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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Stretching Monologue

The body is fascinating, everything it reveals unto us if we just gave it a moment to listen to it. The things our body reveals are deep. Thee attachments pressed into our skin, bones, and muscles learning how to release. Movement for me has been such an integral part of my world. I grew up with my father, who at the time was so heavy into physical fitness and martial arts. I was the only little girl I knew that wanted to be a fairy ninja ballerina actress superstar. I loved martial arts. It was my favorite. I was a fanatic, watched every movie during the 80s, and practiced my own style of martial arts and ninjitsu every day. I would mimic what I saw, and I was so open to learning, so I listened to instruction. My dad did his best to show many techniques, including breathing techniques, which I learned early on helped my meditation. I wanted to learn how to meditate as a kid, and so I always practiced, not realizing that in my practice, I was actually doing it. I know this now as an adult, and grateful I am for the experience. The house I grew up in had creaky doors and steps, and so I had to learn to be as silent as can be when moving around, and so this grew my practice of being a ninja ballerina, practicing the art of landing lightly on my feet and moving with such control, along with silencing my breath. By the time I was 10 years old, I was a pro. Light on my feet, skipping steps, floating in the air, wicked fast. So fast by the time I was in junior high school, I ran track, played a variety of sports while mastering my double Dutch girl power. I swear being a kid back then in the 80s and 90s was so much better than what it is now. Less technology truly allowed us to get to learn other modes of entertainment that involved us using our mind, body, heart, soul, our entire human vessel had to actively participate. Grateful I am for these memories and moments that truly have contributed to my lifestyle of knowing how to shut off all the static noise percolating everywhere we turn now. Everywhere I look, someone is holding a technology device, whether it be their own phone or whatnot, and their heads with a new horse gait face looking at their phone, ruining their posture. But that’s neither here nor there. Life cycles are everywhere. Breathwork is soul important. Meditating to our heartbeats and connecting with our entire being is so important. When was the last time you made time to connect with your body and listen to the stories of the universe reveal themselves into you, unto you, for you are the universe in constant evolutionary motion. It’s always fascinating that we are looser on one side than another, all dependent on what our dominant side is, which is why stretching is so important. It will help you align your positions into true balance. Is balance not what we seek, whether it be literal, metaphorical, or otherwise? Thank you for your time. I love writing. For expression is everything to me. Arrivederci.

“The body is the instrument of our hold on the world.” - Simone de Beauvoir

“To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.” - Buddha

Love always,

Enchantress Thee Babbler

@Enchantress Instagram 

@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok


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Tuesday, March 19, 2024

My feature on CANVAS REBEL

Time seems to be flying by, and I am profoundly grateful for every opportunity that comes my way. I must admit, in the whirlwind of activities, I somehow missed sharing this incredible milestone – my latest article feature. It’s been months since it was published, and I’ve been a busy bee ever since.

Although this is not my first feature, my heart swells with the same pride and joy for each one. A heartfelt thank you to CANVAS REBEL for publishing this article about me and my ever-evolving journey. My story has already grown, evolved, and changed since this story was printed, and I hope everyone gets a chance to delve into the details of how I got started in the business, along with some insights into my lifestyle, business practices, creativity, and upcoming projects – some of which are still top secret and not shared anywhere else.

I cherish my privacy, so this feature is as exclusive a glimpse as you’re going to get into my world. There’s so much happening, and I look forward to sharing more when the time is aligned. I am profoundly thankful to share online space with a community of people who highlight others and spread love. Genuine vibes are what I live for, and I am truly grateful.

To read the entire article, please visit:
CANVAS REBEL - Meet Jennifer Molina

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer




“24 • SHEHERAZADE My story: The sultan Sharyar, having been hurt by a former unfaithful wife, resolved to marry a new girl each day, and have her killed the next day. When he married me, the daughter of the vizier, I started to tell him a tale. He wanted me to continue speaking the next night, and the night after, and the night after. And when 1001 nights had passed, the king, having fallen in love with me, decided to spare my life, and kept me as his inspired queen.My message: What are the stories that live inside you and that you wish to tell? Offering the tales that fill your mind is quite important at this stage of your path. It could even save your life, in a symbolic way. So do not wait. Speak, write, compose, paint; whatever form you choose for your story, give it birth without delay. But remember: your audience needs to be captivated. So make your story unforgettable and addictive.”

Divine guidance: Embrace thee power of your voice & thee magic of your stories. Your experiences, dreams & insights are a unique tapestry that only you my beautiful darling can weave. Trust in thee value of what you have to share & know that your words touch hearts, open minds & inspire change. You are thee rEVOLUTION needed here on earth. 

Beautiful Soul, it is up to you to Pay close attention to thee stories that stir your soul & ignite your dreamy passions. These are thee tales that are meant to be shared with thee world. Whether it’s through writing, speaking, art, or another form of expression, find thee medium that allows you to communicate your truth, art, love most authentically.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou “Stories are a communal currency of humanity.” - Tahir Shah, in Arabian Nights

POWER Affirmation decree: I am a storyteller, weaving tales of wonder, wisdom & truth. My voice is a powerful instrument of expression & through it, I share thee magic of my inner world with thee world around me.

With love always 


@EnchantressTheeBabbler youtube 

@Enchantress instagram 

@AlchemysticPoetess tiktok 



Monday, March 18, 2024

Poetry Recital


For all my fellow poetry lovers, the Angel of Death, transformed into a lion, becomes a beneficent spirit in this poem—a masterpiece by William Blake. The night symbolizes the dark world of experience through which the soul journeys from eternity to eternity.

As a little girl, aside from writing, scripting, and channeling my own poetry, I read a lot of it too. I would sit there, yearning to understand what it all could possibly mean. As I grew older, I realized that interpretation is an individualized experience at its core. Even when the writer has their own perspective, it is often the reader who has much to learn about their own interpretation of the life they see and experience. I’ve written countless papers, essays, stories, and poems, only to realize now that the journey as a writer is as powerful as it is for all readers, creating seers.

In the words of Robert Frost, “Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.”

I hope you enjoy this poem as much as I enjoy sharing it with you all. Feel free to comment and let me know what this poetry stirs within you. Till next time, arrivederci.

With love always 
Enchantress Thee Babbler
@Enchantress Instagram 
@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok

#PoetryLovers #WilliamBlake #LiteraryJourney #AngelOfDeath #SoulJourney #PoeticExpression #ReadingPassion #Interpretation #CreativeWriting #LiteratureLove

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Sexual Intimacy Oracle

It's time to journey within, to unlock the door  

To a realm of sexual intimacy, unexplored before.  

An expression, a desire, within your being,  

Waits to be freed, waits to be seen.  

Intimacy, a bond that can grow deep,  

Whether solo or coupled, it's a treasure to keep.  

A new opportunity now unveils,  

In the realms of your sexuality, set sail.  

Excitement beckons, let loose, embrace,  

Honest exploration, in this intimate space.  

To be close with another, in love, trust, and respect,  

A divine counterpart, who does uplift and connect.  

This is about a connection, profound and true,  

Worth waiting for, worth holding onto.  

So open your heart, and let your soul sing,  

In the dance of intimacy, let your spirit take wing.

With love always 

Enchantress Thee Babbler 

@EnchantressTheeBabbler on YouTube 

@Enchantress Instagram 

@AlchemysticPoetess TikTok 




Transcending Dimensions: A Freestyle Enchanting Monologue for Quantum Evolution


Welcome to another captivating journey through my photo expression compilation, an enchanting monologue channeling the divine. I relish in crafting these freestyle monologues, inspired by the eclectic mix of photos I share here, accompanied by music. Expression is the essence of who I am, each piece uniquely guided by the divine. I am grateful for the ability to express creatively. My hope is that you, the reader, are transported into another multi-dimensional realm of existence, aligning you in the quantum evolutionary space where you need to be, and may all your alchemy and prosperity flourish. Without further ado, I present another freestyle enchanting classic monologue inspired by this compilation. 

Ah, thee walking mundanes, clever and cool, yet how many are truly honest? That’s the question I, as the seer whom sees through the veil of masks, pose. Gazing into their eyes, I discern every lie. We must heed what our intuition reveals about others and, more importantly, what it reveals about ourselves. The earth is riddled with dishonest souls, claiming to be intuitive but cleverness is their disguise. Lots of people walking around earth convincing others they are so in tune  & how they could read people easily -  meanwhile everyone they meet is a mirror into their own selves. Attend the next psychic meet-up, and watch them project their own stories onto thee masses of asses resonating with their innergy - its synergy my friends. It’s a grand deluxe mirror convention here on earth, where reality is a nebulous concept. What is really real anyways? 

Do not be fooled—loudness does not equate to strength, nor does quietude signify weakness. The truly powerful seldom need to vocalize their creations. We all wrestle with our demons, yet our struggles are unique, not bound to the desires or possessions of the masses. Do you feel the convolution in this devilish mess, where people fancy themselves as powerful, mighty, and unique, yet we are but recycled amnesia patients? No i am not, says thee hamster on the wheel colored differently this time. 

Whom among us is seeking a relationship? What about thee relationship and intimacy needed to be had with ourselves ? Where does this level up in health consciousness begin ? Please Ensure that your healed self is free from thee toxic taint, unless you wish to become a witch / warlock, or a demon to another already burdened with trauma ? This matrix is corrupt!  Tracing our truest origins back to first man & woman created as siblings. If not, make it make sense. The first baby—whose womb did it occupy, for did not that womb itself need to be a baby first? Whom was thee first of anything that created thee everything into thee one we claim not to be ? This question, asked for infinite lifetimes where I am  often met with avoidance, yet I persist with my evolutionary inquiry infinitely and always. Avoidance levels noted - yet I’m still asking the question. Anyways, I’m just chillen. The universe said it’s already mine, daddy is that you ? I find myself musing, self amusing cause if I left it up to my father, oh lord, I will await thee promised castle for forever, a dream to escape from many fake moons ago. Daddy says, if I can’t see thee castle than that’s my problem to sort out. Go figure. So I change thee subject & ask about these celestial bodies, floating in thee sky yet appearing to be anchored into place set in space ?!? Interesting is this reality. Science buffs do try to make it make sense with words they all made up anyway & give meaning to & we all just gulp it up.  Because to learn and articulate is to be degrees ahead of thee masses looking up to the sky yelling, “look, thee plane, thee plane.” 

Let’s talk about  Siri, did you know spelled backward spells Iris?!? Did you know Goddess Iris, a daughter of some two gods in mythology, a rainbow messenger serving thee deities. Yup that’s what she did. She served thee gods news & ran errands for them too. Kind of like what we do when we ask Siri a question. Ponder these thoughts for a moment on how recycled is life & to what degree ? What does this say about Siri, she too is recycled & repurposed for a backward cause sent from long ago serving this lifetime the same degree of service and purpose! WowzerS. I know this is all a lot to take in - but sip sip my friends. 

I’ve come to realize that it’s okay to dislike people, particularly those whom are not good. Those whom fake thee funk. My aura need not embrace everyone - I wish I learned this lesson early on in life. But nope, thee desire to never conform yet still be accepted. It has hung me by thee neck many a life time, and here we go breaking cycles. Truthfully, not all seek goodness; so many are easily corrupted, their aura reeking of decay. It’s okay to harbor no animosity yet still feel aversion. My highest of selves be like stand back demon.  I love this evolution. For so long I’ve grappled with thee guilt of disliking someone, for I never wished anyone to feel unliked as I have been made to feel & now I’m like demons are really real and no longer do I wish to dance with these levels of energy that could never match me on mine. It’s like I was thee one whom had to lower myself to their energy every single time and it was my empathy doing me the worst. But now I see—thee ugliness some carry is why their demons attack beautiful souls like me. It’s a harsh world, where pretense masks demonic natures. Demons, symbolic or not, exude horror & we have a choice to dance with thee devils or to stay in our highest vibration where they can’t even match in innergy, energy, frequency and vibration.  Peace can exist, just don’t resist. 

In this challenging life, we must learn our lessons or be doomed to repeat them, and, my dears, that can be excruciating. It’s okay to recognize a spade as a spade and not delude ourselves. Some people are just that way, and in this life, they won’t change. So truly, it’s ok to have no beef with people yet still also not like them & that would be on them. 

“Normalize not liking people without conflict. There’s no beef, you’re just not my vibe. A mad girl’s love song.”

Still, I choose to open my heart, for it brings joy. I exercise discernment, knowing I need not open my legs to all for validation or acceptance. I need not play nice where nice don’t live.  Intimacy is a sacred exchange, and in this hell-bound world of spiritually wounded, demonized toxics, it’s a lesson for us all. Our temple is holy & we must treat it as such. Evil can masquerade as good and kind, but the truly good and kind cannot feign evil. Doesn’t mean that everyone has always been good. Everyone has thee opportunity to evolve and transform. When they do it, now that’s their own individualized journey and experience & people have lifetimes of this circus to work it out.  Understand, in this lifetime, when you witness evil behavior, believe it, for that is their true essence.  The key term is when and thee curious part of why need not be any part of your story. Transformation and evolution can happen instantly & for those that it does happen to - know this to be truth. So remember, those  whom trigger us are not thee cause of our pain - they merely remind us of past wounds begging us for quantum healing. So, let’s stop mistreating others just because they stir feelings we’d rather deny, avoid, or not confront. Many earth angels get dragged by others for being this to thee world. They trigger a person to feel some type of unexplained way and that person projects onto them and calls them every name in thee book. Mirror mirror demon child misguided and wild. 

“As long as the mind is seeking pleasure and avoiding pain, there cannot be love.” - Krishnamurti

I’m embracing a tender love, beginning with myself. My love language is to love in a way that sets us all free, that’s thee beautiful design of sigma within me. I am more than one things, I am all thjngs. As we all are. It’s about self-care, so I can be fully present & attentive to those whom I  love & choose. Facing our demons is not about reliving trauma or feeling worthless it’s about sitting with discomfort, realizing we won’t perish but rather find profound relief & freedom. We got this!! 

How sexy it is for us to break every cycle that never served. My love language is love, and everyone I love knows this, for I delightfully show and grow this. Many have hated me for this and to them I say, I love you, but from a distance. “We think facing our demons is reliving some traumatic event or discovering we're worthless.

But it is just abiding with the uneasy, disquieting sensation of nowhere-to-run and finding that we don't die; we don't collapse. In fact, we feel profound relief and freedom.” ~Pema Chödrön 

“One of the recurring core truths I witness about the human psyche is that those who face the darkest parts of their life with courage, loving acceptance, and surrender - always - experience a massive blossoming in their life after.

Confront the dragon; get the gold.”

Anyhoo, thee journey of self-discovery & authenticity is a path met with challenges, mirrors, delusions & illusions. It requires us to see beyond thee mundane, to question thee very fabric of our existence and to embrace thee complexities of our inner world. As we navigate this convoluted landscape, let us remember that our power lies not in conforming to thee noisy clamor of the world, but in the quiet strength of our own truth. Let us not shy away from the discomfort of growth, for it is in facing our demons & embracing our vulnerabilities that we find true liberation. And in this dance of life, may we extend a love that frees, not just to others, but to ourselves, for it is in this sacred space of self-love that we unlock thee door to thee infinite possibilities of our being. In the words of Rumi, “Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” So let us dismantle those barriers, one by one & step into thee light of our own authenticity, where true love and freedom await. Affirm :  i have this  sensitive urge to allow a softer kind of love into my life & it starts with me. 

With love always 

Enchantress Thee Babbler 

@EnchantressTheeBabbler YouTube 

@Enchantress Instagram 

@Alchemysticpoetess TikTok 



Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Enchanting Alchemy : Rhymes & Revelations

Welcome to another enchanting freestyle writing, inspired by the compilation of photos, video & music  put together here for you. In no particular order or design, welcome to Enchanting Babble’s freestyle rhymes that align & alchemize.

Dancing through thee pages of time, we find the rhythm & thee rhyme. With each photo, a story unfolds, a tale of the new & the old. In thee dance of light & shadow, we find thee beauty that life bestows.

Here in this space, where magic is real, we embrace thee emotions we feel. With every video, a moment is captured, a memory to be treasured & raptured. In thee flow of images & words, we find the harmony of the absurd.

Welcome to thee realm where dreams take flight, where imagination shines bright. This is Enchanting Babble’s domain, where freestyle rhymes reign & alchemize, creating a tapestry of enchanting vibes.

So dive into this visual feast, where every picture is a piece that we meet & greet. Let thee colors & the light inspire, as we set our creative souls on fire. In this journey of enchanting rhymes, we celebrate thee magic of our times - expression a muse that is divine. 

It's just me versus me, baby. What did you think this was? An invitation for us to spar? No, darling, I don't want to hurt your ego. Let it go. People in this world may say all these nice fluffy things, but it's their energy, frequency, and vibration I read. And let me tell you, I see why they attempt to sell all that fluff. Because their inner energy is really rough and tough on them on the inside. But they somehow misguided see my stance and how I position my hand, where I am in the alchemy of I only desire to be, and I glow. And they realize this once they get to know me, and so then they decide they energetically want to poke. Like I used to believe this was a Truman joke, but now I just see the delinquency of this world and pardon every offense that need not reach me the moment I take my attention away and pull back my energy from even paying attention to their sorry asses. That's chemistry 102. What's a divine being to do when spiritual warfare is at skew and protecting our energy is necessary? Because if not you, then whom? If not now, then when? I find frogs to be absolutely adoring—I know I am a full-out animal lover—but the fact that they eat everything that bugs them, they unlocked new goals within me. As a seer, I find it challenging to believe as people say when I see what they do, and I'm over here being aligned to mind my manners and take no offense where there is none. Try explaining that to someone who sees beyond the mask and into the veil, like being a seer is surreal. I'm surprised I don't have a chip on my shoulder and a nasty vibe, but that's not how I'm quantumly designed, and gratitude is I. These freestyle writings with photo compilations are turning out to be my favorite writing activity to actively participate in and share with the world. There are no rules to writing freestyle classics. If you're not a writer or a scriber, you won't innerstand the appeal that is real. "My kink is trusting my intuition and recognizing it as a portal that leads directly to Source." When did I notice I was an automatic writer? I noticed around the age of 3 or 4 when I scribbled nothing on paper and yet had an entire story to read and tell. As I grew older, I realized the voices also had different handwritings too, and the poetry, well, that left me in utter shock most times when I would script this poem without much thought and stay in total wonderments asking out loud "but who wrote this masterpiece?" Did I fully understand what I was asking? A part of me did, but the kid in me didn't. A part of my ego and pride held on to the idea that the writings came from me. But the psychology of how I interpreted & explained sharing my experience as I experienced it - which was truth. I was just too immature & young to fully comprehend thee majestic happenings happening here. Of course, all my life being pulled in by learning the occult because of my own personal out-of-the-ordinary experiences allowed me to gather knowledge about my personal experiences that were already part of the Akashic earthly records that afforded me growth spurts of evolution to connect with articles of writing that spoke my language and explained to me their wisdom of thought about what could possibly be taking place within me. "As within, exudes on out." I take none of thee research back & proud till this day I remain but detached in every way because it's not pride that rules my waves. It's love. Love holds my reigns. Gratitude is my housekeeper. "I ALWAYS get what I want, and I ALWAYS receive what I need. Manifesting miracles happens so naturally for me." Say this with your chest when you profess out loud thee scriptures leading you to express. If you can't say it with your chest as you would a complaint, then don't say nothing at all. Me trying not to choose violence took me all the way into my freshman year of high school, where I had a coming-to-Jesus moment about how to handle thee rage of war that would trigger me to fight. I managed to control the bites that attacked my skin by wrapping my fingers around its throat, and just like Jesus with the serpent on the ground, I stomped every snake out. That was the last physical fight I had. No need for violence when thee war is won. When someone's ego tries to trigger you, but your love is unconditional, you win, and so does the world. Stay on your P's. Prayer, Priorities, Peace, Positivity, Patience. Sometimes people can't reciprocate because they can't give you what they can't give themselves. Those whom are at war with themselves can't give you peace. Those whom betray themselves can't give you loyalty. Those whom lie to themselves can't give you honesty. See them as they are, not who you wish them to be. When you focus on the good, good will increase, and if it does not, please do check your energy, frequency & vibration. Darlings, you choose thee dimension of experience you activate for yourself to be in. Tell me how it isn’t like that for you & I will remind you where you got lost. Remember, there are so many happenings everywhere & it is up to you to choose what your focus is on. Your karma will reveal to YOU where you remain stuck. Time to untuck your shirt & level yourself out. My toxic trait used to be me assuming people have common sense & I would get mad when they did not. Now, I just leave them right where they are at. For me, I have self-respect, respect, high energetic standards & low tolerance for lower vibrational energy. “Sometimes peace will look like letting people be loud & wrong about you.” Oh wells, what I do to help the world begins with the ways I help myself. So mote it be. May everyone voila & see that it’s up to you & me & that starts with our own housing of INNERGY. As per Mahatma Gandhi: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.” This quote reminds us that personal transformation & integrity are thee first steps towards creating a positive impact in thee world around us.

#AutomaticWriting #IntuitiveScribing #ChannelingCreativity #SpiritualScribbles #spiritualBabbles #MysticalMusings #DivineInspiration #EthericExpressions #SoulWhispers #CelestialWords #EtherealWritings


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Cardinal Calls: Unveiling Heartfelt Wisdom with Enchantress Thee Babbler

  The Cardinal bird, with its striking red plumage and melodic voice, serves as a vibrant spirit guide brimming with RICH symbolism and prof...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.