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Tuesday, May 12, 2015


The Hanged Man


The hanged man symbolizes the giving up of something in order to acquire something else that has become more important. We have reached a crossroads and now we need to CHOOSE what is significant to us and what is no longer of VALUE. This card represents a TURNING POINT in our psychological development as we reorientate our FOCUS towards our inner worlds. 

KNOWLEDGE of what lies within becomes more important than what exists on the outside. The HANGED MAN denotes a time when we are asked to SURRENDER control of the ego and move into the UNKNOWN territory of our inner landscapes. This necessitates a willingness to LET GO and TRUST that there is something GREATER than our CONSCIOUS mind, which has the WISDOM to GUIDE us toward what is REQUIRED for our own development. Just like the man hanging upside down on the card, we NEED to learn to adopt a FRESH NEW PERSPECTIVE & DISCOVER a deeper set of VALUES within us. Whether we are AWARE of it or not, this card suggests that we are undergoing an EXPRESSION of CONSCIOUSNESS that can only take place if we are READY and WILLING to MOVE beyond our present set of circumstances. 

The concept of giving up all worldly possessions in order to follow a spiritual path is the central theme of this card. It is worth noting that this SACRIFICE is VOLUNTARY and is made because what is GAINED is of GREATER VALUE than what is lost. The inner KNOWLEDGE that is acquired will be WORTH the SACRIFICE.

This card when it appears in a spread signifies that you are in a state of limbo.  A reorientation is taking place in your life and for the time being you may be FEELING at a LOSS as to how to proceed.  As a result you may FEEL stuck in a rut and FEARFUL. You may have no choice other than to STAY where you are and await the CHANGES that will RELEASE you from this state of stasis.  You may be required to make a SACRIFICE in order to MOVE FORWARD & DEVELOP. Outworn patterns fall away & give you NEW perspective on your situation. Circumstances may conspire to PREVENT you from being able to FOCUS on your day to day activities for a while, so that you can CONCENTRATE on what is really important. TRUSTING in life to take its proper course will give you a sense of PEACE.


Earth Angel Goddess Productions 

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