YOUtuber that I'm lovin
his vibes and the articulation of his lines
in how he delivers complex
information about our
ENERGY and words and our
usage of them
he speaks about a shit load of other things
on the esoteric realm of
that operates multidimensionally
for he is a channeler here
you see
on this dimension
he too a contributor to pieces
that fill up this entire whole
that you and I are
a part of whether we feel
we contribute something or not
whether we think we do or think we do not
it doesn't take away that no matter
the mode of operation
that each of us take part in
no matter what there is always constant
taking place
for vibrations and frequencies
are operating
within us
all around us
every which way
and whether you realize it or not
you are engaging with so many levels of
energetic things
moving and existing all around
that exist
whether you acknowledge them or not
they exist whether you recognize them or not
these energies exist whether you are able to identify them or not
and depending on the force behind moving each and every energy that does exist all around whether it is yours or belonging to someone else
all energetic forces that we encounter constantly
for energy is everywhere you see
all this engagement you see
whether you see
or you do not see
is still happening
and if you're not woke like you should be for yourself
for your health
for your wealth
for your stealth
for your longevity
for your peace of mind
body and soul
all this for yourself
because if you ain't right
the world fkn sucks
and that is a fact
so get yourself right
so the world around you
follows energetic suit
it will always be up to you
the energy you exude
to release from your being
and if you're too busy not paying mind
playing dumb at this time
acting oblivious to the outside external energy forces that inhabit these lands
and many of these forces like
many parts of yourself
that are unknown
and yet still exist
vibrating its own frequency
portal of existence
that can be multidimensional too
but still actively participating as a piece of you
that is activated whether you are in tune with it or not
like intuitively at this very moment
I am being guided to
allow for this message I type to flow without much thought about where it is coming from - understanding on a whole other level if I get into those basics at this time I might sound outside
of my mind - but that is the thing you see - for the mastery that has been generated for generations is to gather the one to synthesize like a symphony with the all - for this makes for probabilities and whole system feeds to be structured like the Stepford Wives - only a matter of totality time - once upon a time believe with all the propaganda they feed - even lost was I streaming thru all of these lies - not realizing the damaging effects ....
I am going to start SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTING weekly YOUTUBERS on my channel - I think this is important and here is why -- sharing is caring - the parts of you that vibe along with me may very much vibe along well with the Youtubers I find myself connecting with and LOVING what they bring to their channel --- and the more we support one another in our growing processes the more transformative shifts that affect us all shall occur ---- also you might like the recommended station and you can relate to their page better than mine -- which is perfectly fine -- -the more and more I grow the more and more I inner stand that not everyone is for everyone and that is ok - we are entitled to our own preferences -- there is a lot of things I can't even listen to because the vibrations I receive are not anything for me - so I move forward and do not further engage = it works better being honest in this way... anyways -- there are tons of PHENOMENAL PEOPLE spreading KNOWLEDGE, HEALING, GOOD VIBES, and various forms of ENTERTAINMENT -- and Im truly coming across some AMAZING souls that I know other people should also be checking them out - so stay IN tune for that to be shared on my
Have you subscribed?anyways back to darker shadows of self emerging - for there is a part of myself that desires to be perceived and received and acknowledged
I mean what Human on this planet does not desire to be loved/ adored/ and practically worshipped to some degree- - the smiles such acknowledgment and feelings these things bring ---
the reality of that for me not sitting too well
Lilith will tell us another story
of all this power and glory
I will tell the story
as it is unfolding
I read something just now that prior to reading it - I was intuitively advised to remember the level of processing Im currently on when it comes to learning new things that do RESONATE and APPLY in every way but are to be taken with a grain of salt - for it is being surfaced for evaluation not condemnation
- Im actually reminded about this mindfulness living constantly
for still this is part of my own growth in establishing new roots of sprout for myself -
I too am a part of this evolutionary process and I am so not exempt from being made to put into practice certain behaviors, vocabulary, intentions, etc etc to instill and water my mindfulness living LIFESTYLE SUPPORT System that is constantly being upgraded so to speak
In order for me to be able to contribute this piece of the whole that I Do - i too, must endure this process of learning and putting things into practice inspiring transformation and change in every way to exist on this earthly realm.
anyhoo so prior to reading this thing from this astrology website that triggered me -- I was intuitively advised that I might not like what I read - but I was asked to work further on not becoming so defensive to what I did not like -- and also not to be so dismissive to what I may not agree with - and therefore cancel it out of complete existence or awareness...
I was also reminded about astrology being a piece of this puzzles whole as well - and that whatever i read is one persons articulation for this realm and level of understanding - and for me not judge that either by labeling their contribution as insignificant just because my view of their view and understanding is pardoned in some way due to their limiting box of stopping just here as if this is the only vital piece of information needed in our lives...
I knew ego was coming for me
I just wasn't sure how
my expansion in diving deeper into my own uncharted territories
the territory that others woke to - use to their advantage
and some of those woke folk
may not be such nice folk
or that too can be the bottom feeder point of view
when the hierarchy seems to be at such a
one might see it that way
cold some might say
but your frequency is never their reality
do not confuse every piece of art
by labeling every piece of art
by dissecting every piece of art
and thinking you know another persons art
by thinking with your head
for a world in order
operates from their feeling
must be centered
for there is much confusion between feeling and thinking
most on earth
think out what they feel and and Feel out what they think
and all that is fine and dandy
but when one can not determine their own feeling from
thinking and not even realize this that Im meaning atm
how can one not be confused
these wonderlands they bruise
Babbling is what I do
and Im aligned sweetly and in tune
collective not so much overruled just put in its place now
for balance makes sense now
its a matter of perspective
you gotta play detective with the collective
for your own respective on this perspective instead of constantly rejecting so many things
as previously sewn once before
anyways I copy / paste what I read
It is about the Lilith in Astrology
and please note that at this current moment in time Im further expanding my own astrological knowledge - so although there are many things with astrology that resonate and apply - and I can honestly say - the things I have studied on my own - I know astrology to be of many levels of truth and significance to us Humans on this earthly planet - - - there is a lot of science and math behind it - and the originator of this design of mathematical equations and scientific methods used to calculate a persons birth chart info -- well that originator -- whomever the source creator of this - super genius and on point - - - because before the math and science data came - there was still a world of information that had been gathered about all of this - that caused the originator to create a mathematical equation and science method to support whatever knowledge was already known about these planets - or maybe the wyrds were described as planets to break down psychology and over a span of time - figurative became literal and vice versa -
anyhoo -- - so please note that although astrology has been a part of my own conditioned lifestyle on this planet - my relationship with astrology has definitely evolved and is constantly evolving - so I do not pretend to know the exact science behind a lot of it (at least not on this earthly realM) but I do inner Know and Innerstand a lot of the dynamics of it and how it can also be a supportive tool (( one of many to use)) while navigating here on this earthly planet ---
SIDE NOTE - change is coming too within the astrology community too
new info brought to light
aligning things further right
in our lives
back to ego trips
I like to go in for my win
so apparently Lilith for me is in my Sun Sign Sagittarius
I must say with humor that even the fact that they personalized what they wrote by writing "she" I can not begin to tell you how attacked I was feeling reading what I did not like - - - I can laugh to myself as I share this - because this is not the feeling nor emotion I carry around town --- I laugh because in my own THIRD PARTY OBSERVATORY of life taking place - - - I was being called to ACTION to not REACT and instead KNOW that there is something in this for me no matter how stubbornly parts of myself can be - - -- I pouted and said fine...
look how long it is taking me to share
I was suppose to copy / paste and write my commentary between each line
I wonder what the me of 15minutes ago would have shared in that commentary that has already TRANSFORMED / INFUSED its way into my inner feeling of certain levels of knowingness
do not confuse my use of the word "levels" to mean levels that depict some form of rank or hierarchy cause that is blasphemy -- -
TRUTH shall always be set free
let this resonate deep
when I speak of level
it only pertains to my current level of perception
my level of inner standing / Understanding
that is the only level I can ever be on
so it is vital for me to upkeep with all of my levels which range, change, vary, shift and transform --- constantly..
moving along now to the damn copy / paste about my Lilith ...
hey maybe your Lilith is in Sagittarius too - and if it is -- -do not take any offense - do not even disagree - just listen truly deep -- and if some time needs to pass before you further decide to comment in any way - at least you gift yourself some personal time to align with yourself right with more clarity then just being all radio active and reactive right away -- which funks with your playlist of energies you got cooking in your mix
30.06.1937 - 27.03.1938 24.09.1981 - 20.06.1982
05.05.1946 - 30.01.1947 30.07.1990 - 25.04.1991
10.03.1955 - 05.12.1955 05.06.1999 - 28.02.2000
14.01.1964 - 09.10.1964 10.04.2008 - 03.01.2009
18.11.1972 - 14.08.1973 14.02.2017 - 08.11.2017
In the person’s opinion, the whole world is only waiting to kneel before her greatness and only aspires to receive spiritual food from her hands. Being absolutely certain of her huge organizational skills and of her infallible authority, such a person believes that she simply cannot make mistakes, because mistakes are the lot of mortals, not gods. She tends to oppress those who oppose her authority or threaten her sphere of influence. The person may be unpredictable, rapacious, she may have a penchant for shocking behaviors as well as for adventurism and conspiracies involving a large number of people. She claims the role of a leader, of a Grand Master and of a Messiah and easily falls into megalomania.
The provocative roles are played by false ideological and religious leaders, as well as by experimentalists and originals.
<<<< I do admit the first line does sound movie theatrical appealing - but come on - even that line of living is deceiving and misleading and super tiring in every way - for in this light if one shall desire such a fantasy to be worshipped at their feet -- one will wake up to realize the empty of that feeling and how maddening the illusion of worship can blind all those souls that the person being worshipped begins to disappear -- depleted over time - even if it took 1000 years of cycling about for the person to reach that exhaust button - they will have to eventually reach this state in order to be introduced to the need of balance in their lives without being so extreme --- but that only applies here in this earthly realm of existence - for this is a land of people whom do not know who they are - seeking externally for something found within... so now you know - - that first line itself bothered me--- but why -- was there some level of truth in it ? IF so, what level or part of this resonates some truth for you? Why am I judging this sentence super harshly and viewing it by desiring to completely dismiss it -- -but then I remembered --- a life long cry of mine -- one buried inside --- masked with the child like view of silent disappointment of people that did not come thru or view me as I believed they should -- and living a life having to accept never receiving that thing once felt / believed / cried / wanted / needed -- never ever receiving it -- what kind of vibration do you think something buried like that within me but still actively pulsating on out its energy, frequency and vibe -- subconsciously feeding this what turns into a greed of a need of a seed birthing many seeds that I do not need --- interesting that the first line -- caused such a stir in me - and the me of the now oblivious to the how - until I flowed intuitively within receiving the information for myself at this time that was being brought into light - --
also what annoyed me about this paragraph written - - it was as if it was intentionally written to stir in the person reading a provoking reaction. That is the energy I feel being received by the writer who wrote these words - - but then I had to check myself - since I was taking shit personally -- to then realize that its not a personal attack when someone is just writing what they believe themselves to know matter of factly -- luckily I caught myself quickly tho - cause I was rolling my eyes reading the sentence "She claims the role of a leader, et etc." I truly must be getting extremely better and better at THIRD pARTY VIEWINGS because it allows for the
education taking place to be observed externally while still participating in the classroom getting a hands on type of experience
I took offense to someone writing about the claims someone ((like me with their Lilith in Sagittarius ))would claim about themselves (((intuitively I was being shown what was happening as it was happening ))) but I still determine these descriptions made were written to trigger something to stir up some shit in every individual -- and that does not make it a BAD / NEGATIVE thing // and instead more like a role thing... for everyone has their own pieces to contribute to this entire whole --- -
the writing feels condescending (why?) and then this writer tops it off by saying that Lilith in Sagittarius persons can easily fall into being obsessed with power ... having it and using it -- to ones own benefit .. and also in other words --- they do not walk it like they talk it....
I can tell you how I began to think that statement incorrect
due to the victim mode I have played in this life
where I have felt suppressed for most of this life believing most in power to be tyrannical abusers and in this lifetime one of many cries of mine have been never being able to understand how people can intentionally / purposefully / plot and take joy in overpowering others, abusing others, mistreating others, purposely going out to inflict damage, hurt, or pain to another - - - - in this particular earth life experience - now that it is being brought to my attention -- -
i can see how
feeling overpowered
being abused
being treated poorly and unfairly
etc etc etc
I can see how this lack of power so it seems
would breed / seed / shadow into existence the opposing forces of those feelings
because stripping one of tyrannical power
one must become powerful themselves
and this can subconsciously create
low vibrational thoughts to creep in ones way
clouding their better judgement and all consumed by feeling
they may crave INNER POWER to defeat their giants
but in that same thought process
nothing transforms
for it remains the same
defeating ones perceived Master
by becoming more Powerful than they are
You NOW CONTROL Their outcome as they once did yours
riddle me this
riddle me that
who wins / learns / grows from a scenario such as that with perception like that?
The inferior level
The person has a huge ego, a lot of vanity and great ambitions. She aspires to power and luxury at all costs and is an active consumer who aims at winning it all. This is the karma of a great adventurer, a false prophet, an ideological saboteur or an imposture of a teacher, who took merits for the achievements of others. In a previous life, the person could have been a politician, a scientist or a religious leader who used his influence with malicious intents. In this life, she is easily convinced by ideological propaganda and tends to mislead other people herself, by preaching false doctrines. She also has a tendency for contempt, often exhibits the attitude of a braggart and will be prompt to attribute her own weaknesses to others. She will justify her own acts at all costs and will repress those under her influence.
human side of me not letting go of the representation of "she" as this writer decrees and writes things to be- the human vessel taking shit personally -- -
I may not have researched the Lilth placement in astrology thoroughly to speak scholarly on this topic -- - but based off what I did check out - - there is ongoing unresolved debate into the proper "LABELING" "IDENTIFICATION TAG" Lilth represents - - - some believe this should be looked at like another planet - some go literal stating that can't be the case - this is an asteroid - - some go literal stating that can't be the case -- where do I fit in atm
well everything is energy
and energy is everything
this Lilith placement that has a placement and mathematical equation that allows for its presence to be detected / discovered in some way - - this space is definitely still energy that is believed to exist and is believed to represent certain things / traits / influences etc
whatever you desire Lilth to be for you and represent for you - that is entirely up to you - one thing I did note about Lilith in many various descriptions explaining what she represents - - - (((which now explains to me why they write SHE ... duh Jennifer - silly me --- she is Lilith in the planet - - a feminine aspect / description that when using words describe "she" --- this is why I should check myself always before I wreck myself foolishly energetically speaking of course)))
THANK YOU for tuning in if you are still reading along
WOW you sure are a seeker
on some quest
for your own truth
for i know these downloads I receive are quite a lot of things wrapped up in things that seem warped out on things at times and many that attempt to read these wyrds of mine do not finish fully - read entirely - nor comprehend fully - and sometimes get so caught up in the not understanding fully that they immediately try to pry inside of my head calling me a variety of things to fill in the space that they themselves can not articulate
"oh girl you so crazy"
"you be out there"
"i can not understand many of the things you write and say."
" you are eccentric and out there"
"what are you smoking"
"can I have whatever you're smoking too"
and these statements can go on and on and on and on and on with the responses I receive from people whom are drawn to my pages but are not fully there in all the comprehending parts they will learn for themselves if they choose to elevate/evolve in that way
your silence blows
this I know from experience
when I was silent
when all I wanted to do was engage
I complicated so many things in my world that could of truly been majorly simple
but communication
without any walls
or war in mind
heart and soul
in not something any of us truly know
at least in this realm of existence
I do KNOW that in one piece of something in it consists of everything
I enlarged that last sentence because it highlights this quick point I will try to make about my observation of notes written on Lilith in Astrology by various online writers describing what it means in each sign - I noted that it takes on a darker narrative describing more of the shadow side of life that exists that many do hide, suppress, keep hidden or shame and judge harshly - or want in some way but keep it locked denying it access to express itself in any way in ones life --
I do KNOW that in one piece of "something" and this something can be absolutely "anything" <<< person, place or thing >>>> this "something" that does exist right now, within this "something" exists everything!
SO with this being said
Lilith which is "something"
If you read about Lilith you shall discover many a story
about she
described as all things
and this thing
in astrology that positions herself as the Dark Side of the MOON placement
So Lilith is like the dark Identical but non identical twin to your Moon sign and whatever sign your moon sign falls under can be the same as your Lilith sign - but most likely not - but not saying that it can not be - for many people have a lot of double signs in planets on their charts.
NOW writing this down
without having thought any of this thru
this whole dark side of the moon just got all the more interesting for me in dynamics you see -- in understanding a very important relationship of mine with someone very dear to me in my life... not going into that story at this time
epiphanies occur just like that all the time..
anyhoo Lilith introduces you to the position of the BLACK MOON which in ones birth chart discusses the darker side of ones own personality traits ...
here is another copy/paste describing further what this all can represent
The position of the Black Moon in a birth chart shows the dark side of one’s personality, a side that exists in every person, even if each one manifests it with her own nuances. This is the side of a personality that will inevitably lead the person to her downfall if she feeds it and indulges in it. It contains the temptations lurking at a deep level in our subconscious, as well as our attraction for reprehensible actions, on a moral as well as on an ethically level, all of which that can eventually lead to the destruction of our personality. Lilith is not capable of bringing us happiness, as she is not able to trigger real-life events as the real planets do; her impact is exerted on the psyche, on our passions and on the deepest of our desires. The Black Moon generates an astral vortex that arouse emotions and strong desires, blurring awareness and preventing us from controlling or regulating its influence.
The position of Lilith in our horoscope also shows what type of people, amongst those we meet on our path, will play provocative roles in our lives, or even be our enemies. All these roles are meant to help us in our evolution, which is why it is much better not to hold grudges against the people who have to play them. They are imposed to them in spite of their own will and it is better for us to focus on the negative manifestations of Lilith in our own psyche as well as on its effects on our own behavior, according to her position in our horoscope. If these negative events are understood and if the necessary efforts are made, no further provocation will frighten us. Lilith is also associated with the worst human sin, suicide, which is probably the extreme consequence of all passions when they are pursued relentlessly. But the choice still belongs to the individual, and Lilith is powerless against the will of a person who sees her for what she is and decides to oppose her.
The intermediate level
The person herself may become a victim of false teachers, be manipulated by ideological propaganda or lose her authority through blindness or hubris. She may suffer from the oscillations typical of a Hamlet personality type or be quite exasperated when faith seems to be offering her something, only to end up divesting it from her. In a previous life, the person has abused her powers and position, using them for unworthy and selfish purposes. She was too proud, was disrespectful with people or followed false teachings. In this life, she constantly is suffering persecution and injustice from governmental and religious structures. The problems for her come from foreigners and she faces high risks of accidents during long journeys, as well as from fire. Such a person should not get involved in spreading an ideology: she should content herself with being a follower, a mediator, and refrain from teaching to others, despite the desire she may feel to do so.
So going back to what was trying to Piss me off - - is its one thing to state a statement but its another thing to opinionate on a statement so smoothly that one not WOKE enough would read & definitely miss and subconsciously inner interpret the advice so slyly added in there and depending on the person - and where they are in mindset - that misguided advice is only my opinion to this response being AWOKEN within me for my own growth, inner standing and alignment
some part of me feels it was all strategically done this way to invoke a clear response within every recipient to answer themselves truthfully especially when reading to oneself and no one else is around
interpretations although can be shared are still personal
here is another copy/paste
"Such a person should not get involved in spreading an ideology: she should content herself with being a follower, a mediator, and refrain from teaching to others, despite the desire she may feel to do so."
the ghetto fabulous reactors that are parts of me triggered now want to respond humor filled somehow and chances are making it inappropriate - and this post is not about all of that - so instead I create more lines till I align again best with my own rhymes not affected by the times at this time.
but questionS i shall pose for myself
for my health
inner standing
time for me to go inner stand more deeply the part of me that feels offended by such a statement written by someone I do not even know -
why personalize this so much in that way ?
or maybe it is the voice of Lilith channeled by the article writer that is being expressed
or is this just one reality of perception of receive due to whatever leveling I currently inhabit as I write this
for this too shall pass
just like that
new lines
write down
profound sound
In all seriousness (stubbornness i can be ) but in every bit of coolness I was able to witness myself thru this 3rd party connect platform -- the part of me thinking about acting out and behaving how I have always done - I legit almost DISMISSED this entire astrological read and was never going to address it again all because I didn't like what I read = and trust me I would of instead found on another website a more pleasing of description that ruffled no feathers of mine - -but not this time -- INNER SIGHT is LIFE and I am happily entering in for my win
The superior level
At this level, the person immediately unmasks false teachers, careerists, unscrupulous politicians and recognizes distortions in spiritual teachings. In a previous life, she got to know the negative side of power, saw the influence of the dark forces in the political and religious structures of society, but she did not succumb to temptations. Now she deliberately exposes heresies, superstitions and lies in politics and ideologies. She fights against corruption and venality in society. At this level, the person acquires the ability to see the current situation very clearly and to come up with the necessary ideas at the proper moment, all this without effort.
The main commandment: abstain from making demands from society, don’t give sermons, cultivate worthy ideals and don’t wander.
Where do these main commandments come from?
always feeling like a rebel without a cause with a cause never clear on the cause at first wanting applause not receiving any applause finding the applause in ones own mirror one day brought me out to play one not so random day that appeared random but had been marinating into existence for quite some time - -
writing for hours to now take a pause
letting go of this need for control that keeps coming up for me in many readings
and my own failure to still not understand what is being decreed
and the fluency of such a surrendering
that you can only feel
surreal is me letting go into flow
I will not reread all this that I wrote prior to sharing
I shall not edit a damn thing on this post before posting publicly
anything edited will be done after if I decide to
I shall not judge anything that I have written thus far or have shared that may appear to be out there and all over the place -- I shall not judge myself and instead ALLOW myself to QUANTUMLY ENJOY this LOVING FEELING that FEELS / VIBES / RHYMES ALIGNED with me
Im excited and will act excited letting go of all worry that does not speak my truth or give me what I want
There is one thing I did get to make clear with myself about my own wants and do not wants -- and in being clear with myself on some Woke Type of Fantastical shift - - Thankful I feel and end this note here for now
WOW if you read all the way down
please do let me know
I have one question I would love to ask you
if you do not desire to publicly comment and ask you are also free to email me FREE
or maybe you have a question for me
if this is the case
FEEL FREE to Comment / inquire as well as Email me or even DM me on my INSTAGRAM account @ENCHANTRESS
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