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Friday, January 27, 2017

Sound Healing Therapy

#Stay #in #Tune #With #your #Body #News #presence #of #disease #sound #therapy #mind #body #heart #Soul #Dreamer #believe #Receive #Achieve #Cellular #Strength #Power #Within #You 

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Just go!

#Give #it #a #go
#Soul #Transformers
#Just #Do 

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Do your TRUST your plan?

Believe in the POWER WITHIN yourself to ACCOMPLISH and BUILD all of your DREAMS 

TRUST yourself 
KNOW without a shadow of any doubt that YOU serve a Magical PURPOSE 



#Trust #your #path #purpose #Believe #in #Your #Dreams #Believe #Receive #Achieve #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #our #roots #are OUR #POWER

How SMILING improves your HEALTH!

It is important for us to make a conscious effort to 
For there are many benefits to our entire well being on a WHOLE that we RECEIVE when we consciously choose to take part in SMILING & LAUGHTER every single day. In every possible way we must instill into our LIFESTYLE & HABITS this most BENEFICIAL SMILE LAUGHTER PRACTICE.

According to this article, "9 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Smile More" there are many HEALTH BENEFITS on a WHOLE other level that we RECEIVE when we partake in SMILING no matter what is going on around the world. We must remember that in order to MAINTAIN our healthy FLOW & GLOW where we are in ALIGNMENT with every part of ourselves 


we must find HEALTHY PRACTICES of LIVING that CONTRIBUTE to our own SELF MASTERY of aligning with our own senses & purpose. 

9 Surprising Reasons Why YOU should & sure as hell CAN SMILE more!

1. Smiling is Contagious 
(this means that others can catch what you got - which is a SMILE ='s GOOD VIBES) 

2. Smiling lowers stress & anxiety
(this means that when you smile during these times you spread excellent vibes on to yourself and others) 

3. Smiling releases endorphins

4. Smiling makes Everyone more ATTRACTIVE

5. Smiling builds up your Immune System 
(This means you actually get stronger and stronger and more confident too) 

6. Smiling makes Everyone more approachable 
(Just think about all the blocks we build up keeping others away - smiling helps to evaporate these all away) 

7. Smiling provides comfort 
(Most of our conditioning is hard and cold - how lovely it is when we can rely on comfort from fellow humans

8. Smiling makes you perform better as a TEAM LEADER

9. Smiling BUILDS TRUST in our world filled with so much mistrust

This post inspired from article :

#Wednesday #Addams #instills #family #Values #Smile #its #Healthy #Wealthy #For #You #Dark #Humor #funny #memes #Smiling #Healthy #Lifestyle #Practices #to #Serve #your #World #Dreamers #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Happy #Hump #Day #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #Words #With #Friends #Freedom #Writers #Sing 

Good Morning

Woke up very chipper today
what Can I say
except for Good Morning it is indeed a Wednesday kinda day

#Wednesday #Addams #Family #Humor #Memes #Happiness #Survivor #assassins #have #Failed #chipper #hipper #mornings #good #laughs #always #AddamsFamily #Values #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #Freedom #soul #Writers

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How far would you travel?

How Far do you travel in order to maintain your own vibrational equilibrium? 

How far would you go to make sure that what you emanate is exactly what is in alignment with you 

with your wants
with your needs 
with your desires

High Maintenance

#Mind #Over #Matter #The #Art #of #Living #mindful #energy #vibration #detector #maintenance #loa #universal #Alignment #mind #body #heart #soul #Dreamer #Believe #Receive #Achieve #EnchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy 

What are your complaints?

When was the last time you danced? 
For me, less than an hour ago - and let me tell you, right now, my body is still moving with dance rhythm and flow
Musical Body Sensations 
When was the last time you sang from your heart? 
I have been singing since I was born 
When was the last time you ALLOWED for yourself to FEEL Enchanted/Enchantments? 
When was the last time you ENJOYED your own Silence? 
When was the last time you ENJOYED your own company? 

#Dive #Deep #Deeper #Deepest #Dream #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Know #thyself #Golden #Awakenings #EnchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy 

Monday, January 23, 2017

Angel #1777 Oracles


Number 1777 is a blend of the energies of number 1 and the attributes of the mystical number 7 appearing tripled, magnifying and enhancing its influences.  Number 1 resonates with the attributes of creation and beginning new projects and ventures with a view to achieving success, attainment, tenacity and self-reliance, tenacity and inspiration. Number 1 tells us that we create our own realities with our thoughts, beliefs and actions.  Number 7 relates to contemplation and discernment, independence and individualism, persistence of purpose, alchemy, peace, poise, understanding the self and others, empathy, compassion, psychic abilities,spiritual enlightenmentdevelopment and spiritual awakening, knowledge seeking.

Angel Number 1777 tells of learning new skills, listening to your own inner-knowing, and stepping out of your comfort zone in order to further develop and advance. You have an importantsoul mission and life purpose that involves communicating, teaching and healing others and serving humanity in a manner that suits you best. You are encouraged to set a positive example for others and inspire them to seek their own passion and purpose in life. You are on the right path in your life, have chosen your thoughts and actions well, and the angels encourage you to continue in this manner. You can expect timely miracles to occur in your life that will further advance you along your path.

Angel Number 1777 encourages you to think, say and act with the highest of intentions and shed your vibrant light to illuminate and enlighten others. Do not allow any insecurities to hinder or hold you back and remember to be grateful for all that the Universe provides.

Try something new and exciting in your life that you have always wanted to do. Inspire yourself and others.

Number 1777 relates to the Master Number 22 (1+7+7+7=22, 2+2=4) and Angel Number 22 on the higher plane, and number 4 and Angel Number 4 on the lower plane.

#angelic #guidance #numbers #numerology #esoteric #wisdom #spirituality #Dreamers #believe #receive #achieve #sacredscribes 

Work FLow Dynamics

#Work #Flow #Dynamic #Overload #Unleash #Curly #hair #swirls #EnchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy #Smile #Youre #on #Camera #paparazzi #shots 

Angelic #1515 Guidance

Angel number 1515 symbolizes the necessary changes to achieve your dreams or goals. You should continue to remain positive frame of mind and steer your thoughts in the direction of your dominant ambition.
Always think about what you really want, not what you don’t want, because like attracts like according to your dominant vibrations. If you want to know whether they are positive or negative changes, look in to the depths of your mind and be aware of what you think about most. The universe does not recognize negative and positive. It only recognizes energy.
Impending changes are simply a reflection of your thoughts, therefore you should have at least a little clue about this change.

#Angelic #Guidance #numerology #meaning #laws #of #attraction #spirituality #Dreamers #Believe #receive #Achieve #Positivist #1515

Angelic Guidance #1404


Number 1404 is a combination of the vibrations and energies of number 1 and number 4, with number 4 appearing twice, amplifying its influences, and the attributes of the powerful number 0.  Number 1 promotes changes, new beginnings and ventures, ambition and tenacity, self-leadership and assertiveness, uniqueness and individuality, ambition and will power.   Number 1 encourages us to step forward to achieve our goals and reminds us that we create our own realitiesand experiences with our thoughts, beliefs and intentions.  Number 4 resonates with endurance, loyalty, mastery, patience and practicality, hard work and effort, building solid foundations, traditional values, exactitude, service, patience, our passion and drive, and working determinedly towards achieving our goals and aspirations.  Number 4 also relates to theArchangels.  Number 0 resonates with the energies of eternity and infinity, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. Number 0 stands for 
potential and/or choice, and is a message to do withdeveloping one’s spiritual aspects and is considered to represent the beginning of a spiritual journey and highlights the uncertainties that may entail.  It suggests that you listen to your intuition and higher-self as this is where you will find all of your answers.   Number 0 brings the influences of the ‘God force’ or Universal Energies, and amplifies and magnifies the energies of the number it appears with.  

Angel Number 1404 is a message from your angels that you are to look to new ways to go about getting your work done more efficiently.  Listen to your intuition as your angels are ushering positive energies towards and around you and are showing you new and different ways to get things done efficiently and effectively.

Angel Number 1404 is a message that the angels and Archangels are with you, encouraging and guiding you.  They are offering you inner-strength and support to enable you to get the work done that you need to in order to attain and achieve your goals and aspirations.  They know and understand that you have been toiling diligently towards your goals, and encourage you to continue on your current path to achieve the success and results you desire.  Work with the angels to ensure success in all of your endeavours.

Angel Number 1404 indicates that you are being surrounded by helpful, loving angels who wish to bring you peace of mind and joy of heart.  Fill your mind with positive and nourishing thoughts and continue on your current path.

Number 1404 relates to number 9 (1+4+0+4=9) and Angel Number 9.

#JoanneScribes #sacred #Scribes #blogger #angelic #guidance #numerology #esoteric #wisdom #spirituality #Love #angels #universal #Creators #Faith #Believe #Receive #achieve 

What do you Want?

If there is something that you want
Feel that you Need
then by all means
Put in the ACTION 
to lead to your own 
Ultimate levels of 

#Take #Action #Leads #To #Positive #living #Satisfaction #baby #Steps #Dreamers #Believe #Receive #Achieve #like #nike #just #do #it #satisfaction #mindful #behavior #loa #universal #creators 

Thank YOu Dance!

This is all super exciting seeing in print    my work. As difficult as it has been breaking thru my own fears and blocks that have prevented me from sharing for so many years - and now let the sharing begin.  Here is volume 1 #LovEBiTeS of a series ready and available for download and purchase thru #Amazon - I am having loads of fun signing copies that are being bought and look forward to connecting with all of YoU !!!! In gratitude, THANK YOu!! Please note book #Audio will be available for download very soon!!! #EnchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy on Amazon #ebook #paperback #Freedom #writers #TheDarkerKNIGHTLightOFMySOUL #volume #1 #love  #bites #lovesick #romance #relationships #soulmates #soul #evolution #THANKYOU #art #of #gratitude 

How to Communicate healthy?

LAck of Communication - why on earth does this even take place? 

lets just keep adding more blocks into our shared energetic atmosphere
because that makes better sense!
I think NOT! 

One doesn't feel the need to COMMUNICATE their 
it may be 
various reasons applying to all 
booking them blocks around the clock 
Or one does FEEL overly entitled to constantly EXPRESS their Expressions - communicating - Openly 
Blocks blocks blocks 

We listen to Reply? 
Oh! Simply because we each are screaming out to be heard
Ya heard? 
Gosh, this is word

We should always ask why 

especially when reaching for the skies
If something comes up that stirs your feathers - and puts your panties all up in a bunch 

Mindful Practice is ESSENTIAL to our EVOLUTIONARY Growth 
 LOVING communication is HEALTHY
FREEDOM found when we think/process before we speak 

Do not allow for your ego filled with anger/rage to be the cause and the reason for your shut down 

melt down 
Blow Out 

Or maybe you just do NOT find COMMUNICATION the route you need to EXPRESS yourself in a healthy 
& Pro- Active type of way 

There is always more than meets the eye 
Dreamer is I 

or maybe you just don't care


to wanna give HEALTHY COMMUNICATION a try with the people in your life 

So mote it be 

It is what it is 
and what it isn't 
it isn't 
& there ain't nothing I or anyone else can do about that 

We Only have the POWER to EMPOWER ourselves and spread the LIGHT 

I've realized that most people only do what they REALLY 
REALLY Want in Life 

Our motivators are our DESIRES passionately being expressed 

#Soul #Food #Concoctions #Happy #Monday #Reality #Biters #Healthy #Mindfulness #Creations #Positive #Communication #Practice #Dreamers #Believe #beTheChangeYouWantToSeeInThisWOrld #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

The Kiss of Life

The merging of souls 
intimately beholds 
one life we live 
as we form 
these passageways 
into our own discovery
The KisS of Life 
AWAKENING bright Lights

#Soul #Transformers #The #Kiss #of #life #Awakenings #BrightLights #Merge #Surge #Purge #esoteric #Wonderland #Art #of #mindfulness #Hidden #Sanctuary #of #discoveries #Dreamer #believe #Receive #Achieve #Freedom #Writers #Sing #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy

Sunday, January 22, 2017

ROOT with your FLOW

Align with your inner rhymes 
High vibe your times 
ROOTS in eye
FLOW sublime
NOW is our time
Ancient Souls RISE


#BrightLights #Inner #rhymes #Ancient #souls #Rise #Shine #Guide #Ride #with #purpose #Alchemy #in #Awakenings #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy


#Namaste #Namascray #crystal #light #humor #laughter #medicine #Dreamers #get #cray #believe #receive #achieve #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy

Hood Hippie

A little faery hood 
with a hippie stance

#curly #swirly #worldly #faery #hood #enchantingBabble #world #hippie #hippy #love #awakenings #dream #believe #receive #achieve 

Celebrity Tattoo Love with Zayn Malik

Enchanting Topic of this moment
Celebrity Loner Hottie 
Zayn Malik
on display
sporting LOVE proud 
with his NEW
tattoo written across his soft delicate looking hands 

\Enchanting Hollywood's Lands 
Zayn Malik 
your NEW LOVE tattoo
(my daughter does too)  

#ZaynMalik #Hollywood #Hottie #Love #tattoo #art #lovers #celebrity #lifestyle #rich #famous #undercover #paparazzi #Dreamers #Believe #receive #achieve #Sharing #caring 

What is the HIGHEST Vibe?


Ignite your SOul

SOuls Are FREE

#HollywoodsGypsy #Soul #Lover #Ignite #your #soul #Believe #receive #ACHIEVE 

Energy SPeaks

Energy is so loud it speaks 

#Energy #Reader #Realize #Energetic #Universe #We #are ENERGY #make #sure #to #vibrate #High 

Wise Souls Speak Loudly


#soul #wisdom #exudes #on #out #silence #is #golden #goddess #roots #We #are #eternal 

Make sure to FOLLOW EnCHANTING BABBLE and show some 

THANK YOU for your presence inside of my world :) 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

How do you FEEL? Message from Sacred Rebels Oracles

What do you FEEL
Feel this image as REAL 
What do you FEEL? 

Rebel oracle speaks to your soul

There are always going to be OPINIONS around you.  
It is NOW time to PROCESS this notion of EMOTION
not all opinions will be helpful but then again it is all in a matter of perspective - how do you choose to perceive how & what others have to say / think / feel about you

Although it CAN be helpful to hear the thoughts of others, when it all comes down to it, you will ultimately have to come to making your own decisions.  

Do YOU KNOW / REALIZE how UNIQUE you truly are? 

How your path is YOUR path to be CHOSEN, LIVED & CReATED - only by 


Do you copy that Roger? 

Only by YOU!

Believe this to be absolute TRUTH!

Someone else cannot become the source of your decision-making POWER without negative repercussions for both of you in the long run.  

This oracle comes to you because you have become swept up in thinking things through.  You have been thinking about which way to go with a matter of importance and you have got a bit stuck with LOGIC of the decision making process
 (turning things into some type of project) 
There goes that logic again 

Sometimes we have to ACCEPT that any path is a path FORWARD and if it is not the best path, we CAN CHANGE our approach later on if needed.  If we are slightly off-base with a decision, life will often shift and move to GUIDE us back on track.

BELIEVE this to be FACT

We do not have to be PERFECT. 

In fact, there is rarely ever a perfect choice to be made - just some choices that FEEL more HEART HONOURING than others.

Go into all of your spaces


Unify and ALIGN with all that FEELS right within you.


What is really really real? 

Sometimes we can only really know in hindsight if we made the best choice possible in the moment.  At the time of decision-making, we only really have our INTERNAL WISDOM to rely upon.  And that is ALL that we need. 

The oracle of What do you feel? is telling you there is no need to punish or traumatize yourself with possible choices.  Just making a choice by taking action oriented steps propels you forward and naturally sets things in motion.  The best way to catalyze the situation you are in and bring about HEALING CHANGE - is by STIMULATING your CREATIVE JUICES and FIND a more INSPIRED, ENERGIZED and enjoyable approach to your own life, is to make a choice on what you FEEL right now 

Be the CHANGE You DESIRE to SEE in your WORLD

and not based on anyone else's FEELINGS or POINTS of VIEW

Just yours
Only yours
So ask yourself
for yourself 
by yourself 


So what do you FEEL right now? 

now it is time to move FORWARD from there

If you cannot relate to the need to make a CHOICE between two or more clear alternatives, then the oracle brings you this message - "You are at a crossroads in your journey and the choices you make at this time - even simply choosing to do things a little differently, without much drama associated with the decision - are POWERFUL triggers for some GREAT MAGIC to enter your life."

Take a different approach to something. 

Jump outside of your box -outside of your comfort zone. 

Get hip with your own vibrations / tone 

Be OPEN  to that which makes you feel uncomfortable but could be EXCITING and INTERESTING.  

Even small ADVENTURES will yield BIG REWARDS right NOW!

It matters less that you do the most WONDERFUL thing ever (feels like too much pressure) and more that you simply take an ACTION from your HEART.


Open up to the CREATIVE magic of LIFE and don't worry about how it is all going to work out.  Because BELIEVE it is truly all going to work out. 

You shall see!

The BIGGER creative FLOW of life is sorting out all the details and you are not immune to that plan.  In fact you are a NATURAL PART of it!

So just spend some time with your own FEELINGS and KNOW that all is going to work out 


#Sacred #Rebels #oracle #reading #soul #messenger #transformers #esoteric #wisdom #elevation #evolution #spirit #guides #Believe #receive #achieve #loa #universal #order #paradigmShifts #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #how #do #you #feel #energy #worker #tarot #cards 

Paolo Sebastion - Enchanted Creations created by Designer Paul Vasileff

So early this morning my daughter was showing me some stuff she likes on the net and she came across this dress that had  me like 


 whom is this fabulous designer?

and she was like "Pablo" something 

- - and then I read for myself and was like....

uh-uh correction:

His name
Paolo Sebastion 

Amazing I Believe his designs to be 

as I Dream

he speaks to the Wonderland Rhymes existing within my shrines 
and his Wedding theme Styles 
excites me like 


so that's interesting how we learn something new every single day - cause here I am correcting my daughter for incorrectly pronouncing the name - and that is not even the designer name lol Paolo Sebastian is an Australian Fashion Label, created by designer 

drum roll please


Only 26 years old 
his sun sign is Taurus 
(diligent, hard-working, reliable) 
He also is from Australia, which possibly means Awesome accent too!

Blessings to this Enchanting Designer and all of his Wonderful

Here are a few that I have selected to share with you all that I came across on the net and ABSOLUTELY fell in LOVE with 


It's cool to be all into trends
my friends
Art is a Beautiful landscape of an oasis left OPEN for us all to ENJOY

(I believe I shared this image once upon a time ago - way back whenever it was that I shared this image - but that just goes to show - that I really like this designer)

I absolutely LOVE this one - I am almost tempted to call this one my FAVORITE - but there is another one coming up - that I ABSOLUTELY ADORE too !!!

Like How Faery Goddess Fierce is she in this BEAUTIFUL design? 


#paulVasileff #fashion #designer #paoloSebastian #enchanted #enchanting #wonderland #theme #weddings #celebrations #hollywood #awards #ceremony #party #events #fashionista #goddess #gown #Forrest #faeries #gypsies #soulmates #goddess #lovers #friends #models #EnchantingBabbler #HollywoodsGypsy #Freedom #Writer #ExtraOrdinaire 

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What Your Bathing Habits Reveal About Your Personality

  When you step into the shower, which part of your body do you wash first? It might seem like a trivial detail, but according to some psych...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.