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Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Processes of being Conscious

At first 
this process 
Of Conscious 
will Feel exciting as well as Feel 
extremely overwhelming 
and at many different points of your entire 
Consciously will be physically 
which will trigger many inner battles within yourself that will cause you to battle out many truths within yourself 
all these revelations being brought to the surface all depend on your own levels of understanding / growth and comfort — so know that if you’re met with something that seems challenging in any kind of way — 
it could be anything ..
down to something as small as a comment being made to you about your shirt being an unflattering color - advising you to never wear that again — 
Now let’s imagine that this person only said this to you because they knew it would hurt your feelings. They know you are super nice and will excuse their being rude and not really address anything - or maybe you’re the type to address everything immediately - and your reaction to their not being nice to you without cause is given right back - further supporting and participating in your button pushers attack - possibly leading this now to some level of discord being shared between two people ...
this discord that takes place between you and this other individual only feeds / breathes and further seeds - misaligned energies for you and the other person involved — and chances are if neither of you are conscious in the sense where you work diligently and mindfully on feeling more / seeing more / yet reacting less to the energy of the environment around you - chances are after this minor incident which seems harmless enough - a not so friendly encounter took place and that’s it both individuals move forward in their lives completely unaware of the chaos of seeds they left marinating and unresolved. 

I tell you this right now 
and I may not be able to articulate this concept as clearly as I would like - at least not on this post - because this Enchanting Babble post is not about explaining this level of conceiving. 

This post is me formulating the words that #Will best articulate for you to understand the concept / belief / understanding / EXPERIENCE of what it is like to live MINDFULLY / CONSCIOUSLY / in absolute full awareness that only continues to expand ...

My own Understanding of what knowledge even represents has expanded to new levels of understanding on what knowledge truly is all about and it really is Powerful / Empowering. 

I always loved the quote knowledge is power and even tho I didn’t understand why (at least I was not conscious of it for so many years ) but if you asked me About this quote / and saying and my stance on it. I would proclaim this statement as absolute truth — but I never really did understand my own reasons why - I didn’t even know what KNOWLEDGE was POWER that was being written and shared thruout the ages - and it always felt like the Knowledge that was meant to be powerful was always kept hidden — but without thinking —  or questioning or asking myself why — I unconsciously tied KNOWLEDGE that is believed to equate to Power to be represented by  “Intelligence” which it is a part of it - but only a piece of it - not even close to being all of it - but it is a glimpse of it — 

I guess we all start from somewhere at some point ...

and so as the story would go - knowledge for me was passionately sought and excitedly received - knowledgeable in a wide variety of things and areas that fascinated and interested me - I became as knowledgeable as can be - still the  Go to source for many whom enter my life 

I’ve learned we can be very smart in life 
and still do very stupid things 
But with knowledge - how could stupid still exist 

I’m rambling again
but that’s cause the channel is open 
and there is so many things all at once trying to be said 
and I am growing in my own development of being able to articulate these experiences in their broken down process that is not the easiest task at hand to do - especially when my growth of understanding all of these kind of  things for myself is limitless, endless  and in a constant state of flux  / 

Living Consciously / Mindfully are just words used  to describe a concept / an idea / a way of living - that is outside of the norm and is believed to add certain quality of elements into ones life that is often sought by the masses externally — like for example - living mindfully and consciously at least how it’s commercially sold promotes peace / love / balance / joy etc etc etc into ones life —-

But what is often left out from these words that are so often just thrown out into the air and used ever so loosely “consciousness” and “Mindfulness” is the grueling process that accompanies this AWAKENED state of being - and how unsettling it is and how grueling and exhausting it is and how overwhelming it can be — especially in the beginning till we learn to better balance our own energy fields and this will come from Understanding (Alignment) — release ... 
but one must travel thru to get thru 
Results are priceless 

I know this post was meant to be about the processes of consciousness. Where I was going with it — I don’t know — I just silently type away - many times I have no idea what I am going to write or say but My hand moves - my lips move - and words pour out - If you go back to the beginning of when I first began this blog — I wrote many times how I whenever I wrote I would just post without editing or reading it back — and it was a long process that drove me nuts — but I had to go thru it — for many reasons not just the two reasons I told myself at the time — which was 1. I was breaking past the fear of sharing my own writing and 2. The critical editor in me who was never loving to me - always overly critical - cause everything had to be perfect -in appearance - writing had format / structure / just like I learned in school — and I didn’t want that anymore. Because the editor in me would never share my personal writings or think them good enough to share —
Although that was the case - deep down inside - these silly things did not seem right — and so I pushed myself off the cliff and took that dive — 
and that seed over time has evolved in so many ways — my writing style has grown — and obviously as you can see I’m not a stickler for punctuation / format / style / or spelling .... 

all those years ago when I started this blog back in 2009 - 2010 - I had no idea the amount of freedom of expression that was in store for me —I had no idea that there was greater purpose in store — all I knew to be true was that I needed to start writing and sharing and that overtime I would grow from this experience — I had no idea — how it would grow — or what would develop — there was even a period of time where I barely wrote at all. 

At some point in our life we all hear in some shape or form this famous quote “Knowledge is Power” 

When we do not dive into questioning our own understanding of life and things and if we never analyze our own whys / and if we never look to understand or acknowledge our behaviors / habits / practices / lifestyles — it is safe to go ahead and assume then that means just like “dead fish swimming with the flow” that’s pretty much how your energy management and POWER will go too — “dead fish swimming with the flow” 

And If this be the case
then it’s safe to say that if the above is the case and a person is just flowing with living every high and low accepting it as the way of life - accepting many things as their own life - oblivious to any subconscious layers / roots formed thruout their LIVES that have yet to be dealt with — these things only further marinate more things that match the vibration of the subconscious root that is masked : hidden : tucked away - rotting for days — allowing this to infiltrate and cycle to you many things that so many can’t see — because they don’t make the time to THINK / UNDERSTAND OR BE REAL with themselves - not even realizing what it means to be true to oneself - closing themselves off - stuck in a repetitive cycle -/- 

Dudes - it is true 
If you can’t change something - change your view. 
This requires you climb and dive thru 
To Clearly meet with you 
And it makes me Ssoooo HAPPY to encounter so many vibing to thrive / Alive souls - taking this road 
and it is ASTOUNDING to see the growth of evolution with our kind 
even mainstream media is attempting their version of going this route - even when it’s being done to confuse 
but never mind all of that 
love eliminates that 
You will see 
For it’s already happening 

Back to the story example of someone purposefully trying to push your buttons — to get you to react 
because of one or many of their misaligned vibrations 
causing that 
Take a step back 
Time to view the room 
Any problem / issue / unresolved drama you have with another being in this world - 
letting go of who is right 
letting go of who is in the wrong 
KNOW you CAN & 
will find the PEACE you need even if the other party is an unwilling participant.  You CAN find what you need INTERNALLY — (this is not a joking matter so please ) do note it will feel like the tower falling down - crumbling pieces all around - uprooting your ground - but believe your Peace / Healing shall be found - but you must want it now -  make the CHOICE to gift yourself the resolutions you need for inner peace ... 
go inward please 
this method is the road less traveled 
because initially when wronged by another - we want justice ((and justice means something different to us all))) 

But in truth - even when received 
if you’re not aligned 
aligned with your own rhymes and shrine 
apologies from another don’t always hold value 
sometimes we are not satisfied with how another chooses to resolve or attempt to resolve — and many times - we are met with others whom hurt and feel no remorse — and that can be infuriating — 

So what does this mean to you ?
If another doesn’t give you what you think you need from them -  are you left empty / missing something / dissatisfied / are you angry ? Bitter ? Resentful ??
Are we unconsciously giving our power away / our peace of mind away to bad moments in life / horrible experiences / to people who’ve hurt us — or maybe we hurt other people — and guilt eats away at subconscious levels but pride would never allow you to feel it — there are so many variations to this depiction — if only you would be silent and listen ...

A person who actively participates in the constant practice of being mindful and conscious — they are able to separate their own energy fields from the ones being received externally and if attacked in any way - without taking personal offense they are gifted with an intuitive understanding and  awareness of the underlying mechanisms at work - and in being able to separate / and still relate - yet not engage — not saying this is always the case — but it’s a constant action of practice that we always return back to - even if we were to lose our cool - understanding that triggers are meant to be useful tools for us to use and further enlighten where it is darkened.   
Please never Down play the work you put into being the change starting to be seen in this world 

I may have babbled quite a lot on this post and I know I Babble all over the place but there is profound meaning written in this space 


Ps if you read this far 

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.