HAPPY FRIDAY to YOU ALL.. May you all be in the best and most healthiest of mind/body/heart/spirits.. It is FRIDAy & on every Friday my daughter & I LOVE to get down & party hard with our spirits & in our mystic state, i with Love and she with extreme SaSs bring to you every Friday evening some spirit divine messages for all those whom CHOOSE to RECEIVE..
THANK YOU all so much for showing your love and meeting me in love / light & kindness & from the bottom of my heart to yours, I send you many Faery loving blessings.
Here we are met with the Eclipse Mermaid & her sister Faery of the Green World. Both these lovelies come power packed with a message that they desire for you to hear.
The fairy of the green worlds message to you is that the natural world needs you & her sister Eclipse Mermaid tells you that a powerful energy shift is currently at play. These sisters speak to you now intermingling their divine message for you. It is time for you develop your connection to SOLAR ENERGY, find your own source and depend less and less on supermarkets, ATm's and electricity. It's time for you to relearn / LEARN to live within our Mother Earth who is our Soul of this GREEN world. Sit in nature and attune yourself to her vibrations for she is calling out to you to reconnect. This goes well with the preparing for the ENERGY shift you are about to experience. There will be no effort or force needed from you on this Shift that will occur no matter what, but with the advice from my sister the beautiful Faery of the green world you can feel more than prepared and ready and confident when this energy shift does comes to you & BELIEVE this Shift is coming!! When it does arrive you can EXPECT AMAZING DREAMS & clarity, increased clairvoyant experiences but with these wonderful things in mind please do watch out for addictions, gossip, the Internet, the foods you eat, and the company you keep. Watching out for all of these things and being AWARE are all very significant when this eclipse of an energy shift comes through your life because it will have a RIPPLE EFFECT throughout your entire world. ALLOW what needs to emerge to come out - because during this POWERFUL time, NOTHING can remain suppressed, HIDDEN or underneath anymore. Let's enter this energetic shift in the most peaceful state you can possibly muster up and connecting with our Mother Earth is key and monumental for you. Even simply buying a plant to tend to can contribute to your connection to Mother Earth. Natural forests and the wide green spaces of our planet NEED YOUR LOVE & HEALING. Your Kind and gentle nature and HEALING abilities shine and heal forth from your special heart. Your influence will have GREAT POWER. Make a donation to a wildlife foundation for the green world. Support a cause. Get involved more. CONNECT with your GREEN EARTH. Start to offer your energetic support and healing and prayers for a world where green spaces thrive and where our wild creatures roam. See and visualize a world where GREEN things grow. Nature is your natural habitat and here you are able to reconnect and build in your own spirituality and divine connection. CONNECT with Mother Earth and her source and her connection to you.. OPEN your heart to Green Earths land. Try eating more organic and raw foods. DETOX.. Be more self sustaining and step away from the unnatural system and reconnect and join with the natural energies of the planet and our entire galaxy. Remember there's no real avoiding life and the planets and the galaxy's energy shifts. Reconnecting with Mother Earth & understanding your innate power to heal and make a difference you can work with these eclipses and maximize their amazing power or you can do nothing and allow for these changes that are taking place To overwhelm you. There is a deeply EMOTIONAL life forever CHANGING energetic shift, akin to that of a powerful FULL ECLIPSE that is Taking its place in your life. Are you ready ?? There will be REVELATIONS, maybe even some scandals, TRUTHS will be told once and for all. At this time you may feel the urge to change what you eat all on your own. You may even change the way you look, how you dress, how you EXPRESS yourself, who you spend your time with & your ideas of what you believed once that you desired to do in your life may suddenly and abruptly shift and change. Your soul path is one of GOOD & you are on your right path. Any and all changes at this time is for sure going to align you and bring you much closer to who you truly are. There is only one thing about this shift that is for certain; resistance is futile! It is up to you to CHOOSE how you desire
To move through this eclipse... It's time
For you to Dance through these
Moments & embrace this Wonderful change.
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