My momma doggie is already 9
and has some liver issues that has occurred over time
the condition she was in
The doctors would recommend to just end her “suffering” so they would say ..
Everything is always so simple and easy for them to diagnose and determine
but believe me when I say
I always know there are other ways
To better our health in many many ways
LOVE all of it
is never in vain
It’s always for our GAIN
Had you seen what we experienced with our Mya when she got really sick - you too would of thought that this was it — but with LoVe we went in quick and quickly made a fix and changed her diet immediately.
It was not the only thing that we changed - but this is what we began right away — finding the right kind of foods that would increase her lifespan at this time - regenerating her cells alive - gifting our Mya some more time - loving her and believing whole heartedly in her recovery.
It definitely has not been an easy road
But truth be told
With her diet change and the natural herbs that are incorporated with her diet and the reiki done on her and our constant prayers / energy healing and vibes we intentionally and purposely do every single day — doing ALL these things has WORKED in so many ways — when I say — that just a few weeks back there was fading life in our Myas eyes — she was too weak to stand - she was even losing her hair — I can HAPPILY report shes doing PHENOMENALLY better — it’s like a miracle we watch continuously happening everyday. She has gotten her strength back - her weight is coming back - she’s barking up a storm — she is happy / playful / her depression has subsided - there is LIFE in her eyes ..
Surprise surprise
There is alchemy in the foods we eat
There is a science in treating and healing ourselves well
There is magic when love grabs the reigns
Please know there are so many NATURAL ways to heal / to be healthy - to add longevity to our lives / our pets and those we luck — EDUCATE yourself on the natural remedies and solutions for many of the common and also deadly ailments / diseases / illnesses that exist — there are other things you CAN do other than relying on some quack doc to feed you his medicinal spoon of toxic poison that many times weakens your immune system leaving you deaf / blind and dead — living like the walking dead. Do not get me wrong I am not saying never to use medications - but I am insisting on you doing your own research on natural foods / super foods and herbs that can be of Extreme BENEFIT to you.
This I know to be my truth
But it’s always going to be up to you
Although I don’t personally eat beef - I do cook it for my dogs — so that meal up there is a special mix and concoction of natural healing herbs and foods mixed in with some white rice and beef ...
If you would like some of the recipes I use specifically for liver healing and loving for your pets — feel FREE to ask - sharing =s caring and the ANIMAL lover in me would love nothing more than to share with you the very things I use that I have researched myself / used myself and see to be absolutely beneficial in every way — I look at our Mya and I am AMAZED at how much healing she has undergone in such a short period of time — it’s like awe inspiring and has opened up my eyes even more — to the power that exists within our hands
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