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Thursday, May 14, 2015

Dolphin Wisdom - Power Animal Totem Spirit Talk

Dolphin Power Animal Symbol is a meaning of 


Dolphin teaches us that when we live in tune with our own patterns and rhythmical beats of nature we learn how to truly be in touch & resonate with ALL that is within this Universe. 


Christian symbolism conveys the dolphin as an aspect of Christ. Dolphins depicted in Christian art are symbolic of resurrection. 
The demeanor of the dolphin expressive of :


In Ancient Greece dolphins were believed to carry the souls of the dead to the Islands of the Blessed. The dolphin is a compatriot of both the God Apollo (Sun) and the Goddess Aphrodite (moon).

>>>> side note: Last night I pulled A Goddess Card and I received Aphrodite.  I just love all this wonderful "blending" of Love synchronicity. - - And one more thing - I was going to write about her today anyway.. I even saved a picture on my phone lol. ok End of this side note.<<<<<<<

Luminary Dolphin Meaning:
Sun - God Apollo -  Active, Life, vibrant, health, Renewal, Intelligence

Moon - Goddess Aphrodite (White Moon) - Hidden Power, Intuition, Dreams, Conception, Feminine 

Key concept of this in depth exploration of the luminary meaning of dolphin is of understanding the WHOLE concept of DUALITY. 

blending of both polarities of the Sun & the moon - Day & Night - Yin & Yang - being functional and adaptable in both weather climates / dimensions / energy... 
Being in Two Worlds at once

being both fish and mammal
It is both of the water & land creature


Other Gods/Goddesses associated with Dolphins...

Poseidon (Greek)
Neptune (Roman)
strength, dominion, freedom, intelligence, compassion, fatherly protection

Eros (Greek)
Cupid (Roman)
Love, Romance, friendliness, playfulness, sensuality, desire, exploration, curiosity, attraction & joy

Dionysus (Greek)
Bacchus (Roman)
Motivation, to Uplift, joviality, freedom, abandon, creative self expression, silliness 

Celtic Animal Symbolism the dolphin is honored as it was seen as Protector of Sacred wells and Sacred water. They were the Watchers of the Waters & the Guardians of all things that were water related. 

Sailors believed  that the spirit of mermaids lived in the heart of the dolphin and ancient stories speak of dolphins metamorphosing into beautiful sea maidens and mermaids if they were to be so lucky as to catch a glimpse or experience. But believe there were many "stories."

It is believed the Dolphins with their large size brains have superior intelligence even more so than us humans.  They are believed to be connected with higher forms of consciousness, especially in regards to LOVE.  Some believe that they are far more evolved of a species than we are especially on a spiritual level.  Some even believe them to be Aliens from a different dimension.  

Dolphins are connected with the power of BREATH & with EMOTIONAL release, which the two are deeply connected. One of the most important factors in spiritual GROWTH is to give ourselves permission and the FREEDOM of fully experiencing our own FEELINGS & EMOTIONS. They show us how holding on to and suppressing our negative emotions is something that most tend to do nowadays. Many humans do not allow themselves to grieve, feel sadness, pain, & anger. This is something that is toxic to our evolutionary growth & this type of neglect needs to be stopped as it only lays the foundation for disagreeable outcomes. 

By suppressing these feelings they DO NOT go away instead they are amplified and subconsciously create blocks and barriers within - and if these are not removed, this can lead to physical imbalances, with-out. Also in blocking our feelings it results in losing the QUALITY of life and being of being able to FEEL at all, losing much of life's JOY. Becoming dead to the world.


As representatives of Peace & Harmony dolphins balance their animalistic nature with their higher intelligence. They do not over think things and they do what is just naturally right for themselves as well as the needs of others.  Dolphins give a lending hand whenever they can. They live peacefully with all species they interact with including Humans. Let's not forget how playful they are. They are very well known for joining swimmers in the ocean and stopping for a little playful interaction along their way.  

I love them in like every single way. 
I get overly emotional and excited in their presence & I feel very connected in their presence... they love me too... 
they get extra excited around me lol 

Dolphins also have a well known reputation as being Protectors. They teach us to not only save ourselves, but to protect others in need. To stand up & Protect when absolutely necessary. They assist those drowning & are even known to chase sharks away from people in the water. 


People find themselves attracted to dolphins & trusting of them based off of their playful spirits and dolphins just have this way of making people feel good. In their presence we must admit they keep us smiling and in absolute awe of their majesty.  They truly are supremely evolved loving creatures that I admire wholeheartedly.  

Wild Dolphins are strong and fearless.  When Sharks or orcas threaten them, they do not hesitate to fight instead of trying to flee. They represent strong MORAL convictions and SELF CONFIDENCE, reminding us to speak our minds and stand our ground rather than HIDE our TRUE SELVES. 


When we block FEELING things from our outside world we also subconsciously constrict our breathing. The diaphragm is built to assist us in breathing deeply allowing us to FEEL deeply. When we learn to BREATHE deeply we also learn to FEEL deeply, and in return we experience the RELEASE of our emotional tidal waves existing within our beings. This ALLOWS for HEALTHY release and flow. 

The fact that Dolphins live in water is no coincidence.  Water is associated with EMOTIONS & FEELINGS. 


If the Dolphin enters into your world he is asking you to relish water both physically and mentally, swimming freely and flowing along with your natural FEELINGS.

ALLOW yourself to FEEL. 
Dolphin is showing you how to enter the waters of life and then with breath and sound call forth what you most NEED & DESIRE.

Dolphins create all types of sounds to COMMUNICATE. They have unique whistles and body postures that they use to express themselves.  Sound is the CREATIVE life force and a big part of the dolphins world therefore this also needs to be adapted into your world.  

COMMUNICATE openly and freely with those around you inside of your world. Embrace communicating with all that is.  Creating inner sounds creates outer manifestations. 

If Dolphin is your POWER ANIMAL (yes) you may do well using your voice for healing or communicating, whether incorporating this into a job or just as a  hobby or in day to day life with those nearest and dearest to you.  



Follow the lead of dolphins & OPEN yourself to the energy of LOVE, HARMONY & BALANCE.


Dolphin is asking you yo go back to your roots, to the depths of your being and REDISCOVER the LOVE that you truly are. 

Dolphins spend most of their days playing teaching us the art of living in JOY.  Their life is lived in JOYFUL HARMONY with one another and their world.  Dolphins have learned the lesson that LOVE is the most IMPORTANT factor in our lives. 

LOVE your WORLD more

Dolphins remind us to get out, play and most importantly, to breathe!

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