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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Enchanting Archetypes: A Deep Dive Into the Oracle of Self


Welcome to an enchanting dive into thee mystical world of archetypes with Caroline Myss’ Archetype Cards. These archetypes represent profound psychological patterns deeply embedded in our history and consciousness, guiding us through life’s most significant roles and events. From the nurturing Mother to thee insightful Teacher & the powerful energies of Rebirth or Transformation, these archetypes offer insight, wisdom and strength to those whom are open to receiving them.

Caroline Myss, a pioneer in energy medicine and human consciousness, has brought forth these cards as a unique gift of self-reflection. They are not for everyone, but if you’re ready to tap into your inner depths and deepest seas & awaken your purpose, this oracle offers a transformative experience. So, let’s tap in, turn on & tune into wherever  you were intuitively drawn to in this space & KNOW there is a message here waiting for you.

Six cards were pulled from thee Oracle deck, each resonating with a different energy. Which one speaks to your soul? Let’s explore their meaning and the wisdom they hold for you.

1. The Scribe

Light Attribute: Preserving knowledge and information.

Shadow Attribute: Altering facts or plagiarizing others’ work.

The Scribe calls on you to honor the power of knowledge, to preserve what is sacred and true, and to share it without personal gain. Are you someone who collects wisdom for the love of truth? Or are you tempted by the shadow, manipulating information for personal gain?

Enchanting Wisdom: Your words are sacred threads that weave the fabric of history. Be the keeper of truth, not for recognition, but for the joy of contributing to the collective wisdom of the world.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection: 

 “The pen is mightier than the sword.” — Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I honor the truth in all its forms. My words are vessels of wisdom, integrity, and light.”

2. The Vampire

Light Attribute: Makes you aware that someone or something is draining your life force.

Shadow Attribute: Depleting others for psychic survival; chronic complaining and co-dependency.

The Vampire emerges to remind you to protect your energy and boundaries. Who or what is draining you? Are you giving more than you should, or are you allowing others to take more than they give? The shadow side of this archetype lurks in emotional dependency and the fear of letting go.

Enchanting Wisdom: You have the power to choose where your energy flows. Protect your vitality and release what no longer serves your highest good. Free yourself from psychic entanglements.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection:

 “You do not have to set yourself on fire to keep others warm.” — Unknown

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I reclaim my energy and release all that drains me. I am vibrant, whole, and self-sustaining.”

3. The Pioneer

Light Attribute: Passion for doing and creating what has not been done before.

Shadow Attribute: Compulsive need to keep moving on.

The Pioneer invites you to explore new territories, whether they are internal realms of self-discovery or external paths of innovation. Are you driven by the passion to create something entirely new, or are you running from the present in search of something better?

Enchanting Wisdom: You are a visionary, a trailblazer of the unknown. Trust your path but remember that grounding is just as important as exploration. Sometimes the greatest discovery lies in staying still.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection: 

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I embrace the unknown with courage and creativity. I am a Pioneer of limitless possibilities.”

4. The Knight

Light Attribute: Loyalty, romance, and chivalry; a love of honor.

Shadow Attribute: Allegiance to a destructive ruler or principle; romantic delusions.

The Knight shines a light on your sense of loyalty and honor. Are you serving with integrity, or have you aligned yourself with something that does not deserve your devotion? The shadow of the Knight can lead to misguided loyalty or romantic ideals that cloud judgment.

Enchanting Wisdom: Honor yourself as you honor others. True loyalty begins within, and the quest for honor must always serve a higher purpose of truth and justice.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection: 

“To thine own self be true.” — William Shakespeare

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I am guided by honor and loyalty. I serve with a heart full of integrity and truth.”

5. The Mystic

Light Attribute: Revels in intimate union with the divine.

Shadow Attribute: Delusional rapport with the divine.

The Mystic reminds you of your connection to the divine and the spiritual path you walk. Are you reveling in the beauty of this union, or have you lost touch with reality in pursuit of spiritual ideals? The shadow mystic can lead to self-delusion, where one mistakes personal desires for divine guidance.

Enchanting Wisdom: The divine flows through you, but it is also grounded in the world around you. True enlightenment comes from balance—between spirit and matter, light and shadow.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection: 

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” — Carl Jung

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I am one with the divine. My path is illuminated by inner wisdom and grounded in truth.”

6. The Alchemist

Light Attribute: Transformation of base motives and goals into golden wisdom.

Shadow Attribute: Misuse of the power and knowledge that come through spiritual practice.

The Alchemist invites you to transform the base aspects of yourself into higher wisdom. Are you using your power and knowledge for good, or is there a part of you that seeks to manipulate and control? The shadow side of the Alchemist misuses power for selfish gain, while the light Alchemist seeks spiritual transformation for the greater good.

Enchanting Wisdom: You hold the power of transformation within you. Channel this energy for the highest good, turning every experience, even the challenging ones, into golden wisdom.

Your Quote for personal reflection / introspection: 

“The real alchemy is transforming the base of your suffering into the gold of consciousness.” — Eckhart Tolle

Your Power Affirmation Activation: “I am the Alchemist of my life. I transform challenges into wisdom and power.”

Each of these archetypes offers a unique pathway to self-awareness and growth. As you journey through the messages revealed in this Enchanting oracle reading, may you find your personal power, inner wisdom, and alignment with the divine energies that guide you.

Let this be your invitation to dive deeper into the mysteries of your soul. Stay enchanted, stay wise & remember 🤍🤍🤍what is meant for you will never pass you by.

With Love & Purpose

Enchantress Thee Babbler 

Disclaimer: Please be advised that all intuitive card readings, including tarot, oracles, and channeling, are provided for the purpose of evolution and upliftment for those whom choose to engage in this way. All public tarot, oracle readings, and channelings are intended for entertainment purposes, and it is the responsibility of each individual to use their own discernment when applying these free, motivational, and inspiring gifts.

These offerings are an exercise of free will and are not a substitute for professional advice, including medical or psychological guidance. The content provided is meant for light-hearted fun, inspiration, and evolutionary guidance. Not every message will resonate with everyone, so take what feels right to you and leave the rest behind.

For those with opinions and judgments about the use of intuitive tools as a form of guiding light, please keep your opinions to yourself and keep it moving. Thank you.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Auroras Whispered Northern Lights


I just witnessed something utterly marvelous called the northern lights passing over our skies


It felt like their mystical energy left something behind, activating something deep within my soul, like thee quiet evolution always taking place. The beauty of it didn’t need any filters or edits because the sky was simply stunning as it was, a masterpiece painted by thee universe itself.

It made me think about how, even with the destruction nature brings and how its unpredictable wrath affects us, the bounty of its beauty is still just as astounding. I hope we can all find appreciation for every cycle of life that the universe gifts us, whether we understand the hows and whys or not.

As John Muir said, ‘In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.’ And as J.R.R. Tolkien reminds us, ‘Not all those who wander are lost,’ for some are simply following the light of their soul’s evolution.

With love always 

Enchantress Thee Babbler 

Unraveling the Layers of Healing


In the study of holistic healing and the mind-body connection, it’s often said that when someone experiences illness, it’s connected to emotions or past life events…. like, unresolved issues that manifest physically. The idea is that if we can heal that deep root within ourselves, the body can follow suit. I get thee logic behind it, I do ☺️ but it’s not always that straightforward. If it were, we’d all be doing it, right? The thing is, our conditioning runs so deepit’s like it’s wired into our cells& everything keeps repeating because it’s all we’ve ever known. So even when we intellectually understand this truth, what are we missing? What’s stopping us from taking that next step, like “walking on water”? You feel me? You get what I’m saying? 

<<<Anyhoo .. random excerpts from my brain wave particles fire circuiting its compilations of components & finding the courage to share them out loud 🤷🏽‍♀️ #ImWiredDifferent >>>>

The Divine Crossing: A Grand Rising Message from Spirit

It was early this Grand Rising & the world felt like there were divine messages for me to receive & grasp & so off on my journey I drove feeling good & hopeful.  I was driving peacefully to my destination, with two cars ahead of me, everything in flow. Suddenly, the cars in front of me stopped short, so naturally, I had to stop too. What we were pausing for wasn’t traffic or construction… it was something far more mystical.

Three wild turkeys were crossing thee road 🥰🥰

They moved with such calm grace, as if time itself had slowed down just for them. These beautiful creatures weren’t in a hurry. They were taking their time, completely in tune with thee rhythm of the Earth beneath them. I couldn’t help but watch in awe. The two cars in front of me continued their journey once the turkeys passed, but I lingered, feeling something deeper. I watched as the turkeys crossed back again… this time much more quickly, with an urgency that felt intentional, as though they were showing me something more.

Three turkeys. Three cars. I was the third car in line. And from what I hear the divine  loves to communicate in threes… there’s no mistaking the divine trinity at play here. Mind, body & spirit. Past, present & future. Birth, life and rebirth. Threes carry thee energy of balance, harmony & TRANSFORMATION.

Wild turkeys are no ordinary animals - they are ancient, powerful symbols of connection to Earth’s abundance, gratitude & the importance of grounding ourselves in the right NOW present moment. They represent the harmony between giving and receiving, between knowing when to ACT and when to ALLOW. Turkeys live with the Earth’s cycles, reminding us to stay connected to our own cycles, to recognize that the true wealth we seek exists in honoring where we are, right now.

Seeing these wild turkeys crossing my path wasn’t a mere coincidence… it was a message, a call from Spirit. The turkey spirit animal asks us to look at the richness of our lives and to express GRATITUDE for all we have, even the simple, everyday blissings we often take for granted. They remind us that ABUNDANCE FLOWS when we appreciate the present moment, when we open our hearts fully to life as it is, not as we wish it to be.

The fact that these turkeys crossed the road not once, but twice, felt like an extra nudge from the universe. They were showing me that while we may cross into new territories ,new opportunities, new phases of life.. we must also remember to come back to our roots, to ground ourselves before we take another leap. The second crossing was quick, intentional, as if they were saying, “Don’t forget to be swift in your actions once you’ve listened to the signs.

In many Native American traditions, turkeys are revered as symbols of fertility and harvest & seeing them is often considered a blissing, a sign of GOOD FORTUNE to come. But this fortune isn’t just material… it’s spiritual, emotional & mental abundance. Turkeys teach us that when we GIVE fully of ourselves in the present, when we walk with humility & gratitude, the universe responds with gifts beyond our expectations.

After watching the turkeys complete their second crossing, I continued on my drive, but something within me had shifted. This wasn’t just a moment of pause… it was a moment of profound spiritual reflection. I realized that the wild turkey’s wisdom was guiding me to honor the sacredness of now, to stop living so much in the past or worrying about the future, but to pour my WHOLE HEART into this moment… because the future is shaped by what we give today.

The turkey spirit animal reminds us that there’s no rush, but there’s purpose. Every step, every crossing, carries its own divine timing. Just as those wild turkeys took their time crossing, so too must we trust the flow of our lives, knowing that everything unfolds in perfect harmony.

So the next time you find yourself forced to stop short - whether it’s on the road or in life… don’t rush it. Pause. Breathe. Observe thee moment. Spirit might just be sending you a message, a reminder that ALL you seek is already present, if only you take the time to notice.

With wild turkey wisdom and divine gratitude,

Enchantress Thee Babbler

#Innergy #SpiritAnimalMessages #WildTurkeyWisdom #DivineTiming #Abundance #Gratitude #SacredPause


Friday, October 4, 2024

Romantic Strolls Through Time: Unearthing Vintage Treasures and Nostalgic Finds


I love romantic walks through any thrift store,
There’s a magic in thee air & I always want more.
The nostalgia of old things stirs something inside,
A touch, a scent & suddenly, I am high taken for a ride..
To a time and place from another life,
Where vintage treasures keep ancestry alive.

I stroll around and let thee items speak,
Each one’s a little story, so unique.
What a gift it is to roam and explore,
Finding treasures to bring home, Cherish & adore.

Do you love vintage shops and thrifting too? What’s your favorite part of finding those hidden gems? Let me know your best thrifting finds or the items that spoke to your soul!

#ThriftLife #VintageVibes #HiddenGems #ThriftedTreasures #NostalgicFinds #LivingVintage #EnergySensitiveSoul #ThriftingAdventures #TreasuresFound #RomanticStrolls #ThriftStoreLove #KeepingAncestryAlive

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Welcome, dear wanderer, to a realm where enchantment weaves its spell around every word and every corner. You have stepped into ENCHANTING BABBLE, a sanctuary of thoughts, dreams, and whimsy that has been casting its magic since 2009. Here, time is but a doorway to endless inspiration. Venture as far back as you wish, for each post is a stepping stone on a path of wonder. From the mystical musings of ENCHANTING BABBLE to the captivating allure of ENCHANTING REAL ESTATE, our newest addition in 2024, there is a treasure trove waiting for you. Feel the pull of destiny? Follow the trail of stardust by subscribing to this blog, and whisper a hello when you do. There are no mere coincidences in this enchanted world; if you find yourself here, it is the magic of the universe that has woven our paths together. May our bond flourish in the garden of love, and may joy bloom as you embark on this journey with me. Dive into the depths of over a thousand posts, each a portal to another realm of possibility. So, take my hand, dear traveler, and let’s open every door to the extraordinary. Welcome to ENCHANTING BABBLE, where the magic is just beginning.