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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Arachne Greek Spider Woman Legend ❤️❤️

Arachne, the Greek Goddess who became the first spider ..

She originally was a young mortal, daughter of a famous shepherd who was known for making beautiful wools that he dyed purple. 

Arachne was gifted for weaving and studied with Athena, the Greek Goddess of war who was also a masterful weaver & potter. 

Arachne's incredible talent & skill was recognized all over and her business flourished. Even The nymphs from the forest and rivers came from afar to watch her weave her excellent tapestries. 

One day a Nymph asked Arachne if her incredible talent was a gift from the Goddess Athena herself. In all her own ego pride Arachne was too proud to ever admit she has ever needed a teacher and replied to the Nymph.. "There is none in heaven or earth whose weaving could compete with mine. Just let Athena come, if she will, and we'll see whose work is best!"

Word spread like wild fire and when it finally reached the Goddess Athena's ears she disguised herself as an old Crone appearing at Arachne's door ready to give the young woman the OPPORTUNITY to redeem herself. 

"Age & experience bring wisdom, you must be careful not to offend the Gods." Said the old crone. She also advised Arachne by stating.. "You should recognize the power of the Goddess for she helps those who honor her. No human work is so perfect that it cannot be improved."

Of course this OPPORTUNITY at redemption Arachne could not see & she proceeded in her own arrogance to insult the old woman telling her to save her breath. Asking her what good does she really know that she's probably old and senile. Etc etc etc 

"Arachne, you've gone too far!" A voice rang out. The old woman disappearing and the Goddess Athena in her splendid glory stood before Arachne. She said to Arachne "I accept your challenge & to reassure you that it's a fair contest, the Goddess Envy will be the judge. 

Two looms were set up and both the young woman & Athena worked furiously and devoted to their craft. Athena chose her design to present all the Gods & Goddesses in their Glory as the center of her masterpiece & she intricately designed a glorified depiction of life as she saw it in its finest. 

Arachne on the other hand refusing to be humbled decided to depict stories that showed the deities in the poorest light ~ even designing all the infidelities of the God Zeus. 

To make a long story short The Goddess Envy reported that she was unable to declare a winner, that both works were beautiful and flawless. 

Athena enraged by Arachne's work and blatant disrespect that she slapped her face and tore her tapestry to shreds. Arachne, now realizing what she had done, grew so depressed that she ended her life by hanging herself. 

Athena typically reserved and out of touch with her own emotions as well as the emotions of others was surprised by Arachne's suicide & it upset her greatly for she as rational as she can be never intended or meant for things to go that far. 

Athena took pity on poor Arachne and decided to let her live, but not as a human. 

Athena sprinkled her limp and lifeless body with the juice of the herb called Monkshead & watched as Arachne transformed into a spider. 

When Arachne's transformation into a spider was complete Athena said to her ...

"I've let you live, but for being so vain you will hang and spin forever."

The story of Arachne is a moral reminder to speak the truth, not out of pride or in an effort to "get ahead" but in the spirit of concern and love. 

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