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Thursday, June 30, 2016

Uncut: How do you pray ?

Here I am having this most intense soul transformational download / if that's what we are going to be calling it ~ let's also add into this latest upload / download / overload of just so many epiphanies / understanding / connecting / memory connect / let's take a walk down memory lane / which lane I zig Zag on is how this ride has been galloping along as I in complete AWARENESS & RECOGNITION of all the internal PHENOMENAL things that are actually taking place in this magical well that lives deep inside of me / in me / thru me / next to me / all around me / this "Wonderland" well of Adventure and complete infinite discoveries that is uncovering all of me like a game
Of charades ... How colorfully Eye sees ... Within this well of me .. Having me freestyle this classic of an explanation of this cosmic duration of this moment of time etched in space - inside of this place - that a piece of me unravels - (((souls I swear to God ~~ who is God ?? I swear God is the sun / The moon / The Stars / all wise and well aware / as we all look up to the sky .. And see the magic / awe and wonder .. As simple as it can be .. Light creating Life / Duality .. Now what does this mean ?? It's like night and day .. Free this freestyle wave ..
Our souls crave ..
Truth ...
We can't handle the truth ..
The sun / the Moon / The Skies .. For our animal kingdom buddies don't lie .. Even they too look to the sky ..
Are you still wondering why??
Well this chick right here ..
she spits BonKers .
Arts Infusion to Solve age old riddles of every fiddles ..
just let her flow and sit and write ..
Take a bite of this apple
Seed & crisp away as resonance & absolute soul recognition begins kicking back in ...
Watch her prowl, hear her growl, kitty is meow.  
I came here a moment ago because my wonderMint of the moment was wondering..
well now that thought has for this moment gone for a stroll because I babble long I tend to not finish many things I say till a later date .. At times that takes time ..
Hahaha coming soon is a theme song I should definitely write one for me ..
But you see Enchanting Babble serves purposeful beats ..
The wonderMint being me realizing that whenever I have prayed I have never clasped my hands in prayer but growing up where we are prompted and guided by our churches to do so - those were just if I even did it .. Not anything actually for me .. Disconnect city .. 
Yet !! I pray !! Eye pray !! All of me prays ..
But why not this traditional / conditioned and drilled into us folk way ..
Perhaps many should question their own constitutions for their own prayer heartfelt solutions ..
What feels most right to you when you connect with your source / God / Creator / SELF ?? 
What does your body say ? 
What alignment is your practice in ?? Is it one that follows its upbringing and societal conditionings? 
Tsk tsk 
Wakey bakey ..
"time to smell the doughnuts"
Awareness / Infusion 
We are our own wonderful solutions ..
Take your plunge / your dive /

Crawl inside the hive of your own mind / body / heart and soul / your essence is your WHOLE!!!!

Truth be told ..
I am welcoming all these unleashed SENSATIONS ..

I had a major past life recall that had me of course hysterically in tears at the profound resonance and impact of a slap back into some major soul artifacts that connect with me this very day ...
What can I say .. This shit is in my cosmic DNA .. 
Even while I was crying hysterically after the entire moment while I was taking a shower / something else was happening / HEALING .. A major HEALING in that department of my heart .. Even as I clenched my hands into my heart as i cried, and oh boii cry I sure did ..
I literally saw all this LIGHT & SPARKLES all around me and this mist that was opaque and translucent all at once that felt omg comforting. Idk all I'm saying is that these last couple of years / well all my life / but these last 5 years or so in the awakening of my own REAL AWARENESS of many many many things ... It has truly been quite the TRANSFORMATIVE most UPLIFTING journey and experience even through all the bullshit in between. Through my biggest storms in this life I have been experiencing a major spiritual / self / essence as a whole major CHANGE / TRANFORMATION / ELEVATION / VIBRATIONAL SHIFT & soooOo much more that it EXCITES with every compartment of me that is infinite and vast. 

I only came on here to ponder and wonder prayer hands .. Trying to understand where my rebel was born in that ..  I'll enjoy taking it back as I continue to explore my own cosmic soul journey as I fulfill whatever purpose I am aligned in Purposing lol 

If you have made it down to here .. Thank you so much for journeying with me .. May you come and go as you desire, living to expire all that you inspire & upon every visit here inside of Enchanting Babble Wonderland, may you leave TRANSFORMED in some kind of most FANTASTIC POSITIVE UPLIFTING AWAKENED feeling AWESOME kinda way.  Let whatever magic that is meant to be for you at this time on your own journey be magical and everything you need 



Soul Transformer Oracles

In growing in my own awareness of self and becoming increasingly knowledgable of how much there is to this life that we do not know. I can only begin to connect and express with my own life experiences and learning. Realizing that I am a channel / conduit / vessel for many outlets of life in all of its expressions.  Even the ability to speak to myself, for myself, but not be myself, and yet remain absolutely conscious and aware of this entire "natural" process which has occurred for me since I can remember. My own awareness increasing to the duality and depth that exists within my own being that ties me to this life and all life. Connecting me to everything and anything and nothing all at once. The connections and divine understanding I do constantly receive blocked by my own karmic lessons of dissolving the invisible blocks that have been set before me, all in accordance to me and the many lives and experiences I have experienced up until this point / place in time. 

Mesmerized I am to explore further this soul explosive cosmic journey of mine and through this latest throat chakra cleansing I am happy to begin sharing with you all more and more 


#Soul #Transformers 

Fehu Rune Oracles of Awesome LUCK!

"Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end." 

This rune of NEW BEGINNINGS & WEALTH brings with it an energy of mobility, LUCK, Charisma, dynamic power, abundance, circulation, mana and sexual attraction.  New beginnings and climbs reaching social and financial success. This rune is all about making moves and taking action so there is lots of travels on the horizon. This is a sending rune and draws gravity into your own personal sphere. Expect PROMOTION of personal and social evolution and lots of CHANGE/ TRANSFORMATION of circumstances in every which way. This is also a rune of an INCREASE in personal monetary wealth. This rune brings to the surface what is already here, a fresh NEW START! #Rune #Of #LUCK #Energize #Magnetize #Fehu #Rune #Oracles #Change #Transformation #Travels #Wealth #Abundance #Prosperity #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

For live audio check out my instagram @Enchantress 

For more about rubes visit

Strong Sun Moon Oracles

It is time to LIGHTEN up - seems to be the constant RECEIVING message of today all echoing out that it's time to have some FUN under this Magical Strong Sun Moon Card being surfaced and spread. Drop your serious attitude & RELEASE your many burdens and make room for PLAYTIME. JOY is contagious and never let life or anyone else come rob you of your right to experience this pleasant feeling. So become INSPIRED to example just like those born under the Strong Sun Moon and spread the WEALTH of LAUGHTER. You will find yourself drawn to the gifts of BEAUTY & INSPIRATION. It's all about our souls Highest of elevations. Your past may suddenly take on NEW significance. Hidden creative talents you have will surface and find a VOICE. Joys abound, so take this time to nurture your spirit with some FUN & TLC & surround yourself in the Beauty that you deserve. Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to RELEASE Life's burdens by taking hold of the beauty and joy that is ever present within my connection to you. #Namaste #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy #Spirit #Animal #Oracles #Strong #Sun #Moon #Joy #Spread #It #Release #Transform #Rise  

Domino Effects of Angel # 498 Meaning


Number 498 is a combination of the attributes and energies of number 4 and number 9, and the influences of number 8. Number 4 resonates with practicality and application, hard work and responsibility, traditional values, honesty and integrity, diligence and determination to successfully achieve goals. Number 4 also relates to our drive, passion and purpose, and the energies of the Archangels. Number 9 denotes endings and conclusions and relates to the Universal Spiritual Laws, a higher perspective, leading life as a positive example for others, service to others, sensitivity, benevolence, altruism and lightworking. Number 8 resonates with Divine wisdom, self-confidence and authority, achievement, skills and talents, inner-wisdom, consideration, discernment and good judgement, manifesting wealth and abundance, and the concept of karma; the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect.

Angel Number 498 is a message to begin a spiritually-based practice, profession and/or career, knowing that you are serving your soul purpose as a lightworker. Do meaningful work (both paid and un-paid) that makes a positive difference in the world. Your life purpose meshes with your natural talents, abilities and interests. Trust that you have enough time, intelligence, money, creativity and all other resources needed to fulfill your destiny and soul mission, and you will be fully supported by the angelic and spiritual realms.

Angel Number 498 may also indicate that a significant phase or cycle is ending in your life and this will have a domino-effect in other areas of your life. These endings will allow for new opportunities to appear in your life that will open doors to beneficial new beginnings. This is happening for reasons that will become evident soon. Do not lament their passing or ending, but rather, be open to your own passions and purpose as these are positive and productive focal points for you.

Angel Number 498 suggests that you will do well with anything that you put your heart and soul towards.

Number 498 relates to number 3 (4+9+8=21, 2+1=3) and Angel Number 3.

Tough Love

Baby, let me love you 💋💋

Sign up for your Positive Energy Business Life Plan

Now you know. POWER to WE the people & our infinite ENERGETIC source & power that is innate & readily available & righteously ours the instant we CLAIM it!! #Divine #Energy #EMPOWERMENT #God #Goddess #Awakenings #NOW #Moments #Soul #Transformers #EnchantingBabbler #HollyWoodsGypsy 

Spoon Humor Medicine


Do you like this Handy Pocketbook Design?

Ok truthfully I am not too sure how I feel about this concoction of a creation. Like yea I see and dig it's purpose and see the inspiration behind its creation but Dude this one is more like, 🤐 let me zip and feel this one out a little while longer. 

What do you think ??

Do you like this fashion pocketbook, stick your hand through fashionable creation ?


Take the poll at:

Otter Fun Loving Oracle Messenger

The otter a symbol of female Primal Energy & healing. Her LOVING nature is admirable to witness in her loving DEVOTION & FAITHFULNESS.

It is all about feminine HEALING POWER being brought to the surface along with PROFOUND WISDOM & Divine Guidance.  

Otter's Message:
Swim Happily, joyfully, merrily and delightfully with life loosening your stronghold on mundane concerns.  Loosen your grip and give your hair a flip and ENJOY this cosmic ride.

SMILE, because your HAPPINESS is WORTH it!

The otter reminds us to LIGHTEN UP!

In other words, ENLIGHTENMENT up!

Some Key words:
Talkative, expressive, creative, active imagination, playfulness, friendly, charming, witty, conversationalist, sweet, faithfulness, loyalty, nurturing, compassion, love, healing, femininity, beauty, balance, enlightenment, intuition, joy, happiness

How to do a half bun hairstyle ?

I want to try this and wonder which of these two images I would most resemble 😆😆😆😆😆

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BEYOND THE SURFACE : Raw reflections on life, love & self discovery

Welcome to another ENCHANTING BABBLE Freestyle monologue, where I freely script, inspired by thee video compilation with music I created to...

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.