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Sunday, May 17, 2015

Uncut Wrote this The other - Other Night - Enchanting Book of Life

A lot of things are coming into View/LIGHT for me...
making sense to me..
.... absolutely.. things are making sense..
things are really starting to make a lot more sense for me now..
my soul journey OPENING me up & forcing me to meet myself...

for most of my life only living in pieces...
pieces of me...
living each of my cycles / on some level / on some state of mind that was only a piece of the blend of me..
never infusing all of me deep inside of me...
all of me..
the circle of life found inside of me..
all the parts together that make up my entire whole..
truth be told..
never once living my life feeling completely whole..
.... everywhere..

sheesh I am sure we can all swap life stories of our lives... all of our lessons/stories  & woes.....
 / blows / hanger uppers.. / debbie downers so many kinds/types of  moments that we can share from our life
we each have our own stories to share...
sharing really does mean caring..
we are built to create harmony..
to exist with Peace in peace....

Our stories should be Shared amongst one another ..
those who we naturally soul connect with...
We are here to UPLIFT one another to reach our highest of potentials...
Humanity Compassion Central...
reading is FUNdamental

truly we are here to be a beacon of light for each other...
we may not be able to see it always clearly ...
confusion around how our small piece contributes to the entire whole piece...
 but please do believe...
that there is Purpose for you & me..
piece by piece we fill a hole to make things WHOLE..
.... piece by piece we COMPLETE the PUZZLE..

don't miss a beat ..
 out here in these Enchanting Sharing Babble street ..
brooklyn.. beats..

Welcome to Enchanting Babble Wonderland..

I lovingly welcome you to come inside..
allow yourself to become hypnotized..
awakening further your 3rd eye Shine..

I am a firm believer of Harmonized Community no matter if we have our differences...
we can be different & still coexist...
yup I am a firm BELIEVER of this..

I am all for CoExisting..

on some Dorothy & friends tag along type ish..
skip ..
be merry..
sing a song..
all in search of our wizard..
that is like omg Awesome Radical Sauce...

we are all in search of our wizard - What is our connection - What are our answers - and this Wizard is all knowing and definitely would be able to help Save us all...

Who is this Wizard Man?

or is the Wizard our Mirror?


Wonderland Ponder Mints..
magically delicious..

What do you know about this wizard?
Is he cute?
does he have a brother?
What's his sign?
Is he gay?

How can he be of service to me?
I just want to get Home..

Wizard, there is no place like home..
can you take me there...

He tells me No...

I'm like all this yellow fa la la di doe follow the yellow brick road ish...
and he tells me he can not take me home...
Telling me..
I had the Power all along...
red ruby slippers...

click click at the chakra red root fix...

Repeat after me...

I Am my own Home..
I am home..
Home is where my heart is..
home is the condition of my heart?
say what?
where is your heart???


All I know is that there is only one way to find out..

Dive deep into your own magical wonderland of hidden wonderful discoveries...

locked inside of me..
inside of you..
inside of him..
inside of her...
inside of Baby..

who is baby?

nobody ... and I repeat...
nobody.. puts baby in the corner..

that is some dirty dancing for you...

faeries love to Dance...
Original Dancers of Life...

We are to follow our own yellow brick roads..
did you Roger that & copy that sir?

All of thee time...

and if we meet up with one another along the way we should welcome one another joyfully & most lovingly.

Unity is like an instant CheerLeading Team of Support - Encouraging you and Supporting you along the way...

the Dreamers United Way...

Hey what can I say...
It is in my DNA

 follow your yellow brick road...
Stay true to you..
align yourself with your higher self and spirit...
stretch your love with me....
spread your wings...

share in each others journeys...

Learn from one another...

Be intentional with Creating a Self Loving Home for yourself...

there is no place like Home..

Come on now..
Were you not like connected with the Wizard of Oz the first time you watched it? Could you not relate in some way? did something resonate deep within you as some underlying truth ? hmm..
think about it... our bodies give us signs all the time about the way we really feel...

it is like that goosebump shivers down my own spine awakening appeal...
feels so real..

Powerful Energetic Feeling Being...
We are made to FEEL...

Honor yourself and your personal truths..

The first time you watched the Wizard of Oz were you not in profound awe at how it made you feel - did some part of you understand / recognize something deeper... but because we were only children it was still so beyond our own intellectual capacity of being able to fully understand/comprehend - especially at such a young age...

I don't know I always loved the Wizard Of Oz..

Uncut Faery Raw..

some part of us no matter how fantasy land the movie appeared to be..
some part of us connected with their yellow brick road journey...

me.. myself...included...

I was stupefied - mystified - intrigued - and understood this search on such a deep level...
I remember thinking --- yes yes - we must find this mysterious wizard...
yes yes there is no place like home...
where is this wizard to take me home?
later to learn that the wizard is actually just an ordinary man...

Hey dad is that you ?
wizardy clues..

go figure...
a what?
say what?
"man" ??

the wizard is a man??...

that is interesting..
should she have been a woman ??
How would that have changed the story's depiction of The Wizard of Oz?

Would the depiction become any less meaningful or purposeful?

I wonder...
alternative endings... lol

but on some serious tip featuring some Brooklyn spirit wiS dum rhymes...

lets light the path of our yellow brick road & mother fuggin SHINE ..
like we can be like this ALL of thee TIME...
Let's have the time of our lives...

Stretch your love with me & lets become more AWARE (together)  of our own yellow brick roads..

How bright is your Yellow Brick Road Path?
think about it and answer yourself truthfully...
it may be tough...
but you will be glad..

My Yellow brick road is all golden and bright and shiny - lol
it can be blinding to the eyes lol
it be on some type sparkle shine type ish..

on some faery radical bright tip...


but for real..
Let's ALL practice being more aware of ourselves (thoughts, behaviors, patterns, emotions, truths)  & be Actively INTENTIONAL with what we put into effect in our lives. Lets be Active Aware participants in our own lives...All of thee time...

Beautiful SOULS on the rise...
Our Time is NOW to SHINE..
Dreamers Unite...

 Lets take responsibility for our own ENERGY FIELDS of creation..
when creating our own personal energetic forcefield be intentional & be POSITIVE... think about it before you create it...
what do you desire for your forcefield energy to feel like?? Be like?? Look Like???

Visualize this in your minds eye clearly..
Be CLEAR with yourself so that you may be SUCCESSFULLY INTENTIONAL..
and like a Soul Control Patrol God/Goddess that you are...
Unleash your POWER out into the World...
because YOU MATTER...

Yes!! YOU really do matter...


Tell me... what energy blasts are you really ricocheting off & contributing as a part of the whole on our shared earthly atmosphere -

what energy forcefield are you transmitting here on our SHARED Mother Earth??

Uncut Super Sweet but oh so deep..
Enchanting magical beats..

It is more than possible for us to always REMAIN constantly & consciously AwAre...

 & we can constantly consciously always omit POSITIVE vibes all of  the time...
and if you have a moment where you slip..
that's cool too..
acknowledge it..
be aware of it...
accept it..
now get rid of it..
move along..
hop - skipping - and a jumping down your souls yellow brick road...

learn from everything...

Allow yourself infinite GROWTH..

let's mind what we say before we sway.- before we say.
we are Energetic Living Creators..
we Energize the World we live in..

Let's be more LOVING - Positive & intentional...

if you can not snap out of your funk...
try omitting NOTHING out ..
stay in your silence..
listen to your rhythms...
do not transport those negative energies anywhere else...
instead TRANSFORM them into a new Level of GROWTH for you ..
allow it to happen at its own time...

Time is of the essence..

Silence is your best bet...

the next time you are feeling frustrated..
or angry..
or sad...
anything that doesn't feel good...

try remaining silent..
only speak if you can speak Positively no matter what is going on and your inner energy vibrations match those Positive words spilling from your mouth..

If you can do that while feeling like pooh - well good for you... that is awesome...

but if you can not...
try not speaking at all till you CAN...

that can be a mini experiment for ya..
try it out..
share with me and let me know how it goes...

2 ears means Listen more...

I've  realized i have lived most of my life in my own world of self denial.. you see?
I have denied myself so many things ..
all because of my own unkindness to myself..
my own self judgement and anger towards myself..
feelings of disappointment..
being so critically crippled by my own energy vortex existing within myself that I would choose to ignore every single day - meanwhile - its the fuel that ignites my earthly vessel to wake up every morning attracting these things that I feel that are not good for me at all- energy is powerful and real - and all I was sending out no matter what it was that I was saying was all negative emotions towards myself -  about me - but yet I was choosing to ignore them .. you see???
like ugh - horrible - insert vomit please.....
I do not deserve such things..

none of us do..

woe me..
unlucky me...
why me?
Shame on me..
poor me..
I feel like I was born cursed...
can I catch a break type of thing...
all these feelings - that existed within me forming my energetic vibrations & this was exactly what I was sending out into my world - and this was being sent out whether I realized it or not ...

Self awareness is Futile..

ooh but foolish was me believing that at least I being positive all the time was helpful in someway to me...  that it all had to count for something...

ooh yes it does..
karmic brownie points are certainly good..
but what I was attracting for myself...
ummm... not so much ..

like say word to Big Bird..


I was exhibiting signs of having Fake faith..
that's the faith that you say you have - but really don't -
because if you really had the Faith that you claim to have...
all worry - all negativity - would be eliminated...

Let that soul marinate for ya!

shows you like to believe you have faith...
but if you really did...
you wouldn't be feeling those negative things inside...

question now is...
what has you not really believing...
what is causing your lack of faith?

you claim to have faith & yet still doubt and worry...


your garden of answers exist inside of you...

Yes .. My words are POSITIVE..
but silly faery...
are your FEELINGS POSITIVE too ?

selfie Awareness..

for a long while..
for most of my life...
my words did not match my inner feelings...

my chakra alignment all out of whack..

well look at that..
awareness speaks back..

actions / words & feelings MUST match ...
they must match in order for you to Manifest what you desire...

if you can not match your action / words & feelings...
do yourself a favor and do not speak..
silence is your friend..
cause your words carry energy and power and the last thing you want to do is energize more negativity towards you...

true dat golden rule...

are you listening boo?

read & feel inspired to Be all that you can be..

Silence is important..
do not be fooled by silence and its tool for you...
Like I tell my daughter..
If you can not genuinely be nice.. or chipper or in a good jolly mood..
keep that ish to yourself..
don't be spreading that...
Your nasty attitude should never be anyone else's problem ..
hush your mouth till you could at least be polite...

so Now she manages to straight walk through people not uttering one word as they say Hi Olivia.. or Good Morning Olivia... or anything just friendly... she silently says nothing and leaves them ponder minting what in the world just happened here with that weird / rude / most amusing / giant fiery child - that omg that can't be her daughter -Is that really your child? Oh wow really? she is your daughter? wow..  How old is she again? ooh Wow.. Wow she's much taller than you.. She can be your mother... Hey who is the mother here...

random most popular communications with people my daughter & i happen to engage in small talk with...

This is when you can get a smirk out of Olivia... when you amuse her morbid sense of humor filled senses.... (let her hear that she can be the mother & she feels all super kid in charge lol)

The other day a friend said to me.. You know Olivia is really funny with her dry sense of humor. Pretty hysterical actually. Then they paused for a moment... thought whatever they thought  - and was like .. wow.. and yea her humor can hurt. lol

so true..
so true..
my little missy foo..
sweet as arsenic is true..
Gemini Bust your chops rule...
she is quite the character...

did ya not read that Mothers Day card she made me - she was apologizing for making me cry lol
like wtf...

First she puts it  under my pillow..
tells me to look where Mya is ... (that's one of our dogs)
then as I reach over to look under the pillow...
She screams out loud... (like really screams - could give you a headache type annoying scream lol )
No No never mind never mind .. I take it back...
covering her face with her arms...
telling me not to read it now & not to look at her either..
and that I better not share it with anyone or that would be her last time ever making me one. (making me a mothers day card) .. she also advised me not to ruin it and to just keep it between us..
(( she's hilarious let me tell you ))
and so when I looked over at her because omg I love her so much and she is so absolutely arsenic filled Sweet....
She proceeds to scream  (scream again and I am going to throw you my slipper lol )  saying for me to  stop it ...
for me not to look at her...
(Gemini's and their natural uncomfortableness with displays of loving emotions and feelings - Astrologically learning about ourselves can truly be quite the help... She is a gemini alright but her moon and rising are both in Cancer making her pretty closed off with affection - good thing she has me for this to help guide her through her own yellow brick road path of selfie Enlightenment.)

I told her if she didn't stop her theatrics by ruining a beautiful moment .. I was going to read her Mothers day card out loud to her while kissing and hugging her and then I was going to share it with the entire world..
she screamed some more..
then I had to get a little serious...
so I started to cry... (hahaha I didn't cry out of manipulation - I cried because I was actually reading the Mothers Day card she made me and it touched my faery heart )
you know small happy faery tears because you know this is her way of being sweet...
and I honor her sweet-
Love Speaks colorfully -
especially with our children ...
this is her LOVe being expressed..'
and it was perfect..
she is perfect..
So of course when she sees me crying...
she's like - Mom are you like for real right now - are you really crying? come on you know how I feel about you crying. I can't believe you are crying...

Of course I hugged the crap out of her...

I really love my Sweet As Arsenic Little girl..
she is quite the character for shizzles...
good thing she doesn't read my blog..
she would command me to delete this entry...
I could imagine the nagging complaints...

"Come on Jennifer, Gwen.. do you like when I call you Gwen? How could you post what I say?  This is in violation of my privacy  rights. A violation to my privacy... See this is why I can't tell you anything because you like to gossip and tell people other peoples business. Like how could you do this to your daughter?"

she is quite theatrical..
I kid you not...

the funny part of it all is that she does not mean any of it...
it's all part of her theatrical rebel dramaticals dot com..
so I entertain her for the most part &  let her be...

She is an Ancient Soul Awakening to her own beats...
I am here to lovingly support and encourage her...

I happy cry a lot - -  all the time..
true stories for realZ

can you see how Enchanting Babble has helped prune / prick/ inspire/ me to be FREE ?
freeing myself from self bondage...
 free NOW to be ACCEPTING of  my own existence...

whatever my existence may be..
I am
Quality over Quantity anytime...

I found the Master Light within Me..
and I will continue trusting & doing the things that feels right for me...

ENERGY reader is me..
I apply all of this stuff to me too...
I practice what I preach...
Living Example is me...
does not make me perfect..
but it sure does make me

How we go about in doing things on a daily basis ..
how we CHOOSE to View things & how  we CHOOSE to create our own experiences with our energy.... is crucial to our environment...
it makes our energy environment -
how we perceive becomes our home...

 Energy is real folks.....

no matter what you choose to believe about this life and why you are here.. one thing is for certain that we all can agree on if we truly understand it is that we are ENERGETIC LIVING BEINGS...

so What kind of Energy are you unintentionally or intentionally creating & sending out here into the world??

AWARENESS is futile..

Most of us do not feel comfortable being tied up & showcased loudly on  display completely naked...

 I am laying all nude for All the world to see....
all these postings -
entries -
blogger moments...
I am showcased loudly on display and completely naked...
Enchanting Babble way...

no matter what I showcase...
I am naked..
I am exposed..
at the same time discovering all that I am..
I learned


I Am..

here for you...

This is faery Loving True..
Feel my loving energy & allow it to resonate & intuitively interpret how my energy makes you feel for yourself...

When you do something - always do it cause you desire to do it..  or do not do it at all.. and definitely do not do it just because someone told you or asked you to... do it because it feels right with you to do.. let that be your only reason when doing something... do it feeling right and aligned inside...

so even when I say we can Work Together where I provide you with some form of  Divine Spiritual Motivational Guidance & assistance - it really is all about your cooperation...

how well we work together - will always entirely be up to you...

we are all different...
We all have different needs - wants - desires - paths - issues - concerns
we all are on different vibrational levels...
we all have different priorities, lives and inquiries ..

send them all to me...
and lets see if I can be of assistance to you..

 feel OUR connection..
are we connecting?
are we connected?
are you connected with the deeper parts of you?
are you aligned in your own personal soul truths?

like does some of the stuff I say call out to you in some way..
Do i make sense to you..
you want to BELIEVE certain things are TRUE...
but... ehhh you still do not know...

The only thing I can say to you is this...

Breathe with me for a moment..
Inhale deep...
Now say out loud..
I Am Curious & something inside Enchanting Babbles Wonderland resonates with me well,  I like her vibes too - our connection is good. lol

just kidding do not say that out loud... (I mean you could if its really true for you)
but I do want you to feel that way on your own here lol

All I can say is this...
An email does NOT cost you a thang..
that is it..
simple as that..

Tarot Readings are not the only things I offer as forms of Spiritual Guidance and help....

Tarot Cards are just a useful tool that I am deeply connected with and they serve me and others well as I completely evolve with the decks that I always constantly use because as I evolve they too evolve...

and yes .. as my practice..
if we were working closely together for whatever reason...
the reasons (our) reasons are infinite...

Even if you need HELP LEARNING how to BREATHE...
even if its something as simple as that...
we sure Can do this...
 let's do this...
All can be arranged...

communication is our Stage...

where there is a will - there is a way - XX - - fertility rune indeed...
Giving Birth to Fearless Dreams...

I do many kinds of readings..
 I even make them up as I am intuitively guided ...
connecting positively and lovingly to all that feels right..
everyone's reading is truly one of a kind..

 Our connection makes the reading ...

You order your reading today..
You get your reading tomorrow..

If you are looking for some other form of Spiritual Guidance just send your email explaining what it is that you are looking for and we can make sense of it all... together :)

The greater connection we make the more in depth your reading / your guidance will be...
and as you can see I love to write..
chatter writer box am i...
so some people have received books from me as their readings lol

true story for real...

whenever I get into the Freestyle Writing aspect of preparing a reading for someone - - I am in Soul Writing Meditation mode.. This is our moment where I Universally Intentionally Dial Up Connect with the soul of you & still my mind and all my surroundings to intuitively connect and receive any and all  messages that I receive that are divinely meant for you in this moment of time...

this much is true..
everyone's readings are soul stylized (Unique) based on our connection made as I said earlier lol

I completely remove (ME)
because your reading is all about (YOU)

this requires STILLNESS ..
lots of inner calm, silence & peace ..
motionless stillness is me..
it must be quiet when I connect...
I must be silent..
the birds chirping outside my window never interrupt our connection call...
if anything they enhance our vibrations thats all ..
nature making  more quality out of our time together.....

I do love giving readings..
It really has been quite an eye opener for me in realizing that ok maybe I do not understand  fully how in the world these cards work - I may not know or understand all the whys - but for me when I give readings for other people - my human mind may not be able to process or fathom how this is all even possible - like how do these cards actually work - and why do they work so well - should my intellect Doubt what I am witnessing // experiencing ...

many things are difficult to be explained when there is no logical explanation to give...

the mysteries of life.. lol

 - But The AWARE part of me knows that it does not matter how in the world it happens or how it works - what is important  for me to SEE is that for whatever reason it is happening / working & definitely beneficial & extremely POSSIBLE and NOW that I UNDERSTAND & KNOW this - I must continue using it for good.

I received my first deck of tarot cards when I was in the 6th Grade. I will never forget... My uncle got them for my 11th Birthday. (OMG 11th birthday - that is funny) - I was so surprised too - I didn't expect tarot cards. I always said I wanted a deck but I was most happy doing tarot readings with my regular deck of playing cards that I had  - because I had a book that I bought showing me how to read the regular deck of playing cards.  I use to always go to my uncles room with my regular deck of playing cards as my tarot deck.  I would always give adults readings. I was always telling everyone about their signs & birth charts & offering sage old kiddie wisdom advice...

the Facts of life..

I swear I was faery made this way...
all these stories are true...
I was called Astro Queen for years...
and of course Jenn is the Go to Guide & source whenever anyone had any of those life PONDER mints most thought provoking of questions...

I am that ear that hears...

I am naked here & super exposed as you can see..
and I've realized that  its not even for me...

this place here yes.. it is for me...

but it is also


yes of course it is for me ...
this is part of my journey...
But when I created Enchanting Babble it was all about ME...
It was about me coming out of my shell and sharing my world of writing...

Enchanting Babble has certainly evolved...

Because the purpose behind Enchanting Babble...
Is to be of service to many souls on their soul journey & further assist in whatever loving way that I can..

using my
and all these shenanigans I got going on here inside this place. to contribute my part in Awakening this Human Race..

Spiritual Musical Entertainment


Blogger Community

Blogger Girl
inside Blogger World
being a Gypsy Freedom Soul Writer Faery Entertainer..

Birds are awake now...
One is singing so loud - proud - wow - he's a soprano for sure..

Little Birdie woke up Super Happy & Hyper this morning...
he just started Singing so loudly out of no where..
he's the early bird. . lol
he didn't even warm up..

It's like he Opened his eyes this morning and He just couldn't wait to do what he LOVES....

which is SING...

Natures Beauty
Beauty in Nature
Nature is Beauty

Uncut Always Long as hell...
ooh well...

Email me lol

for all whom pick - prick - & bleed us...

........... dry ........

passing out dry eyes for red eyes because Emotionless is is ...
the ride...

humans never  having any time for ...
... themselves...

... tell me..
what is time again...

oh yea this man made invention of a hell that has found its way into becoming some kind of societal law... we must all in order to function in harmony - we must all abide in the same time clock...

umm... Nopers...

Do we not all have our own inner CLOCK ...

ever wonder why so many immune systems are weak -
people are stressed and tired all the time...
working & struggling for some clock...
Societal Law Abiding time...

Isn't it ridiculous of me to say that TIME is a Societal Law because that "technically" is not true...

uh-oh times unspoken rules...

clock has got you fooled...

You make time (subconsciously its your rhyme - conditioned to you over time)

you are a Time LAW Abiding Citizen...
are you a time law abiding citizen ??
you even wear a fancy watch. (eye see) ..
You so Stylish with your Clockers...

Please (( be kind - and do not be upset with me for calling many of you Time Law Abiding citizens) .. you all know I love FASHION (Now I understand even more why I never really liked watches for myself lol)
I mean for so many years I worked inside of the garment industry.  I loved the work I was given to do at those times for those companies.  It was fun.

I was many times  scolded for being late...
it was only like 5 minutes fashionably late within the 10 minute grace period time slot..
who cares...

what is time???


No but seriously..
be responsible always and make sure to get to work on time you wouldn't want to be a bad example of not practicing & being a Time LAW abiding in office Politics workerBee Citizen...

This post was not suppose to be about time...

Uncut Zig Zags all over the place..
it's kind of like my Power Walking habits...
I zig zag always..
Another thing I have been doing since young...

Going for my meditative walks..

I remember in Junior Highschool I had my best friend Vanessa who lived right across the street from me.  Technically she was my best friend starting mid 6th grade all the way till we graduated High school. She was Valedictorian.  Everyone of course so very proud of her Sagittarius like me inner Genius lol

We are still friends till this day and I have nothing but absolute love for her and her beautiful "growing" family...

I unintentionally said "growing" ...
wonder what that could mean...


Everyday I needed my walker fix...
Especially if "home" got too crazy/intense for me that I wished to flee...

I would call her - (Vanessa - who was my best friend who lived right across the street from me) and I would say "Want to go for a walk" and she would always come if she could - which was almost every time.  And we would just walk and explore the world...

she was my best walking buddy growing up...

many of my walks started off with venting.. lol
or maybe not..
our walks were many Adventures too...

Horses enjoy strolls lol

I am most appreciative and grateful for that time...

Geez to find a reliable walking partner now to accompany me on my probably "daily" walks is like pulling teeth...

WALKING is GOOD for ALL of US...
ya heard???


It carries with it many benefits...
Many SELF HEALING benefits...

go take an aimless stroll in your area...
Try it for a few blocks and turn back if you must...
but try it...

Go for a stroll..
You do not need a reason to go for a stroll & you certainly do not need an occasion for it either. Consider this inner me time...
Make time..
Even if you just take a stroll around the block..
and I don't mean to the corner grocery store either...

I mean being so faery INTENTIONAL with this walk..
this walk is all about YOU...
Your Alone Moment time..
Just you and nature...
Just Listen...
2 ears 1 mouth..
close your mouth...
inhale deeply...
breathe in the glorious fresh air...
Feel the breeze...
Look up at the sky...
shrug your shoulders all the way up to your ears and hold it for 5 seconds scrunched in this space where your shoulders are now visiting your ears...
shoulders say hello to ears..
ears say hello to shoulders...
ok now thats wonderful ..
 as you inhale deeply into your diaphragm... When you are filled with your breath.. as you exhale ... simultaneously allow your shoulders just to drop back down instantly...

let the drop be like / feel like -  if you were carrying a heavy paper bag grocery bag between both of your arms and you just decided to let it go for whatever reason all of a sudden... Allowing the paper bag grocery bag to fall straight down to the ground landing in front of your feet....

Allow yourself to feel you LET GO of  this release...

Seriously.. Did you try it??
if you did...
you should feel a notable difference...
It should feel good...
notice the less amount of tension on your shoulders and back of your neck .....

there are so many things that we can do to make ourselves feel good and to keep our inner core feeling balanced & aligned...

Truth Be Told..

only way this can unfold...

Is if you give yourself personal time & BELIEVE in your time to relax & unwind & 3rd eye your Shine...

How does your own internal clock not have time for you?
that is ludacris...
You have the time...
so let's make it...

I can even be of service if you so desire...
I can inspire ideas send them your way ..
assist & guide with some spirit divine advice for the soul purpose of enhancing the QUALITY of your Life as you continue on your souls path...

I am only an email away...
What can I say...
I Am ..

Here for you...

The more as I unfold & Burst Alive..
I realize more and more that this is the path for me...
To be of service and assistance to Wandering Souls just like you - just like myself..
just like you (oh this is so faery true) ...

i am Light Working an
Earth Angel Goddess of LOVE

free at last...

no matter the weather I think Love always clever...
instant Mega Hitter...

Consider this uncut another long one..
I swear these are my books..
Written out loud..
someway - somehow - my books read & shared with ALL

There is magic in declaring things for yourself - - - OUT LOUD...

We need to HEAR ourselves...
its how we can uncondition our conditioning that is not so desirable or working for our own benefit  (( who gave these to me - most ugly )) roots...

I do not want most of what I am sold..

so many earthly distractions to keep us from ourselves...

(( many a inner hell ))

Be KIND to yourself too...

You must speak into YOU your INTENTIONAL DIVINE TRUTH..

This is called being LOVING to you..

Earth Angel Goddess Way..

It's time to Love ourselves WHOLE so we may ALL reach our fullest of potentials...

I realize that there will always be more of me to evolve into as I continue to grow...
for this is part of our journey / my journey...

Enchanting Wonderland Uncovering Souls as We
our worlds into harmonic existence while living 
 Wonderfully & constantly at our fullest Divine Potential...

I remember in elementary school I had to always take part in these "groups" with a Guidance Counselor. Yup I was one of those kids who had "issues." For me it was cause I got into a lot of fights. I had I guess what they would have called... anger problems & self control issues.

faery me had a temper - temper.. lol

little faery with a short fuse...
any Counselor or Shrink or Role Model I have ever had in my life...
and I say this NOW most appreciatively..
I have always had the pleasure of receiving loving Guidance from many wonderful loving souls I have met through out my life... and ALL of them... all of them.. in their own way said I baffled them.  lol and no matter how much I was put in these public school system Therapy programs... I always had amazing counselors... I have always had the best of teachers... and I have always RECEIVED wonderful love, support & encouragement from them all ..

 All whom always wanted me to reach my fullest inspirational potential.  I've always been pretty wise with the things I said growing up... which also made me an Adult Counselor to many many many adults in my life.  I can not tell you the amount times "Adults" would say to me ... I can't believe I just told you all of that ... but you are just a kid." lol I would always offer some form of advice. If only I could go back in time at this moment just to even remember one kid advice I gave to a grown up that made perfect sense to them. lol

but seriously ...
I may be silly a lot ..
but these stories are true...

I was even trained in Highschool to become a peer counselor and mediator which I did for like 2 of the years that I was there... 11th-12th grade..

Every teacher I ever had always said I should be a Writer & I would always argue and say... It's just a passionate hobby of mine  I only write for myself or when I have to for an assignment lol....

kids are silly with their lack of understanding mints...

We should always be doing for a living the things we are most PASSIONATE about...

What do you Love to do??

For me I love to do so many things...
and these last couple of years have been quite the inner journey of unleashing my own discovery of everything me...

pretty much learning how to come out of my own shell...


no longer hiding myself..
or was I shielding myself ...
from critical - over critical attack...
because my own self love taught me that...
a conditioned fact??

pretty much learning to be ok with who I AM ...
& allowing me to be..


emotional is me...

How often do we do that in our lives?
Dim down our own shine because of whatever circumstance / view point / perception / energy we choose to feed ourselves with - creating a world of excuses as to why we can not find time to INNER connect with ourselves...

As with-in
so most definitely pours all on out - all over the place...

so why do most of us neglect our very own sanctuary ?
the inner me..
the deep parts of me ...
exploding free...
yes ..
her sacred holy temple...

shirley Curly Temple...

Sage Poet Central...

Everyone is always busy - yet all we really ever have is TIME...

think about it..

all we have is TIME...

time is EXPANSIVE...

Time is Evolutionary..
time is cosmic..

there is no such thing as time...

time  is of the imagination...
human creation..
on Demand by entire mass population...
check your month / date  / year..

is this statement clear?
cash check on Tuesday ..
9:00AM Bank Open
Closed On Holidays

teller - sorry next window please
(out to lunch)
next teller - sorry next window please ...
( out to lunch)

You're Late..
No I am not..
I AM on Time because NOW i Have arrived.

moments in time...

sugar coated slimers..

as you can see this is as faery uncut as can be...
It is no mystery..

Enchanting Babble scrabbles rambles & babbles...

soul uncaged free..

hours have passed now ...
began this post last night late evening...
continued writing all the way till about almost 6 this morning ..
now it is early afternoon...

with uncut there are no rules...

this Uncut is not as long as I imagined it to be..
I believe I have had longer Uncut entries on here lol

Well anyways...
as you are all well aware I can go on for days...


Earth Angel Goddess Way

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.