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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Uncut Stillness ❤️❤️❤️

There is a stillness in the air..
A calm most magnificent stirring ...
this energy of love & peace exists all around ..
feel the wave..
Allow it to crash into you ...
Get knocked down by these waves ..
Splash back up splashing and smiling ...

Feel Alive 

Now is always our time ..

Divine time is our time ..

Are you ready ? 
Get ready!

Divine right time is when you are right in your mind ..

Chakras aligned bright...

Divine Right Time ..

And if you are aware then you know immediately what's off / what's not right / what's not acceptable ...

And you positively & most intentionally co create with your YOUniverse & make your world righteous with you (within you)

We all desire good things for ourselves ...

Deep down in our core of core of core original first most inner of layer coating .. Before "life" happened ...

All we truly desire is love, companionship, understanding & acceptance...

We originally want these basic wants & needs for ourselves ..

But "life" happens ..
& things happen ..
& we are sold hey things like this happen .. And so we form
Hard habits that calcify our unity building this isolation tank of a vessel ~ separating ourselves from the whole .. Thinking ...

I got to fend for me ..
Do me ..
Cause nobody got me ..
But me ...

Really ??? 

Where's our supposed unity if none of our actions match this very sentiment ?

Everyone has got to do them..
And doing them .. Means going external and getting that ..

Getting that paper ..
Elevating externally ..

And by all means that is super cool ..

Don't read me wrong ..
It feels good to be motivated by something ...

But no matter what external level you find yourself on ..

No matter what level this may be ..

If you're not right with ~ in you most certainly are not right with ~ out .. No matter how much sugar coating you can afford to do at the bakery ...

Many masks walk this earth ..

I use to live being a shell of my own existence & finally for the first time I am allowing myself to burst to life & it feels utterly AMAZING ..

I've felt every which way in my life and never have I found peace within ...

I still have my own freak out moments ~ I let them ride out .. It usually shows up more creatively for me .. Maybe I will doodle something up .. Write something .. Make something ... Meditate .. Dance .. Sing ... Whatever it may be in how I choose to diffuse my "freak out" even if I write the most dreadful awful poem that is sad as shit in the process .. I allow myself to be .. I do not get mad / or feel bad / or get angry because I am having a bad "moment" ..

I use to do that ..

I use to get more upset with myself for feeling the way I was feeling especially when I should know better ..

But that is just an example of unhealthy conditioned behavior that was serving me no good & causing further ripples of negativity to find its way to me & as well as causing stagnation ~ preventing flow .. Preventing growth .. Having things take a hell of a lot longer in getting better because I would choose to be stuck on stupid. 

Where is my love and compassion for myself ??

How can I truly be compassionate & loving for others unconditionally if I am not this way for myself ??

Think about it ..

If you find that you can be hard on yourself for many things ... How is that loving ?? 

And how are you able to be unconditionally compassionate, loving and understanding to others when they need it & tell yourself that it's unconditional ...

If you can not be 100% loving / kind & understanding & most forgiving to yourself .. That means you can be like this sometimes and you can be and have been these things for others through out your life ... No matter how you choose to see it what you give to them is NOT unconditional.  It's impossible. It comes with conditions. And if a condition comes up you can take back your unconditional love and support and not give any to them at all ... 

I'm not even sure I worded that right or make sense .. I swear I know what I mean and what I am trying to convey. 

Since you have conditions with yourself .. And are not always able to find forgiveness in your own self. And sometimes you choose to view yourself with such a nit picky critical eye ... 

That means the people in your life .. You would subconsciously always VIEW them too in a critical eye view .. Whether you like to admit it or not. 

We all are critics ..

Now it's time to become aware of the energy existing within you that embodies the spirit of the critic that is also a part of you and who you are ....

Are you a loving critic ?
Hard to please ?
Self absorbed ?
Do you physically hurt yourself to feel something else other than your hearts pain ?? 

Are you constantly over thinking things only to second guess yourself??

We can UNCONDITION our Conditioning through Selfie Awareness...

Go take that loving selfie ..

Be your own mirror that talks back ..

You are an Ancient Artifact ..

Who are you like the smoking Caterpillar says to Alice ...

You ???  

Which selfie critic are you ??
Know that with awareness you can pull through  and be your own solution. 

Have faith & believe in everything you are ...



Namaste Staying uncut for days 

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