment of reflection 
deceptive energies currently detected 
Detectives we naturally are when we are connecting with our planetary stars for counsel & advisement 
 behind the truth of every lie given by men & women  and how these lies have passed around spreading its blasphemy masked in full disguise 
Awakening times for so many to the cruel reality of truth 
unspoken too 
now spoken loud  
Bird Box type of feels 
like unpleasant too and surreal 
a healing too that we must feel to heal 
learning how to  DEAL 
Out of the darkness emerges Light gifts of sight
heavens bite 
not very nice now is it?  
Illuminating  All hidden things
 now being seen 
these triggers can and will hurt too  - prepare for repair -  show up unafraid and allow yourself to heal through this process for your own evolution and growth 
all that once kept me / YOU / Us / WE off  track and off beat 
no more is allowed to Shadow cast its energy existing in between the Shadows like a creep - now we see -  and because  of this ((which is a gift))  we feel through the dealing of whatever perceived trauma, lie, deception being brought to light - and we rid ourselves of the toxic for our desire to reach our own inner state of peace feeling  WHOLE - no longer can hidden tendencies and cruel beings chokehold us and clown us around..  
Seers know the deal 
unseal of every Akashic  Seal  unsealed  
no longer on trial  
Cycle no need to repeat when UPKEEP is maintained  and recognized in every kind of way 
writing like this clarity REIGNS  supreme 
portals are revealed 
broken seals 
on some freestyle wheel of a real of these deals 
this is therapy 

Enchanting Babble creates this space for Us to travel and unravel the channelings from the collective mind, body, heart and soul of hives in energetic rhyme 
soul tribes during these NOW times
Our time is always NOW 
always from the heart I shall pick apart the parts 
no longer strangest to myself 
inner standing the battle cry existing all around 
there is a trigger world happening 
taking a hard dive into this trigger surmounting many at this time 
the love of life that stabs us right in the eye 
LOVERS blinded to the pain they create and cause just for simply acting out of pocket 
and to know that once upon a time I have denied myself the right to write 
like how in the world was I ever going to feel peace and happy with this self betrayal existing and cockblocking my alignment and form? 
I know many of you as of late are being triggered in various ways 
I got Love on my brain 
which reveals to me this current strain of Dna circulating during our time 
cause LOVERS battle it out this way 
in energetic  beatdowns 
because Masculine energies want to play the field 
to only check to see if this new feeling is really real
but Feminine energies on their Queen like Beats 
are like "uh-uh honey - is this guy truly being a creep?"
this is what I see 
so it is like Pride and Prejudice all over 
in Enchanting Babble Land - source reminds Sorceress to Check her factual at the door and be open for some more Innersight once you too 
remove yourself from the debacle 
of the debacle of the Page like Energy sowing its royal oats 
for sake of an oath 
that will only exist 
when the Page reaches the Knight delivers his new message of funk ups that certainly took place and the Knight takes off like a bat out of hell on an epic journey - not sure whom will be the one to tell the outcome along the way... because for entertainment sake - everyone is meant to Temperance this one out - and experience the journey for oneself.  

Upset I sometimes get because it is not like I am told many of the things that I come into KNOWING 
its like part of my cosmic owning 
of this Showing and seer like view I innately connect with 
on some real like for real type 
just sit with me for any given moment 
and I will read you open 
words spill out on the mic 
don't get me Hype -= unless you are prepared to allow yourself to go there 
I do so with absolute loving care
but for me
myself and I 
Eyes go in 
head spins 
diving in 
chaotic flips and bends 
falling in 
this be my stance most times 
this inner hive existing inside of me 
is like 
Wonderland visiting Atlantis found inside of Jupiter that lives inside of Neptune who is still in the Plutonian womb visiting Gilligan's Island 
I don't know - that is the description I received and just like that my fingers type away and write along these pages these transcriptions that will resonate with whomever they are for 
so if you do not get these passages
do not become upset by your inability to fully grasp 
resonate with all I share 
handle yourself with tender loving care and know that parts of you that are here - do listen - do receive - whether you are conscious of this factor or not .. 
it is cool -- 
whatever part of you that registered some things -  even if it only be one thing - these keys given - are within keys given - and those keys given, are always given 
Come back... 
center on this sentence being read now 
You are cosmic and beautiful in case you did not know 
and you are so Super Powerful - so much more than you even think you know right now 
like write down todays date 
and this time next year
ask yourself - how much more evolved have you evolved since this time last? 
Compliment yourself my friends 
we do not give ourselves enough loving credit for all the work we put into ourselves in our lives for our own evolution.  Often times we are hard on ourselves and choose to only see what more needs to be done as opposed to all that has already been created.. 
These last couple of years have opened my eyes to how NOT nice I have been most of my life to myself 
and wow 
to now be met with the cycle of purge that brings into the surface those lost inner experiences that I have encountered in my life that was falsely aligned with the loveless nature I had towards myself that created for me worlds of toxic like experiences and patterns to develop that no longer serve me nor ever truly served me - like ever...
now they reemerge 
not to become victimized or be like woah is me kinda of life 
that sad view of an eye 
not at all
it is to see with 
CLEAR EYES for those DRY times when you Loved yourself less and NOW can ALIGN properly with your current NOW times - the Attitude / the aCtion and the feelings that are needed to bring forth your NEW WORLD 
like the EVOLVED beautiful GOD / GODDESS that you are - because you don't fk around like you use to when you were all unaware and tactless with your patterns of energy and behaviors you acted out in life.  

No more being mean to ourselves 
so like a good girl 
I came on here 
and decided to ACT on my TRIGGERS and BE counterproductive and WRITE 
because WRITING is something that I absolutely love and adore 
What do you do for YOU when you are being triggered ??? 
I say, handle that shit ! 
handle it -- IMMEDIATELY! 
and look...
although what triggered me did not change - because the thought I received of something that could be - or could not be - created a reaction in me - to FEEL - displeased
but I also do know the schizophrenia tendencies in me - in terms of labeling - an anxiety filled type feeling of paranoia and imaginings that could not possibly be real - because hey.. hearing things and seeing things - is not totally widely accepted as something to openly discuss as if it be an everyday occurrence... instead we get sent to the doctor and called these labels and given these prescriptions and told we are delusional -  - only to find out years later -that our delusions were always right - and still always there - with or without the meds 
so what do we have to say for these apples? 
We say nothing 
but we use Art as something 
that we Creatively create 
to use as a Master TOOL that Uplifts us in so many ways that we still can not fully conceive 
such majestic air flow blows onto me 
and here I was 
being all moody with myself and this energy of dates taking place 
I can't help but sense the sense  I sense when I sense 
the things that do not make any sense 
it is like why pass the thought through this brain wave cave of mine ?
is it for this inner light to break down every part of me capable of hurting in any degree ? 
enlightenment for me to be able to see what I do not want to see nor KNOW? 
sometimes it is killer to know 
you know?
some people enjoy pissing people off ..
I do not 
these KNOTS that overkill 
this spill 
that lovers taint 
with their emotionless paint 
of these scribbles that they dare dribble into my energetic Space
does he desire for me to hate him in the same way I desire to date him? 
Whom is him? and what is he? to bring a Goddess to feel weakened by his Lust filled empty nest he has crippled inside of his chest  
trigger me wrong to collide in space ?
Is this truly just a rabbit race of faithless whores creating storms? 
how often robots trigger those whom feel soul deep? 
these Creeps
they hurt 
or is this part of the trigger too coming into full bloom that needs to be Removed? 
let the FOOL awaken the beast that hurts like hell 
to learn the STRENGTH needing to possess in order to 
and HEAL through the icicles spears slicing open my veins 
I do not want to FEEL this way 
to heal through 
without casting blame 
of a mundane that hurts hearts naturally this way 
for his ego gain
oh Enchantress, she's just insane 
to feel this way 
about some Lover undercover
with another 
this is the collective purge 
I urge and 
Scorpio sting into bring 
burst into light 
so that these tragedies no longer navigate these 3D lands
it hurts to love 
a heartless man that can navigate using mind 
keeping hearts intentionally on blind 
Love never not for the weak 
Lovers dare behold their truth
they need to speak 
it is like 
why oh why 
the tower must crumble in such devastating ways 
that require us 
to let go 
heal this with flow 
and grace
energies REPLACE 
As Alchemist,  we know this align rings  truth 
and  for those in the  Know of how this goes 
righteous glows 
then there be no more need for me to further explain 
or giveaway the work that it took for any in the know 
to get into this alchemical flow of a know that certainly glows 
I be that Introspect 
Goddess so Passionate and Fiery 
this I know myself to be TRUTH at best 
Gypsy Seer on her automatic writing Flow 
words with friends on these poetic blends 
that tie up every loose end 
that need Knot Tie itself 
no more 
ricocheting folklore 
cosmic revolving door 
allowing Writers Rise into Passage 
Astrology notes fantastic 
gifts from Savages evolving into Sage, but we still don't play 
always finding ways 
to EXPRESS ourselves even when feeling oppressed 
communication one of our favorite tunes of tools 
Sorcerous soothes weaving rainbows 
for those of you able to comprehend much of these musical blends 
I love you my friends 
even when things make no sense 
is something rather special - would you Knot agree ? 
It is annoying to meet Pages that carry with them so much King like potential 
but as any Queen Of Swords would recognize in herself first is that we all carry potential - so let us not get it twisted.  On these lands, we are a what we do and not what what we say we will do. Some people don't even say shit - and they think that because they do not say anything - that it grants them clemency.  That is fine and dandy, but let me explain to you the energetic positioning of any QUEEN as well as any KING.  Not only does a Queen and King determine your energetic value for them in their life based off of what you say and what you do - you are also fairly Judged by the shitload you leave out and secretly believe what is left unhidden means that it is left unseen.  No way! Not in this Enchanting Babble WORTHSHOP. 

You do not make energetic King And Queen Status without the Majestic ability of being able to discern most royally and accurately in case you were wondering.  
These very small writings being shared are like diaries poetically told with care 
 written out loud in some type of collective story that writes its own song too 
a huge part being contributed 
into this collective 
environment that is going through major transformational shifts 
like I feel that still not enough people are talking about it as they should be talking about 
mundanes always stuck on this ooh look at what I can do 
type of me 
only me 
hey look at me 
conditioning of a  Phase 
meanwhile.. over there .. over here 
many a seers 
being awakened 
seers come in all shapes 
from all around the world 
evolving further into their own 
gifts from the divine 
as they evolve and ALIGN 
Magical creatures we delightfully rise 
all sugary and spice 
and everything nice 
oh it feels super indeed
to be ALIVE 
during this cosmic REIGN of a time 
when we wake into our shake and bake time that Gifts us the Freedom to allow our Unique Expression to reign supreme on every and any platform imaginable 
here I was 
channeling the collective upset 
about LOVEs MADNESS cycling their karmic bullshit around 
toxic to say the least 
because intolerable I  just reminded myself I need to be 
of all this clutter bullshit that serves no one at the end of the day
but My Guides keep reminding me to be Patient
interesting that Temperance be the card of this month 
It sucks to see and then be made to experience the experience without fully Knowing the outcome of my own experience and get to be so far advanced into my own experience during the experience 
that Im made to keep being front in line 
taking the brunt of every misaligned 
currently awakening 
that has to NOW go through what I already purged through 
fast too 
and realizing that my levels of fast 
is supreme on these lands 
that it makes me rather RAD 
for shizzles 
but yea 
being Patient 
well that can sizzle and fizzle and frustrate 
the funk out of many of us 
especially those like me 
so deep into this oceanic wonderland 
In support of my soul tribes in align and resonating with many of my sharing and vibes 
I love you all 
Keep standing your ground 
Writing my feelings out poetically helps me Process for myself the things that I am currently being triggered on to Finally put to rest and heal - especially for the WONDERFUL things currently manifesting into existence in my life - our lives...
Good Night 

too tired this post shall be edited and revised later so check back for real this took hours and i am just beat and exhausted but desiring to just post this without any rereading and allow for this seeding 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.