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Friday, December 28, 2018

What Lessons have you really learned when the Past comes back to Hunt?

The moment
move on
the old attachment 
FEELS that
within their heart center
chakra blast
and they AWAKEN 
to the now current LOSS
of YOU 
and they
run in and try to grab
hold of you
like the drama they love
is it really transformation at all?
or the energy of that conditioning of wanting something we no longer can have
the Choices we make
will  determine
how much HEALING can further take place
and whether or not
reversals shadow growth and space
How do you really feel?
Yea, it can feel good to know that you were right all along...
but truthfully,
is the old
ever the real thing that was for us in the first place?
Sometimes we need to remember whom the fuck we are and rise triumphantly not allowing people that may have not loved us as we deserve now may think they realize...
I like to pay attention to detail
superficial retail
is easily manufactured
I would rather Love knowing I trust what I feel
a love surreal 


The energy I feel circulating is that of unrequited love
the one where the lover scorned finally lets go
letting their illusion of Toxic love they believed to be truest for them
finally letting it go
It is like, well... what do you know?
I know, that the motherfudger Held me in no regards and abandoned ship...
What worth in myself do I feel when I continuously allow for someone else to make me feel any less lovely towards myself...
we give too much of our power away to people that do NOT DESERVE that leveling of depth because they are not on our levels...
How someone makes you FEEL - well that REVEALS a whole lot of shit - so think like this... from your heart center...
that brain needs some stillness practice of some mindfulness tactics that work on infusing
mind - body - heart - soul and spirit intricately and harmoniously together

Better not Bitter...

Moving along..

leaving behind
the chapters that once held me back in limbo

Unicorn Lover Free

to live the life of dreams in reality

Trusting in this Universal Cooperative Process

I surrender to all that is my alignment during this process of Cosmic Progress that is Infinitely taking place..

Tired of the chasing --- surrendering to this love so sweet

In love with myself I am

and so when the unworthy lover returns...
I set him free...

If the unworthy lover returns to you....
you know in your heart - that your feelings speak truth...
let them go...
unworthy and no longer what you desire
living your life now to Inspire
reigning your Abundant Attire


take what resonates
let go what does not...
enJOY this inner AttainMent 


Enchanting Babble's 2019 Monthly TAROT  Energy of the month Predictions offering Direction , Advice & Guidance

This segment is something NEW for the HAPPIEST of NEW YEAR beginnings and it is geared towards providing everyone with a Monthly Tarot A-LIGN UP of the collective Overall Energy that is energizing in our atmosphere.

Although these messages are being timed and shared on a monthly basis - the messages themselves shall forever be Timeless Messages & FREE too

May every timeless message you encounter here at Enchanting Babble,  may it resonate with you profoundly. 

 When you come across each message take what resonates and let go what does not - never stay stuck on stupid...

 BELIEVE you DO receive all you need in perfect  Divine Right Timing 

This is a collective OVERALL guide that channels collectively various messages, that I, as a conduit filter, and then  take  time to creatively share with you in various artistic ways, the messages being relayed and shared at this time. 

 If none of these messages resonate with you - then take that as a sign - that these messages are not for you and move forward positively, let it go, and keep it moving.  Thank YOU

 Welcome to Enchanting Babble's Wonderland Adventure of Quantum Enlightenment!

EB's ASTRO TAROT Monthly forecast 

for 2019

If you desire to learn more about the fun and exciting ways You & I can connect - please do shoot me an email with your connection request and what you are currently seeking.


Put in the Subject of email : 2019 Connect

EMAIL for a list of services currently being offered. Please note that services offered are subject to change at any time. I ask for you to Be mindfully patient when requesting services or anything from me at all.  This is due largely to the  high volume of messages and requests I do receive on a daily basis.  Not only do I provide services to people worldwide/online,  I also  provide services to people in my day to day life. This involves me physically being present for these types of services.   As an Artisan Healer, there is no just one kind of service I provide, there are many.  I travel for a living and perform various forms of Energy Work / Body Work / Spiritual Work, as well as teach.  I love what I do and I keep evolving in my own fields.   I feel called to give back and so I do and I have learned to find my own balance in giving and receiving.   If you do not desire to  pay for any services do not let that deter you from receiving the many FREE things I do offer all across every one of my social media platforms and outlets that I use as I do when I create.  Donations are always welcome and all contributions of money, love, kindness, support, likes, comments, shares, follows - all these things - are indeed impactful, helpful and SUPER APPRECIATED - because it further motivates me and INSPIRES me to continue to keep providing as I do without feeling energetically depleted / drained or uninspired in any kind of way.  So with all of that being said, do NOTE, that my space time / reservation slots are limited & personal time with me is not always available immediately upon request.  Not only is reservation space limited - not all service request will be accepted based off my own discernments.  My decisions are not meant to be taken personally or offensively but they will be honored & respected! All service request will be responded to in the order in which it is received.  Any requests not being accepted will be made known to the person making the request so no confusion need be pondered.  If you happen to still be waiting on a response from me - do note that one will be received in the order in which it was received at the pace I will manage to keep most  healthy for myself. But if you are not sure, do resend your email noting in the subject line that this is 2nd email attempt. But Darling,  PATIENCE will always be needed by you during our time together. Energy Management is something I masterfully Align beautifully & if you need help with patience, waiting for my response will naturally be your first trial into this Babbling land of evolutionary growth.  Spirit certainly has a way of communicating with us when we need it.   If you read this entire disclaimer and still feel compelled to connect with me and you want to learn more on how we can get started, then by all means, send me an email and in the subject line write: List of Services.  
Thank YOU!  I look forward to connecting with you some more.   Your presence is cherished here inside of this Enchanting  Babble Wonderland World of Cosmic Evolution & I am excited to explore our connections some more,  are YOU?  


I am An #Alternative #Lifestyle #Healer.  I am an Intuitive, #Psychic, Channeler, Spiritual Advisor, #Yoga #Instructor & #Master #Alchemist & Motivational Coach specializing in Energy Work & Body Work and I am available by appointment only.  I am a Mystic whom travels the world assisting others in their #healing processes, one soul at a time.  

For more information about my services: 

Connect with me on all my #social media platforms for #quantum alignment.  I #offer various services along with many #freebies. 

Follow me on Instagram @Enchantress

Make sure you Follow and Are subscribed to my blog: 

To purchase or download my book “The Darker Knight Light of My Soul” kindly visit : 

I am an Artisan Healer constantly evolutionizing and healing. Donations to this Channel contribute to the work that I do on every channel all across the board.  It warms my heart to receive and to #feel the love, kindness and #support from all of you. I appreciate you. Thank you. Positive Love fueling Vibrations that are Donations are wildly accepted.  

Venmo : @Enchantress-TheBabbler

CashApp : @Enchantre55

Zelle is also an option must be requested

Amazon Wish List Donations: 

READ Important Disclaimer: 
All content contained in any and all of my #videos are #artistic in expression and Free to everyone here.  This work is not only personal and general, it is entirely derived from my own life experiences, personal development and intended for your own use for personal development as well as proper usage based off of your own ability at #discernment.  This is not meant to diagnose you nor do I claim to be your medical #doctor, #therapist or licensed mental health professional on these 3D realms. This is designed by the divine to be of use to all that synchronistically find themselves coming here.  The information provided here is not to be used in place of any other professional treatment you seek or have in your life. You alone are responsible for any and ALL of your own choices you make and the decisions you take action on in your own life. This is entertainment at its most divine and healing #energies but in no way shape or form am I responsible for the #actions you decide to create and make in your own life.  Any use of this information in any of my channels is you holding #yourself accountable for the conscious choices you make in how you perceive to resonate with any and all of these messages. All content is for entertainment purposes only and to be used at your own discretion. Those under 18 are welcome here as long as you have adult supervision for many of these mature topics of discussion. Thank YOU


Spirit Guidance

Laugh till it no longer hurts 

Rise and Shine in The World Oracle Message

Rise and Shine again my lovely 
for you may have forgotten that you have the World in your hands...
Let us take hold and retrieve the meaning of this feeling that you need to center within your being - 
Got an Owie? 

How are you pronouncing the OW

is it OW



Hope you can hear Bob Marley singing in the distance. Because, despite what appears to be a physical blip right now, every little thing's gonna be all right. BREATHE Buttercup!

This is a time of sweet, sweet HEALING.

Do you understand the Universal command being gifted to you at this time?

You are being gifted some much needed HEALING time.  A time of RENEWAL. Take a step back, open the curtains, breathe into today.  Put your feet up, and soak in the RESTORATIVE POWER of the UNIVERSE.  

Rise and Shine Buttercup!

Begin today with fresh eyes and make sure you are leading the way centered with your spirit.  Rise above the dreary outlook of your ego and let the light of your spirit shine through.  Release all the mental and emotional filters that ego has constructed in your view.  No matter what happened yesterday, or even earlier today, right NOW will ALWAYS be your FRESH NEW START! 

Begin this moment shining like a Sunrise at sea.  Do not allow your ego to dim your light within you. Let yesterday's experience go and shine FRESH in THE WORLD.  

In honor of your Spirit, do not just rise up - spruce up as well.  Put on your most beautiful outfit, fix your hair, feel good, polish your shoes, and most of all don your BRIGHTEST smile. Refuse to let any Fog drift into today.  No matter what is going on outside - you are FREE to CREATE the ENERGIES that you desire to have within your own home / OM.  

Be the FOOL whom already set out on his journey and has now finally reached his destination.  The Fool has traveled far and learned a great deal along the way.  Now where does he land? Where has the FOOL arrived? The fool is the final card of the Major Arcana, and it is a representation of unity and wholeness.  

In this tarot used depicts a woman standing in the center - she is surrounded by air.  She is protected and guided and feeling her four corners.  The supreme symbol of unity represented in her travels.  The opposites have been reconciled, both material and spiritual worlds have been a part of her experience.  She has become her own expression of the same reality within her own vessel of reality that is perceived to be experienced.  

The World is in her hands and she is representative of the perfect integration of self and cosmos.  The absolute symbol of unity, harmony and balance.  

Graceful she certainly is... 

There is an integration taking place
open yourself to receive 

The end of one journey marks the start of another ..

It is a NEW DAY

Key Words:

Reaching destinations
Rise and Shine 
Divine Guidance 

EAT READ LOVE INC ORACLES for PISCES sun, moon & rising

When getting your own astro report make sure to check out your SUN SIGN MOON SIGN RISING SIGN VENUS CARD also check out ASCENDING NODES there are others too check out whatever you want take what resonates and kick out what does not

Wrecking BALL OracleS

Psst... Just so you KNOW, a wrecking ball is not necessarily a sign of destruction.  It's more like a blessed invitation for BRAND NEW exciting things to BLOSSOM.  All YOU need to do is CHANGE your perspective.  Let's get this renovation started! 


Portal #1 
New Beginnings
Fresh Start
Self Realization 
Self Self Self 

HardCore Channeling Through Saturn Wise

Channeling spirit 
these energies swirling in the midst
I must write down
jot down
Time to share
Saturn visiting my portal of reception - gifting this page with further insight about the happenings existing now

Let it be clear
let it be known

Saturn in transit may delay,  but saturn overall never denies!!!

Repeat this back to yourself a few dozen times - allowing it to sync and penetrate sweet

Saturn rules Karma 

wrapping up what no longer belongs

Purging what no longer fits inside of your world

The wonderment of what steps to take next
how to approach
it is like the Isa rune from my enchanting babble post posted the other day
In the stillness - we sit in silence
now the Magician taking flight 
he shows up to the scene
lighting up the screen
 a magical intervene
done so in alchemized
definite receiver of absolute satisfaction 

It is about doing what you want after learning what it is that you Now want by realizing all the things in your world that you allow in your atmosphere that just do not serve, compliment, love, nurture or grow you  in any way...
like WHY keep energies around like that in the first place
but to rid yourself of these energies
you must get to the root of the pollute and understand how you understand and how that reflects in your thoughts, words, actions and feelings...
it is about infusing this intermingling that happens whether we are conscious of it or not
like ticking clocks
we tic tOc non stop

Channeling this energy deep
instant sweeping effects ricochet faster than the speed of light
Gifts of Sight

No more silence needing to feed the ego or fear that is  now ending due to the awareness seeping inside our own BEING - home grown owning kind of feeling  ( one that is of your own makings))

Still no one has yet to answer me on my many a times I post this question of mine....

Whom were the first babies? and How were they born if not out of some womb? Are we too loon to ask such a thing --- what feed do we desire to breathe when we out of fear do not logically consider to question some things - - especially in our knowledge of biology ??  How can certain realities be accepted without first answering some basics???

How tired many of us have become by the detachments of feeling existing inside of  this earthly void that is an illusion of reality cycling insanity - day in and day out - blood in and blood out???

 of all that there is surrounding us here on earth - - the greatest of them all are the humans, devoid even of themselves...

Dantes inferno 

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Cardinal Calls: Unveiling Heartfelt Wisdom with Enchantress Thee Babbler

  The Cardinal bird, with its striking red plumage and melodic voice, serves as a vibrant spirit guide brimming with RICH symbolism and prof...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.