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Friday, March 31, 2017

Writers Colorful Flow


Writers dream in print #writers #flow #glow #growth #visual #wordy #Artist #Inspirational #Motivational #Friday #bring #Your #Passions #to #life #rainbow #brightlights #color #Scopes

#follow #me @Enchantress #instagram 

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Word Wants to be Written Free Write

stumbling upon
moving forward
trapping myself within my own conditioning
a flicker of
is found
the word wants to be written
she proclaimed
out loud
Silencing the sounds of the beatings
saturated into her skin
shines from within
claims her

these last two weeks I have tortured myself internally with making all these meetings 
self imposed of course
at least when it all boils down to the last drop 
key enforcer of every single law that I 
to abide in 

As KIND as I am to others
still constantly always working on having kindness towards myself 

Forever I shall remain 
making sure within every heart beat that I am in FULL ALIGNMENT
& Soul

inner workings at work here 
infinite Pot of Gold
constantly stirring 

There is much work to be done 


#writers #unlock #unblock #create #energy #flow #dynamic #overflow #creative #free #write #positivist #extremist #workflow #namaste #magic #Sacred #rebels #the #word #wants #to #be #written #HollyWoodsGypsy  

Monday, March 27, 2017

Who are You?

Who am I ?
whom am I?
Where am I from?
People ask these questions as if this is something easy peezy for me to answer

I mean, I am, all that I am
that I am
but I am
still growing
evolving into my


I am everything
yet I am nothing
but believe me
I am
Something !

I am from everything
Yet ..
I am composed up of nothing 
making something 
Ain't that something
outta nowhere
something out of nothing, ain't that something?!

You know being everything and most definitely undefinable - due to the fact of our constant state of evolution / growth / change / there is even growth in stagnation -
one is most capable of growing in their blockages/stagnation
so the fact that we remain to be undefinable - due to our infinite POTENTIALS to be anything and everything we desire to be at any chosen moment makes us undeniably
 quite extraOrdinary

sweet & juicy
nutritious and delicious

we all most certainly can be

Where are you from? 

I am from Pluto
Mars &
I am that shooting star
I am from nowhere here that you think you know 

I am a feeling
never fleeting 
 I am 
 souls meeting untamed
I wouldn't have it any other way

fresh outta the cage

Bright Lights taking center stage
fire spreading these milky waves
 galaxies cosmically erupt

Behold our Blessed Moon
remnants of she cascade through
all of we

for we are everything 
ain't that something

remind yourself of this when you are feeling down
from nothing
birthed something


Ain't that something ?


we are infinite layers of skin peeling off
black hole 
Pandora opens every box
down syndrome alert

Player must become Active 
in this Soul Called Life 

Pieces of our own light meant to shower all around
having to find the ways through the darker shadowy moments 

these are Enchanting Babble shared



You & Me 
energetic beings conversing 

we are fragmented pieces
in search of our own pieces
finding ourselves tangled and woven in
with others pieces
all these 
spectacle of pieces
at least trying to piece together some level
and form of


WE piece together
WE PEACE together
according to our own individual biblical standards

but overall no matter
our stance
we all contribute a part to these lands

we are our entire

Ain't that something

we nothings make many somethings
out of perceived nothings

 You & Me

always planting the seeds
universal colony
Protection & Victory for Light Guided beings


Blessings sent your beautiful way

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Follow @HollyWoodsGypsy everywhere !!

Good Morning Beautiful soulS !!! How are you doing this Windy Rhyming kinda morning ??? Find me on #Snapchat @hollywoodsGypsy #follow #me #into #synchronicity #Dreamers #Can #Red #Meets #Blue #Lovers #Evolution #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 


Monday, March 20, 2017


 He makes it all seem 
so hard 
This lie 
Life he leads 
dripping venom 
His head spins 
He's in for the win 
inside out 
Look at him real good 
You will see 
Look at him real good 
You shall see 
All of me 
He's nothing you see 
everything within 
Infusion deep 
Combination is three

Angelic Guidance # 787


Number 787 is a blend of the vibrations and energies of number 7 and number 8, with the mystical number 7 appearing twice, magnifying its influences. Number 7 is the number of inner-knowing and understanding others, spiritual awakening, compassion for others, study, learning and education, introspection and deep contemplation, empathic and psychic abilities, dignity and refinement and persistence of purpose. Number 8 encourages dependability and self-reliance, stability and self-sufficiency, discernment, achievement, practicality, decisiveness, and giving and receiving. Number 8 also relates to the concept of karma; the Universal Spiritual Law of Karma.

Angel Number 787 brings a message from the angels that you are to focus upon your spiritual path and look to interests that resonate with your soul’s calling. It may also be suggesting that you take up more substantial spiritual practices and consider a spiritually-based career or service-based project or venture. As you pursue and serve your Divine life purposeyou will manifest ample supply to take care of your material wants and needs.

Angel Number 787 is a sign that you have learned how to successfully interpret Divine guidance and have incorporated it into your daily life and lifestyle choices. Your angels encourage you to keep up the good work you have been doing and trust that you will have all that you need to sustain and maintain you along your soul’s journey.

Angel Number 787 is a message of acknowledgement for your hard work and efforts, and the angels applaud your life choices. Continue on your path as your grow with spiritual development and find success in the material/physical world.

Angel Number 787 may be indicating that you may be feeling as though a part of your life is coming to an end, such as a relationship or job. Angel Number 787 is validation that your feelings are correct, so prepare yourself for the changes to come.

Angel Number 787 heralds positive news about forthcoming positive changes involving the completion or ending of an intense situation. Things will begin to flow more easily in your life from now on. This may be on a monetary and financial level.

Number  relates to the Master Number 22 (7+8+7=22, 2+2=4) and Angel Number 22on the higher plane, and number 4 and Angel Number 4 on the lower plane.

#angelic #angel #numbers #numerology #esoteric #spirituality #wisdom #guidance #oracles #blogger #joannescribes #blogspot #sharing #caring #love #believe #receive #achieve 

Angelic Guidance #49


Number 49 is comprised of the vibrations of the number 4 and number 9. Number 4 contributes the values of worthiness, endurance, dignity and trust, working steadily towards achieving success, practicality and determination and our passion and drive in life. Number 9 carries the attributes of endings and conclusions, inner-strength and inner-wisdom, selflessness and philanthropy, the Universal Spiritual Laws, leading by positive example, karmaspiritual enlightenmentand awakeninglightworking and your Divine life purpose and soul mission.

Angel Number 49 is a message from your angels that a project or cycle is ending and you are asked to look to your achievements and successes. Take the lessons from the experiences and use them to your future advantage. Finish off anything left undone.

Angel Number 49 is a message that your angels are with you as you step through a new door of opportunity. As with all endings, it is the beginning of something new and as one door closes, another opens. Your angels ask that you focus upon your goals, aspirations and life purpose, and remember to ask your angels for assistance along the way.

Number 49 also relates to number 4 (4+9=13, 1+3=4) and Angel Number 4.

#angel #numbers #numerology #joannescribes #blogspot #blogger #esoteric #guidance #spirituality #wisdom #believe #receive #achieve

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Felis Margaritas are Adorable!

#i #want #two

Sand Cat
Dune Cat
Arabian Sand Cats
Wild Cat
Felis Margarita 

(How freakin adorable)

Also an Endangered Species 

Yup - endangered because their one camouflaging defense is also  their weakness - so when they are confronted - instead of dashing off - they instead, freeze up - making them easier targets to be captured or worse case - hunted :( 

It is believed these cats should not be kept as pets - but hey you never really know 

I am more than sure these kitties can find nice domesticated homes that CAN work for them 

It should probably be a home with a lot of land since these are solitary creatures 

What message can these beautiful WILD CATS have for us?

Well for starters, they truly are SURVIVORS
Survivors of very harsh living environments.
Making these kitties excellent Animal Spirit Guides in teaching us the art of ADAPTATION.  

As cute and adorable as they are these Wild Cats are also skilled HUNTERS and MASTER diggers.  

Hunting their prey with swift speed and success.
Master diggers into the depths of Mother Earth - teaching us the art of digging into our deeper layers of earth within ourselves.  

 With thickly cushioned feet they can withstand the Desert heat & with their sleek bodies they can certainly FLY.  

#dune #cat #cats #sandcat #animal #planet #endangered #species #hunter #prey #spirit #guides #totems #spirituality #quest #journey #freedom #wisdom #sharing #knowledge #connection #Mother #earth #Survivor #kitty #environmental #conditioning #solitary #existence #taking #heat #thundercats #cute #pics #found on #worldWideWeb #elmira #funny #tinytoons

More Lessons from a Mirror

She must of wondered why they kept calling her nigger
pulling that trigger
constant tricks 
slow fillers 
She was portraying a black woman 
she was only pretending 
as she awoke from her 

#Alice #Awoke #from #slumber #killer #zombies #calling #her #nigger #hunt #zombie #land #poetry #on #blast #natural #she #is #real #AliceInWonderland #storyline #awakening #times #art #is #alive #EnchantingBabbler #rhymes

Kunzite Crystal Empowerment

Kunzite is a very powerful healing stone that has its benefits along a wide range of disorders.  

This stone helps people who suffer from inner turmoil and assisting them in their own achievement of entering their balance between reason and feelings.  

This crystal is also helpful in alleviating sciatica and painful joints, especially when applied over night.  

If you were to drink Kunzite WATER this will ensure a balanced production  of blood corpuscles and healthy circulation.  

Symbol of Straightforwardness by increasing the wearer's tolerance. 

This stone also helps form friendships. 

Kunzite helps combat feelings of inferiority, inhibition and depression. 

Kunzite also has a calming effect on the heart.  

#kunzite #crystal #healing #chamber #Knowledge #is #Empowering #for #self #stars #chakra #healing #powerful #healer #pyroxene #family #foreign #to #fire #aluminum #acetatelithium #sciatica #helper #joint #pain 

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Galaxy Within You

No one can enter your YoUniversal sphere unless you allow them - when people work at bringing you down - you're already UP! Know your energetic truth and EMPOWER you!! When someone enters your sphere trying to bring chaos and disruption - slap them with your galaxy of stars so hard they naturally fall back - people think they can try to dink you around - shove a star up their ass !!! #Galaxy #Rulers #Perception #reflection #funk #manipulation #star #power #Empowerment #alignment #fix #energy #management #Lifestyler 



Yes we are @sir_anthony_lightbringer_koh and your love oracles one card freebie awaits @ #ThankYou #Cosmic #Mind #Body #Heart #Soul #Evolution #Dreamers #Can #Believe #Receive #Achieve 

Rumi's Oracle Message for Instagrammer @sir_anthony_lightbringer_koh

Love oracle freebie for Instagrammer @sir_anthony_lightbringer_koh
THANK YOU for your presence inside of Enchanting Babble's World 

Passion of the Wild Red Mother 

Rumi Oracle Message for your


Don't ask the conscious ones about the wine.  Behold the glowing effect of it in the eyes of drunks.  

Bring me your unreasonableness, your insanity, your love without reason and your passion - the passion that makes you crazy and shoos all logical restraint from your mind.  Leave your ordered thoughts, sensible plans and appropriate attire at my door.  Put on your animal fur and sing to me in gibberish.  When my beautiful goats die, I make drums from their skins and their spirits live on in my passionate play.  When my birds drop their feathers, I gather them and put them in my hair.  Come drum with me, as I place feathers in your hair and we honor the spirits of my animals - of your animal nature too, wild and free as you are in truth.  Stick your tongue out and growl at those who try to tame you with guilt, shame and fear.  Do you think I give a damn for any of their silly games? Those games of reason and logic.  "Of course, you should do it this way," they say, "it makes sense!"  But I care not for what makes sense; I care for what brings you ALIVE.  

You, oh blazing Angel, are being invited by the Wild Red Mother to participate in a dance of divine passion.  You may be an activist, a poet, an advocate for justice, or a writer, content in your own world of dreams; or perhaps you are a healer, devoted to the LIBERATION of the suffering of others and HUNGRY to COMMUNE with ANCIENT WISDOM.  

Perhaps you are ALL of these things, or some exquisite amalgam of HOLY ENERGY in form.  Whatever your nature, there is PASSION in your HEART; a fire for something more POWERFUL than fear that can become the FUEL for your life journey - if you ACCEPT the invitation of the Wild Red Mother of course!

This is the invitation to lay aside despair, to lay aside DOUBT in the capacity of the human heart - even your frustration and IMPATIENCE,  It is TIME to quit whipping yourself and others, no matter how noble the INTENTION behind the whip may be, and start DANCING instead.  

Will you join her, the Wild Red Mother, in her exuberant play?  You can CHOOSE to lead through joy, to heal through love, to TRANSFORM suffering into what it is meant to be: the crucible through which ecstasy REVEALS itself.  You do not have to analyze, to STAY in the throes of PROCESS and ordered stages.  You CAN CHOOSE this PASSIONATE path now, if you truly desire.  

It is OPEN to You.
Will YOU accept? 

It takes a great spirit, one with much practice of studied rebellion, to be ready to cast off the shackles of society from a place of loving defiance rather than fearful anger.  And to playfully say to the world, "I have tasted your stale bread and underdeveloped wine, and have had quite enough now.  I decline your offer to gorge upon such lesser fruits.  I prefer to feast upon bread, hot and fresh, and wine that is mouth-filling and unctuous.  Join me if you like.  It is an ABUNDANT feast and there is PLENTY for all." 

Even in the spiritually minded there can be a driving fear, thinly veiled as devotion to the most arduous path.  Perhaps for a while that serves as a truth of sorts, but eventually there WILL come a TIME when smaller truths evolutionize and give way to larger ones, so the soul KNOWS and CAN truly be FREE to GROW. 

Passion is the bridge that leads you from a smaller truth that suffering is necessary in order to heal, towards a larger and more luscious experience of life as a divine embrace.  Yes, sometimes the divine lover, in all enthusiasm for the sport, bites you too hard or grabs you with so much desire that a bruise remains.  However, the passion behind such fervent embrace can leave you begging for more LIFE, for more of that boundless love, even when it knocks you on the head whilst grabbing for you.  

Let go of your fear based thinking and conditioning. 

This is all possible when you give up on JUDGEMENT of what is GOOD and what is BAD, on what is apparently spiritual and what is not, and when you just realize everything in your life is LEADING to LOVE.  Whether through caress or a slap, the divine lover is seducing you. 

Feel it 
taste it 

If you can ACCEPT this, you can certainly give yourself PERMISSION to LOVE what you LOVE, to live how you desire to live, and to forget about holding yourself back because some choices make sense and others, supposedly, do not.  If you are able to rise to the passion that is, you'll let the Wild Red Mother consume your philosophies and doctrines.  She'll feast on your religion and your plans, and devour your doubts and certainties.  She'll tear away your need for maps and directions.  Just when you THINK there's nothing left, she'll grab your hands and spin with you.  You'll tilt back your head and LAUGH so wildly with her, spinning together, along with the earth upon her axis.  

This Oracle comes to you with a message.  It is a BIG COSMIC YES.  It is also an invitation to LET GO of suffering and struggle; not with regret or shame, but with gentle acknowledgement that it has had its purpose.  It now serves a bigger purpose - that of passion - which calls you to engage in the embrace of life with more abandon than ever before.  NOW is the time to let go of belief systems and 'needing to know' anything.  It is time to TRUST in the beating of your own heart and in the people, places and experiences that truly move you, whether it makes sense or appears to be logical or not.  

The Wild Red Mother comes to you when you are READY for her at a soul level.  Your mind may think she is a thief in the night, ready to pilfer all you hold near and dear - and be utterly in terror at the prospect - but your soul KNOWS better and will be gurgling with such anticipation of FREEDOM it will fill your heart with SWEET LOVE and urge you to let go.  Let her have her way with you - even if it  means she crashes into you in the dark as she fumbles and drags you, half asleep, to go out DANCING with her under the FULL MOON, wearing nothing but your animal skin and smile.  She'll soothe any bumps and bruises you receive in opening up to life with the most tender and effective of ministrations, for she is just as tender a nurse as she is a wild, raging dance partner.  

This Oracle also brings you guidance.  You have divine permission to do something ridiculous - outside of your comfort zone - be it ridiculous in your own mind for your age or career path - or some identity or version of yourself you or another hold.  The more ridiculous or inappropriate it seems - the more it moves you from your heart, without rhyme or reason - the BETTER. This is not about childhood indulgence and questionable justification for letting the ego misbehave.  It is not about the ego at all; the Wild Red Mother eats ego for breakfast.  This guidance is about listening to the TRUTH of your heart and allowing your soul to throb with aliveness, making that more important than any restrictions, opinion, judgement or fear the mind - your or that of others - could summon.

May Rumi's oracle message resonate with you profoundly

Thank You 

Please feel free to comment/follow/share 


#loves #oracle #one #card #reading #follow #me #into #synchronicity #EnchantingBabble #HollyWoodsGypsy #rumi #messenger #passion #of #the #wild #RED #mother #meet #Greet #infusions #thankYou #Believe #receive #AChieve   

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Zaful Rabbit Fashionista



Rabbits are symbolic of

"I dwell in possibility." Emily Dickinson q

#Rabbit #fashion #style #trends #black&White #dress #shirt #zaful #fashionista #spirit #animal #wisdom 

Stretching Transformations for YoU!

There are so many little things in this life that we can do to make ourselves feel golden. Something as simple as taking a moment to stretch an aching part of our own body.  I just happen to stretch my neck and shoulder muscles moving along to a song playing on my shuffle.  Maybe videos like these I will begin sharing in some way.  Share with you all many little ways to get your own self loving juices flowing.  I am, for the most part always filled with joy, kindness and good cheer - everywhere I go & with everyone I encounter, I always bring that good cheer.  There is no faking that SHINE at all. Cause this is like me ALL of THEE time.  This vibe is my RHYME.    My good mood, positivism & ability to tune into my own sweet good vibrations and effectively SHARE in this high energy vibrational experience with others -ALL OF THEE TIME is on some all time HIGH and happening 24/8 - this means energetically, this is constantly happening !!! Everyday ! All day baby!! 

 It sure has taken a world of discipline and constant - constant intentional daily practice (seeker of inner peace and understanding I have always been)  - these seeds of thoughts that have entered into my life path growth and process. Even on my fallen most horrible of times and days - mastering the art of stilling that external madness and effectively managing the energy that I truly desire to exude during any  maddening time - this conscious lifestyle instilled into my being - has sure been TRANSFORMATIVE  I really do believe that we all should be sharing with one another our own journey.  It truly IS BENEFICIAL for us ALL on a WHOLE on some other cosmically universal elevation rate and level.

It may not be easy to share - it is pretty much easier said than actually done & I totally UNDERSTAND this perceived perception.  I also understand that this level of vulnerability will never be the easiest of things to do - but I also do KNOW from experience, that isolating myself and surrendering my own freedom in just simply not being at all.  Punishing & silencing my own voice and denying myself my own freedom to express myself ((Because that line of thinking is totally absurd because I sure CAN & WILL)) but yet held back by my inability to GREET my center when meeting.  All of me that truly really is all hidden behind a shell of unworldly existence, self pity and damaged sense of self worth and self appreciation  - well that unloving path (Once upon a time ago I found myself on) well that path was an insult to my entire  being & total blasphemy to everything I am.

& soul    

not easy 
yet all the more freeing 
to my own holy sacred temple

May you experience the same, but in your own way!

#Free #your #mind #body #heart #soul 

#sacred #holy #temple #strength #connect #mind #body #heart #soul #infusions #enchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy #Dreamers #can #surpass #upland #believe #receive #achieve #Faith #in #unseen #now #seen #simply #be #align #with #your #shrine #come #stretch #your #love #with #me



#goddess #soul #empowerment #self #REaLizAtions #cosmic #nations #highPriestess #seers 

Bite your Apple

I may not be the juicy apple still hanging in the tree
it may be more like the juicy apple
that lived to escape
and fell unto the grassy ground
rolling around
Apple trees

Symbolic meaning of Apple 

Self Realization 

Associated with 
5 pointed Star

Also Known As
The Goddess Tree

Representative of Love & Trust 

Infusion of 
& Soul when one communes with their own immortality 
lover meets their lover 
Higher Spirit

Awaken to the Wonders of you 

#Bite #the #apple #mind #body #heart #soul #awakenings #oh #happy #day #snowy #wonderland #welcome #to #the #big #apple #masterminds #art #filling #shrine #enchantingBabble #climbs #climber #Dreamers #can #enter #Upland #Believe #receive #achieve #esoteric #free #Spirit #enterprises 

Monday, March 13, 2017

Flower of Life Tattoo Art

The amazing adventures of seeds 
geometrically traced
tattooed onto this individual 
who had this tattooed on himself / herself because this geometric symbol means something to them in some way 

Meet the geometric pattern/symbol representing the flower of life

The flower of life
the seed of life 
The egg of life 

The flower of life 

One of the oldest known symbols circulating in time 
demonstrating these geometric circles that connect 
upon these layers and layers of formation 
they are multiplying and overlapping circles - all of the same size
this artist included the chakras divine 
all centered and aligned 

Where is your circle center? 

Our journey is our own discovery

seeds implanted into time 

tattoo artist whether he is aware or not 
whether the person receiving the tattoo was aware or not 
seeds of geometric form are still taking place

one seed at a time 

Light Works Kitty

#LightWork #Kitty #hair #be #frizzy #cute #playful #cat #be #about #that 

Loving Supporter

I am on babbling mode
so this will go
every which way
what can I say
I am 

I am 
constantly evolving 
I put the music on blast
a soft blast
and just with dance
rhythm flow
I let my dance release

allowing for its birth to be birthed into tangible earthly existence
                                                                                                                        as I was dancing
within my trance
                                                     my healing with the Angels oracle cards
              sang out
                                                                                               rang out
                                                                                                                                    called out to me
intuitively this is all perceived
but of course 
but of course 
The healing with the Angels oracle card received
and reading while still dancing
allowing further to be seeded within me
and received by all of me
the meaning of this message
and crescendo it sure did
to truly comprehend that even by my own sharing of this message
with every one of you
who drops on by
that here exists a message
to be received by you
in your own special way
in every single way
it only takes one tiny seed
to germinate an entire colony
of beautiful
emerging into their
very own

As I am too
we are the masterpiece of creation that we should be worshipping boo
so we are becoming
I am
Holy cheese balls

we are becoming  
I am becoming 
You are becoming 
she is becoming 
we are constantly becoming 
evolutionary mastery 

When Support appears it is to reassure YOU that you are part of an AWESOME and POWERFUL team of benevolent beings.  
Retreat within
keep inner listening 
trust in what you hear 
revelations are clear 

#genius #unfolds #graduate #love #animal #spirit #humor #funny #moods #dance #revelation #mind #body #heart #soul #elevations #sensations #raise #your #energy #energetic #vibrations #liberation #creative #mastery #discovery #journey #with #me #Dreamers #are #we #mind #body #heart #soul #images #found #on #google #healing #with #the #angels #oracle #support #supporter 

Hotel California Kinda Life

"You can check out any time you like, but you can't ever leave."

excerpt from a groovy song called Hotel California 

This may be one of my favorite lines in this song - because it makes me think about life

We can CHECK Out anytime we like

but this thing called "life" 


for we can never  be destroyed



#music #for #your #soul #eagles #hotel #california #energy #beings #soul #transformers #tranceformers #change #evolution #growth #forever #infinite #expansive #dive #deepest #dance #therapy #musical #sensations #HollyWoodsGypsy #dancers #feet #believe #receive #achieve 

Spaghetti Brains Quote of the Day

Personal Quote of the day:

"I have never saw the book or read the movie!"

#EnchantingBabble #Mind #warp #Muse #mondays 

Will you be Snowed In?

Do you ever purposely mismatch your socks? 

Or must your socks match constantly?

Have you ever taken two different colors of the same design sock and rock them out together? 

Do you ever color outside the lines? 


#Work #From #Home #Day 
#let #it #snow 
#home #office #theatricals 

all images found on #google 

Featured Post - Available NOW on AMAZON!

CELESTIAL WHISPERS 2 : Embracing Change: The Transformative Power of the 2024 Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction

  Welcome to another exhilarating episode of Celestial Whispers with Enchantress Thee Babbler, where the mystical merges with the manifest, ...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.