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Thursday, January 3, 2019



Did you BELIEVE this would be DRAMA FREE when dealing with your own purging of everything that no longer fits or suits you??? 

Buckle up 
The truth is in this lava dish that is disintegrating dishonesty within yourself that has created an illusion that must burn like Hell 

Most people whom dislike Drama, create it! 

Should Teenagers be Physically Whipped for their Quickest Evolutionary Benefit?

None of this is easy...
yet, I want it more than anything
 and so
 I FIGURE coming here
sounds better
than me
Flipping my switch because some Witch want to come over here and cast her misaligned wordy spells my way
and Im like
Uh - Uh - First of All.. 
No way.. let us Correct this dialogue here -
did you really just try to spat some subliminals my way?
Maybe not intentional - what do you think?
Either way...
Correcting Misaligned Sentences is a HUGE part of my Many A works
that are WORTH
Priceless Inner Things that can Only be RECEIVED
when you put IN the WORTHY Work that must be Practiced into Existence
getting HIP with no longer resisting what is here to prick you ALIVE on this Cosmic Journey we call life
Inner Listen to your Inner Lands for Ultimate comprehension
How many of you have CHILDREN of your own?
Do you hit them? How do you communicate to an Asshole that is ok with the role they currently play for you in this life? DO we as parents ever get it right?
What toxic garbage do you pass down unto your children and then get all pissy when you can not control a part of your own creation.
What is control ? IS Parenting about CONTROL?
any hoo this here is for YOU
to Check yourself too when dealing with OTHERS whom you deem to Ruffle your feathers or piss you off
because in Truth, my Daughter, Knows damn well how to irritate the funk out of me -
and does she ever do it purposely?
Does she rub in my face how this trigger she was sent to do - that is for me too - and that I need to get over it...
Like WHAT?
she sounds like she needs an ass whooping right?
Are you kidding me?
Communication is something we ALL must LEARN HOW to do when we communicate with OTHERS..
everyone learns differently too
and as a PARENT - it is your RESPONSIBILITY to make sure that YOU help FIGURE out ALL HEALTHY forms of communication and SUPPORT that is spoken and needed between you and your own children ....
Do not take out your frustrations during your conversations with your children - even when they are Assholes!
take what resonates and let go of what does not resonate ..
stop getting caught up in the word depictions used to describe any kind of vibe  / vine  / part of life
I am super proud as I write this and sit down
so much is occurring simultaneously as I channel this message and write Enchanting Babble FREE
I am AWARE of so many things that is transpiring and SOUL inspiring
I think back to a time when she would of spoken to me as she did just now - way out of character that I imagined my cartoon character - blasting her ! Humor will always be the cock I love to swallow.  It serves me best - especially when put to any test.
I WRITE because I can
I sing because I am
I Know because I am on this Quantum Dope Ride fully ALIGNING and no mofo outside of my vessel will come at me sideways trying to make me FEEL some type of way  - because obviously - their Blood hormones are RAGING - as are mine - and ooh Gemini Combating Sagittarius - well Polar Opposites - they can go at it sometimes
As our voices raised
Aligned with my Rhymes
I still Managed Alignment with such Refinement as I REIGNED on the parade and FIXED that spell cast quick
although I know deepest this is only an exampling of the energy
being used responsibly by those made to see
FiX your WORDS
or speak not a word
Align your Vibrations
and get your Alignment with words, feelings and thoughts - make sure them suckers align in wonderful ways
IT is not easy to STAND your GROUND without KNOCKING someone down to ensure you WIN every round ...
ITs not about that
That is ego - telling you - How dare he/she speak to me this way?
We need to get out of our own ways of staining
and causing strains of stupidity to expand unto our lands 
LET US BE MINDFUL not just sometimes
but like all the time
get your panties showing no panty lines
Happy I am to sing my own damn songs as I skip along
THE EMPRESS no longer scorned by all of life
lovely Wife someday she shall be
but in the meantime
she's out here in this 3D simulation - dashing from temptation - while transmuting the Fighter Fuel energies into Productive Energies instead
I do that
and she screams ridiculousness from behind her bedroom doors
she huffs and Puffs
as if she is more Tough than I
Im telling you..
Managing teenagers can cause you sighs
and Karmic ties want nothing more than to SHIFT YOU into a bad moon / mood
but IM over here like --- not this time boo
TRANSMUTE button I rule
within my own Kingdom
Right now getting on my FREESTYLE radical
instead of beating her ass
for thinking she can raise her voice and speak to me that vibrationally loud
all because I corrected her Misaligned sentence she was SPELL casting and sending my way with subconscious witchy stains
throwing that verbal haterade
... not my way...
damn Skippy, I FIXED her sentence Real mother fudgin Quick
she came at me
Her INNER POWER HOUSE superbly strong too
I mean.. come on
she is my
CHILD after all ...
so in LOVE with her
I am
I know this too man
Entering the land of TEMPERANCE this month
Predictions I made last month
Oh how I innerstand how TEMPERANCE is entering my command House of COMMUNICATION 
accepting no lower vibrational Substitutions
This here an ACTING out of LOVES Revolution
Momma - well she don't play
So I came over here and decided to WRITE this one out
because that is what ENERGY ALIGNMENT is ALL about
I have a CHOICE
and that does not mean that I come over here and PRETEND that she did not try to piss me off as I WRITE and BLOW this sucker off too
Because that is EGO being Cruel
cause in all actuality
EXPRESSION should never be denied FULL access in speech
no matter the sound its bringer does sing
but did Momma not learn BEST these last 9 years her TOWER kept falling down from this never-ending story of a sky - and my Guides be like
"But did you die?"
and Im over here like Understanding DEATH a whole lot INNER better
for I have endured many a DEATHLY style manner of a weather
PEACING myself always back together
this Little Girl better watch her mouth
she never experienced a chANKLETA over her head
that is some old school spanish style grandmother, whom moves smooth like butter - sliding off like Bruce Lee style her slippers somehow - and throwing them - POW - right over your smart mouths head... Walking like.. DAmn. Grandma - lol
But in all seriousness as I Enchanting BABBLE this vent of a Hit that finer tunes my Inner Lands because ..
HELLO, my Friends...
Hi, My name is Alice
Care to join me ?

Yes I am an Awesome MOM 
with Parenting Tips that FIX and ALIGN 
your Children whom are an extension of YOU 
that are leading your generational line
into ALIGN 
or decline?


Everything here written for Entertainment Purposes meant to further Inner Light and Ignite your Passions wild --- take what resonates and EVOLVE and let go of everything that does not 

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Cut Off Oracles

The art of discernment to center in your own KNOWING of what should be kept and what you should cut off immediately 


EB's Tarot Kraft Stories 
Sharing REAL Tarot stories from REALLY AWESOME people whom I've had the pleasure of reading for as part of the services they request to receive from me.  Know that All of the  stories being shared here have been granted permission by the people HIGHLIGHTED on these pages.   These Tarot Kraft stories serve as entertainment that is meant to connect with you in whatever shape or form it resonates with you when you encounter the story. Take what resonates with you and for everything that does not resonate, let that shit go.   


Card of Past Energy Influence that is sort of sabotaging current situation Karmic relationship needing to be released before any FORWARD Positive movement can be made with NEW LOVE energy that is strongly felt at this time. Karmic relationship energies are sometimes most difficult to rid of because the heavy that is shared between two partners blinds them from doing what is healthiest and right for both parties. Lots of emotional manipulation type of energy that lingers even if its only existing on the mental plane.          

He wanted to know why he was feeling this way. He couldn't understand how someone he barely knew was affecting him and causing him to feel extremely high levels of stress and anxiety. Funny, how he thinks of this experience as stress and anxiety filled instead of noting the butterflies felt in his stomach and the beating faster of his heart in his chest.  God forbid if I ask him direct if he liked this new woman!  He nearly sliced me with his King Like Sword as if the question was unwarranted or ridiculous to ask.   But again, I am the seer, he is a love sick man, and he is trying to understand the rulings of his heart.   

Talk about non committal to the utmost highest of degrees - that is the energy of this fella that he has for so long convinced himself he needs.  

As he walks through the valley of the shadow of DEATH, he shall over think this connection astonished by his erection.  
When he first approached me for this reading, I thought something was wrong. Then as he continued to speak, I realized that everything for him was actually vibrating right.    He can barely sit still but he certainly has a will that is strong and committed to overthinking absolutely everything - driving himself absolutely crazy. 

It happens to so many of US at different times in our lives.  One day life is this way and the next day without any warning, life Changes.  The moment we are presented with our crossroad moment of choices needing to be made - is the moment when many fears are triggered into our spirits and leave us feeling all insecure about a ton of stuff that we can imagine going wrong.     It should be of no surprise to learn that most people stand at their crossroads  with no idea on which path they will  "correctly" choose for themselves - and usually their minds are not the supportive of any and all things happening. 

The mind can not be wise with a broken heart     

We should learn to accept people as they are without condition and without making them feel bad about themselves - FYI if you do that to someone - you know make them feel a type of way for not being the kind of way you believe they should be like - I hope you know you're an asshole! My statement contradicts my advice, but believe me, Im still a whole lotta nice.  

So for this particular Enchanting Babbler, during his reading it became immediately apparent to us both, the message being Krafted into this Tarot Love Story unfolding - was that he needs to take a step back for his own preservation and building up of Clarity & Focus needed in order to readjust his own focus -  so that he can wholeheartedly dive into his own oceanic depths for some honest reflection.    . 

Love makes many of us nervous - especially if we have been hurt before.  Sometimes we block out Love in order to protect not realizing that the logic behind the protecting creates more space for the Fears to roam freely and create more fear type realities and feelings to breed.  

Let us be clear 
it will always be about 

What energies are you embodying?
What Frequencies are you attuning to? 
What vibrations are you sharing? 

Do not be afraid to THINK &  ACT in a way that REFLECTS the true you that is now experiencing this thing called love. 

It is certainly time for this Enchanting Babbler to Become extremely mindful of the LOVE he is denying or attempting to silence and Trap by the disguise of his many  characters and moons. He often pretends he is fine and ok and  acts cool in every kind of way - detached in every kind of way -   but that is not a cure to make his feelings dissipate.   When we lie to ourselves we encounter our inner stubborn brat that needs to make the time to introspect and reflect instead of denying which is the same as self betrayal and lying.  

Question: What truth is needing to be known and wishing to be expressed to yourself? 

Just because Feelings are not expressed - does not mean they do not exist! 

Remember that we are one with CREATOR always connecting with source and what we need to TREASURE and CHERISH about this connection is that it will always be this way - and the only time it is not this way, is when we forget ..  

One must go IN for their WINS 
only way the World once known shall spin 

This Enchanting Babbler is currently Awakening to something so frightening to him that it is shaking up his entire functioning system and causing him to feel his anxiety rise.  It is funny and exciting to Feel the energy brewing beneath the surface for this dude - because as you all already know - I am a huge advocate of LOVE.  

 This time it is different and he feels it strongly  - so strongly he asked for a reading out of curiosity because he did not know where else to turn.  

9 Tarot Cards 
Top 3 cards represent the Mental / Spiritual Planes currently INFLUENCING said person with the Star card showing the HIGHEST of IDEALS and DREAMS being reached / realized / energized / received
the Center Row and Center Card represents the NOW placement of said person with all his ideals and aspirations and current inner workings resting above his head 
On the bottom last row you are met with the current Lessons / Positions /energizing the root foundations of healing through and feeling through every fear and block presenting itself. 

Advice Cards 
Soul Cards
and Animal Spirit cards were also pulled for this reading 


Thank you for allowing me to share your story 
I am looking forward to sharing many more 

 We all have a story to share,what is yours?   Do you at times not see the FULL picture of your own story emerging?  Sometimes it is our own stories that appear most abstract to us.  It is ok to want to know and understand your connections and life so much better. So many judge TAROT and connect it to evil deeds and ways of being. Too bad for such persons to miss out on otherworldly ways of self loving and connecting so that they may achieve higher states of inner peaceful living.  The beauty of using divination tools with care is to gift ourselves the ability to connect with the energies that vibrate anyway - regardless if we are conscious of it or not.  So why not be Conscious / AWAKE / and hip to our own stories being born and energized into existence.  I have used Tarot and Oracles for over 25 years and continue to happily use them as an everyday part of my world.  I hope you all enjoy this NEW piece on Krafting Tarot stories from those whom I have had the pleasure of reading and assisting on their beautiful journey.  If you would  LOVE to schedule some one on one Channeling time with me - send your inquiries to email: and put in the Subject line - Tarot Kraft  

Artistic Healing services that align while entertaining source.

Please be advised that all services are Intuitively guided and will not be the same for everyone.   


Spirit has brought to my attention that you need to be more mindful of ALL of your passing thoughts that are infiltrating your brain at this time.  You are on a MANIFESTING HIGH - and that means that whatever your thoughts keep cycling around - it is causing you to VIBRATE those feelings felt by those thoughts - so LISTEN UP ... wtf are you thinking ? IS it in ALIGNMENT with what you really want or is it triggering more of your fears and worries into creating fear based thought patterns that will marinate into existence if you DO KEEP up with the resistance and allow for unhealthy thinking patterns that are utter bullshit to RULE your inner land and world.

Consider yourself 


You might ask.. what and whom is spirit? 
That is a good question..
Now why don't you dive in deep and explore that realm of truth and Inner Power for yourself! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Savage New Year Of Evolution

edited 1/1/2019 - if you read this once before -  read it again - I updated it and added a  bunch of other stuff too -- -those were not my intentions at first - but I must obey my thirst...

when you do not understand something - seek and ask the right kind of questions -  this will create the space needed for your answers to conjure themselves up into your Conscious awareness - 3D field  - all because you allowed it to generate a response for you due to your word spell casting of a question you allowed yourself to ask and express.. 

This moment of reflection I release all attachments that linger around because I’m that cool cat Goddess aligned in her rhymes and of course magnetic in every kind of way.  Attracting others to me like moths to a flame.

Releasing of all these toxic stains

 take a hold of your reigns and sit up straight !  

cheers to this Ultimate UNITING energy that Reigns Supreme offering loads of Gain 
we will be experiencing all experiences
ALERT - same as AWAKE and very very consciously fully baked  - conscious is you being present and aware - observant with care -- when choosing to live mindfully and consciously you radiate your being while glowing in tune with your inner grooves and strategic moves
It is really dope to evolve in this way - it is realest in every kindred spirit type peace like deep - noting that poetry speaks with such ease
I am pleased to announce that
WE will continue to
have more in DEPTH  heart to hearts and wonderful talks too
these  (loving chats)  with ourselves are precious
This journey within that has taken us ALL on some unordinary Evolutionary Spin is growing with so many more GROWING in their KNOWING 

shadows start their crawling
darkness falling out of conflict with LIGHT
Infusion Exhibits all of this from within
this engagement Celebrated by Lovers as desired win

The souls that are putting in all the work for their EVOLUTIONARY WORTH, stay excited within these triumphant energies vibing in OUR favor.  The souls working towards the greater good of their own whole are energetically supportive of one another and that is FANTASTIC!! 
We are all observing our own experiences from the most Highest of perspectives and Angelic like viewing plane.

Take what resonates
let go of what does not
please do not get so caught up on the narratives used to express and depict
tune into what is for you
and what is not for you - let that shit go.. do not even ponder in wonder about something that does not resonate with you
Take what resonates
let go of what does not 
stop looking for things to give you fabricated reasons to sabotage and block yourself from going further
be King Like
Queen like
Evolving clever
we are
Hidden Treasures

 What does your Alignment Process feel like to you when you keep experiencing it as if its being broken down to you compartmentalized into these parts that are being taken apart and given to you to experience all at once - without any instruction booklet or clear sight of any God or Guide to Enlighten in support?

When all is in confusion AFFIRM your path to remain in constant  ALIGNMENT with self.  When our mind, body, heart, soul and spirit Harmoniously Align - we embody the created energy force that is responsible for ACTIVATING the Energy force field that we share and spread all around. Are you adjusting your crown?  May we REIGN true in all of our own desires to experience a life of WHOLENESS, which is a feeling of symbolic Unification and peace.

What Shadow cast out his daemons tonight and be placed in the fiery pit of Dantes Inferno cosmic blast that will snap us back into proper positioning on this realm of existence we seem to be made privy to occupy.  no longer a fledgling at war

New New New
this feeling is NEW and each of us are being put on FULL  display

While others are all party hardy

 soak  in this inner Lotus Flower of  POWER

Inner Power - feels Great!

It is NOW that I am OPEN to the HEALING process that is in constant (e) motion. 

we all can relate when we want   

 This feeling of Self LOVE & ACCEPTANCE  reigns in truth - inside of me - inside of you -  I feel this special kind of way... Do you feel some special kind of way? Dare to be bold and claim any, every and ALL that is of you desiring to express - knowing its for the best - this is all for the BEST kind of healing break-through feeling that is certainly a healthy outlet -  that takes off like a rocket .... 

 it took so many a lifetimes to revolutionize into this energy of happenings that is stronger like never before - something about stories of folklore being written and rewritten 

someone feeling smitten 
this message applies to some of you guys reading this line - your energy this time - I sense - you have been bit smitten by some kitten and every part of you knows whom I reference too 
Good for you - roll with it 

Do You want to feel some type of great?  and  are you finding more  road blocks and energy cocks along the way that keep showing up in your creative space?  Are you sometimes getting frustrated cause you think to yourself when is every single duck going to finally be lined up all in a row on some HIGHLIGHT of a show and your patience growing extremely low? 

Have you subscribed to these Enchanting Babble Shrines? 
I think you should NOT deny to yourself what you truly want.. this message coming through out of the  blue for one of YOU or some of YOU or ALL of YOU reading these lines that Inner POWER strengthening Your Aligns every time.  

All this kind of change / growth / experience can be-scary and way too intimidating - especially in the beginning parts of any and all journey.  The first Leap off the mountain into the cool crisp waters below is always the most adrenaline fueled moments of any Jumpers life.. 

 Mindful I am
Mindful, are you ? 
Excited I am 
Excited, are You? 
what does not feel right and what does ?
what energies are you most sensitive to and why? 
when was the last time someone else outside of yourself was catalyst to your mood shifting into something rather not pleased? 

  new experiences for ALL of 2019 
experiences that power fuel some more awesomeness into our Universal Experiences for us all to share in feels - these connections now being formed, surreal 
Lovers Reign  
about damn time too...

This Aligning myself  supreme with my own alchemized rituals cause I’m superb, galactic and spiritual ..

Happy New Year and this time its ALL GOOD

remember "Time" stamps are great illusions that are great Big deceivers fooling the masses of the mundanes - they without questions are natural born receivers of conditioning made believers that enter the Matrix of life bottle fed with a formula resembling a noose.

are tales created by PROPHETS
sown out of pocket

Time is this whore on her knees sucking penis to distract from the fact that life is whack!

Random stirrings from the collective atm

Electricity electric

so many

Aligning further most deepest
unknown territory
marking this
operating from Heart

The first group above aligned like heavenly bodies embodying the cosmic glow like you already know - this group on ultimate Flow - cause they already know - these seeds they sow - positive growth

Evolutionary group #2 — in the ringer
Currently this group is in the ringer — pointing fingers ((towards self)) a mirror so frightening they know now what it feels like to be placed in the ringer & expected to survive — looking right into the accuracy of the reflection of a lie called their life. Lots of  truth  to be explored no longer ignored. This leveling of elevating is currently bringing their anxiety i the forefront on these lands. Balance being forged into existence by surfacing what needs to be purged. You hear this word?
Every lie that is part of your life can no longer be allowed to exist as any part of your reality — that kind of dishonesty is creator of tragedy. So the advice to this group at this time during your HAPPY NEW YEAR time is to be clear and most HONEST & SINCERE with Yourself for your HEALTH / WEALTH / STEALTH .. in honor of YOU .. you deserve this Align .. welcome to this Love REVOLUTION of evolution that you have Reached based on your own evolutionary merits of efforts that you have worked on in many of your own lifetimes.

You know that saying .. “divine right timing”
Yea this kind of experience is a reflection of that sort of wordy expression.

This all here is meant for reflection.

I have been writing this channel even thru the illusion of this happy new year count down that pretends time is tangible when clocked.

There are varying degrees of types existing in this group #2
But I love that you all are becoming further enlightened to your pollute - now whom shall be noble and commited to discovering what truth for them sounds like / tastes like and most importantly FEELS like — because superficialities come crashing to the shore when someone wakes up realizing they want something a WHOLE lot more ..

  as you learn, you will endure believing you deserve the torture too once revelations make themselves clearer to you .. remember  this all is for your grow as you expand in DEPTH as is required .. learn gratitude in a whole new light during  this shake up of tower like effects that appear rather unpredictable but totally predicted long time ago.  this  Rollercoaster Ride shall always remain to FEEL dizzying especially once awakened to the chess pieces expressing themselves loudly on board - so much more to explore - feelings  out of control - but in truth it’s only releasing what needs to be seen on the surface to purge for alignment — what’s left to the darkness shall ignite itself in the light.  Let’s not forget that all of this is occurring simultaneously while experiencing this shift and navigating these new experiences that are
Knocking everything known to be out of whack and clearing all perspectives. What  current positioning are you seeing yourself on that you may have not realized and where do you want to be — do these two worlds match ?

                                                                    transforms after purge

Meanwhile everyone is going thru the ringer while having to figure it all out at the same time — and it’s hard when one doesn’t know wtf is going on .. and being left to figure it out while trusting in the universe is one sure way to feel “alone” while tripping on acid

Funny. Most thought they were the King / Queen God / Goddess like player.

Laugh .. laugh at the illusion presenting itself  - Awaken and meet yourself  — what current mask  is the actor currently playing out your scenes - is this actor somebody that is you .. is this really true ? Why such emotional reactive responses and defenses are triggered during this time - when you look into your eyes - how clear are you this time ?

Man in the mirror
What do you see ?
Who do you see ?
Where do you see ?
Why is this happening ?
What is happening ?
Why ?

QuestionS to ask yourself - what is really real ? How do YOU truly feel ? What is the after deal of this knowledge now real that must be acknowledged / realized in order to heal. I know it’s overwhelming but as you know already - it does get easier to sort and filter and InnerStand. After all, everything you think you feel are a part of your own energies, frequencies and vibrations. Knowing this gifts you power. Now it’s time for you to KNOW this so that you apply it beneficially towards your life path. sensations - met with epiphanies that awaken their FEELS .. all of life feeling surreal .. triggers unreal .. and this group right here is currently feeling like they are going thru the ringer ...

I fkn love it 🍄

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A Potion of Wellness: Burst of Love with DIY Wild Spring Soda

    Enchanting Babble on Blogger: DIY Wild Spring Soda Hello, beautiful souls! Welcome to another post on Enchanting Babble, where magic mee...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.