Using the depiction of this picture & finding 5 minutes of your time to try this practice of Chakra Color Visualization, A Self HELP Therapy that will ENCHANT you. Enchant your body.
Enchant your soul.
of course rejuvenates your Spirit, SatisFACTionally right, in more ways than one ❤️ ....
these 5 minutes of Practice if you do attempt to do will certainly Uplift you even if it's just a smudge bit at first..... Patience with all practice is necessary as you work with your whole in making wonderful harmonizing music... All of this taking place in your most sacred of spaces....
your fortress...
your Home!!!
Om is home!
Everything you need exist within you ...
Believe this to be true & tell yourself this everyday if you need to ....
Your Home, this place of Om that each and every one of us has inside of ourselves... Would you kindly please do share with me please do tell me and if you're not gonna tell me that too is fine but would you at least answer all of the inquiries for yourself ... On your own leisure of course ... Exploring what Enchanting Wonders exist inside of your world in your most sacred of Holy spaces is quite the magnificent journey... But it is a VOLUNTARY one .. One that you have to intentionally set and follow thru on because truth be told ..
Extremely bold too ..
There ain't nobody who will do the do for you except for YOU..
How Is your sacred space of yours feeling .. Your internal OM ? Is your Om peaceful ?? For I really do hope with all my Faery heart that your Om is at peace .. Because that is the objective here ..
Here in Enchantments wonderland of constant babble my purpose is to spread my light and love that is in true reflection of me .. In discovering and living my passions as I enthusiastically wish to make all those whom enter here ...
First I hope that ALL of you whom enter Enchanting Babble actually like it .. That is important to me of course .. But as understanding as I am I respect to each is own .. Not everything is for everybody and that is just reality ....
lol ... two .. I wish to contribute & help heal & be a part of this entire planets highest vibrations of transformations taking place on a soul molecular invisible layer level... Whether you realize the process taking place or not ... For I KNOW it is REAL... whether or not you CHOOSE to acknowledge. ..
For me, It's all about planting my invisible Faery loving seeds ... BELIEVING these Faery Loving seeds to take root marinating & sprouting & BLOOMING IN its own divine time ... And I swear honest to God ((( who is your God ?!?? ))) that is more than good enough for me ... Lol
How are the voices in your mind lol I know weird question .. Voices can translate into thoughts .... How are your thoughts that inhabit your mind ... is there constant chit chatter going on .. Is it peaceful and kind chatter ??? Is the noise sometimes unbearable ??? Are you able to silence this noise / your commotion on command ??? Does your constant mind chatter deprive you of having peace of mind ...
(((((YOUR MIND))))
Are you being Filled with worries, inside of Your heart... Inside of ur head... Do these constant worries weigh heavy on your heart, your mind, your soul.. do your anxieties or worries or concerns propel you forward in your life or do they hold you back, freezing you : causing you to be stuck in a moment of time ??
How often do you come to your own rescue, answering your own inner calling ?? Are you prone to unconsciously and habitually Ignore yourself that you may not even realize or hear your own inner messaging system ... Are you friendly with your soul / at peace in your mind / is there unconditional love radiating from your heart .... Do you answer your own needs and give yourself exactly what you need to feel whole ?? Or are you (( which I truly hope you are)))) .... Are you completely AWARE of all that is currently taking place inside of your underworld / your sanctuary / your Om / your home ??? Are you paying attention to the things that you say out loud and the things you internally say to yourself ?? Does All of your magik ... all of your energy ... all of your goals ....all of your ACTIONS ... and do all of your dreams line up together matching one another ... aligned together unified as one ??? orrrrr are YOU having some magiTechnical difficulties of finding peace of mind / body / heart and soul & harmoniously integrating all these pieces together summing up your whole ????
Who knows ?? Shit happens inside This So called life of ours ...
Maybe some wires got crossed along the way ...
But here is the thing Do know ...
We always know ..
We always know our inner workings ...
It's only a matter of how deep we bury our shit & how willing are we to travel the distance into our worlds of discovery and the healing that can come from this .... This is the sacred part to our individual journeys ...
I am not saying this is the answer to all of your prayers and that doing this will solve all of your problems and erase all of your worries ...
That is NOT what I am fudgin saying at all ... Here is just one of many things you can find to do to put u on a healthier holistic path of self LOVING & healing. Placing one foot in front of the other and propelling yourself forward even when you may not feel like it .. Doing this / moving forward / pushing yourself anyway only strengthens you .. It builds your shield of only solidifies your indestructibility .... When you do your DO and then later when you SEE .. You will then be like Oohh I get it .. I see .. Lol
Finding anything that works for you is a wonderful first step in your right direction .. But the key is finding WHAT WORKS BEST FOR YOU .. Cause as we KNOW .. Not everything is for everybody. I say give 5 minutes a try for the next 40 days ... I love the # 40 and it is more likely for you to stick with something after doing it consecutively for 40 days straight ... When I do stuff like that for myself I usually like to mark big X's on my calendar counting down the days and u know what before I even realize it .. I am not even checking the calendar anymore ...
And this is because of one of two reasons :
1. This thing became so natural for me and I really dig it that it's already a part of my life
2. I already forgot what I started .. What 40 days ? I am already distracted with trying something new or finding something new ...
Both outcomes are beneficial for me either way ...
Because it further ENLIGHTENS ME about who I really am .. What I really like and don't like .. And what works best for me ... It doesn't mean I am not capable of something it only means I have to find my own rhythm and song & my own dance of discovery that works best for me.
We are EXPLORERS ....
You have ur own mathematical equations that you must figure out your formula to...
You already know ur answers ..
Now work to find your formula so that way you can ACHIEVE everything you DREAM...
I can only share my own journey of what has been beneficial for me in hopes that maybe someone who reads receives something beneficial from all of my sharing too ...
It's 2015 and it fkn time to be bluntly honest with ourselves ABOUT EVERYTHING ... And that sometimes means charting territories we sometimes would rather much avoid ...
avoid like the plague .. Like some people would rather die in the iceberg than face their own mirrors of truths lol
unfortunately there is nothing you can do about that... But there's something you can do about YOU!!
All one can ever do is be the EXAMPLE...
Be the very EXAMPLE of all the things you wish to SEE in this world ....
Be this for
Your Soul..
Walk your PATH & LIVE your truths ...
I've been just going on and on today with all my interactions ..
With every communication I have had all day (( well yesterday but still today for me because my day has yet to end ))) well point is I've been babbling non stop ...
Like wtf lol
Anyways .....
What's the first thing that comes to your mind when you attempt to answer any or all of these questions that Faery I have so lovingly & compassionately composed for you up there in one of those paragraphs above ????
I know my Faery sentences can be quite run on most times ...
But who cares ??
Life itself is a fudgin
RUN ON ...
But from the questions that I posed if you were to ask yourself these questions out loud would you be able to answer them all by yourself ? Are all of your answers clear and precise or are they vague & even contradictory ??
It is your mission to figure all of this out if you so CHOOSE to of course ....
& if for whatever reason when asking yourself these questions and u draw a blank & do not have one answer for any of it .. Like at all ... Not one clear definitive thing ... well then if that is the case I would lovingly refer you to go back immediately to the question that I asked above & I ask that you take this 1 question & kindly explore it further ... And this enchanting Magikal wonder should begin to open up many expansive doors for you if you so CHOOSE ... Please do
CHOOSE, for this is SOULee just for YOU & your BENEFIT .. I do this on my own for me and i truly SEE its benefits for me in my life so I can only speak for myself but I do highly recommend ... But if no answer comes to mind... Scroll up to the question above where I asked you .... "Do you ignore yourself"
I would say that before you suck your teeth or roll your eyes ...
Allow for this line of questioning to be your door opening & ENTER this space / your space & excitedly and open your mind & allow for your journey begin here.
And for those of you who may have all your answers to these questions above.. Say them out loud & "hear" "listen" "absorb" & let it go .. See what happens in your own expansion after that .. I would suggest writing it down making this your own personal affirmation of DIVINE TRUTH for yourself that you should place somewhere to be seen as your daily reminder as you gratefully & thankfully welcome each & every step of your own growth and its progress.
One must always remain no matter the rain, pain, gain, their own personal cheerleader & support team. I know that at times that seems tough to do but when you're intentionally practicing and doing things that maintain your equilibrium whether you realize it or not, you will see the NEW at those times if they do come, how differently and lightly you handle these types of situations. Our minds have difficulty processing things that it has never seen or witnessed before and as a result makes it hard for us to consciously conceive / believe / behave / act in accordance / or understand far away distant "desires" or new "behaviors" that can be possible when our minds are energized with all we seem to know as of our right nows ... So even if we find ourselves starting off positively if our subconscious battles against us it's hard to imagine the YOU right now as the YOU later ....
So don't think anything is to far fetched of an idea to MANIFEST as possible ...
Not the other way around ...
So if the you now handles stress for example by getting really bad anxiety or depression there is no way that the you right now can BELIEVE or SEE yourself handling stress any differently because if that was the case you would have done it long ago.
Honestly, 5 minutes is all you really need to get yourself started into this mind, body, heart, & soul integration practice blend that gifts you / blesses you beyond measure ...
mind & soul expansion fused with our healing hearts & gifting all who Enter with wisdom & divine growth.
5 minutes of consciously rooting your intentions...
Give it a try ...
focus on each color .. Beginning with red, meeting your root & knowing that forever in your space, this is your place, you are safe.
Breathe in all that is gifted from this message in our roots which is "I Am Safe"
as you take hold of this root & it's message visualize in your minds eye a huge bright red light emanating at the location as you can see in this picture. If sitting down for you is uncomfortable lay down ... Lay down!!
Sit down ..
Squat down ..
Lay on your stomach too if that makes it more better for you ..
The object here is not to find an excuse .. The object here is to find a solution & to work with whatever works for you to make your journey the one that is the exact match for you. There is no right or wrong way in doing anything, there is only your own way.
5 minutes is all it takes for you to train your brain to set your focus in assisting you on your exciting self healing most relaxing visualization practice that benefits you in more ways than one, in more ways that even I at this present time can not even fully comprehend, & me knowing that there will come a time as my journey continues its unfolding .. every piece will piece & sew & strengthen & reveal to me more clarity into my entire whole, purpose & divine existence.
These are our gifts of LIFE that we should all learn to SEE & APPRECIATE as WONDERFUL. KNOWING that these gifts are readily available to US whenever we decide to take that first step.
This 5 minute practice will turn into a 7 minute practice .. A 20 minute practice & eventually it would be part of your lifestyle. 5 minutes
May not seem like a lot, but what is time ?? Time is everything you make of it .. Quality vs quantity... Magik is the energetic power you give to something when you're doing something.
This is magik.
You are magik.
As you see each color one by one RECEIVE in your breath the message of each color ... Inhale all that it gifts to you ...
Devour and savor its meaning & message WHOLE...
As you inhale every COLORFUL ounce of magik elixir SMILE in complete recognition of the POWERFUL power surge you are feeding your entire being with. On your Exhales Release the I AM portion to the very words you inhaled with every color & RELEASE everything YOU truly are !!!
Release it into the wild.
I dare YA !!!
this 5 minute practice will help you strengthen your visualization & manifesting skills. It harmonizes your body back into balance as it refuels your OM, your Home with everything YOU need to succeed encouraging you further as you STAR reach for your DREAMS...
We all wish for PEACE in everything & All that we do.. this crave that we all know exists within we are in constant search for its elixir.
We humans in search for our purpose / are calling ... These cravings / this thirst comes from our Spirits ...
Our spirits are thirsty ...
they crave for each & everyone of us to BURST ALIVE & we are being reminded to not fall prey / victim to this illusionary deceit we have grown & accepted as our reality ... Let's work at removing these layers of conditioning that frankly do NOT belong to us...
Let us figure out ourselves on our own terms by accepting and rejecting everything and anything which does not serve our growth in any way / shape or form.
Reminder ... We are Energetic Spiritual Beings regardless if you believe in spiritual stuff or not .. We are energetic beings, that is fact (( from what we can understand this far ))) and energy is this real thing that we know exists even when we may not be able to SEE it...
We may not be able to SEE it, But we know that it is there & many won't deny its existence even if they know very little to nothing about the workings of energy ....
So in knowing about energy even without the ability to SEE it do we deny and dismiss its entire existence from our lives / selves ...
We are Energetic Spiritual Beings having this human experience, we are Way more than what we can see ..
We are way more than meets the eye ...
EXPAND WITH ME HERE FOR A MOMENT keeping the concept of ENERGY In your mind & relating them to this 5 minute Awesome Practice I am trying my best to sell you on lol
when we practice exercises with our minds eye we are working with our true selves / our essence
/ our true natures so in doing things such as these
You are providing yourself a SERVICE.
Any training we do whether it's mental / physical / emotional is to strengthen these parts we exercise. I BELIEVE this to be SOuL Faery true.
So of course we would need practices to strengthen our spirit landscapes too even if we can't see it with our physical earthly seeing eyes.
You are free to Believe as
You wish I only wish for you ALL to live in love, peace, joy & harmony.. Everyday / all day / forever in a day / that is my
True wish for everyone of you ... I think we all have suffered more than enough and i DESIRE for this earths vibrations to SHIFT so fkn high with all things good only and so much joy and LOVE & happiness .. To me that would be
I'll be the Faery rebel reminder
To all of you REMINDING you All of Who YOU REALLY are ... Your divinity // your essence /// your heart /// your soul /// YOU ALL are BEAUTIFUL ... & I am really BELIEVE that if we ALL wanted to we can ALL HELP one another RISE & SHINE & REACH our HIGHEST of
POTENTIALS .. Namaste beautiful Souls .. LOVE & LIGHT ALWAYS
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