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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Enchanting MUSE Inspirations - BE the ONE - song by Dua Lipa

Be the One                                         My own              Poetic Flow to this song
I see the moon                                                                                             I am the Moon
I see the moon
I see the moon
Oh, when you're looking at the sun                                                          You are the sun
I'm not a fool
I'm not a fool
I'm not a fool                                                                                                 We both are fools
No, you're not fooling anyone                                                     & fools never fool anyone
Oh, but when you're gone                                                              Oh, But when you’re gone
When you're gone                                                                           my fire burns for your love
When you're gone                                                                           & you are everything I AM
Oh, baby, all the lights go out                                                                    thinking about
Thinking, oh that, baby, I was wrong
I was wrong
I was wrong
Come back to me, baby, we can work this out
Oh, baby come on, let me get to know you                                             Give me some time
Just another chance so that I can show                                                  & I WILL show You
That I won't let you down, oh no                                           NEVER would I let YOU down
No, I won't let you down, oh no                                                    
'Cause I could be the one                                                                   Cause I AM the ONE
I could be the one                                                                But you already KNOW this hun
I could be the one
I could be the one
I see in blue                                                                                                  It is YOu
I see in blue                                                                                                  It is You
I see in blue                                                             
Oh, and you see everything in red                                                            I AM your fire
And there's nothing that I wanna do for you                   love burning through my soul
Do for you                                                                                                     our love is Truth
Do for you
Oh, 'cause you got inside my head
Oh, but…

                                                                                                                                        Oh, but… I live                                                                                                                                      inside your head

Dua Lipa is an absolutely wonderful Musical Artist that has been hitting my personal playlist pretty hard - and as always - I find myself grateful to be INSPIRED by others whom find various ways to grace my world with their Wonderful ART *HEART* Filled Expressions / CReations / Vibrations - - - 

Check out her songs - I am totally loving her Warrior Goddess Vibrations - and there are a few songs of hers that I find to be strengthening in Empowering Goddesses all around to toughen up and BE STRONG in every INTIMATE relationship and KNOW your own WORTH 


Let the God/Goddess within you lead your everyday!!

#EnchantingBAbble #Musical #Muse #Music #Inspirations #DuaLipa #artist #singer #creator #Dance #lover #vibes #Find #Your #soul #tribe #Dreamers #Poetic #Dancers #Flow #Believe #Receive #Achieve #HollyWoodsGypsy #PlayList #Hits 

Costly Rhymes

Time is Up 
ticking clock 
hold on now
She is on her 
dynamic Intrinsic flow
Boiii you gotta go
and now you know 
she came with the butter
and spread her wings 
you came with the pop 
of a cherry
sour tasting 
tried to stain  
from any pain 
he thought he might cause 
He meets with COST
he pleads
tight squeeze
always will be everything he needs
any other 
under cover 
as everything he thought would be 
fire burning high 
Ghost face 
chiller in disguise
can't get any realer 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Wear your Proper Attire!

of yourself 
for yourself 
You are ENERGY in 
that ALL you ENERGIZE within yourself
is exactly what 
to yourself 
Be constantly 
MINDFUL about what you're
because that is ALL the CLARITY you 
To consciously LIVE the LIFE you 
and live as your 


#Believe #rECEIVE #achieve #Act #accordingly #loa #Laws #of #Attraction #Living #mindfully #EnchantingBabbler #Dreamers #Inspire #Create #Dress #Attire 

Monday, September 4, 2017

Unworthy !

#Unworthy #Of #Me 

#rp from the fabulously talented @jmstormquotes #Its #A #Writers #World #Poets #Explore #Knowing #There #is #More #PoeticJustice 

Come check out my POetess Flow @Enchantress on Instagram

Come Check out the video flow to this posting on Instagram @Enchantress --- also available on my facebook - as well as Google Plus === 

This is when I think blogger truly sucks - I wish I could share my videos on here - not sure on how to do that - I figure if it were something available - I would see it lol 

Http:// --- may your Peace Grow infinitely and expansively within your flow -- Feel your Glow - now you know -- honor your Sacred Divine ... time to rise & shine in your align .. #Poetess #Shrine #HollywoodsGypsy #EnchantingBabble #FreeSpirit #Radicals #Read #Her #Articles #Mind #Body #Heart #Soul #Infusions #ExpressYoURSouLAliVe #NoW #Honoring #Divine 

Lovely Interview - Catching up with Mr. Jared Leto

Truly enjoyed this Interview 

Positive vibrations 
Enlightening sensations 

30 seconds to Mars - New Single - Walk On Water

Click below to watch this short Interview with Jared Leto. He was interviewed by a Supreme Intellectually Stimulating Beautiful  Goddess - whom in my Opinion, she had  graceful, lovely, beautiful and natural flow to her way of speaking & asking him questions ** fyi natural means real - real means there was no blockage in her energy fields - beautiful soul**  She was also extremely thoughtful and on point at all times. 
Sending this lovely lady, Ms. Meredith Graves, many warm loving blessings her way.  
I like her spirit 

You can find the interview by clicking below on the link provided..... 

this gets me excited

I Am going to start a riot 

MUSiCAL Inspirations 

No more quiet

#30secondsToMArs #30stm #3ManbAND #JaredLeto #ShannonLeto #TomoMilicevic === Happiest Birthday Once Again to Mr. Tomo #Virgo #triggerFinger #Youtube #interviews --- #EnchantingBAbble #views 

P.S. I am posting this post today - although I posted this post last night. But in the creeps of the night - somehow it was deleted from sight.  This can't be right. Do I write? Absolutely! Do I share? Do I Care? Got some feelings there - happenings not rare. 
Truth or Dare?
THe funnier thing about reposting and rewriting this post - is that the link to the interview video that was saved and not deleted from my blog app - was changed - curiously enough - 

I click on this link

I can definitely guarantee you that I have Never seen this video before - and still after clicking on it and only viewing it for a few seconds - I have still yet to see this video..

yea I know 
So now you know 
#writers #flow 

Update - for whatever reason link can't be accessed by clicking - I am unable to figure out why - nor fix it - so just copy / paste on in another tab - videos can load that way 


Sunday, September 3, 2017

Muse Inspirations !!

Truly enjoyed this Interview 

Positive vibrations 
Enlightening sensations 

30 seconds to Mars - New Single - Walk On Water

Interview with Jared Leto 

MUSiCAL Inspirations 

Angel Walks of Life #113 advisement / Alignment

Number 113 is made up of the attributes and energies of the numbers 1 and 3. Number 1appears twice bringing it vibrations of new beginnings, striving forward, motivation and progress, self-leadership and assertiveness, attainment and fulfilment, uniqueness and individuality. Double 1’s also relates to the karmic Master Number 11 which tells us that to connect with our higher-selves is to know and live our soul mission and life purpose. It suggests that you pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas, as these are revealing the answers to your prayers. Number 3 relates to optimism and enthusiasm, communication and self-expression, inspiration and creativity, encouragement and assistance, talent and skills, expansion and growth. Number 3 also relates to the Ascended Masters. The Ascended Masters help you to focus on the Divine spark within yourself and others, and assist with manifesting your desires

Angel Number 113 indicates that some obstacles and/or upheaval may take place in your life and this is taking place for karmic reasons that will break new ground for you. This will bring about new opportunities for you to grow on all levels; emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The angels ask that you adapt to changes gracefully and be open to auspicious new opportunities arising in your life. Angel Number 113 may be a ‘blessing in disguise.

Angel Number 113 is a message from your angels that you are being guided and assisted with pursuing your life purpose and soul mission.Trust that the angels and Ascended Masters are by your side as you go through transitions that will bring you into perfect alignment with your Divine life purpose. If you are unsure of your next steps, ask your angels for guidance and assistance.

Angel Number 113 is a strong message to listen to your intuition and take action accordingly. Use your manifesting abilities to draw towards you the circumstances and 
situations that you want in your life. Do not be afraid to take on new ventures and/or projects as now is an auspicious time to take new directions in your life. The angels and Ascended Masters are with you, guiding and assisting when asked.  

Number 113 also relates to the number 5(1+1+3=5) and Angel Number 5.

Copy/pasted from the fabulous pages 

Intuitive Guidance for your Soul - Energy Management Tools for you to use!

No need to compare when you are unique and rare and have everything to offer the world around you - dive inside your hive - and stay there for loads of time & appreciate your beautiful Shrine - love yourself sublime - live every one of your rhymes. Now is ALWAYS the time ... Align with your beats and bring the heat... for your Fire lives to inspire YOU along with everyone else you encounter along the way -  in every single way ... Blessed are you in every moment of your life !!! Meet with your GAIN once you acknowledge your Reign 👑  & unleash your waves narrating every wave you live to create  #NowMaste - Namaste --- vibrating love & light spreading everything Bright - love is all we need to spark the fire within ourselves that lives to breathe ...  #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #EnergyManagementsCOOL like seriously .. perception and AWARENESS of your perception will always be key - responsible for every vibration of energy /belief & action that we release /seed into our physical worlds  #Mindfulness #Living  #consciously #Aware #WHOListic #Lifestyle #Syncs #Best 

 if my energy resonates with your soul - come follow me into my Wonderland of Om - a souls home away from home -- and let spirit move us in such Glorified ways that pave our everyday manifesting all of our dreams into physical reality - us souls dare to dream - should always have their loving support / socially interacting and connecting / meeting and gathering -- it is exactly the kind of positivity we need to build / spread / share and energize into our World environment - changing times and how we know it to be - because never will there be a war lived that will give anybody - not ANYBODY what their mind - body - heart & soul needs -- change begins with me / with you / with all whom choose to RISE above these times - Aligned and shining bright - harmony can exist ! Right? 
it's not an easy one to obtain - but the BENEFITS are FREE radicals  - meaning dope as funk -  and UNDERSTAND these benefits received are formed inside - inside of our sacred divine - & I have had plenty of war in my life - but this right here - this constant state of growth and evolution constantly developing inside / infusing my hive /  honoring my own Golden Shrine - these alignments/refinements bursting every piece of me alive -- true .. it came with a price / a bit more like sacrifice - to word it more dramatically because DRAMATIC is in my nature & part of everything   I am - I share with you all having reached this state of inner PEACE & HARMONY -  Dramatically theatrical in every single way - I had to LIVE through each pain / throbbing me insane - -- the sacrifice  I write about today is the murderous kind/especially when the only way out is through suicide (the metaphorical kind) dramatic is I -  and I am the one that I have to constantly meet face to face - owning up to every ounce of pain / mistake / torture / block / hang up / disappointment / let down / hurt lodged in weighing me down -  - meeting every horror of mine as it surfaces to the shore - standing in the mirror screaming - give me something more -- knife in one hand - gun in the other - I have sliced into me and continue to slice into me until there is nothing left in me that can prick / kick / punch / beat / cast me out / keep me down .. my darkest hours are found -  these meetings profound - and the only way out is through - 
and the only way out is through
and the only way out is through 
and it 98% of the time is always thru a most violent death -- one that must be met and accepted - we must FEEL ourselves through -- it's all part of the healing process boo - yes unfortunate I know - us poor unfortunate souls  - 
experiencing such intensities of pain 

Please do note 
we must DEAL with our FEELS in order to HEAL 

momentary pause and break... 
here is why.. 

because I take babbling to a whole other level - that is what happens when I just quietly sit down and type away - there is so much I have to say... 

THANK YOU for reading along 
for your presence is truly appreciated 

SO now that I got distracted from my original posting - please note that this post that you all are here reading at this time - began as an Instagram post I was inspired to share while I was reading stuff  - meditating - and listening -  I was blessed with the loving insight that is Mind / Body / Heart and Soul super EMPOWERING when fully embodied!!! 
Now ain't that the truth - 

Because there is no bloody need for any type of comparison when aligned with your entire purpose/drive/narrative - becoming instant savages... 

Anyhoo I was super excited to share this paradigm shifting of seedlings meant for absolutely everyone - especially for those of you whom meet this message in your Beautiful divine light of right timing 

Take Action / Initiate / flow into your alignment - it is helpful in every way to make it a practice for yourself every single day to find your own set of energy management tools that resonate with you - that YOU CAN DO - you got nothing to lose - and yet every ounce of harmony and peace to gain - for none of this is done in vain - 

Practice for the next 3 days -  if you want - say this affirmation shared as your starting point - and please do find your own affirmations or practices that you like and can SEE yourself actually doing - and stick with it - keep sticking with it - till it instantly clicks - and is just what it is - a natural process of your internal dynamics flowing / growing each day - seriously do this for yourself - you are your own MAIN SOURCE of HELP - 
repeat out loud at least 3x - allowing for your affirmation and it's message to seep into your divine core being - PATIENCE _ and please do give your practice infinite amounts of time to GROW & EXPAND along with you - that is all there is to do - simply do!! 

 and release all impatience and your ideas of expectancy - and just do what is needed of you to do at this time - till you magically one day - AWAKEN - feeling without a shadow of any doubt your peaceful align - existing inside - no matter what is happening in your life and in the world around you - --   inspiration lives within you - I know I said practice for the next 3 days but if you need more than 3 days to convince yourself any of this hippy crap actually works - then so be it -  shit I recommend practicing something every single day till your Lotus Flower syncs in and blooms - 

Changing / Shifting Views
Tuning into your Cosmic News
STay Tuned
Alignment / Energy Management is COOL 

 this here is just a fraction of a part of the many things we MUST do - to manage our own Energetic fields/feels/frequencies/vibrations - taking full responsibility of the ENERGY we CREATE and bring to every table - this is not a fable - WE are more than ABLE - shit leads to stable...


 -- just like tarot cards and oracles are tools that people can use to connect with their universal divine / guides/times - so too are OUR words of POWER -for our words once spoken / expressed / turn into seeds and these seeds grow and feed - for that is the natural process of creation.  Consciousness has nothing to even do with spirituality and belief systems - it has to do our own levels of AWARENESS - connecting and always operating from this state of Awareness - this lifestyle of being is for EVERYBODY - it has nothing do to with esoteric stuff / magic and all the sorts of things people in their own ignorance feed themselves so they can justify dismissing all these alternative ways of living and understanding -- therefore disconnecting - even more so from themselves.  

We need to be less harsh on our own environments and learn to cater to ourselves with some major TLC  - giving everything to ourselves that we need - 
we are more than what we think we know we are - even if we believe ourselves to have all the answers / knowledge - there is always more discovery and growth in store - as you do not close that door - - - 

deed to begin to practice daily (aware fully at all times / detaching oneself from their current perception/ feelings/worries and future anticipations/expectations - and just put into good PRACTICE - most constantly/consistently as you can be - meaning every chance you get -  and with zero complaint and zero excuses - just do it - Purposefully Practice your Practice forming your own align / and in all due time - YOU will SEE for yourself exactly what I mean -  Dedicating yourself  to achieving a state of inner peace - that feels so fudging good - learning to uproot your previous conditioning -  and learning to TRANSFORM your own patterns of attitudes/ behaviors/mindsets/feelings/and habits that were once formed - that no longer belong - accepting the old for teaching you all that you have grown & learned - and transforming / which means you WILL find your own aligned replacement that becomes the seed - that aligns your super inner transformation with your intentional/purposeful dedication to your managing your actions by putting into action that may at first seem daunting of an exercise - but I promise you - these practices will OPEN up YOUR EYES in more ways that FEEL RIGHT...

Many of our learned behaviors and habits come from our own experiences in our upbringing - ( and I am only hitting this topic superficially at this time - because I truly believe/understanding my own connection with my own divinity - that there is way more to me than this body - and I know for certain - without a shadow of any doubt - that I have been around ALIVE -  much longer than this perceived earthly life - - - I know this to be truth based on my own experiences with myself - I have battled myself to the death - and conclude this perception - stating that we are "DEPTH" - my understandings of things - and how I come to term with things - which is constantly evolving and growing in understanding every waking second - I do not FORCE my understanding of things onto anybody - nor do I give a skunks shit whether or not others Believe or Perceive in the same way as me - my activity here on earth is not servicing to CONVINCE others that my way of reasoning, believing or living is the absolute way ---  Please make no mistakes - that is never the image I portray - no matter how colorfully I choose to explain and express myself - and even if I speak so matter of factly - that matter of factly will always be for me - cause as you know - no one can Force you to change your beliefs or way of seeing things - many will try to convince/persuade/dictate or try to force their way - but even if they succeed - the ROOT of the matter will always be the truth that resonates with you deep - even if you find yourself complying to others commands and demands - the core part of you that is ALWAYS ALIVE - even when its numb / not felt / acknowledged / and constantly denied - those feelings you harbor deep inside - never fkn lie!!!!! 

REMEMBER that !!!

Which is why so many adults living in their NOW moments - are unhappy / struggling in some aspect or way - even if their outside world appears to be well put together - and even those whom seem to have it all - --- please note that for ALL - subliminal conditioning has INFECTED /AFFECTED us ALL in various ways - that  my human opinion on this topic/matter can not be persuaded to be changed --  it has taken me a very long time to ACCEPT the side of me that truly without a shadow of any doubt - SEES through people - seeing thru every single mask / glamour of illusion many / many / many / most people in this world have on ---  including myself --- I am still growing and evolving through my own constitutions of illusions -- and let me tell you - I am many times left speechless and just in awe at how expansive my continuous GROWTH and EVOLUTION really is - and everyday I AWAKEN in absolute servitude and gratitude - knowing that the roots being forged into me now - have been mine all along.  

It's like having your own favorite playlist
I AM choosing EVERY song - all day long - all lifelong - Evolution is my song that I praise- I am OPEN to engage at a multidimensional rate --- - (( yes yes lost in my babbles once again - never finishing one story at a time - forever I am jumping every line infusing my align ))) 

but what was I saying before I got all edgy -- empathic nature in me - she tends to over explain things - but that is with my own levels of understanding of why for most of my life have felt the need to always have to over explain myself - due to all the rejection and misunderstandings I perceived from other people and felt- due to my own conditioning / experiences - I was made to feel as a child that I did so many things wrong- always feeling unheard - and feeling strongly about my own tyrannical injustices - the rebel in me was born - but in meeting her - I also formed many walls of defenses - and these walls had unconsciously seeped out into my physical environment multiplying itself into various seeds that I lived and breathed - unbeknownst to me- internally stuck on woe to me - closet of sadness/depression and misery - all stemming from one broken seed - fed unto me - due to the choices/behaviors/actions/words and feelings those whom were responsible for my care - developed into me - 
nobody cares...
defensive and scared - slowly without my realizing - 
numb / dumb with no voice

Ursula Speaking her truths 
boobs of distraction become for so many their only interactions 

Do you see the world now?   
BOOBS change lives all thee time

but in all seriousness - before I get back into the flow of what I was previously stating - before i got side tracked and began babbling away - I must over explain myself one more time for the road - 

Understand that I do not share the things that I do - expecting everyone to Believe as I do - or Live as I do - or SEE as I do -- 

I have it already set in my mindset and understanding that ALL whom do find themselves here - are guided here for their own reasons - and whatever the reason the seeds  being sown across these pages - deliver their sages - and  gifts every soul on here - something that was meant for them to receive at this now moment on their journey... 
and that is more than enough for me - to continue to always freely share - whatever is inspired within me - appearing to come out of thin air 

 seedlings from the heart - 
for this too here is 

Whatever you CHOOSE to take / RECEIVE from all of this - has nothing to do with me - and everything to do with you 

but in the meantime 
this Wonderland World I have created here by loving it into existence 
has Revealed its meaning and purpose for me, in pieces, over time

even this blog found its align  

Adventures in  Wonderland 
Soul Emerging Shrine

None of us really are silly Cheshire Cat 

Alice understands this as fact

We are not responsible for others and what choices in life they make - what roads they decide to walk - drive to -  get to - but yet in many ways we are responsible for the domino effects we choose to eject and share along with others  - especially for those left in our care - our words/Actions/Treatment to others ripple out and form seeds of their own - let's be more intentional about the level of responsibility we should take in how we treat those we encounter in our lives- even if the encounter itself is short lived - everything we do leaves behind its imprint that affects and influences others 

What cycles of Life are you transferring and sharing all around? 
Do you even care? 
if so, proceed MINDFULLY with Tender Loving Care
and with love based solutions being kept in mind - lets communicate healthy and effectively with all and see this evolution of a growth in all due time 

It is TIME to ALIGN & DESIGN with these times that are opening up our eyes to so much more - hard to ignore the banging on every door 


give me more 
give me more 

now what was I previously babbling about before get all engrossed in this latest babbling within an already existing babble


Whether we like to admit it or not / we can deny all we like but the intimate relationships and the life experiences we have had in our lifetime(s)  - forge into our layers - many habits/attitudes/and ways of being - and if we are not careful / conscious / AWARE / ALERT or inquiring deeply within ourselves discovering our own truths - 
Where is your TRUTH found? 
 deep inside - duh

 break thru illusion
know that we are
only  skin and bones - knowing that we are more than we 
UNDERSTAND ourselves to be 
 - if you\re not about that
and not about this 
then what are YOU really really about - 
how honest are you truly with yourself
How much do you think you know / understand
and how much more is there for you to discover

  there is no need to argue with me on conditioning you see 

and it will make no sense to waste your energy or time 
 to try and defend your ultimate denial about your life 
our conditioning affects us in many life altering ways 

 to resist this level of truth about what our conditioning can do - has done - does do 

to all of us affected by the series of events leading us up into our adult lives - where we are made to believe we are suppose to have it all aligned 
be a grown up 
that's right 
story of our lives

Does it all really feel right and for you? 
- but in all the realness 
what you decide to do with your own reality is entirely up to 

- It is what it is 
and what it is not - it is not
if we were to really take the time to pick apart every single event/thing/trauma/experience etc etc
that we have experienced in our entire life/lives
 and take each moment

If we took our time to individually inspect every single one - looking to identify / realize the  triggers / the energy initiators - mindset programmers that each of these experiences have forged into our earthly being from birth up until now - Would you say that everything that has emerged -came all from you - only you - and belongs to you- or is it fair to say that at any given day in
y our life - there may have been things subconsicously
that were cemented very deep into your being 
that may not align with you as you you were made to believe 

  I am not saying everything received is something you should not have -   and
 that have been instilled in us over time whether consciously or not - and have

accompanied us in our lives - becoming every part of our life - 
energies do not hide - yet
a person can be unconsciously 
 misguided and not realizing their own misalignments

 - what are we humans to do??? 
How can we shift/change/transform ourselves into flowing alignment 


there is always time 
so make the time 
never mind the AMOUNT of time you get to spend on something 
things of this nature are about QUALITY of time -
did you know that ...
 we can evolve into our next level of evolution
at any moment 
any second 
instantly just like that ???? 
for example ..

 due to one random major epiphany being received while taking a shower  - you find yourself being gifted with some clarity that was needed / you were seeking / and the peace that follows and the GROWTH that naturally occurs is PRICELESS

- so let's get it out of our heads that time is this
 thing that we monitor and have so very little of - cause truly it's a crock of shit - I usually censor my curses a bit more in these babbles of mine - but the truth of the matter  being that a curse is a curse - and the context and expressions I use them in - are made in either absolute sarcasm and humor  - or in a most positive fkn way - so positive - 
is a major part of 
 my align

I went off on babbling again - haven't had one of these in a while - the voices are out -
and they are all chatterboxes today - and this Labor day weekend extravaganza is a GIFT of solitude I have GIFTED /GRANTED myself - and it FEELS fkn AMAZING!!!

but back to the momentary suppose to be quick explanation of a time out from the other stuff I was saying - - - funk what was I saying- - oh yea - - well this Blog post - originally began as an Instagram post I was going to share - but then my fingers started typing away on my phone - and then I was met with Instagrams maximum limit of words one is able to share in one frkn post (((( that truly does suck - just think - limiting expression - so what if someone like me writes a long damn post / story from time to time or all of the time - those that don't like it - they are not obligated to  - nor have to follow / read / or even be burdened with having to see such postings lol)))) anyways so when I reached maximum limit - one voice in my head - said finish this post on Enchanting Babble and then share some of it on Instagram - but I, being the rebel that I so naturally am - ignored the suggestion ... and began to just finish my writing on there but not hit send - till I was done - and then another voice spoke and advised me that if I was smart - I would copy and save all that has already been written just in case - and like a bat dashing out its cave - \I pressed copy/save - and THANKFUL was I - because right after I did - like 3 seconds later - my iphone glitched and the instagram app closed by itself on my phone - and when I reopened it - -- Guess what was NOT there any longer - - - yup -- the post I was working on - -- -

So I chuckled of course 
and then got my lazy ass up from where I was so comfortably resting and got my shit together noting to myself the funny ways that not listening to my intuition presents itself to me in my life 

please note === after I wrote that last sentence above - for being such a smart ass in my universe - I didn't realize upon plugging in my laptop that I never turned on its power to charge - so it was never charging - and the  battery to this laptop went out - -- but anyways hours so many hours later - I am finally finished with this posting now


THANK YOU for reading till the very end 

Blessings to you my friend

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Feeling Kinda Dizzy

So I guess I am
kinda feeling dizzy today
woke up like woah 

and when I started walking - I began to sway
every which way
the energetic feel of something
seemingly unreal
dizzy land 
all part of my progress / process / growth / evolution / purpose
there are underlying things occurring at this time
It's my Wonderland of
Cosmic Land 
it's like Candy Land
but with actual Candy
mixed with star dust particles 
Hey did you read her article? 
she is rather remarkable 
It is time EVERYONE to begin HONORING the GODDESS within 
cause she does EVERYTHING 
in LOVE 

#Sacred #Souls #Divine #mind  #body #heart #spirit #evolutions #Goddess #Within #Believe #receive #Achieve 

Friday, September 1, 2017

Listen Up here buddy!

Listen and
:Listen good
Listen up here buddy
I do NOt think this topic here to be funny
my little bunny
Let's not get sync twisted

cause I answer my phone
when I want
where I want 
if I want 
anywhere I want
hmm.. You dare say what?
you think you could just side eye back talk whenever you 
in front of whomever you want 
it is I whom says whatever I want
cause that's what I want 
whom I am 
never dare give me those side way glares and crooked stance
we are here to

this here run by The GODdeSSes of this WORLD 
open is I 
on every single level
like a mother blooming

Living multidimensionally in this
Castle Iced tower 
here to devour
LIGHT work
radiating from every fiber of my being 
nothing is what it seems
there is no where to hide when there is nothing to hide
Ancient Scribes 
this here
as my vibration PROVES 
not vibrating to lose
Goddess on the loose 
broken noose

#Poetic #vibrations #sensations #elevations #Mind #body #heart #soul #artistic #therapy #unleashing #beats #PoetryInMotion #eMotion #Believe #Receive #Achieve #Succeed  #Humor #Filled #ME

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Be Yourself 🌕

  “Be yourself. People do not have to like you, and you don’t have to care.” Grand rising, Darlings 🔆 I don’t know about you, but I’ve neve...

About Me

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.