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Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Cardi B puts Nicki Minaj on Super Social Media Blast

The GangStar in me 
loving the 
snips of the latest
Celebrity entertainment 

Cardi B & Nicki Minaj 

Libra & Sagittarius

Air & Fire

Real Vs Real 

Fake vs Fake 

I want to Believe that both of these celebrities have Scorpio in their chart too -- but I definitely can see Scorpio influencing some aspect of their charts in some way ((along with other signs of course -  I would even say Cardi B possibly has Sagittarius in her chart too ... especially after todays display of definition of gully))   

Interesting duo sparring between two signs with SCORPIO energies edging each one to take this further 
to travel deep into the oceanic depths of 
conflict & resolution

Scorpios love dignified debates 
so lets keep it classy ladies 
but allow us to be loud and free
 with our  

Cardi B and Nicki Minaj 
both have imaginary beef with one 

soon to be discovered 
during scorpio season 
or at least it will seed in Scorpio season 
and reveal sometime in spring 
the entertainment super 
for real 
yet know multidimensional is life - so get it right  
there is a lot of cosmic beef behind the scenes 

in unknown places of realms of existence that exist whether we know of them or not 
and it only exists because of the feed 
of the decree of energy being expressed  
aired out on these 3D lands
from the vessel of teachings 
labelings of conditioning 

There is a true 
and Sagittarius 

find it 

the air channel 
loves fire 
 air fanning fire 
fire warming air 
rather more appealing
then some corny beef blanket of a distraction 
yet it is interesting to observe 
after all
we only get to see pieces of the draft of the act 
that is f - acts 
what is your absorption rate to all these debacles of 3Distractions you interACT with? 

((this part subject for debate - here is an  opening for you to engage - the daredevil whom thinks himself clever will always find a way ... make your heart beat faster )))) 

I try not to take sides 
on these lands

Im actually not sucking anyones d i c 
as Cardi B would say
(( not to me -- but to those whom kiss Nicki Minaj's ass because of her status in the world and not because of who she is as a person -- that was the line of implication Cardi B was riding with when she stated what she said about d i c riders and faKeRoos whom be faking jax (( which is really whack if you ask me))) but yea just saying 

Libra and Sagittarius Feuds are funny 

two clowns playing victim 

one is a more serious clown then the other 
and I mean this with the utmost love for the arts and their artistry 

these Goddesses regardless of what - at the end of the day - are talented, beautiful, and they work their energy aligned with their Design - Admirable is that in many a 3D waves that exist on these lands.. all for entertainment  

but this is cosmic talk and IM Enchantress the Babbler 
and Im here only to confirm the deeper realms of multidimensional living 
and energy that is taking place overall 

only sharing Wonderlands many sides to many things 
the fall Up into 
the Rabbit hole of adventure you signed up for when you looked to the right 
and decided to subscribe to my Free Newsletter because that would be the perfect thing for you to do and be proud of in every way... 

Enchantress the babbler contagious that way... 

beef has been brewing between 

Libra and Sagittarius for quite sometime 

and it is interesting because these two signs would make 
once they settle the lies others have fed to each one about the other 
((that is pretend talk in entertainment land)) 
settle the nonsense 

once they do that 
Libra and Sagittarius get along fabulously well...

will this EVOLUTIONARY GROWTH happen between these two signs?

In all truth 
that is up to Hollywood to decide
and the Powers that be too 
they d i c tate stats of acts
my kid was over here showing me all the small instagram videos of Cardi B ripping Nicki Minaj a new a hole this time around in her very open rant - she like threw everything out there - like she walked out bare chested speaking her story line of truth ... madd loud - -- very clear - and she brought receipts --- and she was not playing... raw dog - Warrior 2 and warrior 3

I will admit 
I too have gone full blast 
not on social media 
more to a person 
in their face 
but sometimes 
you have to yell at people over the phone 
we all have done that before 
and if you have not 
have you ever stood up for yourself before? 
well imagine what that kind of Bravery feels like! 
Like own That inner powerment ! 
during the course of my life 

Fire energy in me 
feeling free
has burned like a 
wild fire 
gone rogue 
and bright 

 usually when that has happen 
I've gotten all Shera and Warrior Princess like 
Black Ninja 
ready to slice a persons head off 
with one quick snap of my thread 
of a misunderstanding being misled
that is better if I just breathed it off or walked it off but can't take no more type of feeling..
do you understand this kind of feeling? 

 usually though the person on the receiving end of my brute force that shuts down the offense I felt needed to be slayed out the way - and whomever received has
had it coming 

of course these blow out moments 
I have forgiven
IM forgiven 
 personal experience teaches best 
justified for my blast off 
 no remorse over it till date 

 that is neither here nor there 

just understanding 
the inner standing 
of that victim 
because I can 
and shut it down 
been there done 
that before 
as a friend 
although I do not promote beef
in any way
talking it out 
get to the bottom of the issue 
direct as can be 
never fake have been I 
to any girl or guy 
real I stand by 
without ever batting an eye 
nor budging in my stance 
proud as I am 
I can 
and real 
and gutsy 
and I love when someone does not give a flying funk 
so I dig that Cardi B style 
but that is the Brooklyn in me 
on some Jupiter Fire spree
when Im feeling gully 
never a bully tho 
at least never not 
no more 
young folk lore 
of a story long ago 
down another rabbit hole 
drop of a fly into the sky 
long dive 


Nicki Minaj - fire energy - facing this blast - electric and up the ass 

of course she gonna be mad 
and now definitely slightly embarrassed
because as a Sagittarius - its not that we ever get fearful of confrontation 
it has nothing to do with fear
its the privacy issue 
we have an issue with 

and that is the publicity part 
that makes it uncomfortable 
like Bitch - don't be putting my business on the blast 
like how about you shut your trap hole 

thats like sagittarius talk 
and libra talk is like 
well you should not be saying shit at all to let it get here and now you dont like my wild airy display that will get in your face - even at a fancy event - because I straight don't give a funk... lol 

do you see both lands 
occupying the same space 

only means its time to make a bigger space craft 
and that is alchemy my friends 

it is true 
whenever I rip new assholes into people 
I get called the asshole 
the d i c 
like why I had to be so mean? 
WHY do you have to try to make me feel bad for making someone else think for a mother fudgN change and possibly now transform their own life and paradigm shift out of the vortex of karmic death and subliminal comebacks! 

but that is neither here nor there 
this is Hollywood 

with absolute no shame, 
full ego and 
I too have taken that dive 
and Blasted off 
and let it be known 
once and for all 
and with Smirk and righteous tears in my own eyes 
justified would be my placement 

and I got to say 
for entertainment reasons of course
that Cardi B 
appears to have taken lead
in this dispute of 3Distraction 
meant to entertain and 3Distract 
by desensitizing  our own 
senses in 3Dreality 
What is life? 
What is strife? 
what is ReAL it Y
Says whom? 

I find it amusing that I am early with this topic 

I like both these artists 
for different reasons 

The energy signature between Libra and Sagittarius has been beefy for months 

each sign feeling owed something 
out of this illusion of pride, ego and respect
I detect 
a cosmic karmic load of 
being fed into 
loops of holographic reality 

do not take too seriously 
stay in your own awareness 
and realize 
you are more powerful 
when you can 
inner stand 
etc etc etc 
when you can do all of these things for yourself 
removed from everything you think should 
be or not be 
sold unto into 

thank you 
come again 
Are you subscribed friend? 

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